DeviceMasterChecking Firmware Versions and Uploading Firmware

This page contains the following topics:

Checking the SocketServer Version

Use this procedure to check the SocketServer version that resides on the DeviceMaster using PortVision Plus. SocketServer is the default firmware loaded on the DeviceMaster.

Optionally, you can use RedBoot to check the SocketServer version. See the RedBoot Procedures section in the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. If necessary, start PortVision Plus and scan the network.

  2. Check the SocketServer version number of the Software Version for the DeviceMaster.

Uploading SocketServer

Use this procedure to upload the latest version of SocketServer into the DeviceMaster using PortVision Plus.


Technical support does not recommend updating firmware across a WAN. For best results, connect the DeviceMaster directly to a PC or laptop to upload SocketServer.

Optionally, you can use RedBoot to load the SocketServer. See the RedBoot Procedures section in the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. Make sure that you have located the SocketServer version.

  2. If necessary, open PortVision Plus.

  3. Right-click the DeviceMaster for which you want to update, click Upload Firmware, browse to the SocketServer .bin file, and then click Open.

  4. Click Yes to the Upload Firmware message that warns you that this is a sensitive process. It may take a few moments for SocketServer to upload onto the DeviceMaster. The DeviceMaster will reboot itself during the upload process.

  5. Click Ok to the advisory message about waiting to use the DeviceMaster until the status reads ON-LINE. In the next polling cycle, PortVision Plus updates the List View pane and displays the new SocketServer version.

  6. Configure the socket port characteristics.

Checking the Bootloader Version

Use this procedure to check the Bootloader version on the DeviceMaster using PortVision Plus.

Optionally, you can use RedBoot to check the bootloader version. See the RedBoot Procedures section in the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. If necessary, open PortVision Plus.

  2. Right-click the DeviceMaster and click Reboot Device.

  3. Click Yes to the Confirm Reboot query.

  4. Right-click the DeviceMaster, click Refresh Device as many times as necessary to catch the reboot cycle in the List View pane. The Bootloader version is briefly displayed during the reboot cycle before SocketServer loads.

Uploading Bootloader


Technical Support does not recommend updating Bootloader across a WAN. For best results, connect the DeviceMaster directly to a PC or laptop to upload Bootloader.

Make sure that power is not interrupted while uploading Bootloader. Power interruption while uploading Bootloader will require that the DeviceMaster must be sent into Comtrol so that it can be reflashed.

If you are not successful uploading SocketServer into the DeviceMaster, do not upload Bootloader. If the NS-Link driver for Windows has been installed, make sure that the driver is disabled through the Device Manager before uploading Bootloader.

Use this procedure to upload the latest version of Bootloader into the DeviceMaster using PortVision Plus.

Optionally, you can use RedBoot to load the Bootloader. See the RedBoot Procedures section in the DeviceMaster Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. Make sure that you have located the Bootloader version.

  2. If necessary, open PortVision Plus.

  3. Right-click the DeviceMaster for which you want to update, click Upload Firmware, browse to the Bootloader .bin file, and then click Open.

  4. Click Yes to the Upload Firmware message that warns you that this is a sensitive process.

  5. Click Ok to the second Upload Firmware message and then click Refresh until the Bootloader version displays in the List View pane, which should show the new version.

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