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Avoid Naming Pear Note Files

If you create a lot of documents, coming up with a name for them can sometimes be a hassle. This is especially true now that search is becoming a more prevalent way to find documents. Pear Note provides a way to have the application automatically generate a filename so you can avoid this hassle. To use this:

  1. Open Saving under Pear Note's preferences.
  2. Select a default save location.
  3. Select a default save name template (Pear Note's help documents all the fields that can be automatically filled in).
  4. Check the box stating that Command-S saves without prompting.
  5. If you decide you want to name a particular note later, just use Save As... instead.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Security Update 2007-005 Released

Apple has released its fifth Mac OS X security update of 2007 to patch a number of potential vulnerabilities. Security Update 2007-005 makes changes to CoreGraphics, iChat, VPN, BIND, crontabs, PPP, and other components, in most cases correcting problems that require either local user access or access to the Mac via a local networkShow full article

Copyright Fun and Games

In the fun category, Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University has created a video review of copyright principles. You're probably thinking, "How could anyone make a video about a legal concept even mildly entertaining?" But Faden's truly inspired video works on many levels because it consists entirely of extremely short clips (often no more than one word) from a wide variety of animated Disney moviesShow full article

MacLinkPlus Deluxe Converts Word/Excel 2007 Documents

Thanks to Jim Dewitt, who alerted me that DataViz's venerable MacLinkPlus Deluxe, now at version 16, also includes read-only support for the file formats used by Word 2007 and Excel 2007 under WindowsShow full article

DealBITS Winners: SmileOnMyMac's PageSender

Congratulations to Paul Michaelis of, Gerry Swislow of, and Scott Gay of, whose entries were chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who received a copy of SmileOnMyMac's PageSender, worth $40Show full article

Making Pages in Adobe Illustrator

When writing about the end of FreeHand last week (see "Farewell FreeHand," 2007-05-21), I mentioned one of the features that Adobe Illustrator still lacks, the capability to create multiple pages within a documentShow full article

Scroll Wheel Tips

Thanks to our buddy Bill Rabel in Seattle for the impetus to write this article. After Mark Anbinder wrote in "Call Me 'Two Finger' Mark" (2007-05-21) about how he was surprised to find himself addicted to two-finger scrolling on his MacBook (which is equivalent to using a scroll wheel or Mighty Mouse scroll ball), Bill went spelunking and found a trick I hadn't previously known, causing me to look for other scroll wheel tipsShow full article

A Personal Shopper for HD Video Editing Gear

When friends and family need to buy a new computer or accessories, they often turn to me for advice. I've learned over the years that they're usually not looking for one of my "history of computing" answers that explains not only how much RAM the computer should have, but how RAM works and why more is better - they just want to know how much to get, and where to get it inexpensivelyShow full article

Geophoto Puts Your Photos on the Map

Photography is a visual medium, and yet our tools for locating digital photos are mostly textual and temporal. When you open iPhoto, you can visually scan through the pictures, but that becomes a problem in large libraries when hundreds of thumbnails streak by as you drag the scrollerShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-May-07

Backwards from DVD to iMovie? Is it possible to extract the video from a DVD without requiring an intermediate conversion application? (1 message) Other scrolling utilities -- Mark's article on two-fingered scrolling brings up a suggestion for a utility that works on older MacsShow full article

Take Control News/28-May-07

One Day Left in Take Control Sale -- Here's a quick reminder that, because of the Memorial Day holiday in the United States, our 50 percent-off sale on all Take Control ebooks continues through 29-May-07Show full article

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