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MacSpeech Dictate Profiles

Looking to improve recognition accuracy in MacSpeech Dictate? When recording, consider that ambient noise levels vary between locations. By creating a tailored profile for each location in which you record with MacSpeech Dictate, you can be assured of receiving optimum speech recognition accuracy.

Visit MacSpeech Dictate

Submitted by
Donald MacCormick



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 244 Next: TidBITS 246

Adobe Type Manager 3.8

Adobe Type Manager 3.8 -- Although Adobe Type Manager 3.7 comes free with any QuickDraw GX product (including both System 7.5 and Peirce Print Tools), you can upgrade any version of ATM to version 3.8 for $29.95Show full article

QuickDraw GX correction

QuickDraw GX correction -- I regrettably and erroneously wrote in TidBITS-244 that you cannot generate a PostScript file by printing to disk through the Print dialog boxShow full article

Speed Disk Fix

Speed Disk Fix -- In TidBITS-243, Mark reported that serious problems with the Speed Disk 3.0 portion of Norton Utilities 3.0 had caused Symantec to suspend Norton Utilities shipmentsShow full article

MODE32 users

MODE32 users should be absolutely certain to install the new MODE32 version 7.5 from Connectix (see TidBITS-243) before upgrading to System 7.5. We have it on good authority that installing System 7.5 on a non-32-bit-clean Macintosh with an earlier copy of MODE32 (or perhaps Apple's 32-bit Enabler) may cause severe damage to the system software, necessitating a complete reinstallationShow full article

Quadra 630s

Quadra 630s cannot be upgraded using the current Power Macintosh Upgrade Card, despite incorrect statements on Apple's 12-Sep-94 price lists. Apple plans a PowerPC-based upgrade for the 630 series, the Performa, LC 575 and 474, and the Quadra 605Show full article

PowerBooks with 4 MB RAM

PowerBooks with 4 MB RAM as shipped from the factory will still have System 7.1 loaded on the hard drive, since Apple recommends not installing 7.5 on PowerBooks with only 4 MB of RAMShow full article

After Dark 3.0 Problems

After Dark 3.0, released this August, was the long-awaited, feature-loaded king of Mac screensavers. However, like any version ending with a period and zero (did anyone say "Norton Speed Disk 3.0?"), it's having teething painsShow full article

Out of Control? Night Thoughts of the User Over Your Shoulder

Journalism Rule #1 is not to write a story about how you didn't get the story. Yet here's a review about how I couldn't write the review. Of course I'll tell you my opinion (don't I always?); I think In Control 2.0, which I raved about thirteen months ago back in TidBITS-191, is better than the new version 3.0. Can a new version of a great program, which loses none of its predecessor's functionality, nevertheless be less great? I feel it can be less great if it imposes new features that impede its original excellenceShow full article

Preliminary Practical Primer to QuickDraw GX, Part III

This article is the third and last in the TidBITS QuickDraw GX mini-series. This part introduces QuickDraw GX fonts, pointing out amazing features and potential problems. If you've owned a Mac forever, you probably remember the old-style font world of bitmapped fonts, downloadable PostScript fonts, and (toward the end of the 80s) DeskWriter fontsShow full article

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