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Option-click to Hide Apps Quickly

This trick has been available in the Mac OS for years, but many people still don't know it. If you have too many windows cluttering up your screen, you can hide specific ones easily as you work. When you're in any application, hold down the Option key and click on another app's window, on the Dock, or in the Finder to switch to that other app and simultaneously hide all the windows in the previously current app.



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JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...

Time Machine Support Added to iPhone and iPod Touch

An undocumented change discovered in the beta iPhone 2.0 firmware may indicate that Apple plans to turn the iPhone and iPod touch into portable backup destinations for Time Machine. Could this presage versions of these devices with dramatically more storage?Show full article

JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...

Merriam-Webster Accepts Sponsorship to Redefine Unlimited

Not happy with the meaning of a word? Change it! Merriam-Webster launches a new "wik-tionary" with corporate sponsorship. The first word to receive an... adjustment in definition? "Unlimited."Show full article

JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...

iPhone Goes International with Iridium

3G cellular technology has been widely expected for the next iPhone revision, but that's not all. Sources indicate that Apple will buy Iridium Satellite and incorporate the satellite phone technology into the iPhone, making it work anywhere on the planet.Show full article

JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...

Mac Users Affected by New Virus

A new virus has struck, specifically affecting Mac users. Researchers suspect the cause may be retaliation brought on by the general smugness Mac users exhibit when confronted with viral threats.Show full article

JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...

U.S. Federal Court Declares Email Bankruptcy Illegal

Overwhelmed by email? Considering just deleting all those unread messages in your inbox? Not so fast - doing so may put you in a legally precarious situation.Show full article

JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...

TidBITS Introduces New Subscription Mode

TidBITS extends a wrinkled, trembling hand to today's youth by creating a new subscription mode that is sure to appeal to those with short attention spans.Show full article

JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...

Take Control News: New Title Suggestions

Read on for a look at some suggestions for future Take Control titles. Finding authors to write some of these may be tricky, but we'll do our best.Show full article

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