Obsolete Computer Helpline

Have a question about your old computer? Post it here. With any luck, someone else will have some info for you. (Maybe even me.)

All messages posted here are also e-mailed to me. So please don't send duplicate messages. Posting here is enough.

A few rules:

  1. All messages posted here are a public service with NO warranty implied. Any actions you may take as a result of these postings, you take at your own risk.
  2. Keep it to older machines. There are tons of other resources on the net for current computers. This means NO questions about Pentiums or Windows95, at all.
  3. Don't send profane flame e-mails to others. It's childish and only serves as a disincentive for others to post and participate. If you want to be a jerk, there's a whole world of Usenet available.
  4. Don't keep re-posting the same stuff. If no one wants your stuff after one posting, accept it and get on with your life. (Casper, this means you. Rare copies of DOS? C'mon, enough already!)
  5. I do not want to act as an arbitrator between buyers and sellers. I don't mind if people sell the occasional computer here, but I don't want to see buyers and sellers airing their differences on the Helpline. If you want to regularly buy and sell, I would recommend www.ebay.com or another on-line auction site. If you buy something off the Helpline and get ripped off, tough. I don't want to hear about it.
  6. This version of the Helpline has been running for a whole year, with very, very little trouble from the users. My sincere thanks to everyone who has made this a valuable resource!

Jan Lammertsma <dj_zippy@yahoo.com>
Deventer, Holland - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 09:49:18
Anyone knows a WIN95 driver for the Kyocera F1000.
On Kyocera's homepage is an F-series driver but the F1000 is not listed and the others do not work.
Any help is appreciated!

C U!

Patrick <pikey2@xtra.co.nz>
New Plymouth, New Zealand - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 06:19:00
I need some help setting up the Gas Plasma screen on a 386 Luggable. The computer works fine with a vga screen attached and the plasma screen worked until the hard drive died and I reloaded win3.11 on the new drive.

The lugable has LT5400 printed on it and it has a trident plasma vga card.

Please e-mail a response

Maurice T. <jahquis@yahoo.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 03:48:58
I have a zenith znote 433lnc+ model number ZWL-4337-21
does anybody know where to get the drivers, or system disk for
this machine?

Steve <ssehie@midusa.net>
- Monday, October 19, 1998 at 03:19:22
i have a zenith 386sle laptop...how do i get into my programs if i forgot my password?

Steve <ssehie@midusa.net>
- Monday, October 19, 1998 at 03:19:11
i have a zenith 386sle laptop...how do i get into my programs if i forgot my password?

Joe Palooka <jpalooka@c-gate.net>
Ellisville, MS USA - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 01:46:26
Dose any one out there have Word Perfect 6.0 that thay could E-Mail me I have lost it off my laptop and dont know wher to find it can anyone help.
Joe Palooka
E-Mail: jpalooka@c-gate.net

alan orme <bert@pcs,softnet.co.uk>
wawick uk, w uk - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 01:20:10
i have an old provitek monitor shitty graphics 640x480 but could be svgs not vga anyone know where i can get a newer driver

Don DiGalbo <ddigalbo@aol.com>
Tujunga, CA USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 23:09:42
I recently acquired an Epson CX-20 Acoustic Coupler. Does anyone have a manual for it and/or know the speed of it?

Thank you!

Jeff Hapeman <jeffh@mailbag.com>
Madison, WI - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 21:27:06
Looking for any info on a CPU (presumably a microcontroller) I just added to my collection. The part is an Intel: P8031AH Copyright 1980. Package is a DIP identical in appearance to an 8080 or 8088. And, while I'm at it, I'll put out another call for CPU's that anyone might have that they are not using. I got a great response last time I posted here, and added a few. Basically, in addition to collecting old computers, I also collect processors. I have an extensive scan collection which will eventually make it to the web...so if oyu have any additions, they would be welcome!


Tom Carlson - Curator <tcarlson@ncsc.dni.us>
Williamsburg, VA USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 21:13:52
Brandon asked a couple of very good question about the site a few days ago. Here are some answers:
1) New material will be coming very soon, including dozens of added computers and hundreds of pictures. The problem is that new stuff comes in before I get older stuff out, and it just keeps piling up.
2) The guy at the top of the main page is my nephew Wynn. He's in a tux at my wedding, 7 years ago.

Joe Palooka <jpalooka@c-gate.net>
Ellisville, MS USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 19:52:21
I have for sale a collectors item. Raido Shack TRS-80 model MC-10 with Manual and extra color programs book and power supply.Missing the computer to TV switch.All in ment condition in orignal box and orignal packing. Computer was bought in 1991 by the person I am selling it for.
For more information please contac me at jpalooka@c-gate.net

Linda Collymore <105335.264@compuserve.com>
Coral Springs, FL USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 18:25:07
I am trying to fix a 286 computer in which the CMOS lost the configuration for the harddrive. Firstly, the harddrive does not have the number of heads and cylinders
and so on on it; the only thing that I know is that it is a
100mb drive. Of course the system will not boot because it
does not have the configurations and I do not have an old
boot disk for the system. Any answers on what to do?

Linda Collymore

JoMicheal <tuau@mailexcite.com>
- Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 18:00:51
I have a Toshiba T1100 and need a sys disc to get it going since it has no hard drive
andI need to know what else I need to get it going.

Dale Ford <fordbd@m-y.net>
Newland, NC US - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 18:00:03
Here's a shameless plug for something that I've been tinkering with for a little while. Arachne's DOS based web browser. Works very well (when you get it configured properly, and handles tables, forms and just about anything else I've thrown at it. For those wanting something for a XT/286/386 class machine, this might be just what you need. Has e-mail and just about everything else the Windoze browsers have. Available from http://www.naf.cz/arachne/. (BTW-Posted this message with it)

Lori <ski@runestone.net>
- Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 16:39:10
Anyone have a Old Cyrix 83S87 Coprocessor? Let me know
the price. Also looking for a Manual for a Zenith Model
Z-STAR 433VL. Thanks... Lori...

Ian Partridge <ipartridge@clara.co.uk>
Colchester, United Kingdom - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 15:29:34
Using an old 8086 Toshiba Laptop T1200 .

I use 720kb formatted floppy disks to transfer my laptop working files into my modern desktop PC, and vice versa.

When a disk is left sitting in the floppy drive of my W'95 desktop machine, will it get altered or changed ? Can the master boot record on the floppy get changed so that it becomes unreadable to the 8086 laptop ?

It seems like I get disks going bad like this a lot, and I wonder whether there is some incompatability. I really like using the ancient Toshiba, despite its' dim screen when writing. Without the 'Bells & Whistles' distractions found on my desktop PC.

Ian Partridge.

franz raschbacher <rasch@xarch.tu-graz.ac.at>
graz, austria - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 15:09:39
i have recently bought a beautiful old computer on which it says
in big letters "commodore 200"
i have searched the net for information on it, but
there seems no "commodore 200"
does anybody know more?


Mike Hogan <Oostburg@tcbi.com>
Oostburg, Wi - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 14:39:55
I am looking for information about Commodore PC 10 dual disk drive. Is there any place to get manuals or information about it? Thanks

Brady Allison <ballison@advant.com>
- Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 13:59:25
I remember someone asking about an ide controller that had a lot of
gold star ic's on it. I have come across one and it is a supercom so that
information might be usefull to whomever that was.

Per Torgersen <aceek@online.no>
Oslo, Norway - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 13:21:45
Does anybody know anything about Tallgrass tape backups? I have got hold of a tape drive model TG-1040i, with a separate 8-bit full length controller card. The card is marked FCC ID DC47E5AIPPC. It has clearly marked settings for IRQ and DMA, but I think the problem is setting the IO address. The card has a block of 8 dip switches. I have ssearched the net, but did not find anything. Some help on this card would be appreciated very much! Thanks in advance!


James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, VA USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 13:01:43
Hi there folks. I need to know the following things.

#1 I know a guy with a IBM 5363II computer. I is about 2 1/2 foot tall
and looks like a network server. Anyone got any info on it, or know where I can
get some?

#2 Where can I get programs/other software (and a boot disk) for and APPle IIe

3. Where can I get a boot disk for a TRS 80 model III comp

4. Where I can get a power supply for a compag 286 laptop and if the plug is like 4 inches wide
or the one that looks like a phone jack?

Email me with this info if you can. Thanks

Computer Services of York/Michael A. Stanhope <jinx97@gte.net>
York, PA United States - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 12:30:55
Looking for information on an IBM PS/2 L40SX laptop computer. I ordered one with 2 megs RAM and 60 HD, but no other information is availble for it that i can find anywhere.

also, anyone who ordered a copy of MS-DOS 5.00, please e-mail me. I lost several orders. thanks a lot...


Russ Blakeman <Rhblake@bigfoot.com>
Harned, KY USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 12:06:53
I've gotten the pinouts and other info for the 5150 PC cassette port that I needed. If anyone has need for it just drop me a line and I'll email attach the small text file to you. Thanks.

Mulsanne <Mulsanne@Hotmail.Com>
New York, NY - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 11:28:18
I recently acquired an IBM PS2/55sx (model 8555-061). Upon bootup I got error 162. Downloaded and ran IBM reference disk. Bad move. Changed all of the settings. I no longer get to the C drive. All that comes up is IBM PC Basic. All of the files were on the C drive. How can I get back? Any help really appreciated. Thanks.

Michael Trausch <mtrausch@wcnet.org>
Walbridge, OH USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 09:38:47
I would like to know if anyone has information on the little emulator program that let's you run CGA games on a Hercules monitor. I have one game (Wheel of Fortune) that requires CGA to run, and I have a Hercules. Please help!

