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Open Files from BBEdit Subversion Log

When you use BBEdit's Subversion client capabilities to update the working copy of your Subversion repository, BBEdit always displays the Subversion.log file, showing any changes. If you want to work on one of the files that appears as being added or updated, just select the full pathname and choose File > Open Selection (or just hit Command-D). This trick should also work any time you see a pathname within a BBEdit document.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-Apr-08

Printer-Friendly Mode Returns to TidBITS -- Readers respond to the addition of a printer-friendly version of TidBITS articles (and we respond by adding support for images!). (9 messages)

Is the net killing any of us? A New York Times article about the supposed health dangers of blogging makes readers cry foul. (3 messages)

Problems with Eudora on OS X 10.5 (Leopard)? Running Eudora under Leopard seems to affect readers differently, prompting one person to suggest that a stable Eudora under Tiger is better than the features offered by Leopard. (8 messages)

Are There Any OS X Viruses in the Wild? While we acknowledge that the Mac isn't immune to malware, are there any active viruses out there? (16 messages)

Time Machine via AirPort Disk Is Unsupported, Apple Says -- This much-requested feature, which appeared in the last AirPort update, turns out to have been a mistake. But will it remain, or be improved? (3 messages)

AT&T Lowers Cancellation Fee -- Is the new policy a result of newfound good will toward customers, or just a way to comply with laws? This discussion also brings up the question of how much money AT&T is actually making from iPhone sales and contracts. (7 messages)

How to Fix Corrupt Eudora Mailboxes -- Adam's direct experience with Eudora corruption brings up stories of other data failures and how people manage their email. (8 messages)

Audio Processing Software -- A reader inquires about audio processing programs such as Peak LE, Sound Studio, and others. (7 messages)

Disappearing movies on iTunes Store and Apple TV Store -- The iTunes Store's movie selection appears to be ever-shifting, based on the studio's demands, with movies such as Spider-Man 3 now absent. (2 messages)

Central storage of common files -- Is it possible to store shared data such as bookmarks, contacts, and music on a drive attached to a Time Capsule and make it available across the network? (1 message)

Any questions for George Carlo PhD? Readers debate the works of a researcher with strong opinions on the effects of wireless technology. (5 messages)


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