Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


iCal Alerts You Can't Miss

Did you miss that tiny little iCal alert dialog? Use a more prominent Open File alarm.

First save an image, text file, sound, or movie that will really fill your screen and grab your attention.

Select an iCal event and choose Open File as the alert type. Choose your unmissable file as the one to open.

Set more alerts with more files to open for the same event if you like. You won't miss an appointment with one of these alerts!


Submitted by
Miraz Jordan



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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The second edition of my Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh is now available. It's significantly different from the first edition (a larger disk with an installer, and approximately twice as much actual text, although the appendices are smaller) and I'm still working on a change listShow full article

Bounce of the Week

Bounce of the Week -- Every now and then you get a sign that lets you know that creativity is not dead, even among those who write mailer error messagesShow full article

Speaking of QuickMail

Speaking of QuickMail (which we do below) there's a fledgling new Internet resource with news and information about QuickMail and related third-party productsShow full article

Should Fat Binaries Diet?

Now that the Power Macs are increasingly common, a few issues need to be addressed in terms of how to best accommodate them when distributing softwareShow full article

Links Pro Hits a Hole in One

Links Pro, by Access Software, is certainly one of the prettiest games I've seen on the Macintosh. The trees, lawn texture, and golfers are almost photo-realisticShow full article

Kai at Macworld Expo

I joined a packed auditorium at Macworld Expo in Boston to see Kai Krause demonstrate some of the graphic art tools from HSC. Though his presentation was nominally for graphics professionals and hobbyists who create images with tools like Photoshop, I suspect others attended for the same reason I did - to see Kai give one of his legendarily enthusiastic demos and see some fantastic images, some of which you can see by looking on the Internet as well. Some of Kai's tips and tricks are also available on the Web at: KPT Bryce -- Although I'll probably never use any of Kai's tools myself, seeing Kai use them to make cool images rated as one of my favorite parts of MacworldShow full article

QuickMail 3.0 In Depth

Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc. In TidBITS-237 we reported on CE Software's introduction of QuickMail 3.0, a new version of CE's popular LAN email software with lots of new features on the client endShow full article

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