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Reading a Web page in Safari and want to send the URL to a friend via email? Simply press Command-Shift-I to open a new email message with the Web page title as the Subject line and the Web page URL in the message body.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Stairways Releases Anarchie Pro 3.0

Stairways Releases Anarchie Pro 3.0 -- Stairways Software has released Anarchie Pro 3.0, the latest version of the widely used file transfer program. Anarchie Pro 3.0 now sports HTTP download capabilities including a snappy Finder-like view of links in Web pages and the capability to download Web sites for offline browsing or authoring. Anarchie Pro 3.0 also enables users to resume FTP and HTTP file transfers (provided the remote server can resume transfers), synchronize remote FTP folders, and edit remote FTP files transparently with BBEdit. Much of Anarchie's interface has been revamped, and it offers several clever new touches, including a measure of recent throughput so you can determine if a transfer has stalled, and audio feedback when transfers start and end. Anarchie Pro 3.0 can override Internet Config so other applications can hand common file types to Anarchie for downloading and includes Apple Internet Access Detector (AIAD) actions for handing links to Anarchie Pro from any program that supports AIAD. By popular request, Anarchie Pro 3.0 now saves passwords with bookmarks and supports Apple's forthcoming Keychain, which will offer a secure method of storing sensitive information. Anarchie Pro 3.0 is $35 shareware ($20 if you upgrade from an earlier version), and requires System 7 or higher and MacTCP or Open Transport; it's an 800K download. [GD]



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