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Easy Fetch Upload

If you want to upload an open file (e.g. in Photoshop or BBEdit) to a remote server via the Fetch FTP client, you can use drag-and drop without switching to the Finder. Just drag the small document icon in the window title bar to a Fetch window. If the icon won't drag, make sure the file is saved.

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Judges Press Napster's Buttons

Judges Press Napster's Buttons -- Late Wednesday, 26-Jul-00, Judge Marylin Hall Patel issued a preliminary injunction barring the popular and controversial online music service Napster from distributing copyrighted musicShow full article

Now Up-to-Date & Contact 3.9.2 Now Available

Now Up-to-Date & Contact 3.9.2 Now Available -- Power On Software has released a free update to Now Up-to-Date & Contact 3.9.2. The update changes the behavior of how Now Up-to-Date & Contact synchronize with Palm OS handhelds, fixes some bugs related to synchronizing, and fixes other bugs in the QuickContact and QuickDay control panels that provide fast access to your contact list and calendar even if the main programs aren't runningShow full article

Retrospect and Retrospect Express 4.3 Released

Retrospect and Retrospect Express 4.3 Released -- Dantz Development has released version 4.3 of both their Retrospect and Retrospect Express backup programs, adding support for numerous USB and FireWire storage devices and erasing the 2 GB limit on file backup sets when used with Mac OS 9 or later on HFS Plus-formatted hard disksShow full article

More Palm & Handspring DRAM Updates

More Palm & Handspring DRAM Updates -- Palm, Inc. and Handspring, Inc. have released updates to the Palm OS that fix a problem caused by faulty DRAM chips in some Palm Vx, IIIc, IIIxe, and Handspring Visor Deluxe handhelds (see "Tests & Fixes for Defective Palm DRAM" in TidBITS-537)Show full article

Poll Results: Mac Attack!

Poll Results: Mac Attack! Last week's poll asked which of Apple's just-announced Macs you'd buy if you were going to buy one today, and the results seem to reflect what we've already knew - TidBITS readers are a high-end bunchShow full article

Poll Preview: Finder's Clickers

Poll Preview: Finder's Clickers -- Polls are easy - you can just register your opinion and be on your way. No one's getting off that easy with this week's quiz, which requires you to think a bitShow full article

Macworld Expo 2000 NY Hardware Superlatives

Since Macworld Expo Boston 1992, we've shared our thoughts on the most notable and noteworthy products, companies, booths, events, or just about anything else, from nearly every Macworld Expo. Just as with last year's Macworld New York, Apple nearly stole the show with new hardware announcements during Steve Jobs's keynote addressShow full article

Macworld Expo 2000 NY Software Superlatives

Along with the numerous cool bits of hardware we saw at the show, plenty of software stood out as well. Excel-lent Recognition of Reality -- Everybody knows Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet tool with an unimaginable number of features that confound the numerically disinclinedShow full article

Macworld Expo 2000 NY Other Superlatives

In addition to notable hardware and software products, there were a number of superlatives that just don't fit into standard categories - interesting booths, Web resources seen at the show, noteworthy events, or inspired handouts. Best Font Resource -- Since almost everything I do is online, I enjoy the aesthetics of fonts more than I actually use them, but I'm still impressed with, a Web site devoted to fonts that's clearly done by font aficionadosShow full article

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