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Beware Country-Specific iTunes Stores

If you buy an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, and you happen to be a user of the iTunes Store in more than one country, take note which country's store you're viewing in iTunes when you plug in the device for the first time. This will be the country the device will register with, and you will be forever barred from purchasing or even updating free apps from anywhere else. The only way out is to delete everything on the device and do a full restore.

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Eolake Stobblehouse



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Poll Preview: Finder's Clickers

Poll Preview: Finder's Clickers -- Polls are easy - you can just register your opinion and be on your way. No one's getting off that easy with this week's quiz, which requires you to think a bit. Here's the question:

Starting from the desktop with no open windows and using only actions initiated with the mouse, what is the minimum number of clicks needed to both view the contents of the Startup Items folder and make an alias of it on the desktop? (This requires a version of the Mac OS released since late 1998.)

As always, for those people who take the quiz, the results page will explain just how you can come by the correct answer, and I'll bet that most people will learn something in the process. Give the quiz your best shot on our home page! [ACE]



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