This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-04-13 at 11:42 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-Apr-08

by Jeff Carlson

Printer-Friendly Mode Returns to TidBITS -- Readers respond to the addition of a printer-friendly version of TidBITS articles (and we respond by adding support for images!). (9 messages [1])

Is the net killing any of us? A New York Times article about the supposed health dangers of blogging makes readers cry foul. (3 messages [2])

Problems with Eudora on OS X 10.5 (Leopard)? Running Eudora under Leopard seems to affect readers differently, prompting one person to suggest that a stable Eudora under Tiger is better than the features offered by Leopard. (8 messages [3])

Are There Any OS X Viruses in the Wild? While we acknowledge that the Mac isn't immune to malware, are there any active viruses out there? (16 messages [4])

Time Machine via AirPort Disk Is Unsupported, Apple Says -- This much-requested feature, which appeared in the last AirPort update, turns out to have been a mistake. But will it remain, or be improved? (3 messages [5])

AT&T Lowers Cancellation Fee -- Is the new policy a result of newfound good will toward customers, or just a way to comply with laws? This discussion also brings up the question of how much money AT&T is actually making from iPhone sales and contracts. (7 messages [6])

How to Fix Corrupt Eudora Mailboxes -- Adam's direct experience with Eudora corruption brings up stories of other data failures and how people manage their email. (8 messages [7])

Audio Processing Software -- A reader inquires about audio processing programs such as Peak LE, Sound Studio, and others. (7 messages [8])

Disappearing movies on iTunes Store and Apple TV Store -- The iTunes Store's movie selection appears to be ever-shifting, based on the studio's demands, with movies such as Spider-Man 3 now absent. (2 messages [9])

Central storage of common files -- Is it possible to store shared data such as bookmarks, contacts, and music on a drive attached to a Time Capsule and make it available across the network? (1 message [10])

Any questions for George Carlo PhD? Readers debate the works of a researcher with strong opinions on the effects of wireless technology. (5 messages [11])
