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Fill in Gaps in Pear Note

If you ever find yourself zoning out during a meeting or class, only later to realize that you forgot to take notes for 20 minutes, Pear Note makes it easy to fill in those gaps. To do so:

  1. Open your Pear Note document.
  2. Hit play.
  3. Click on the last text you did type to jump to that point in the recording.
  4. Click the lock to unlock the text of the note.
  5. Take notes on the part you missed.

Your new notes will be synced to the recording just as if you'd taken them live with the rest of your notes.

Visit Useful Fruit Software



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Mailplane 2.2

Uncomplex has updated Mailplane, their WebKit wrapper for Gmail's Web interface, to version 2.2, adding support for Gmail's new Priority Inbox and more. In terms of Priority Inbox, Mailplane can now show unread counts and Growl notifications only for "important" messages. Speaking of unread counts, Mailplane now supports the TrueNew plug-in that displays two Inbox counts: unread and unseen, where the latter reflects messages that are new since you last used Gmail. Also new in Mailplane 2.2 is the capability to drag the title bar's proxy icon to get a Mailplane URL for any message or search; it's useful for linking to something specific in another of your applications. Other new features include automatic opening of "safe" attachments (just like Safari), and script support for automatically inserting a Bcc address to send a copy of a message to a CRM or helpdesk system. Finally, Mailplane 2.2's Contacts > More Actions > Export command works again, and the picture attachment optimization window avoids unwanted resizing. A blog post gives more details. ($24.95 new, free update, 21.5 MB)


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