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S. Constantine, University of Massachusetts: The Rape of the Lock Home Page
S. Morgan Friedman, University of Pennsylvania: Albert Einstein Online
S. Vega: Leyendas de la Música Mariachi
Sa Majesté la Reine du Chef du Canada, Ministère de Ressources Naturelles Canada: Service d'Information de l'Atlas National/National Atlas Information Service
Sábado Gigante: Sábado Gigante Internacional
Sabina J. Murray: Deciphering Old Handwriting
Sage Weil: WebRing: the Shape of Things to Come
Salon Magazine: Mothers Who Think: Word by Word Annie Lamott's On-line Diary
Saltman, WebRing and the New Dream Network: Saltman's Reef Page ReefRing
Saludos Hispanos: Saludos Web
Samuel D. Glick: Algebra Online
San Diego Zoo: San Diego Zoo/Zoological Society of San Diego
San Francisco State University: Bram Stoker Home Page
San Francisco State University: Many Voices: American Indian Students Journal
San Jose State University: Mission: Critical
San Narcisco Community College: Thomas Pynchon Home Page
Sandeep Singh Brar: The Sikhism Home Page
Sandia National Laboratories: Intelligent Micro Machine Initiative
Santiago Álvarez, Latin American Student Association: Republic of Colombia
Satellite Oceanography Laboratory: Satellite Oceanography Laboratory
Save the Tiger Fund, Minnesota Zoo: Tiger Information Center
Scholarly Technology Group, Brown University: Literature in India: An Overview
Scholarly Technology Group, Brown University: Nadine Gordimer: An Overview
School of Drama, University of Washington: The 19th Century London Stage: An Exploration
School of Information, University of Michigan: IPL: The Internet Public Library
Science Information Infrastructure, University of California at Berkeley: Big Trouble in Earthquake County
Science Learning Network (funded by the National Science Foundation and Unisys Corporation): Science Learning Network
Science Museum (London): BIOSIS
Science Museum of Minnesota: Bubble Geometry Thinking Fountain
Science Museum of Minnesota: From Windmills to Whirligigs
Science Museum of Minnesota: Maya Adventure
Science Museum, London, and the Institute of Physics: Life, the Universe, and the Electron
Science News: Science News Online
ScienceDaily Magazine: ScienceDaily Magazine
Scientific American: The Internet: Bringing Order from Chaos
Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.: Dave's Math Tables
Scott O'Hara: Operation Desert Storm Homepage
Scott Rettberg: Books in Chains
Scott Stebelman, George Washington University: Hypertext and Hypermedia: A Select Bibliography
Sea World/Busch Gardens: Animal Information Database
Sean Mahoney and Joe Smith: CyberSaunter Henry David Thoreau
Seanet Company: Russia.net
Seattle Community College District: Researching American Literature on the Internet
Seattle Times: Fifty Years from Trinity
Section de linguistique Université de Genève: Cours de phonétique de la section de linguistique de l'Université de Lausanne
Segola: Segola
La Sentinelle LTD: L'express Edition Internet
Sergei Naumov: Dazhdbog's Grandchildren
Sergey Gershtein, Ural-Relcom Ltd.: Measurements Converter
Service d'information du gouvernement (SIG): Premier Ministre et du Gouvernement
Le Service de la langue française (Belgium): Le Service de la langue française: Services et jeux de langue
Seth Stone: Upton Sinclair
Shadow Magazine: Shadow
Sharon Connelly: Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938)
Sheila Contreras: Introduction to Chicana/o Literature
Shiki Team: The Shiki Internet Haiku Salon
Si Spain: Language and Culture
Silicon Graphics, Inc.: Lavarand
Simon Fairclough, Amanda Howland, and Janice B. Paulsen, University of Richmond: Versailles
SIP du CEMIS régional secondaire de la Montérégie situé à la Commission Scolaire des Cantons: VOCOR
SIP/RESTENA: Aperçu du Luxembourg
Sir Roderick Spode: Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh
SIRS, Inc.: SIRS: The Knowledge Source: Arts and Humanities
Site officiel Circuit de Spa Francorchamps: Spa Francorchamps (Belgium)
Sky & Telescope Magazine: Sky & Telescope
Sky Publishing Corporation: Sky on Line
Small Planet Communications: The Age of Imperialism
The Smithsonian Institute: The Smithsonian: America's Treasure House of Learning
Smithsonian Institution, Library of Congress, National Archives, National Endowment, and the JFK Center for Performing Arts: Celebrating Democracy
Smithsonian Institution: Air & Space Home Page
Smithsonian Institution: Computer History
Smithsonian Institution: National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution: Ocean Planet
