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Copy Excel Selection as a Picture

Want to show someone a chunk of an Excel spreadsheet via email or iChat? You could take a screenshot, but if you want to show just a portion of the Excel window and you don't use a utility like Snapz Pro, you can do this right from within Excel 2008. Make a selection, hold down the Shift key, and choose Copy Picture from the Edit menu. You can select whether the selection will be rendered as though it was shown on screen or as though it was printed. Then just switch to your desired destination and paste.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 878 Next: TidBITS 880

Microsoft Releases Office 2004 11.3.5 Update

Microsoft has issued an update to Office 2004 for Mac, which the company says includes "fixes for vulnerabilities that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of your computer's memory with malicious code." The update is 58.5 MB, largely because it also includes all previous Office 2004 updates, and is available as a stand-alone download or via the Microsoft AutoUpdate applicationShow full article

Apple Releases Pro Application Support 4.0

Apple has released Pro Application Support 4.0, a non-specific update that "improves general user interface reliability for Apple's professional applications." Affected programs include Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Soundtrack Pro, DVD Studio Pro, Aperture, Final Cut Express HD, Soundtrack, Logic Pro, and Logic ExpressShow full article

Encyclopedia of Life Launches

A number of high profile scientific institutions joined together last week to announce the Encyclopedia of Life, a global project to document on a Web site every one of the 1.8 million named species of animals, plants, and other organismsShow full article

PopChar X 3.2 Gets More Subtle

Along with fixing a variety of bugs, Ergonis Software's recently released PopChar X 3.2 font utility adds an option to hide the application's corner "P" unless the cursor is nearby, something regular users might appreciate, whereas less frequent users may prefer the constant reminder of PopChar's presenceShow full article

DealBITS Drawing: Parallels on USB Drive from Small Dog

A year ago, I might have needed to explain this week's DealBITS drawing in more detail. But a year ago, virtualization - the capability to run Windows and other PC operating systems on an Intel-based Mac - was just getting started, and Parallels Desktop hadn't yet become the must-have application for anyone who needs to use Windows applications on a MacShow full article

Danes Publicize iBook G4 Defect

The Consumer Complaints Board of the National Consumer Agency in Denmark is claiming to have found evidence of a manufacturing flaw in Apple's iBook G4 - defective solder joints that fail after a year or more of useShow full article

PageSender 4.0 Shows Fax Isn't Dead

Fax is dead, right? After all, you don't see ultra-hip Web 2.0 sites trumpeting their fax services, and the Internet in general has surely supplanted the lowly fax machine, hasn't it? And if you do need to fax a document, Mac OS X has fax capabilities built inShow full article

Steve Jobs Addresses Greenpeace at Shareholder Meeting

At Apple's annual shareholder meeting on 10-May-07, the company's environmental efforts played a large role, though one that was undoubtedly reduced in contentiousness by Steve Jobs's open letter, "A Greener Apple," which I analyzed in "Steve Jobs Talks Green" (2007-05-07)Show full article

Take Control News/14-May-07

Learn All About Your Apple TV -- Whether you're an early adopter of the Apple TV or still considering adding one to your home entertainment system, we have a new ebook for youShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-May-07

Skype on MacBook Pro -- A reader encounters poor performance using Skype's Voice-over-IP service, but is the problem in his network connection or audio input source? (11 messages) Timeslips in Parallels -- Are others encountering a problem running the program Timeslips in virtualization? (1 message) ICeCoffEE functionality everywhere -- Recent discussion of old Apple Data Detectors technology leads to an awareness of how it's hard to find a solution as easy as Command-clicking a URL to open it in a Web pageShow full article

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