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Enter Dashboard, Expose, or Spaces Temporarily

Hold down F9, F10, F11, or F12 (or whatever you've set for the Expose and Spaces keyboard shortcuts) for a few seconds, and then release the key to enter and leave the appropriate mode without having to press the key again. This is particularly useful for Dashboard, in which you can check the contents of a widget and then return to your work with only a single key press.

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Other articles in the series Connecting the iMac


Previous: TidBITS 443 Next: TidBITS 445

TidBITS Servers Moving

TidBITS Servers Moving -- Sometime late this week, we'll physically move our servers to the new location of Point of Presence Company, our Web and mailing list hostShow full article

Open Door Slams Network Doors

Open Door Slams Network Doors -- Open Door Networks has released a public beta of DoorStop, a software-based firewall for individual Macintosh serversShow full article

QuickCam Moves to Logitech

QuickCam Moves to Logitech -- In a move designed to focus the company on Macintosh, PC, and Internet utilities, Connectix Corporation has sold their hardware division, including the QuickCam and QuickClip products, to Logitech SA for $25 millionShow full article

iMac Connection Guide

The iMac is out, and retailers are reporting record demand, including sell-outs and orders for more iMacs. Feedback has begun to trickle in, and seems positive (one TidBITS Talk participant, who shall remain nameless, claims to have tattooed a tiny iMac on his rump - we won't ask for proof)Show full article

Calling Developers to MacBinary III

If you're not a developer, you can stop reading this article. You're not supposed to know this stuff for a while yet. As Apple has announced, Mac OS 8.5 should ship in a month or soShow full article

The Real TidBITS Channel

More than a year ago in TidBITS-373, I wrote an April Fools article called "The TidBITS Channel" about our forthcoming TidBITS Channel, which would take advantage of so-called "shove" technologyShow full article

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