Mike Ryan <zdtvfan@prodigy.net>
- Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 09:09:15
Alright, I am planning a purchasing a few Apple Macintosh Plus computers, but I have a few questions. Does the Mac Plus run MacOS, and if so what version? Does it have a 3.5", 5.25", or 7" disk drive? Is there any word processing sofftware readily availible? Do you think $99 each for the Mac Pluses is too much, and if it is where can I find them cheaper?

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bigfoot.com>
Harned, KY USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 08:51:31
In need of the pinout info for the cassette port of an original IBM PC, model 5150. If y ou have it and can either post it here or provide either the pnout or a URL for it in a direct email. Thanks

Ernie <mindvr@aol.com>
Erith, Kent England - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 07:38:36
I posted a request on 5 Oct requesting information about an RS Components 170-339 Personal Portable Computer, I got some response from the states, but no real help. I realy need the unique parallel port printer cable, and any IC cards that fit this machine.
Also any information about suppliers, setup etc that is available.
Grateful any response by e mail. I am willing to pay reasonable costs, shipping etc for the correct cable.

This is a good help line, very useful, sadly spoiled by a few people with multiple postings or obscene postings.



Paul Toyonaga <toyonaga@ingdirect.ca>
Markham, ON Canada - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 05:23:23
I am looking to purchase a module of Core Memory for my collection of technology. It'll have a good home alongside many other curiosities of computing and technology. Any assistance in locating someone willing to sell some would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Paul Toyonaga.

Kelvin <stokes@intergate.bc.ca>
B.C. Canada - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 05:12:09
Just got an old NEC ProSpeed 286 laptop, and I am wondering how to reverse the display - right now it is reversed, which means what is supposed to be black, is white, and vice-versa. It didn't come with and manuals or disks.



Paul Wilken <Pahewi@gaffaneys.com>
Grand Forks, ND USA - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 23:20:08
I am working on a Compu Add 386SX computer. It is not recognizing the serial ports. The Bios setup does not have anything on ports. Ports are physically present. I tried changing jumper switches to no avail. Any ideas? Thanks

Mike Gardner <gardnertc@gci-net.com>
Tucson, Az USA - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 22:52:01
I recently found a Kaypro II that used SSDD 5.25" disks. Can anyone help me locate an original boot disk? THe machine is in excellant condition and appears to work well.
Any help would be appreciated.

phill acworth <a025294t@bc.seflin.org>
ft lauderdale, fl - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 21:38:59
I have a Dell 486 dx 33 and the video card is bad the card is fused what i need to know is can the old card be disabled so i can put a new one in the expansion slot any advice would be helpfull thank you

Dan <DMAN1225@aol.com>
usa - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 20:42:29

Stuart Carlow <noodnick9@aol.com>
Silver Spring, MD US - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 18:45:54
My brother recently brought his 486 from the US to Spain but left the monitor in the US. (The PC also runs at 220volts/50 cycle.)
He purchased an IBM VGA monitor in Spain. The first time he tried to boot it, nothing came on the screen and the motherboard beeped 8 times. It's an Opal 486SLC2 motherboard. The manual gives no indications of what the beep signals mean. Can anyone help? (BTW, it's the same signal whether the monitor is connected or not.)
He says he open the case and assured that all cards and cables were firmly connected. Any help will be appreciated!

Ryan <memnoch@brightok.net>
- Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 18:26:45
I'm trying to find a version of DOS on 5.25in floppy. I need it on a double density disk. Can anyone help?

Also, I'm looking to buy an older laptop. I would prefer one that can get on the internet, or at least be upgraded to do so.


Chris <thor7@home.com>
- Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 18:25:49
I have a CompuAdd 325TX Laptop system. I am looking for the math-co and the memory boards. If anyone has them I am interested in them... (also if anyone has a larger HDD for the system letme know as well...

John Cain <jcain@fit.edu>
- Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 18:09:28
I have a Macintosh Classic. I want to add a modem,
a web browser, and e-mail software. Can I? If so,
what modem and what software?

aris fister <aris.foster@crcn.net>
campbell river, BC cANADA - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 17:33:38

David <DCLEMENTE.MENDEZ@upsa.es>
- Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 15:08:31
I need jumper settings for a motherboard:
EXP8449 REV 1.0

Thank You!

Kay <kayday52@yahoo.com>
Coleman, TX USA - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 14:51:22
I need specifications info on a NCR Safari 3180 Laptop. Don't know
the age of the computer, but am having trouble getting it to boo
up on anything. No idea what is on it.

James <jmusic_man@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 14:28:33
I just bought a 386/16 at a garage sale for $15 (vga monitor included) and I have some BIOS errors. The errors are:
XCMOS checksum failure
C: Drive error

I can get into DOS. can someone tell me how to fix these?
- James

Greg <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
ludington, mi us - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 13:16:49

HERMISTON, OR USA - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 12:17:44

Chuck <fonz@pacbell.net>
Fremont, Ca - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 04:40:34
I'm looking for an ac power supply or pinouts for my Altima LSX laptop. I've also cross referenced it with Winbook 386SXNB-20B, Tandy MBL38X, let me know. Thanks

T. Brooks <t.brooks@juno.com>
- Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 01:25:51
I have a Kaypro 2 that I'd like to get running again. I've been told that the problem is dirty contacts. What does that mean and what can I do about it?

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg., Va USA - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 00:20:30
Hi folks. Does anyone have a joystick controller card that I could
either buy or trade for? Or does anyone know where I can get one?
(Other than ebay or haggle) Thanks.

Philip R. Frey <rhindle@hotmail.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 23:50:41
Does anyone know if/how you can load DOS on a PCjr?

Robert Odegaard <odegaard@mcs.net>
Chicago, il USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 21:28:38
I have a TOSHIBA T1100+ Computer. I'am looking for the manual and any WWW sites I can get information on this computer.

Sherry <secole@aol.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 21:24:57
add on to my questions about my Zenith Data Systems Laptop Model ZFL-181-92, serial# 7591073712.
Is there any way that i can get an internal modem, or anywhere. Also, would like to have a copy of a manual for this machine.

Thanks again for any help or info.


Sherry <secole@aol.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 20:37:23
I recently acquired a Zenith Laptop Model ZFL 181-92
it has 2 disk drives. serial # 7591076712
I do not have a battery pack with it, i do have a plug in power supply. My problem is that we cannot get the thing to do anything but give us the instructions for use. On the side for the telephone terminals it is a blank hole. Do we need this for the laptop to operate? My son wants to use it mainly to do homework on. Does anyone have an idea of where i can go to get this thing operational? I appreciate any help.

Mike Del <repenting@hotmail.com>
USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 20:35:22
Hi, I have an old IBM XT, and I wanted to network it.
But how I ask? Are there ethernet cards for XT's? Or is
there a device I can attach to the serial port, that has
a ethernet hookup? I am going to be running a *nix for this
so No need to worry, I can code up some kinda driver. I just
need to know what to look for, so that I can get this thing
networked. Please Send me E-mail if you have any ideas, send
to repenting@hotmail.com, Because I might not catch it on this
web board :)
Old computers still kick a$$ :)

Matthew Saxby <saxby@vossnet.co.uk>
Slough, Bucks England - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 17:51:54
Does anyone have any old 386/486/Pentium Compaq Proliants, Prosignias or SystemPros. Also looking for Dell Poweredge machines. They do not need to be working, and do not need to have all parts. I am interested in any model. Yes any model; Which means even rack mount machines!

The reason why I want them is because I am gradualy attempting to build up a collection of Compaq machines from the early Compaq Luggables to the High powered servers. At the moment I have decided to concentrate on the server side.

Also, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have a problem with a Compaq Machine. The chances are that i will be able to help you.


Steven Nelson <snelson1@cwix.com>
Farmingdale, NY USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 15:59:38
Looking for a service manual for a Compudyne P766D 17" Monitor.

AJ Taylor <tristemono@usa.net>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 13:08:05
I know it's a Pentium 100, but..
Acer "Greenbox" desktops, at least some of them, can be
forced to use both serial ports WITH an internal modem.
Break into the BIOS by disconnecting the floppy drive, then
use the advanced system settings to "hardcode" IRQs and
memory addresses. Takes plenty of trial & error. Took me
3 hours, worth it.

Carl <hyperbole@wolfscratch.com>
Madison, Indiana - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 11:42:34
I have a copy of and Apple-][ emulator for the IBM-PC called ApplePC-v2.52.
I have the ROM image for Appl-][+ and the disk images for a
a game (Wizardry I). I can start the emulato on my machine,
but when I try to run the program, I get a CHECK DISK error.
I am new to emulators, and this is the first program I have
tried to run this way. Can someone please help me get started
with this? Thanks, Carl.

King's Net <kingsnetnews@hotmail.com>
- Friday, October 16, 1998 at 07:56:16
The best computer stuff for cheap prices. Click on King's Net at the top and go there.

King's Net <kingsnetnews@hotmail.com>
- Friday, October 16, 1998 at 07:56:05
The best computer stuff for cheap prices. Click on King's Net at the top and go there.

Tom Copper <tcopper@roxboro.net>
Roxboro, NC - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 06:38:56
I recently won an auction on eBay that included an Anchor Electronics 16 bit Sound Card and a Sanyo CD-ROM.
The package was supposed to include the installation software for these items but the guy didn't send them
and doesn't seem like he is going to. The Sound card has the Analog Devices AD1846JP and Opti 82C929A
chip sets and the CD-ROM is a Sanyo 2X CDR-H94A. Also does the CD-ROM connect to the Panasonic or Mitsumi
interface on the sound card? If anyone could ZIP these disks and attach them to an email message I sure would
appreciate it. And, if you had rather mail me copies I'll be glad to pay you for them plus the postage.

Tony <SWMoreTP@aol.com>
Citrus Hts, CA USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 04:12:49
Looking for old games (1978-1986) for any computer. Games by companies like Infocom, Telarium, Origin, Sierra On-Line.

