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View Extra Sync Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-click the Sync icon in the menu bar to display a menu showing each available sync service and when it was last synced. Other new items in that menu include commands to Reset Sync Services entirely and to open the iSync and Sync Diagnostics utilities.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Pixel Perfect

Pixel Perfect -- Following Arthur H. Bleich's <> articles about choosing a digital camera (see TidBITS-407 and TidBITS-408), several sharp-eyed readers called attention to the fact camera resolution specifications were stated in terms of pixels per inch (ppi), when in fact they should be stated just in pixels. A digital camera captures its image on a surface consisting of light-sensitive pixels, but that surface isn't restricted to a certain measurement. When the resulting image shows onscreen, its resolution is then correctly described in pixels per inch, such as 640 by 480 ppi.


Also, Andrew Nielsen <> wrote from Australia to say that outside the U.S., the Olympus series 200, 300, 500, and 600 cameras are designated 400, 800, 1,000, and 1,400 respectively. Also, we've learned that Arthur will be writing a twice-monthly column for ZoneZero beginning in January. [JLC]



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