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Disabling Dock Space-Making Feature

Having a hard time dragging a file into a folder in the Dock without the Dock trying to make room for it? Holding down Command while dragging the item temporarily disables this Dock feature.

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MindVision Updates to MindControl 1.1

MindVision Updates to MindControl 1.1 -- MindVision Software has released MindControl 1.1, a more polished version of their command-line launch utility for the Mac (see our write-up of it in "Macworld Expo SF 2000 Superlatives" in TidBITS-513)Show full article

WebSTAR Server Suite 4.3 Released

WebSTAR Server Suite 4.3 Released -- 4D, Inc. has released WebSTAR Server Suite 4.3, the latest version of the company's powerful suite of Internet servers, including Web, FTP, and email, among othersShow full article

Poll Preview: Teneration X

Poll Preview: Teneration X -- Companies like Apple go to great lengths when choosing product names: monikers like PowerBook, iBook, FireWire, and iMac are judged by how they sound, how they look, and how they'll be accepted in the marketplaceShow full article

Quiz Results: Less is Moiré

In last week's issue, Kirk McElhearn reviewed Newton's Telecom Dictionary, a glossary of computer and telecommunications terms (see "BookBITS: Telling the Bits from the Bytes" in TidBITS-547)Show full article

Apple Releases Mac OS X Beta

Apple Computer last week announced its first-ever public beta of a version of the Mac OS, a $30 preview version of Mac OS X that's currently scheduled for a January 2001 releaseShow full article

New iBooks Close the Power Gap

At last week's Apple Expo 2000 in Paris, Apple introduced new iBook models sporting digital video features, plus two new case colors. The new entry-level iBook, available in Indigo (to match July's most popular iMac color) and a new Key Lime color for $1,500, offers a 366 MHz PowerPC G3 processor, 64 MB of RAM, and a 10 GB hard diskShow full article

InterviewBITS: A Conversation with David Blatner

The Macintosh universe is filled with as many characters as models of the Macintosh. For an easy example, the Macintosh surely wouldn't be what it is today without the personality that Steve Jobs has brought to it (both good and bad)Show full article

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