DeviceMasterLinux: NS-Link (tty Ports) Installation Overview

Use the following overview to install the NS-Link for Linux.

  1. Install the hardware.

  2. Install PortVision Plus® and then program the network information (IP address) into the DeviceMaster.

    Optionally, you can use RedBoot to program the IP address. You can refer to Configuring the Network Settings in the RedBoot Procedures section of the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide.

  3. If necessary, update SocketServer.

    If you do not want to use PortVision Plus to update SocketServer, you can use RedBoot. Refer to Uploading Firmware in the RedBoot Procedures section of the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide.

  4. Locate and install the NS-Link device driver for Linux.


    Refer to Extracting Files, if you need assistance unpackaging the driver assembly.

  5. Configure the serial ports. Refer to the readme file packaged with the NS-Link device driver.

  6. Optionally, configure one or more ports for socket mode.

  7. Connect the serial devices. Open the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide if you need cabling information.

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