Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Add Notes to Pre-existing Recordings in Pear Note

While most people think of Pear Note as a tool for recording notes live, it can be used to take notes on pre-existing recordings as well. If you have an audio or video recording that you'd like to take notes on in Pear Note, simply:

  1. Drag the audio/video file to Pear Note and import it into a new document.
  2. Hit play.
  3. Click the lock to unlock the text of the note.

Now you can take notes that will be synced to the recording, just as if you'd recorded them live.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 1021 Next: TidBITS 1023

Apple to Unveil iPhone OS 4 on April 8th

Do Apple programmers ever sleep? Hard on the heels of the iPad release, Apple has just invited media to a special event in Cupertino to talk about the next version of the iPhone OS.Show full article

iTunes 9.1 Brings iPad Compatibility and More

In preparation for this weekend's release of the iPad, Apple has released iTunes 9.1, adding iPad compatibility along with a few additional welcome features. Show full article

Why the iPad Is a Blank Slate, and Why That's Important

With an iPad in hand, Adam begins to understand what's different about the iPad, and why it's an important step in the future of computing. The key? The iPad doesn't run apps, it becomes them.Show full article

The iPad: A Developer's Anti-Contrarian View

The iPad is here, but what will be its future? The world may or may not rush to buy it, but I think developers will rush to program for it.Show full article

How to Choose Your Ideal iPad and Accessories

You've seen the reviews and decided you want an iPad. Read this article to get specific advice on which model to buy and how to pick among the accessories offered by Apple.Show full article

Bonus Stories for 5 April 2010

The iPad is a Big Deal for Apple and the Mac ecosystem, and our coverage of its release this week surpassed the levels of text that even we are willing to inflict upon our dear readers. In case you read TidBITS only in email, however, we want to make sure you don't miss a lot of great material. We'll likely publish these articles at some point in the future, but if you want to stay on top of everything we're covering this week, head over to our Web site. (And we encourage you to leave comments on these articles, too!)Show full article

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 5 April 2010

Notable software releases this week include Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.2.4 Update, Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.8 Update, Firefox 3.6.3, iPhoto '09 8.1.2, AirPort Utility 5.5.1, PDFpen 4.6.1 and PDFpenPro 4.6.1, QuickTime 7.6.6 for Leopard, and Keyboard Maestro 4.2.Show full article

ExtraBITS for 5 April 2010

We won't pretend otherwise - nearly everything we did, read, listened to, and watched online this last week revolved around the iPad, including early reviews, clips from "The Colbert Report," announcements of iPad-specific additions to MobileMe, roundtable discussions of the iPad, and previews of Jeff Carlson's forthcoming iPad book. On the Mac side, we noted how Other World Computing and the Mac Performance Guide have teamed up to offer custom Mac Pro-based workstations for professional photographers.Show full article

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