Jim Rankin <ajrankin@westal.net>
Faunsdale, AL USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 00:35:27
The power supply fan locked up on my 386 clone and it no longer operates, is there any chance it is OK except for the power supply
Does anyone have a cheap power supply they could sell me to try it out. The computer does what it needs to do and I don't mind that it isn't up to date.
When the computer is on, a series of horizontal lines appears on the monitor and the HD etc do not sound like they are operating during startup.

Vince Gulley <gulley@linknet.net>
Pineville, LA USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 20:45:48
I have a Canon Innova 150C, What is the larges size harddrive can I put in before I need a BIOS overlay. Who sells Bios overlays

Brandon Bishop <BBISHO4038>
NH America - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 20:35:29
Question for Tom Carlson; When are you going to update the main part of this website? I have not seen a single change since I first came here! (May, of 1998.) also was wondering, who is that picture of? you know, the one at the top of the page?
P.S. this page rules!

SpaceBoy <huckdunsany@hotmail.com>
Earth - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 19:06:37
Hey all! well, i'm back with the wish list.
This time, my greedy little heart yearns for...Lisa!!
No, not some old girlfriend, but the greatest flop in Apple's hitsory!(or was that the Apple III? Or the Mac Portable?)
Well, as always, if you have a Lisa you don't want(computers, mind you. not your pest daughter!), or any info, storys, etc.,please let me know!
And remember; 4 Mhz is pleanty fast for me!!!

Smilie <brian.leach@net.ntl.com>
Swansea, Wales - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 18:04:30
Does anybody have or know where I can obtain Window 3.1 video drivers for a Victor V286P
Any other Information and tips would be welcome
Thanks Smilie

Jonathan Addleman <jaddle@po-box.mcgill.ca>
Montreal, QUE Canada - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 17:49:12
I've dredged up several old bits of 386's and now I'm wondering how I can get them working together. One is an i/o card that I can't identify. I'm having trouble getting a very good response from it, but there's a good chance the jumpers need to be changed. There's very little printed on the board. Almost all the chips say "Goldstar" on them, and one line says "FCC APPROVE ID JBGPRIME-2". I looked that up at http://www.sbsdirect.com/fccenter.html but it couldn't find it. Prime-2 is also written on the largest chip, along with the number 9252. There are 12 jumpers, all in a row, named j1-12 (surprise surprise!)

now, in the even that I get it working, is it possible to use IDE drives along with ESDI drives? I have one of each. The ESDI controller is working fine right now, but it's the IDE one that I'm having trouble with. But it'd be great to have them both working.

Nicky Rushing <hectorjunior@yahoo.com>
Hardin, Tx. USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 17:06:27
Gonna try again. Still Looking for any info on the Texas Instrument
Insight 10 Series Personal Terminal. I also acquired a Hewlett-
Packard Series 100 150 Touch Screen Computer with model 9122 Dual
3.5 disk drives. Even does DOS. The Texas Instrument one really
has me stumped. Thanks.

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 16:45:55

Tandy 3950HD or 3950C laptop computer. I would be willing to pay a fair price, or I have a few things to trade.

I am also looking for a hard drive controller for a Tandy 1400HD laptop (yes, it's the same one I was asking about the P/S for a while back).


Kai <Kai_Westermann@t-online.de>
Rendsburg, Germany - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 16:07:09
Moin ! (means hello in north-germany)

Is anyone able to send me the switchsettings of an HP Thinkjet 2225D serial ? I know the printer works but wihout the right settings......

Many thanks

Dave <dmarquez@simpletel.com>
- Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 14:27:21
Anyone know how to get into bios on LTE LITE 25C.

Brady Allison
- Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 13:46:52
sorry didn't get that completed


Brady Allison <ballison@advant.com>
hoopeston, Il USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 13:45:27
I find some inexpensive lower end equipment at this site
parts and pieces

Brady Allison <ballison@advant.com>
hoopeston, Il USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 13:34:26
again I see people wanting mother board info. If the bios is from AMI try this site:


it helps you find manufacturer info based on the Id number during the boot up.

Brady Allison <ballison@advant.com>
hoopeston, Il USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 13:31:00
My school is throwing out a bunch of old machines. several
8088's I think some 286's and some 386's(386's probably don't work). I know some of the 8088's work. I don't have room to rescue all of them so if you would like to help, I can probably save them and send them if you pay postage.

I know there are some amdek and some cordata machines. Some of the cordata's are monitor and cpu together as one piece.

I will probably salvage the rll/mfm drives from the machines that don't get saved.

Jacques L. Roch <jlroch@sjcon.ca>
Deux Montagnes, QC canada - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 12:01:11
I am looking for an interface card for a printer from LASERMASTER, model WINPRINTER

Jose <nospamfool@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 10:29:57
I just got a Toshiba T1200. It has a battery but is not working. I'm getting an adapter today to try it out.
Does anyone have any info on this machine?

Elmar D. Mase <drelmo@earthlink.net>
Santa Clara, CA USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 08:04:28
Need Info for old Motherbroad. Don't have any info other than
It has 486wb stamped on it and it has 8 30 pin simm sockets.
Currently it has a 486-33 on it. It has 7 16 bit sockets
and 1 8 bit socket. Thought I had found It's manufacture
but they won't respond to my inquiries. Please any info
would help. Thanks.
to inquiries.

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 07:24:15
Christian BAUDRANT on Wednesday, October 14, writes :
>I'm looking for the setup procedure for a Toshiba T3200SXC.
>The setup program is in ROM or on a diskette ?
My mail to you bounces back with a 'Unknown Recipient'
You need the TEST3.EXE. Have a look at :



Don Lundholm <kornorstone@msn.com>
Blaine, MN USA - Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 00:47:11
I'm showing my ignorence now in the field of monitors. Have one that says it's an SDI Monitor. I can't find any reference to SDI out of Hutchinson KS. FCC look-up number says it was manufactured by Xyst Infotek, Inc. out of the Orient. Can't find them either. It's a model 1428-2. FCC says it's a 1024x768 non interlaced. Can anyone tell me where to find specs, or take the time to teach me about monitor specs so I know what it is I have here? Thanks

Pete Bellus <belluspa@iaxs.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 23:24:01
I have the same problem (no backlight) on an otherwise working Northgate ZXPortable.

Don Osborn <dosborn@slip.net>
Milpitas, CA USA - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 22:38:01
The backlight on the lcd for my Texas Instruments Travelmate
2000 has quit functioning. Everthing else appears to be ok.
Can the backlight be replaced/repaired or is this an
integral part of the whole lcd panel? I have not tried
opening it up yet, to see whats there.
Thank you.

Rish Boswell <Rish13@aol.com>
Houston, - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 21:56:09
I have an old IBM XT that I am trying to restore. It has 256K on the motherboard, and an AST Six Pack card to bring the memory up to 640K. The six pack card needs a driver to inform DOS where the extra memory is. It needs another driver to inform DOS where the clock/calander is. It is going to be a major achievment if I can find these drivers. AST company does not have a clue. Can anybody help me with some ancient software?
Also the ten meg, full height HDD is dead so I need another HDD. Thanks from Rish

Jim <spin-smythe@worldnet.att.net>
ny us - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 20:16:42
I have an old IBM MT/ST, the machine that created the concept of word processing. I would like to find a home for it. Need the room in the basement

peter <piruz@myna.com>
toronto, ontario canada - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 20:07:29
I am trying to install an Acer X36 CDROM in a Compaq Prolinea 4/50 machine. Somehow, the computer will not recognize the driver supplied by Acer. I would appreciate any info on this installation, or whether or not this is at all possible. Any "knowledgeable" person can email me directly. I thank you in advance. Peter

imp <imp@tpe.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 19:58:00
Was given a: " Notestar NP-942 " would like any information
on this laptop as possible. thank you.

delores <delores@erols.com>
md usa - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 19:44:46
Would like to find a good home for my IBM PC XT --- Free
Son says the basement can not become a grave yard for old
computers. Need the space for toy boxes.
delores delores@erols.com

Bob Johnson <parts@bobjohnson.com>
South Plainfield, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 18:43:55
I have alot of old parts and equipment for obsolete equipment. Check out my web site. If you dont see what you are looking for just as me. My website address is http://www.bobjohnson.com

SpaceBoy <huckdunsany@hotmail.com>
Earth - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 16:45:22
I am looking for an Altair. I know this is a long shot, but if you bought a used car at a yard sale for $20 and you opened the trunk and there was a funny looking box with lots of switches and lights and you are pretty sure it is not your spare tire and don't really want to keep it, please drop me a line!(gasp!)
Oh, while were on the subject of christmas lists, could Santa e-mail me about an Apple Lisa?
i've been a good little boy, i promise! ;-)


Nick Rushing <hectorjunior@yahoo.com>
Hardin, tx usa - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 16:44:33
Have Texas Instruments Insight Series 10. Strange little computer
Also called "Personal Information Terminal".. has rom slot cartridge,
looks kinda like a TI 99/4a. Would like some information if available.
Also, have a couple of 8088 Novell computers and cannot find any
info on them either. Any Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Daniel Brilliant <darkly@btinternet.com>
London, United Kingdom - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 16:37:21
I need to know the physical spec of the printer port on the back of an old Toshiba T3200 laptop (I don't actually have the computer to look at) so that I can buy a cable or get one made up. Answers gratefully received.

Brandon Bishop
NH America - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 15:06:45
To clean my computers, I like to use Isopropyl rubbing alcohol. It works well on the newer, unpainted computers.
I used it on an IBM XT and it worked well. Take a napkin, and soak it in alcohol, then, rub the entire case vigorousley.
It works great!

