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View Extra Audio Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-clicking the Volume icon in the menu bar displays a list of sound input and output devices. Choose one to switch to it; it's much easier than using the Sound preference pane. Also, hold Shift and click the icon to set the system volume, which is separate from the general output volume.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

BBEdit T-Shirts

BBEdit T-Shirts -- Like many vendors, Bare Bones Software had a T-shirt done for the Macworld Expo, and their BBEdit "It Doesn't Suck" T-shirts experienced such popularity that Bare Bones Software has announced that the T-shirts are officially for sale. The white, pre-shrunk, 100 percent cotton shirt has the BBEdit logo on the front and the "It Doesn't Suck" slogan on the back, along with a 1993 Eddy Finalist logo and a 1994 Accelerated for Power Mac seal. A shirt costs $15 plus charges for tax, shipping, and handling (charges depend on where in the world you live). To find out more, send email to <> or call 508/651-3561. [TJE]


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