This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-05-14 at 3:01 p.m.
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PopChar X 3.2 Gets More Subtle

by Adam C. Engst

Along with fixing a variety of bugs, Ergonis Software's recently released PopChar X 3.2 [1] font utility adds an option to hide the application's corner "P" unless the cursor is nearby, something regular users might appreciate, whereas less frequent users may prefer the constant reminder of PopChar's presence. (See "PopChar X 3.0 Improves Usability [2]," 2006-07-03, for a more detailed description.) Other improvements include an option to highlight recently selected characters for easier re-use, faster display rendering, and an architectural change to make PopChar X resolution-independent for future Mac OS X releases. PopChar X 3.2 is free for customers who purchased within the last two years; new copies cost 30 euros and upgrades are 15 euros. The program requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or newer, and is a 1.7 MB download.
