DeviceMasterConfiguring the NS-Link Driver v9.06 for Windows

You can use the following configuration overview to:

See Configuring COM Ports for port configuration procedures after you have associated the MAC address to the DeviceMaster.

Associating the MAC Address

The first step to configuring the NS-Link device driver is to associate the MAC address of the DeviceMaster to the device driver. You can use the method that is appropriate to your installation:

Although you can associate a MAC address on a different physical segment, the DeviceMaster must be connected to the local network segment or directly to a NIC on the host system for the NS-Link driver to operate in MAC Mode

The MAC addressing method (MAC mode) has the following advantages:

  • Simplifies implementation and ongoing support by eliminating the address administration issues inherent in network protocols. MAC addresses are predefined by DeviceMaster and there is no potential for an address conflict at setup.

  • It is isolated from foreign LAN segments minimizing potential security issues.

  • Maximizes throughput of serial data.

The IP addressing scheme (IP mode) has the following advantages:

  • Uses an IEEE industry standard protocol.

  • Allows you to configure systems to use ports on the DeviceMaster that are outside of the host system’s local Ethernet segment.


    This IP address must be a unique reserved IP address. Do not use an address from a dynamic address pool. If necessary, see the system administrator for an IP address.

Same Network Segment

This configuration procedure supports the NS-Link driver v9.06.

  1. Make sure that you have installed the hardware and configured the IP address.

  2. If necessary, open the Comtrol Drivers Management Console, Start> Program Files> Comtrol> DeviceMaster > Comtrol Drivers Management Console

  3. Highlight the appropriate DeviceMaster.

  4. Select the MAC address from the drop-down list or enter the address from the MAC address label on the DeviceMaster.

    If you enter the MAC address, make sure that you use the correct format: 00 C0 4E xx xx xx. A space must separate each pair of digits. A MAC address is located on a label on the DeviceMaster or use PortVision Plus to scan the network, which will display the MAC address.

  5. If the appropriate MAC address is not displayed in the drop-down list, then it can be one of the following reasons:

    • The DeviceMaster is not on the same network segment

    • The DeviceMaster not powered on or connected to the network

    • The DeviceMaster wrong model was selected during the driver installation.

    • Device Failure

      If you programmed the IP address using PortVision Plus, the IP address displays in the IP Mode text box.

  6. Click Apply to program the driver with the MAC address of the DeviceMaster.

  7. Optionally, you can click the Advanced tab and verify that the Device Status message indicates that the DeviceMaster is active and Ok.

  8. You may need to perform some of the following tasks to complete the driver configuration process.

    • If you plan on using MAC Mode, you should disable DHCP requests so that the device driver runs efficiently:

      1. Make sure that the MAC Mode radio button has been selected.

      2. Highlight the Device Name of the DeviceMaster that you want to configure.

      3. Click the Network Settings button.

      4. Click the Modify button.

      5. Click Disable IP to disable DHCP discovery messages that are related to IP mode.

      6. Click the Apply Changes button.

      7. Click Close to return to the Comtrol Drivers Management Console.

    • If you plan on using IP Mode:

      1. Highlight the DeviceMaster.

        If the DeviceMaster is on the same network segment, the driver populates the IP Mode text box with the DeviceMaster IP address.

      2. Click the IP Mode radio button.

      3. Click Apply to program the driver for IP mode or Ok to save the change and close the Comtrol Drivers Management Console.

    • Configure device properties.

    • Configure advanced COM port properties.

    • Configure any of the DeviceMaster ports as sockets.

Different Physical Segment

Use the following procedure to associate a MAC address to a DeviceMaster that is not on the same physical network segment or not connected directly to the NIC.

This configuration procedure supports the NS-Link driver v9.06.

  1. Make sure that you have installed the hardware, configured the IP address, and uploaded the latest version of SocketServer.

  2. If necessary, open the Comtrol Drivers Management Console, Start> Program Files> Comtrol> DeviceMaster > Comtrol Drivers Management Console

  3. Highlight the appropriate DeviceMaster.

  4. Enter the MAC address in the MAC Mode text box.

    When you enter the MAC address, make sure that you use the correct format: 00 C0 4E xx xx xx. A space must separate each pair of digits. A MAC address is located on a label on the DeviceMaster or use PortVision Plus to scan the network, which will display the MAC address.

  5. Click Apply to program the driver with the MAC address of the DeviceMaster.

  6. Optionally, you can click the Advanced tab and verify that the Device Status message indicates that the DeviceMaster is active and Ok.

  7. Highlight the DeviceMaster.

    If the DeviceMaster is not on the same network segment, enter the IP address of the DeviceMaster in the IP Mode text box.

  8. Click the IP Mode radio button.

  9. Click Apply to program the driver for IP mode.

  10. 7.You may need to perform some of the following tasks to complete the driver configuration process.

Configuring Device Properties

You can use the following procedure to configure the DeviceMaster device properties. Optionally, you can refer to the DeviceMaster NS-Link Device Driver User Guide, or use the Comtrol Drivers Management Console help system for detailed information.

This configuration procedure supports the NS-Link driver v9.06.

  1. If necessary, open the Comtrol Drivers Management Console, Start> Program Files> Comtrol> DeviceMaster > Comtrol Drivers Management Console.

  2. Highlight the DeviceMaster device name that you want to configure.

  3. If desired, change the User-Friendly Device Name.

  4. Optionally, set a different Keep Alive Timeout period. You can set the amount of time in seconds that this DeviceMaster waits until it closes this connection and frees all the ports associated with it.

    This value may be set to less than 5 seconds, however the DeviceMaster may not operate at any value less than 5. A recommended value to begin experimentation with is 10.

  5. Optionally, set the TCP Timeout Multiplier value.

    This value should not be modified unless the network connection to the DeviceMaster is very slow, such as, if a satellite uplink connection is involved. It is recommended that a value over 3 never be used.

  6. Optionally, click a different Scan Rate (ms).

  7. Optionally, change the Number of Devices to Load at Once.

  8. If necessary, click Do NOT Attempt to Load Firmware in Device.

  9. Optionally, click Verbose Event Log if you want to log additional DeviceMaster information into the event log.

  10. After making your changes, click Apply.

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