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Better Text Formatting in iPhoto

If you're creating a card or book in iPhoto, and you're not happy with the formatting options for the text (such as line spacing or justification), copy the text out to TextEdit, make the changes you want there, and paste it back into iPhoto, which will retain your changes.



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Free Netscape

Free Netscape -- In a move aimed at stemming the gains Microsoft Internet Explorer has made in the Web browser market, Netscape Communications announced last week that it is making Netscape Navigator and Netscape Communicator Standard Edition free (Netscape Communicator Professional Edition costs $29)Show full article

No Eudora Pro 4.0 for Macintosh Overseas

No Eudora Pro 4.0 for Macintosh Overseas -- Qualcomm has confirmed that Eudora Pro 4.0 for Macintosh may never be made available outside of North AmericaShow full article

Open Transport 1.3

Open Transport 1.3 -- Mac OS 8.1 includes Open Transport 1.3, an update to Apple's networking software. OT 1.3 offers general performance improvements, better recognition of serial ports - particularly in conjunction with PC Card modems - and numerous tweaks and bug fixesShow full article

Mac OS 8.1 Delivers Under the Hood

Apple has released Mac OS 8.1, and the Macintosh community is buzzing with talk about the new components and trying to figure out the new (and optional) disk format, Macintosh Extended Format, also known as HFS PlusShow full article

All About Macintosh Extended Format (HFS Plus)

The most talked-about but least understood feature of Mac OS 8.1 is an optional new file system known as Macintosh Extended Format (formerly known as HFS Plus)Show full article

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