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Open Links from Mail in the Background

Tired of switching back and forth between Mail and your Web browser every time you click a link in a TidBITS issue or other email message? Here's an easy workaround. Hold down the Command key when you click links in Mail to open them in your browser without switching away from Mail. That way you can keep reading in Mail and then read all the Web pages you've opened.



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Conflict Catcher Completes Mac OS 8.5 Compatibility

Conflict Catcher Completes Mac OS 8.5 Compatibility -- Casady & Greene today released a free update to Conflict Catcher 8.0, adding full Mac OS 8.5 compatibility. The previous version, 8.0.1, provided partial information for performing a Clean-Install System Merge with Mac OS 8.5; the new Conflict Catcher 8.0.2 completes the feature in anticipation of Apple's new operating system later this month. The 8.0.2 update also includes support for more monitor types, along with additional descriptions of startup files. For more information about Conflict Catcher 8, see "Nice Catch, Conflict Catcher" in TidBITS-446. The 8.0.2 updater is a 1.8 MB download. [JLC]




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