Stefan Nyman <stefannyman@hotmail.com>
VΣsterσs, Sweden - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 14:34:29
Help !!
Can some one help me with documentation about a motherboard
The only id on board is : C55Pi Rev. A01.
Its a pentium bord 100 and 133 Mhz 6 x 72 pins memory exp.
iNTEL 82439 HX TX chipset even a CMD pci0646 PCI EIDE chip.
AMI BIOS 07/15/95 Ver 08.09
OEM id. Consolidated Marceting Corp. QUE ! Whats that ???

Have a nice surf!

Pete Bellus <belluspa@iasx.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 11:35:00
Kirk Thomas asked about cleaning dust out of slots in old computers.

Cyberguys (1-800-892-1010, info@cyberguys.com) has a vacuum cleaner attachment for cleaning in small spaces (part number 114-0210) for $7.95. You hook it up to an ordinary vacuum cleaner. The small hose and nozzles work well in small spaces and you get more suction because of the smaller diameter hose.

One caution, however! Air moving through an plastic tube will generate a static charge, so think about how you are going to discharge it before you start vacuuming. A grounding strap to the wrist of the hand holding the nozzle would be a good start.

Gonzalo Fernandez Val <Gonzalo_Fernandez@apb.es>
Barcelona, Barcelona SPAIN - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 10:56:55
I have a Rockwell AIM-65 and I┤m trying to find the ASSEMBLER for it. I would be very grateful if anyone can send me via E-mail the contents of the ASSEMBLER ROM (in a binary 4Kb file) resident in a single 27C32 EPROM. I have the BASIC for AIM-65 in a couple of 4Kb files. The BASIC Interpreter is resident in a couple of 27C32 EPROMS.

BAUDRANT Christian <christian.baudranr@pcm.bosch.de>
MONDEVILLE, FRANCE - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 10:47:25
I'm looking for the setup procedure for a Toshiba T3200SXC.

The setup program is in ROM or on a diskette ?

Troy Kocher <vitalsys@tds.net>
Nashville, Tennessee USA - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 08:18:14
Thanks, for all the replies on my 386SX At&t computer. I tried all the key strokes everyone suggested, but they didn't get me in.
I received 2 programs to access the bios that did work.

Thanks again to everyone for their help.

Kirk Thomas <kirk.thomas@n2mail.com>
Houstion, Tx USA - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 02:26:15
Does anyone know the best way or stuff to use to
clean the inside of the slots on a motherboard.
When I opened this machine it had half an inch of
dust inside and I won't know if I will be able to
get it to work unless I can clean last of the dust
out of the slots.
Note: I had already used caned air.


Darryl Murray <darrylm@norlink.net>
ThunderBay , Ont. Canada - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 23:24:14
My friend has a Sanyo (Model# MBC17.12) 286pc and he is looking for information on how to get it to recognise his mouse.
Also he asks that if anyone has documentation from this machine. RE jumper map, manuals etc.
Thank you;

- Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 23:11:10
Don't intend to insult anyone's intelligence by stating the obvious, but anything used to clean plastic should be used with extreme caution. This includes GoofOff, which is mentioned below. GoofOff is a product I have used fr several years ane found it cleans almost anything, but it does affect some kinds of plastic. (Ever seen a screwdriver handle welded to a keyboard?) This is not necessarily always a bad thing. I have used it to my advantage too. When used along with a nylon scrubbing pad, I have been able (sometimes) to carefully remove some or all of the discoloring (yellowing) in plastic. It doesn't work with all plastic, and only works if the yellowing isn't too deep. Sometimes this treatment leaves the surface looking a little rough, but I've had some good luck with very fine (#800 grit) sandpaper to polish the surface again. It's a lot of work, but once in a while it's worth the effort. A couple of safer alternatives I use before resorting to daHardStuff: HairSpray works well for many kinds of ink, paint and even many stickers. Also, (those annoying stickers) can usually be removed with plain old *oil*. Almost any kind of oil will do, including coking oil. Pour or spray it on and let it soak in for awhile, the sticker will lift right off.

- Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 23:05:09
Don't intend to insult anyone's intelligence by stating the obvious, but anything used to clean plastic should be used with extreme caution. This includes GoofOff, which is mentioned below. GoofOff is a product I have used fr several years ane found it cleans almost anything, but it does affect some kinds of plastic. (Ever seen a screwdriver handle welded to a keyboard?) This is not necessarily always a bad thing. I have used it to my advantage too. When used along with a nylon scrubbing pad, I have been able (sometimes) to carefully remove some or all of the discoloring (yellowing) in plastic. It doesn't work with all plastic, and only works if the yellowing isn't too deep. Sometimes this treatment leaves the surface looking a little rough, but I've had some good luck with very fine (#800 grit) sandpaper to polish the surface again. It's a lot of work, but once in a while it's worth the effort.

tyager <@match.org>
MI - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 22:59:49
Don't intend to insult anyone's intelligence by stating the obvious, but anything used to clean plastic should be used with extreme caution. This includes GoofOff, which is mentioned below. GoofOff is a product I have used fr several years ane found it cleans almost anything, but it does affect some kinds of plastic. (Ever seen a screwdriver handle welded to a keyboard?) This is not necessarily always a bad thing. I have used it to my advantage too. When used along with a nylon scrubbing pad, I have been able (sometimes) to carefully remove some or all of the discoloring (yellowing) in plastic. It doesn't work with all plastic, and only works if the yellowing isn't too deep. Sometimes this treatment leaves the surface looking a little rough, but I've had some good luck with very fine (#800 grit) sandpaper to polish the surface again. It's a lot of work, but once in a while it's worth the effort.

Shawn McCallister <shawnmc@hci.net>
Morganton , NC USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 22:42:24
My roommate bought an old Apple Macintosh Plus 1MB computer at a yard sale for $20. It didn't come with any software and he needs a boot disk (there is no hard drive).Can anyone help with some info? Where can we get an OS on disk?

matt <callihn@cei.net>
L.R., AR - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 21:28:28
ok now listen if you have a computer that needs a startup disk then you need a boot disk for dos if your battery leaks replace it if you need to change your cmos password then take your cmos battery out you cmos battery whill have to be out awaile maybe 3 days max? conner hard drives have three letters in front of the numbers with out them you get nowhere numbers are repeated for sevarel harddrives and rule #1 if you dont have any ideal what your talking about its hard to help you so take it to a tech in your hood

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 20:59:48
I am in the process of creating a page that contains most
versions of Windows earlier than Windows 3.1, which will all
be available for download. I currently have Windows 1.01, 1.03,
and 2.03 (which were kindly sent to me by various people from
this helpline). If you have any other copies of Windows such
as Windows 286 and Windows 386, I would really appreciate it if
you sent them to me. I would prefere them copied from the disks
in their compressed form. Thanks.

festus hagen <gunsmoke@stockton.net>
stocton, az USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 20:46:14

festus <rtyui@festus.com>
teeconospos aris`, az uas - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 20:44:30

lyn kendall <vested_19@hotmail.com>
ariz, usa - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 20:24:48

matt <callihn@cei.net>
L.R., AR - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 19:18:45
ok more info i need despertly the jumper settings for a holco board now shuttle model:opt495sx-f holco/shuttle no longer offer support can someone please help ive been searcing for days and gotten nowhere

Greg Piper <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
lud, mi us - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 18:44:13
yanna know what works to get stickers off? stuff called GOOF OFF or dads drip strip. or any other product that cleans up "paint dribble mistakes." it dissolves the sticker and does not melt plastic, eat paint, etc. it smells though..also if you are cleaning dust out of a case/motherboard/psupply/disk drivs.... dont waste $$ on that bottled air. its weak. get your air compressor and hook up an air nozzle.(ya can get it at a kmart,etc) and put your air compressor up to about 70 psi...spray away. the case and cards will look new!!!!glossy, streak free!!!!!! thats all

SpaceBoy <huckdunsany@hotmail.com>
Earth - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 18:04:03
I got a Vectrex Game System at a local yard sale for $1. I know that technicly, it is not really a computer, but it is antique. Any way, it came with 6 games and overlays,(the built-in Astroids clone included!), and i was wondering if anyone else out there has one of these things, or has any games they might want to sell, tips to trade, etc.
As to the DORKS who post long blank spots, try not to let them get to you. Just think, they call us nerds, and say we have no lives, and yet, look at who is taking the time to post long nothings. Hmmmmmm....

Well, thats all for now.

And remember: "why would anyone need more then 640k of RAM?"


Brady Allison <ballison@advant.com>
hoopeston, IL USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 14:46:05
For those talking about breaking the law copying software. Many times copyrights are not renued on on software because it is obsolete so soon. If the original 3 or 5 year or whatever copyright is up it may be public domain.
We can take chances or check to see if it has been renued.

Mike Batchelor <mbatchelor@stlnet.com>
St. Charles, MO USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 14:03:59
As far as cleaners go for computers, I always use Simple Green. It works pretty good, and wont burn you if you get it on your hands, or anything like that. It does wonders.

MArtin <martin007@email.cz>
- Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 13:37:45
Can somebody help? I need manual for 486 motherboard from QDI - P4U880A

Rob <robert.doody@iis.varian.com>
Gloucester, MA USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 12:42:29
Can anyone tell me if the AC Adaptor for the CompuAdd 425TX
Laptop would work on the CompuAdd 325TX????? The Voltage and
Current requirements I know are different, but will it work without trashing the computer?????
Thanks Rob

James W Guill
Lynchburg, VA USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 12:41:42
Her email is Amy_pee@hotmail.com for anyone that cares, and sorry for posting twice.

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, Va USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 12:39:52
Here is the moron that decided to post the last message
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 08:49:46 -0700
From: Amy
To: maverick@lynchburg.net
Subject: Cheapskate

Why should we break the law and give you something for
free. After all if we bought it you can too.

I wonder if this person realizes that not all of us have that option and that
getting copies of older software is NOT always illegal. Anyway, have fun.

- Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 12:27:55
This is for all you cheapskates who are looking for free software. Most people live within an hour of a large city. Most large cities have software stores that sell used software. You can find the older versions of the software you are looking for. So stop asking people to break the law by copying software. Log off get a job and pay for the software yourself. For the people who are looking for a Boot disk, it is called DOS look into it.

Dale Ford <fordbd@m-y.net>
Newland, NC US - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 11:33:05
Okay, since everybody's discussing cleaners here's what
I recommend for the really tough jobs-
Mean Green-for most jobs use diluted with water
for the extreme (such as permanent marker marks) use full strength.

Industrial Strength Comet (red can)-for the dirt embedded into the pebble-like covers found
on some machines (like original IBM XT's)

Both are caustic, and should not be left on for long periods
of time. Never use either on a monitor screen unless you
like looking through scratches or a dull smear on it.

Also, don't get either on your skin. I'm still nursing
a chemical burn on my hands from the Mean Green I used in

Tom Greene <cowgod@rockpile.com>
Rutherford, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 09:58:47
My two cents on cleaning:

To clean the outsides of my machines, I use Clorox Cleanup,
for the most part. Another good cleaner is Fantastik. I use
isopropyl alcohol to remove any labels or tape. I usually
try to take the machine out of its case before I clean it,
so I can be a little more liberal in my spraying of the
cleaner. :) Then I scrub it down with paper towels. Some
particularly soiled cases get a bath with soap and water and
a scrub brush in my basement sink.

As for cleaning interiors, a soft paintbrush and a vacuum
with the brush attachment are my weapons of choice for cleaning
out dust.

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 08:56:00
And another one I want to part of:

CPC 464 (64 k, without 6v DC power supply)
Amstrad CPC 464 User Instructions
Mini Office (Word proc./Spreadsheet/Database/Graphics
Use It! (Graphics, Calender, Clock)
User Demonstration, CPC 464 Adres (in cassette)
CPC User Soft issue 9

Original games (in cassette): Vigilante, Star Avenger
Vampire/Ghost Hunters/Super Robin Hood/Dizzy, Kong Strikes Back,
Oh Mummy, Super Stuntman/Super Tank/Super Hero/Italian Supercar,
Gladiator, Frank Bruno's Boxing, Hunchback II, Quasimodo's Revenge
Bridge Player, Wizzard's Lair, Red Heat I (+ level 2, copy)
Centre Court, Midnight Resistance, 750cc Grand Prix
Dopple Ganger

Original game packs: Battle for Midway, American Football
Tortugas 2 (Ninja, the Coin Op), The Simpsons (Bart vs the Space Mutants)
Stunt Car Racer, Colossus Chess, Captain Dynamo, Highway Encounter
Tales of the Arabian Nights

Please send mail off list if you are interested.
Only sold as a complete bundle.



Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 08:45:58
The following is on offer :


Power supply
Cassette recorder (1530)
Unknown interface (modulator ?)
Tractorfeed CBM 1200 printer
Several printerparts
3 x Ribbon Geveke GR. 397 for 1200
Interfacecable diskdrive
Commodore Serial Interface Pack MPS 1200
Het Commodore 64 Computer-spellen boek (Dutch)
Handleiding 1530 C2N (Dutch)
CBM 1200P User's manual
CBM MPS 1200 user's guide
Commodore 64 Handboek (Dutch)
Easy Script manual
CBM 64 Programming Reference Guide (copy)
16 nummers Commodore Info (Dutch)

Let me know off-list if you are interested.



Brian Hogate <hogateb@tetra-fish.com>
Tulsa, OK USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 08:32:43
Does anyone know of a way to power on a Compaq LET Lite/25 that is missing its keyboard? I can not turn the darn thing on w/o a keyboard since the power is integrated into it. Any suggestions?


Dave <david.haglund@langley.af.mil>
va - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 08:29:59
I'm looking for a copy of NetMouse Pro software. Had to reload my computer and can't find mine.

Darren Adams <Darkin_84@Hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 07:41:59
Every one is talking about how they clean there computers,
so I'll say how I clean mine. All I do is take some all
purpose cleaner(409 glass and surface ect.) and an old
tooth bush. All you do after that is spray a little where
you want to clean, and scrub. Or, if you at a more delicate
area, spray some on the tooth brush. Gets smoke tar, labels
and regular dirt off with ease. You would not believe the
difference it made on my Burroughs.

Terry Rickard <Trickard2@aol.com.ay>
Brunswick, Vic Australia - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 03:22:47
I have an IBM DISPLAYWRITER system. I have used it quite a bit. It has 8 inch floppies. I need a to find a way to get the files from it and send them to my PC.
The Displayer system has a communications card, but I don't have any displaywriter programs that will run it.
I think to do what I want to do I will need to build a cable and I will need a program for the PC that will receive the data from the displaywriter.
Can anybody help?

Brady Allison <ballison@advant.com>
hoopeston, IL USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 00:56:03
Along the lines of cleaners one of my favorites is Simple Green
It does a great job on dust, grease, and tar(as in smokers computers)
it also works well on glass so doesn't leave streaks on your screen.
Smells a lot better than most cleaners too.

Ben <bstreete@wnec.edu>
Springfield, MA USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 00:19:48
I have an NEC PowerMate 286/8mhz computer, and need to figure out how to get into the BIOS so I can get a look at the settings. It doesn't say how to get into the BIOS (Press esc, F1, DEL, etc..). My real question, is the BIOS so old that there is no way to get into the setup without a program on disk, or is there some key that I should be pressing that I am not?.. (In case it's relevant, the BIOS is a Phoenix 80286 ROM BIOS Version 3.07)

Pete Bellus <belluspa@iaxs.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 23:51:36
Since there's a discussion of cleaning products for computer equipment, I might pass along that mineral spirts will not harm plastics or paint typically used on computer equipment, but will remove tape, labels and adhesives. It will also remove some dirt that the household cleanser type of products won't touch.

P.S. This is a great site! Keep up the good work!

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, VA USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 22:16:21
Hi again folks. Does anyone here have a copy of print shop (probably any version) that
you could email me. I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Chris <eman@frontiernet.net>
NY USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 20:34:56
Cleaning out my room, have some stuff for sale. Prices do not include shipping.

1. Macintosh Classic -
8MHz, 2MB RAM, 40MB HD, 1.4MB SuperDrive, Microsoft Works,
SuperPaint, various software. Great condition. $35 (Keyboard available)
2. Compaq Portable III -
12MHz 286, 640k RAM, 40MB HD, 1.2MB Floppy, Windows 3.0,
Wildcat BBS software, lots of software + manuals. $40
3. Texas Instruments TI99/4A -
Beige model, original box, power supply + modulator. Works
great. To my knowlege has 16K RAM. $25
4. ImageWriter II Printer -
Great condition, ribbon still has some life. $20
5. Panasonic KX-P1090 Dot Matrix -
IBM-Compatible, has 25-pin 6' cable. $15
6. External 14.4Kbps modem -
Stowaway 14.4 pocket modem, can use a 9V battery,
comes with all cables and documentation. Like new. $25

I've also got some old 30-pin SIPPs laying around, and an
386 laptop motherboard (good for the processor).


SpaceBoy <huckdunsany@hotmail.com>
Earth, EARTH Earth, UFP - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 18:46:21
I have a Vector Graphics Computer. It is all in one box, screen, keyboard, and who knows what else is in there. If you know anything about this computer, PLEASE,PLEASE mail me. i only got it to work once, so i dont know what it does.

Geert van Griensven <skeetneet@freemail.nl>
Delft, the Netherlands - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 18:26:31
Help !
I've just got a Commodore 486-25c . I tried to upgrade the memory but I can't even find more than one jumper. If anyone knows about this machine please contact me because this computer is such a mess inside.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bigfoot.com>
Harned, KY USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 18:02:46
Anyone know of a good source for token ring MAU's, routers, cables, etc? I have dozens (literally) of ISA and MCA type token ring cards and may try to put them to use here instead of the thinnet coaxial I use now. I'm realy looking for a source that resells salvaged items cheaply, or someone that's gotten a bunch and has no use for it. If not then I may post them and the 3270 cards I've stashed soon.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bigfoot.com>
Harned, KY USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 17:58:02
Also a product called Crown Cleaner that you can get at Walmart and other places is great for soot, smoke, grease and cigarette discolortion but the item has to be sprayed and left a few minutes, then wiped and rinsed well to get rid of the excess stickiness. It comes as a clear liquid in either a gallon or a spray bottle that's white with blue and red markings int he cleaners section of Walmart (no plug for Walmart, I assure you - they just happen to carry it).

Don't let the idiots that post the crap up here annoy you - just ignore it and go on with your daily life. Isn't even a need to respond to it as they probably are too scared to come back after they got their thrill from writing dirty notes on a public entity, sort of like drawing naked women with a marker on a bathroom wall.

Al Hartman <alhartman@mci2000.com>
Phila, PA USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 17:40:01
To clean computers and monitors, I've used SoftScrub with Bleach followed by ArmorAll.

This works well to clean Yellowed Plastic.

Don Osborn <dosborn@slip.net>
Milpitas, CA USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 17:08:46
Acquired a Dauphin 1050 and can't locate setup info for hard drive.
What is configuration for hard drive? Don't want to have to tear
it apart if I can avoid it. Thanks.

Dan Dhondt <webmandan@usa.net>
Newberg, OR US - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 15:37:48
I am looking fro some help in trying ti determine a fair price for a printer...

The make/model is: OTC Trimatrix 850XL

Does any one know what the price / vale of one of these are?

Thank you,


FREMONT, CA USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 14:53:53

J. Azevedo <jazevedo@worldpass.net>
Miami, FL USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 10:30:15
To the Webmaster: I find this site very interesting and over time I have helped quite a few people with their problems.

