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Using Keyboard Commands While Screen Sharing

In Snow Leopard, screen sharing now properly transfers all keyboard commands to the remote server. For example, the Command-Tab application switcher switches applications only on the remote system's screen.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Internet Explorer Cross-Frame Security Bug Patch

Internet Explorer Cross-Frame Security Bug Patch -- Microsoft has announced a potential security problem affecting Internet Explorer that could enable a Web site operator to access the contents of your local disksShow full article

Retrospect 4.1 Backs Up Via FTP

Retrospect 4.1 Backs Up Via FTP -- Dantz Development today announced Retrospect 4.1, the latest version of their powerful backup software. The most important new feature, support for Internet backup sets, enables Retrospect to back up to remote FTP servers over the Internet; it's ideal for iMac usersShow full article

iMac Update 1.0 Tweaks USB

iMac Update 1.0 Tweaks USB -- Apple has released the first software updates for the Bondi blue boxes. The first, a new CCL modem script, forces the iMac's internal modem to connect using 33.6 Kbps or slower speeds, possibly alleviating connection problems on noisy phone lines when the modem tries to connect at 56 KbpsShow full article

Stairways Releases Anarchie Pro 3.0

Stairways Releases Anarchie Pro 3.0 -- Stairways Software has released Anarchie Pro 3.0, the latest version of the widely used file transfer program. Anarchie Pro 3.0 now sports HTTP download capabilities including a snappy Finder-like view of links in Web pages and the capability to download Web sites for offline browsing or authoringShow full article

DoorStop 1.0 Released

DoorStop 1.0 Released -- Open Door Networks has released DoorStop 1.0, a software-based firewall that promises to improve security on Macintosh-based Internet servers, particularly those providing AppleShare-over-IP services via Open Door's ShareWay IPShow full article

Mailsmith 1.1 Released

Mailsmith 1.1 Released -- Bare Bones Software has released Mailsmith 1.1, a free update to the new email client. Mailsmith 1.1 sports significant performance improvements to the underlying database engine, more efficient use of space within the database, enhanced enclosure handling, user-defined labels, contextual menu support, a new Make Filter command for quick filter creation, optional nickname auto-completion, and mailbox maintenance toolsShow full article

Connectix Releases Speed Doubler 8.1.1

Connectix Releases Speed Doubler 8.1.1 -- Connectix Corporation has released Speed Doubler 8.1.1, an update to the popular performance enhancing softwareShow full article

Creating a Simple Ethernet Network

Recently in TidBITS, I've been writing about connecting peripherals to the iMac, since it lacks serial, ADB, and SCSI ports. What the iMac does have, though, is built-in 10/100Base-T Ethernet, which is useful for connecting to Macs and Ethernet-capable printersShow full article

Nice Catch, Conflict Catcher

Perhaps not everyone has, as I do, dozens of icons marching across the screen at startup and a system heap hovering around 23 MB, but concern for extensions must be universalShow full article

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