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Set Time Zone Automatically in Snow Leopard

Frequent travelers may be interested to know that in Snow Leopard your time zone can now be set automatically by bringing up the Date & Time preference pane, clicking the Time Zone view, and selecting Set Time Zone Automatically. A progress spinner appears while Snow Leopard sends off information about the Wi-Fi signals in your vicinity and receives location data back.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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icWord Reads and Prints Word Documents

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Quiz Preview: Bigger is Better

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Poll Results: Rumor with a View

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TidBITS Expo Events Recap

As readers of TidBITS Talk know, I held a pair of informal events at Macworld Expo in New York last month. I chose not to announce them in TidBITS itself (though they were on the Hess Events List) to keep them to a manageable size. Ice Cream Social -- Tuesday night before the show, I coordinated the TidBITS Ice Cream Social, where everyone met in the lobby of the aggressively hip Paramount Hotel and then walked to a nearby Ben & Jerry's for ice creamShow full article

Hacking the Press, Part 3: Types of Coverage

Welcome back to my series of articles on how the press works and how to work with the press. I first talked a bit about why you should care about press coverage, and I followed that up with a discussion of different types of publicationsShow full article

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