In view of the recent abuses, I would like to make a couple of suggestions.

(1) Could you automatically edit out any multiple blank lines?
(2) Could you eliminate any duplicate postings?
(3) If an automated process is not feasible, could a periodic manual editing clean up some of these abuses?

This site is a terrific idea and I truly enjoy browsing this each day.

Emil Sarlija <feedkidstosatan@hotmail.com>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 04:04:16
I recently received an Apple-//c and want to take advantage of all the free software available on the net. This means making a null modem cable. Unfortunately the //c serial ports use 5-pin din sockets and I have no idea which pin does what (Transmit Data, Receive Data etc. etc.). Can someone please help me??

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, Va USA - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 01:06:20
Hello folks. I have some data tapes/cartridges/whatever lying around
here from a auction I won. They are as follows:

2 Motorola 4 mm 90m tapes (1 appears used as there is writing on the inner card,
the other one I just dont know)
1 Sony 4mm 90m tape (Doesnt appear used, but not certain)
1 ExaTape 4mm 90m tape(this one is unopened, still has shrink wrap)
5 3M DC2120 Mini Data Data Cartride Tapes (These are 120 mb's each and are used)

I have no tape drive so I have no use. The 4mm 90m's are 2 gig each from what I
am able to dig up on em. I cant even guarantee that they work (except the exatape one since
its unopened). If anyone has a use for them, I am willing to trade. Let me know if interested and
I can tell ya what im looking for. Thanks.

Ted Gallant <tedgalnt@auracom.com>
Charlottetown, PEI Canada - Monday, October 12, 1998 at 00:22:18
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about getting rid
of the yellow look on a monitor that I just bought. It works
great but the plastic case has turned yellow on the top and
sides. It looks like nicotene but it's not. I scrubbed it
with just about everything and no luck. If it's faded and
can't be brought back then I might try spray painting it, or
is there something I can buy that would clean it up?
Any ideas would be appreciated as it works great but looks

MATT <callihn@cei.net>
L.R., Ar - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 23:44:24

Josh Dersch <derschjo@pilot.msu.edu>
Lansing, MI USA - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 22:33:43
Was given an HP Micro GX 3000... HP's page isn't a big help,
the computer appears to be nearly discontinued. It appears
to work, but I can't get it to communicate properly with my
dumb-terminals... does anyone have any idea how these are configured?
I'm also interested in technical specs, HDD, RAM, processor, etc, and any
software (I may need an OS...) Thanks. And to the immature
morons who keep posting the mindless perversions and wasting
our time, go find someone smaller than you at your school and
try to make them feel stupid... you're having no success here.


L. Moore <uwalam@stumail.westal.edu>
University Of W. Alabama, AL USA - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 21:17:02
Here's an odd little request. I'm looking for a copy of an
-old- UNIX-type OS that'll run on a PC-Compat.. Here're the specs on the machine:
8086-8mHz CPU, 8087-8 FPU
640Kbytes RAM
20MBytes Fixed Disk Storage
CGA Graphics.

Does there exist a UNIX-style OS for a machine this old?
Perhaps an -old- version of MicroSoft's XENIX?
Also still looking for more info on a GRiD Compass 1109 laptop computer!
Also wanted: Interface card for a Microtek MSF-300Z flatbed scanner. It's -sort of- a SCSI interface, but it requires Microtek's proprietary I/O card.
-Also- looking for a small PDP-11, Preferably nothing bigegr than say, an IBM AT. As much as I'd like to own one of the old Rack-Mount 11's, I don't have the space at the moment.
Hmm.. anything else right now?.. I guess not. Bounce me a 'mail if you can help me with any of these queries. :)

- Turq.

Lou Johnson <LJohnson@WGNX.Com>
Atlanta, GA. USA - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 21:16:20
Does anybody have a schematic for a WYSE WY-30? In particular I need the high voltage section. Unit will not fire up. Replaced the flyback and output transistor but no luck. Is WYSE still in business? The operator in San Jose had no listing for them.

disgusted <crtyler@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 19:39:10
to the inconsiderate morons
its sounds like you need to get a new motherboard for your perverted little blown brains. Some of us are trying to find
equipment. GET A LIFE and get off the page.

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg , VA USA - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 19:21:10
Hi again folks. I am in need of a esdi hard drive. I want one for
a 55SX ps/2. I would like to pay no more than $5 for a 30 megger
$8 for a 60, or $12 for a 120. If anyone has one for around that price range email
me, I would like to finally get this thing fully operational. Thanks.

LeRoy Warner <lwarner@tartannet.ns.ca>
N.S. Canada - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 19:01:54
I have a486DX100 computer, this computer has an iomega 150 MultiDisk Drive Model Beta 150A, i have just aquired this computer but cannot find out anything about this MultiDisk, do not have a Disc for it, do not know what it takes , or were to get one,can anyone help me, thanks...

Rick S
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 18:57:49
I need a hard drive for a Tandy 1400HD. The drive is a
Alps DRP020A10C, any one know where I can get one?

Greg Piper <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
LUdington, mi us - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 15:52:49


DRAGON <dragon@swva.net>
NewCastle, Va Craig - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 11:01:42
Well it looks like the children are back!I wonder if they know that
the e-mail they send can be traced back to them even if they dont
include their real e-address?
The isp they use automaticly sends the code for them with every e-mail
and such mailings can and often do cause their loss of service,a big fine,
and in some cases jail time for them or their parents.
It would seem to me that they could spend their energy learning to do something
usfull with the computer rather than just being jive little jitterbugs the rest of their
lives and not amounting to anything.
The help line is the best thing to happen since sliced bread,and i hope it will
be around for a long time!
Remember the FCC is watching!

Matthew Saxby <saxby@vossnet.co.uk>
Slough, Bucks England - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 10:32:27
This morning I rescued a IRIS 4D/310VGX Graphics Workstation from a skip. I would like to know what the specs are for this machine and also anything else to do with it. As far as I can tell, it wont take a floppy drive? Please correct me if I am wrong.
I also send you my congratulations for such a good web site, but it is spoilt by people posting obscene messages such as the one below.

suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:43:48
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:43:38
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:43:27
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:43:15
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:43:06
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:42:56
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:42:26
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


suck my dick you losers
- Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 09:42:13
i want to fuck any one fo you. Cum for me guys or gals.


Alan <alancht@hotmail.com>
Malaysia - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 00:58:19
Does anyone have a spare PPA3 adapter from Iomega? It's for
connecting their 150 Bernoulli drive to the PC's parallel
port. Thanks...Alan

Wes <wesc@pacificcoast.net>
Vancouver, B.C, Canada - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 23:08:30
I need the software drivers for a Tyan 486 EISA Pro motherboard.

Rick Terry <rickterry@usa.net>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 22:53:51
I have Digital harddrive 4.3gig model fr-cecaa-ca. It has
3 rows of 32 pins. I am wondering if anyone can give me information
on this. Can it be used in my PC and what would i need for
it? Any information would be appreciated. Thank you

Matt Jolley <brainguy@csi.com>
Bangor, Manie US - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 21:01:50
I'm sorry for posting 2 messages, I lost my net connection in the middle
of sending the message, and didn't know a copy had already been sent!


Matthew Jolley <Brainguy@csi.com>
Bangor, Maine US - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 20:59:46
Ok, I'm back!
Thanks to all who sent me PS/2 Info! I was able to set up a
Reference Disk, but it would not load the information pages,
nor would it load any service other then "Format Disk" However,
I could load the information pages onto my Dell P200. The errors
the disk gave me were:

"bad or missing config.sys"


"program files not found"

anyone know how to help me on this one? I have no manuals (doh!)

Also, does anyone have PC-DOS or any freeware/old software that
will run on my computer? I have 2 720kb drives, but no HD.

One last PS/2 problem. Those that have the PS/2 early models know
about the animated insert disk, hit F1 screen that pops up
when no HD is found and nothing is loaded into memmory. Well
when I formatted disks on my PS/2 I couldn't access them on my normal PC
and when I tried to load them in my PS/2 the animated inserted disk poped out of the drive
and broke in two and fell from the screen. I take it this means
the PS/2 didn't like my disk.

why can't they say in ENGLISH, hey buddy! This disk SUCKS!

oh well...

I still need help on the dip-switch settings for my Epson-LX-810

Any help will be appricated!

(PS, thanks for the VERY fast responces to my previous question!)


Matthew Jolley <Brainguy@csi.com>
Bangor, Maine US - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 20:57:09
Ok, I'm back!
Thanks to all who sent me PS/2 Info! I was able to set up a
Reference Disk, but it would not load the information pages,
nor would it load any service other then "Format Disk" However,
I could load the information pages onto my Dell P200. The errors
the disk gave me were:

"bad or missing config.sys"


"program files not found"

anyone know how to help me on this one? I have no manuals (doh!)

Also, does anyone have PC-DOS or any freeware/old software that
will run on my computer? I have 2 720kb drives, but no HD.

I still need help on the dip-switch settings for my Epson-LX-810

Any help will be appricated!

(PS, thanks for the VERY fast responces to my previous question!)


HOUSTON, TX USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 18:39:45

HOUSTON, TX USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 18:38:59

Ned Turner <vested_@hotmail.com>
houston, tx hassus USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 18:35:10

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 18:31:10
Does anyone have a 300-unlimited harddrive that would work ina Compaq LTE Lite 4/25E. It is a 486. Also I would like to know if anyone has a 8 meg memory chip for the above laptop. I really need these so I will pay a good price.

Please email me at:
jud34@hotmail.com or

jud beall

p.s.: i love this Computer Helpline

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 18:30:54
Does anyone have a 300-unlimited harddrive that would work ina Compaq LTE Lite 4/25E. It is a 486. Also I would like to know if anyone has a 8 meg memory chip for the above laptop. I really need these so I will pay a good price.

