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Open Links from Mail in the Background

Tired of switching back and forth between Mail and your Web browser every time you click a link in a TidBITS issue or other email message? Here's an easy workaround. Hold down the Command key when you click links in Mail to open them in your browser without switching away from Mail. That way you can keep reading in Mail and then read all the Web pages you've opened.



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Ah, to return home after an extended tour of Boston and the Northeast, complete with an ongoing bout of the Martian Death Flu. There's nothing like returning to hundreds of messages that I didn't read while on the road (mostly mailing lists, luckily) and to a foot of snail mailShow full article

All in the family?

All in the family? Global Village tech support acknowledged recently something that confused users have been discovering: the company's OneWorld fax server software is not compatible with its software required to use a PowerPort modem in a 500-series PowerBook or PowerBook DuoShow full article

A 4 Crabs price correction

A 4 Crabs price correction comes thanks to a few readers who wrote in to let us know that the $50 price for the 4 Crabs of Thai CD mentioned in last week's issue (TidBITS-238) was a show special onlyShow full article

Made for each other

Made for each other -- Connectix announced during the Macworld Expo in Boston that RAM Doubler 1.5 (updated to support Power Macintosh and to improve performance on all Macs) will be included in every new copy of Microsoft Office from 01-Sep-94 through 31-Mar-95Show full article

Minimalist File Transfer

Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc. Output service bureaus have long used high-end communications software to allow customers to upload files for printingShow full article

The Internet Adapter

On various different occasions I've seen postings wondering why someone hasn't written a program to enable graphical programs that normally require a MacTCP-based connection to work with a normal Unix shell accountShow full article

The Word on Word 6

The Microsoft elves are busy packaging Microsoft Word 6 for the Mac, and beta testers were just given official permission to discuss the program. I spent the last four months immersed in the beta, writing a "Microsoft Word Starter Kit" for Hayden Books. Also, in a former life, I spent about thirty months doing phone support for Microsoft, fielding calls about WordShow full article

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