Smithsonian Institution: Seeds of Change Garden
The Smithsonian Institution: Smithsonian Web Site
smorine@nyx.net: Page Index for The Catcher in the Rye
SMU Foreign Language Learning Center: Latin America
SMU Foreign Language Learning Center: Mexico Lindo y Querido
SMU Foreign Language Learning Center: Spain
Société du Vieux-Port de Montréal, Inc.: Le Vieux-Port de Montréal
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français: SNCF: Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français
Société Radio-Canada: Emission Jeunesse de la Société Radio-Canada
Société Webnet: Poésie Française
Society of Chemical Industry: Chemistry and Industry Magazine
Soft Consultance: French West Indies Net Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin
Softdoc Netware Ltd.: Softguide Madrid Culture
Software Publisher Association, Compaq, IBM, Microsoft, Parentime, and Computer Curriculum Corporation: Lycos Cybersurfari '97
Sonoran Anthropod Studies Institute: Sonoran Anthropod Studies Institute
South Dakota State Tourism Office: A Guide to the Great Sioux Nation
South Dakota Tourism: Mount Rushmore
Southern Poverty Law Center: Southern Poverty Law Center
Space Department, Johns Hopkins University: Space Department Johns Hopkins University
Space News's Outer Orbit and NASA's Quest Program: Space Chat
Spanish Department, Birkbeck College, and Embajada de España en Londres: Tecla
Spanish Embassy, London: Embajada de España en Londres Consejerìa de Educación y Ciencia
Special Libraries Association: Newspaper Archives on the Web
St John's College, University of Manitoba: Canadian Literary Archive Services
St. Olaf College: Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections
St. Petersburg Times: St. Petersburg Times
Stanford University: El Centro Chicano Stanford University
Stanford University: Martin Luther King, Jr., Directory
Stanford University: Virtual Theater Project
The Star Tribune: Homework Help
Starlight Xpress Explorers Tours AWR Technology: The Astronomer Online
Starmist: Katherine Mansfield, Short Story Writer
Statistics Canada: Statistics Canada
Stefan Schauwecker: Schauwecker's Guide to Japan
Stéphane Vallée and Jean Alexis Montignies: Petit Dictionnaire Franco-Suisse
Stephany Gould: The Pushkin Page
Stephen Downes: Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies
Steve Berlin: Uselessness of Pi and Its Irrational Friends
Steve Schoenherr, University of San Diego: The Versailles Treaty
Steve Spanoudis, Geocities: Quotations
Steve Tanimoto, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington: Mathematics Experiences Through Image Processing (METIP)
Steve Taylor, Emory University: Views of the Famine
Steven Bernheisel: The Josef Stalin Archives
Steven Finch, Research and Development Team, MathSoft, Inc.: Unsolved Mathematics Problems
Steven J. Milloy, Advancement of Sound Science Coalition: The Junk Science Home Page
Steven R. Harris, Louisiana State University Libraries: LSU Libraries Author Webliography
Steven Rohr and Bryan Boyle: The American Civil War Information Archive
Steven Salvador: Alegría The Mexican Folklórico Homepage
Stonehenge Internet Communications: One Look Dictionaries: The Faster Finder
Strong Opinions on Success: Poet's Park
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS): Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
Studies in Scottish Literature, University of South Carolina: Scottish Literature at the University of South Carolina
Subir Grewal: Salman Rushdie
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Prevline: Prevention Online
Sue Hodges: Susie's Place The Word Games Page
The Summer Institute of Linguistics: Living Languages of the Americas
Sun Microsystems, IBM, and Quantum: Internet 1996 World Exposition
Sur del Sur: SportSur
Susan Alejandre and MathForum: Suzanne Alejandre: Math Lessons
Susan Boone, Rice University: Indianapolis 500 ESPNET Sportszone (Math Problems)
Susan Lank Tolbert: Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
Susan Warshauer: Rhetoric and Electronic Arts Site
Susquehanna University: The Glass Menagerie
Suzanne Alejandre and Math Forum: Tessellation Tutorials
Swarthmore College Computer Society: Hong Kong Links
Swarthmore College: The Math Forum Internet Resource Collection: Steve's Dump
Swiss Museums: Lausanne Antique
Sybase, Inc., and RealAudio: Rock the Vote
Sydney Higgins: Medieval Drama Links
Sylvain Beauregard: Passion Céline Dion
Sylvain Bouteloup: Passion Cuisine Le web gourmand
Syracuse Language Systems: Language Connect