DeviceMasterSecure COM Port Redirector - Legacy

Use the table below to locate the secure port redirector. You can refer to the help system for configuration procedures.

If necessary, check the version of SocketServer on the DeviceMaster and update SocketServer on the DeviceMaster. You should alway use the latest version of SocketServer.

SocketServer is the default application that runs on the DeviceMaster. The secure COM port redirector works with SocketServer to provide security on the DeviceMaster. SocketServer also provides TCP/IP socket access from other hosts or for serial tunneling if sockets are configured.

Secure Port RedirectorInstallation Document
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2003
Windows XP
Windows 2000



Refer to the help system in the secure port redirector for detailed information.

Optionally, you can use the following procedures.

  • Install the secure port redirector

  • Configure the serial port characteristics and enable the security feature in the SocketServer web page

  • Add and configure the DeviceMaster serial port with the secure port redirector

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