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Just Show Me the Pictures!

Do you ever find that you don't have time to read those long email missives from Aunt Carol, but really do want to see the photos that she has lovingly attached? In Apple Mail, click the Quick Look button located in the message header. You'll get an easily browsed view of just the attached photos, and you can even add them to iPhoto, if you like!



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Mac OS X Public Beta Set for 13-Sep-00

Mac OS X Public Beta Set for 13-Sep-00 -- At last week's Seybold Seminars in San Francisco, Apple iCEO Steve Jobs announced the company would release its long-awaited public beta version of Mac OS X on 13-Sep-00Show full article

First Trojan Horse Hits Palm Platform

First Trojan Horse Hits Palm Platform -- According to McAfee Associates, a Trojan Horse has been discovered that affects users of Palm OS-based handheld devices, such as those from Palm, Handspring, IBM, TRG, and SonyShow full article

VSE Releases Link Tester 3.0

VSE Releases Link Tester 3.0 -- VSE has released Link Tester 3.0, adding features that expand the number of Web URLs it can verify (see "Tools We Use: Link Tester 2.5" in TidBITS-537)Show full article

SoundJam MP 2.5.1 Continues to Evolve

SoundJam MP 2.5.1 Continues to Evolve -- Casady & Greene has continued their history of significant feature updates to SoundJam MP Plus, the company's popular MP3 player and encoderShow full article

Minor Tweaks in Eudora 4.3.3

Minor Tweaks in Eudora 4.3.3 -- Qualcomm has released Eudora 4.3.3, a minor update to its widely used email program. Version 4.3.3 fixes a crashing bug on fast Macintosh systems (the release notes aren't more specific), and improves password security for folks who don't have Eudora save their email account passwords for themShow full article

Poll Results: Them Tomes, Them Tomes

Poll Results: Them Tomes, Them Tomes -- Brick-and-mortar bookstores still have a place in the hearts and minds of TidBITS readers, to judge from the results of last week's poll question asking what factors most influenced your decision to buy a computer bookShow full article

Poll Preview: 68K or Bust?!

Poll Preview: 68K or Bust?! Before there were candy-colored iMacs dual processor G4s, or convection-cooled cubes, Apple spent more than a decade building "68K Macs" based on the Motorola 68000 processor familyShow full article

An ATypoKill Eudora Hack

As most of you know, I'm not a programmer - I can handle macros and was moderately accomplished with HyperCard scripts back in the early 1990s. But I still wanted to present a hack at the MacHack developers conference back in June, so I decided to do what I do best - gather information from a variety of sources and put it together in a useful form. Another Secret in Eudora -- A while back, I learned from Steve Dorner that the internal spell checker in Eudora 4.2 and later included a feature that he hadn't exposedShow full article

Apple Computer: At Your Service?

A number of unrelated events have recently brought the issue of repair service to the forefront of my mind. It's easy to ignore the topic because Macs are usually quite reliableShow full article

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