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VSE Link Tester 3.1 and Wet Noodles

VSE Link Tester 3.1 and Wet Noodles -- In last week's issue, we mentioned VSE Link Tester 3.0, an upgrade to the utility for verifying Web site links (see "Tools We Use: Link Tester" in TidBITS-537 for an overview of the program). Unfortunately, we mis-identified it as "VSE Link Checker," an ironic gaffe considering our Managing Editor's failure to do his own checking. Rest assured, Jeff has been cooking up a large pot of wet noodles for self-flagellation due to the mistake. In the meantime, VSE has released VSE Link Tester 3.1, an update that can pose as 24 user agents for dealing with browser-specific versions of Web pages. The update (a 1.7 MB download) also fixes a handful of bugs and display glitches. [JLC]



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