Please email me at:
jud34@hotmail.com or

jud beall

p.s.: i love this Computer Helpline

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 17:36:06

Modem/memory expansion card for a Compaq Portable 386. I really only need the expansion part (Is the modem part of it?). But if anyone has one of these and some of the RAM modules, or if they just have some RAM modules, that would be great.


Chris Isert <chillipa@aol.com>
- Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 17:22:53
I'm looking for a disk drive for a Compaq Contura 3/20 laptop and a copy of IBM DOS 3.3 for an old IBM PC Convertible. I also have a monitor for a PS/1 that needs a new plug for the video connector. Does anyone have a color coded diagram for installing the plug?

Jimmy Nipper <jnipper@southeast.net>
- Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 16:34:06
I have a model 25 Pc 8086 computer I got a yard sale a couple of weeks ago and I need a bios (cmos) disk for it. could any one send me the file for it as an e-mail attachment please?? also, how do you take apart one of thease old clunkers???

any help would be appreciated

Jimmy Nipper <jnipper@southeast.net>
- Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 16:33:24
I have an older 286 desktop (old, but useful!!!!!) anyway the disk drives started getting errors on them. i have 2 drives 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 slaved together and both of them started getting problems. I put in 2 new WORKING disk drives, NEW conrtoler card, NEW floppy cable. I have doen every thing that i can think of, exept replace the motherboard. Is there any thing else i can do? what do you think the cause could be for this problem??

PLEASE E-MAIL ME DIRECT AT : jnipper@southeast.net]

Don Lundholm <kornorstone@msn.com>
Blaine, MN USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 16:30:35
I aplogize in advance for the length of this, but if anyone would appreciate this, it would be the people here in OCHL.

Computer Problem Report Form

1. Describe your problem:

2. Now, descibe the problem accurately:

3. Speculate wildly about the cause of the problem:

4. Problem Severity:
A. Minor_____
B. Minor_____
C. Minor_____
D. Trivial_____

5. Nature of the problem:
A. locked-up __
B. frozen __
C. hung __
D. strange smell __

6. Is your computer plugged in? Yes__ No__
7. Is it turned on? Yes__ No__
8. Have you tried to fix it yourself? Yes__ No__
9. Have you made it worse? Yes__
10. Have you turned the computer off and then back on again? Yes__ No__
11. Have you had "a friend" who "knows all about computers" try to fix it fir you? Yes__ No__
12. Did they make it even worse? Yes__ No__
13. Have you read the manual? Yes__ No__
14. Are you sure you've read the manual? Maybe__ No__
15. Are you absolutely certain you've read the manual? No__
16. If you read the manual, do you think you understand it? Yes__ No__
17. If yes, please explain why you can't fix the problem yourself:__________________________________________________
18. What were you doing with your computer at the time the problem occurred?________________________________________
19. If you answered 'nothing' then explain why you were logged in?________________________________________________
20. Are you sure you aren't imagining the problem? Yes__ No_
21. Does the clock on your home VCR blink 12:00? Yes__ No__
22. Do you have a copy of "PCs for Dummies"? Yes__ No__
23. Do you have any independant witnesses to the problem? Yes__ No__
24. Do you have any electronics products thst DO work? Yes__ No__
25. Is there anyone else you can blamr this problem on? Yes__ No__
26. Have you given the machine a good whack on the top? Yes__ No__
27. Is the machine on fire? Yes__ No__
28. Can you do something else instead of bothering me? Yes__

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, Va USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 14:46:59
Hi again. Thanks to all that sent me win 3.0. Does anyone know
if quicken has a dos version. If it does, does anyone have a version
of Quicken that they could send me? Let me know, thanks.

Brian Hogate <hogateb@tetra-fish.com>
Tulsa, OK USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 14:15:16
I have Kingston Part: KTC9769/8 (8 meg memory card)
Designed for Compaq LTE Lite/20, LTE Lite/25, LTE Lite/25C, LTE Lite/25E for sale list price is $ 62.00 make an offer. I also have misc LTE Lite /25 parts. Let me know what you need.

Brian Greer <greer@compuserve.com>
FL USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 14:06:32
I've been given an AT&T Globalyst 130 laptop. On boot it
fails with a Hard Disk Controller 1 failure. Opened it up and
there are lots of jumpers and DIP switches inside. Whenever
I see that, I believe they are there for a purpose.

I'm hoping
a. that there is a 2nd Hard disk controller inside
b. Someone know the jumper settings

This would allow me to run the thing without replacing the
motherboard. (AT&T's recommendation) AT&T wants $800 for
a motherboard!!

Your ideas are appreciated.

Greg Adkisson <rasputin@cookeville.total-web.net>
Cookeville, TN USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 14:02:05
I am looking for any information I can get on a KayPro II portable computer. Specifically the wiring schematic for the keyboard cable and any OS software.


John King <robertp@wt.net>
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 14:00:02
I have a KFC CK-1405 color monitor that scrolls when booting with a 486DX2-66 but settles down when Windows loads. It scrolls again when exiting to shutdown only when cold. The screen edges are fuzzy. Is the monitor bad or is there a synchronization problem with the Trident TVGA Super 8900C adapter?

John King <robertp@wt.net>
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 13:47:24
How can I verify clock speed without looking at the chip? I upgraded from an i486DX-33 to DX2-66 and I want to make sure it's working at the faster speed. Bootup does not list the speed. Thanks,

Matthew Jolley <brainguy@csi.com>
Bangor, Maine USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 12:33:11
I just got a sweet deal on an IBM PS/2 Model 25, and an Epson LX-810
Dot-Matrix printer, only cost me 3 dollars. They both work, but neither
came with manuals. I know my PS/2 has a Monochrome monitor, but
I heard it may have a hard drive, but if it does, it must not
be booting because i get the "Insert Floppy and hit F1" animated screen.
I really would like to know how to boot this into DOS or PC-DOS or whatever,
I have 720kb disks and 1.44 and would really like to mess around with this.
If anyone has info on a webpage (dont want to pay for a manual) e-mail me. I'm looking for
instructions and specifics like what chip does it have, 8088 or 286? and where's the hard drive??
If it helps the small serial number sticker below the monitor says "TYPE 25-001"

Now, I also have the Epson LX-810 It prints, but the advance knob dosent give enough friction to advance the paper
this is not a normally major thing, but the printer dosent spit out the paper to the preferation.
I would like information on how to set the DIP switches, and other info.

Thanks for any help you people may be able to give me!

-Matt Jolley

Troy Kocher <vitalsys@tds.net>
Nashville, TN - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 11:48:01
I need help getting in the BIOS on my old AT&T 6386SX WGS. I've tried F1, DEL, CTRL-ALT-S. It is prompting me w/ an Invalid Config. Run SETUP Program.
Any Help would be appreciated.

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 09:47:55
I got here a Zenith Z-Note 320L. It has one meg of ram and a 60 meg hardrive. It looks new and was made in 1995. I am only asking $70. First one to email me gets it at this price. For $80 I will throw in a external modem.

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 09:47:39
I got here a Zenith Z-Note 320L. It has one meg of ram and a 60 meg hardrive. It looks new and was made in 1995. I am only asking $70. First one to email me gets it at this price. For $80 I will throw in a external modem.

Richard Howarth <richard.howarth@btinternet.com>
uk - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 05:16:02
hewlett packard date feb 1990 model d1612A
power pack needed or another computer to run the hard drive. Will pay for right result.

daniel L Dhondt <webmandan@usa.net>
Newberg, OR US - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 03:48:12
Does anyone know where i can get a copy of the "Linux" operating system? (free?)

thank you


Kirk Thomas <kirk.thomas@n2mail.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 03:35:06
Does anybody know anything about the
"Compaq Speedpaq 144[Enhanced Com Slot]"
modem? It plugs into a PC-card slot and
seems to have an ethernet connector along
with the phone connector.

Also I need to know any information on a
Compaq LTE Lite 4/25c. (How to upgrade,
tips or advice, or anything else anybody
knows about it or it's family of notebooks.)

Any of this info. will be much appreciated


Casolai <Casolai@hotmail.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 03:15:05
I am looking for a copy of Quarterdeck's old "QRAM" program
I'm willing to trade QEMM 8.03 or QEMM97 for it

Email me if you are interested, or ICQ: 8068433

Casolai <Casolai@hotmail.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 03:14:05
I am looking for a copy of Quarterdeck's old "QRAM" program
I'm willing to trade QEMM 8.03 or QEMM97 for it

Email me if you are interested.

Warren Paterson-Welsh <wapwelsh@island.net >
Parksville, BC Canada - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 23:51:21
Compaq model # 101709
I found it at a Sally Anne Store
It looks like a suit case
5 in monitor and 2 5 1/2 in disks on front (bottom if carried)
keyboard clicks on front (bott if carried)
could I receive info and boot info?
It boots until it looks at floppy drive
returns system boot disk or drive error
any info would be very appreciated

Hogate, Brian <hogateb@tetra-fish.com>
OK USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 23:38:53
What type of tool is used to remove the screws in a Compaq LTE Lite/25? I have tried Torx(T-10), Allen wrench, and regular phillips screw drivers, but none work.

margaret mcintosh <dollbus@aol.com>
richmond, in usa - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 22:02:15
trying to find a power supply for the commodore 64
any ideas? thanks

Mike Terry <Nagii@aol.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 21:41:47
Anyone with information on Wang PC004 computer. Have CPU, need info on monitors, keyboard, and set up programs.

Harlow McAuley <h.mcauley@sympatico.ca>
- Friday, October 09, 1998 at 20:37:56
I have 3 Honeywell printers. A laser, a standard dot matrix,
and a wide carriage dot matrix.. I wondered if anyone
knows anything about them. Harlow....

