Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Show Recent Items in Snow Leopard

The Recent Items submenu in the Apple menu is handy, but what if you want to work with a file in there in the Finder, rather than open it? Just press Command when that menu is showing, and all the Applications and Documents change to "Show ... in Finder." This feature is new as of Mac OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard.

Visit Take Control of Exploring & Customizing Snow Leopard



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 408 Next: TidBITS 410


Greetings, and welcome to TidBITS's 1997 gift issue. Following last year's example, this issue falls outside our regular publication schedule as a special issueShow full article


Riven -- I expected Riven, the Sequel to Myst, to receive several suggestions. What surprised me, though, was that several readers noted the game is fun to play in tandem with another personShow full article

Business Software

Eudora -- Most TidBITS staff members use Eudora (we particularly love its features for filtering, redirecting, and personalities), and we last covered Eudora in TidBITS-405Show full article

Input Devices and Accessories

Kensington -- Several readers suggested trackballs and multi-button mice as holiday gifts, and Kensington's input devices were particularly noted. Bob Beamesderfer's observations were representative: "A great gift, especially for Mac OS 8 users, is Kensington's Thinking Mouse, which has four buttonsShow full article

Macintosh Hardware

A Zippier PowerBook -- VST Technologies recently shipped a much-anticipated expansion bay Zip drive for PowerBooks. Adam White Scoville noted, "PowerBook users who, like me put their machines through quite a pounding, but are never as conscientious as they would like to be about backing up their embattled hard disks would love to see an expansion bay Zip drive from VST Technologies in their stockingsShow full article

Miscellaneous (But Cool!)

Gargoyles -- Mason Loring Bliss suggested, "Monitor gargoyles seem to be quite fashionable lately. They're neat, and they're typically not made out of plastic, which is a good thingShow full article


We'd like to thank our sponsors for their support, without which it would be impossible for us to publish TidBITS for free. And of course, we want to thank you, our readers, for doing business with our sponsors when appropriateShow full article

Donate Hardware, Donate Disks

As much as the holidays in the U.S. have become a consumer feeding frenzy, we prefer to think of them as a time for sharing. If you have hardware or software that you no longer use, consider donating it to a worthy causeShow full article

Shareware Spirit

In closing, I'd like to share the sentiment passed on by several readers that this holiday season is a great time to register shareware (and a registered copy of one of the many excellent shareware games from Ambrosia, Stairways, and others could prove an excellent and inexpensive present that can be enjoyed during time off)Show full article

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