This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-08-14 at 12:00 p.m.
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Quiz Preview: Bigger is Better

by Geoff Duncan

Quiz Preview: Bigger is Better -- When the Mac debuted in 1984, it featured a 9-inch black and white display that was 512 pixels wide and 342 pixels high, and the density and graphical fidelity of that display compared to other computers was part of the Mac's eventual success. These days, iMacs have 15-inch displays and default to a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels; a logical display almost four and a half times larger than the original Macintosh. Plainly, a larger display with a greater display area is beneficial because you can see and do more simultaneously. So, this week's quiz asks what you can do to see more on your Mac's desktop. We'll give you a hint: it doesn't necessarily involve acquiring a new Mac, a new monitor, or new add-ons - or even installing software. Test your knowledge on our home page, and we'll cover the correct answer next week! [GD]
