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Copy Disk Image as Folder

When you open a .dmg file, a disk image is mounted. You are then generally supposed to copy the contents of that disk image to your hard drive (to your Desktop, your Applications folder, or wherever). But what if you want to copy the whole disk image, including all its contents, as a folder? Hold the Option key, and drag the "proxy icon" in the title bar of the disk image window to the destination in the Finder.

Submitted by
Matt Neuburg



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

MarsEdit 3.1.1

Red Sweater Software has updated their blog editing software MarsEdit to version 3.1.1. The new version is now 64-bit compatible. Additionally, a variety of new features have been introduced, including a new, per-blog setting to constrain uploaded images to pre-set sizes, support for Lightroom 3 media libraries, and plug-in support in the rich text editor (so you can view embedded movies, for instance). The update also fixes bugs, including one that caused a blank preview window and another that prevented the ejection of external media volumes. Full release notes are available at Red Sweater's Web site. ($39.95 new, free update, 6.0 MB)


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