DeviceMasterProgramming the IP Address

After installing the hardware, you are ready to program the network information (IP address) into the DeviceMaster using PortVision® Plus.

  1. Install the appropriate version of PortVision Plus for your operating system. After installing PortVision Plus, program the IP address into the DeviceMaster using the following procedure.

  2. Start PortVision Plus using the PortVision Plus desktop shortcut or from the Start button, click Programs, Comtrol, PortVision Plus.

  3. If this is the first time you have opened PortVision Plus, click Scan and then Yes to locate DeviceMaster units on the same Ethernet segment of this network.


    PortVision Plus will locate all Comtrol DeviceMaster models, excluding the DeviceMaster FreeWire.

  4. Highlight the DeviceMaster for which you want to program network information and open the Configure Device screen using one of these methods.

    • Double-click the DeviceMaster in the List View pane.

    • Click Config.

    • Right-click the DeviceMaster in the List View pane and click Configure Device.


    For additional information, open the PortVision Plus Help system. Access the Help system using the Help button or go directly to the help for a specific property page by clicking the Context menu button.

  5. Optionally, rename the DeviceMaster in the Device Name field.

  6. Change the DeviceMaster network properties as required for your site.

    • If you want to run the DeviceMaster using the MAC addressing scheme, click Disable IP.

    • To use the DeviceMaster with DHCP, click DHCP IP, and make sure that you provide the MAC address of the DeviceMaster to the network administrator. Make sure that the administrator reserves the IP address, subnet mask and gateway address of the DeviceMaster in the DHCP server.

    • To program a static IP address, click Static IP and enter the appropriate values for your site.

  7. Click Apply Changes to update the network information on the DeviceMaster.

  8. Click Close to exit the Configure Device window.

Optionally, refer to the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide for procedures to program the IP address in the DeviceMaster with RedBoot.

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