Bill Smull <smull@accessone.com>
- Friday, October 09, 1998 at 20:14:40
I gave Packard Bell 286 and Epson 24-pin printer to my nephew, but after taking it down and setting up again, the printer will only print double spaced, drops some letters and stops after about three-fourths of a page. I ran dignostics test and it printed fine, and DIP switches are set according to manual. WP software is Lotusworks. Thanks for any help. Bill

Darren Adams <Darkin_84@hotmail.com>
- Friday, October 09, 1998 at 18:19:36
I'm haveing trouble with my Toshiba T1600 again. I put
Windows 3.0 on it, but it won't run anything because it's in
real mode. Is there a way to change it to at least standard
mode?If you need to know some specifications about it, just
E-Mail me asking what you want to know.

Lori <ski@runestone.net>
- Friday, October 09, 1998 at 17:47:21
Can anyone tell me if WIN 95 will work on a OLD compaq SLT
386s/20. It has 12 megs ram and a VGA screen. Or does it have
to be a 386DX or Higher? Has anyone out there used win 95 on a
386 SX 20 mhz computer before? Let me know if it works.

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 17:09:32
I have a question that has been bothering me and many of my
friends for a very long time now. What is that connector for
that appears on the top of many older VGA videocards? It looks
almost like the connector for a 5.25" floppy drive or an old
MFM drive.

Margaret Smith <27430@udel.edu>
Newark, Delaware U.S. - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 16:36:00
I have an Apple 11e purchased in 1982 with 80 column card and Okidata 92 printer. I use it mostly for correspondence and reports I crashed my first Word Handler 11 a year ago. Luckily I had another but have been unable to locate a spare. I would be most grateful if someone out there has one they are not using. I love my Apple 11e. Here's hoping. Thank you. I love this little IBM but don't have a printer so I use this for e-mail and internet.

kim monroe <kmonroe@webtv.net>
Lawrenceburg, KY USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 15:58:29
ATTN:Russ Blakeman, about pcjr.
Please E-mail your phone number, tried to E-mail you back but could not get through.

Michael Thompson <badradar@hotmail.com>
Mpls, MN US - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 15:45:05
I've come up with a NextStation CPU, monitor, keyboard & mouse. The computer will boot to a startup screen then start looking for a network. The animations slow to a crawl then the computer stops completely. How do I get this beast under control? Is there a special key combo I can use or someplace I can find a startup disk?

I know nothing about this computer & would appreciate any help.


Sandy <sanjosee@microtec.net>
Montreal, Canada - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 15:11:43
I have a commodore 64 that doesn't work anymore. I was wondering if anybody knew if it is still possible to fix it? If I bring it to a computer store, I feel I'll just be let down. It's a classic computer and it's a shame to see it gathering dust when it could still be in use. Thank you.

Tom Carlson - Curator <tcarlson@ncsc.dni.us>
Williamsburg, VA USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 15:11:29
Sorry for the rude posts last week. As luck would have it, I was out of town for several days, so I wasn't able to delete them until today. Looks like the kids got caught, so all is well.

I try to keep in mind that for each childish post like those, I get several nice e-mail messages from people in their teens that are excited about old computers.

I'm working on adding a profanity filter, so at least they'll have to be a little creative next time.


Pat Wright <pwr2192580@aol.com>
- Friday, October 09, 1998 at 15:10:37
I have a laser 190 printer. Originally it was attached to a laser 128 computer, thats a apple compatable. Now I woould like to set it up with a I.B.M. compatable computer, only I have thrown away my manual. If any one can tell me how to reset the dip swithes and any thing else I need to do to reset this printer your help would be greatly appreciated. or if any one knows where to get a copy of the manual, let me know. thanks in advance for any help you can give.


Richard Purdie <richard@sid.unn.ac.uk>
- Friday, October 09, 1998 at 14:47:31
If anyone can offer any info about Research Machine 380Z Chain Network Servers (specificaly the Winchester Disc) could they please email me.

Rich Faust <RFAUST7822@AOL.COM>
SACRAMENTO, CA US - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 13:12:15
I have a zenith supersport laptop computer...Can it be upgraded (new motherboard/CPU) to a pentium class processor?
If I can upgrade it, will the display handle windows 95?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!


kim monroe <kmonroe@webtv.net>
lawrenceburg, ky 40342 - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 11:19:09
My husband brought home an old pcjr 8088. We need to find a disk to set it back up with,someone has erased the hard drive in it. He just wanted it to play around with at home. Any help locating this disk would be greatly apprecated.

Chris Richards <cmr8@aber.ac.uk>
Swansea, Wales - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 09:57:33
My most favourite computer game was called REPTON on the ACORN ELECTRON and it also appeared on other platforms.

Does anyone know where I might be able to get a copy of this game and an emulator to run it on an IBM compatible??

Cheers Chris

Jason Whorton <jason@microxl.com>
Attalla, AL USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 07:28:25
Hello. I am wanting to buy an ITT 2C87 math co-processor. If you have one for sale, please e-mail me.

I am wanting to find some information on what is labelled as a Zenith Z-320/SX. It is a Zenith desktop with a 386/SX-20 CPU, 30-pin SIMM slots and a 40MB IDE HD. If anyone knows of a source of info on it, I would appreciate it. I checked out www.zds.com, but I didn't find any info.

Also, for those in need of the Reference Diskette for a PS/2, go to www.can.ibm.com/helpware/vintage.html and look for your model of computer. The files that extract to make the Reference Diskette are listed. Have a blank formatted disk ready when you want to extract the file to the floppy disk.

Andrew Quuigley <aquigl01@postoffice.csu.edu.au>
Australia - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 03:57:37
I am looking for another screen for a Toshiba T5200/100 Laptop. I am wondering if some one knows where I would be able to get a second hand one or a new one.

Fred Kagel <fkagel@monmouth.com>
NJ USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 01:45:05
Do you know how to access the HD settings for a NEC Prospeed 386? We thought it was F10 or some combo of F10.


Freehold Computer Training

Greg Terry <gkterry@juno.com>
Terre Haute, IN USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 22:02:03
I would like to find a source of batteries for the Gateway Handbook 286. Could anyone tell me if the battery for the Gateway Handbook 486 will work?

Raymond J. Ramirez <raymondj@prtc.net>
San Juan, PR - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 21:51:18
This is my second post:

I am searching for any and all old microprocessors, Intel or non-Intel. I have a few to offer, but I want to buy old and/or nonworking CPUs. I have Intel 8008 and the first clone made in 1972.

I read that someone needs info on the Intel 4004 CPU. I don't have that CPU in my collection but I may have information. I am willing to trade this info for a CPU if you have a spare.

If anyone has a few or a lot, please email me a list and asking prices. If you don't know how much to ask for, I will make you a good offer. Just send me your lists.

By the way, I am building a CPU museum and will probably post a website URL for all who wants to see and read about the real history of the CPU. As a starter, Intel did not develop the idea for the CPU first! That is why the credit for the first one is now divided between two developers.

Raymond J. Ramirez <raymondj@prtc.net>
San Juan, PR - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 21:40:23
I have a friend's Compaq ProLinea 3/25s and its motherboard is dead because the battery leaked. Does someone have an unused but working motherboard that can replace the 386SX one? If I have to repair it, I rather upgrade it.

For all those poor IBM PS/2 users who get the 161 and 165 error codes, what you need is the Reference Diskette. Someone mentioned a site for them, so look at all the listings and search on the WWW.

I have a few answers for others who have posted their need to get into the Phoenix BIOS, but I need to find a BIOS book that I bought.

For the Webmaster:
I believe this is the type of site that thousands of old system users were looking for, so Congratulations!
Also I believe that it needs some cleaning out of answered requests and unrelated messages (especially the vulgar language types).
Keep it running smoothly.

Brian Futrell <bfutrel@ibm.net>
Zebulon, NC - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 21:15:20
Brian R,

The S may stand for SL, which was a low-power version (I think).

Brian R
NC USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 18:12:57
I would like to know what the "S" stands for in
486-S. I have an intel 486-33 DX which gets reported
as a 486-S in my bios where other CPUs
report i486-DX. I also have an intel P100 which is
reportedly a P100-S. What does the "S" stand for?

Chris <eman@frontiernet.net>
NY USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 18:04:22
I have a couple of computers for sale. All are in working order and in great condition (unless otherwise noted). Please e-mail for additional info.

1.) Texas Instruments TI 99/4A:
Beige TI 99/4A with original power supply, TV modulator, and comes in the original box. This computer works great and has a built-in BASIC interpreter. Has a cartridge slot and Hex-bus expansion. S/N 54010725 $35 OBO
2.) Commodore VIC-20
Very old Commodore VIC-20 computer. Just the unit, no modulator or power supply. In good condition, but missing the sticker on front. I don't know if it works, but have vacuumed it out and replaced a blown fuse. Maybe for parts?
S/N 073279 $10 OBO
3.) Compaq Portable III
640k RAM, 40MB HD, Windows 3.0, 14.4Kbps modem. Comes with original manual, software, etc. E-mail for details. Comes with a Panasonic KX-P1090 printer. $50 OBO
4.) Macintosh Classic
2MB RAM, 40MB HD, MacOS 7.0.1, keyboard, mouse, software, great condition. E-mail for more info. Comes with ImageWriter II printer. $75 OBO

Question: Does anybody have an Amiga 200HD, 600HD, or 1200HD for sale at a good price?

-Sorry for the length of this message.

Don Goff <dongoff@geocities.com>
Monmouth, IL USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 17:01:02
I recently acquired a Hewlett Packard Vectra RS/16 server
really cheap... However, when it boots, it asks for the setup
disks for it. I've looked and looked on the net, and can't
find them anywhere. If anyone knows where to find them, or has
them, I would greatly appreciate it. The Bios Version on the
computer is C.02.01 RS/16

Don Goff

Mark Frischknecht <deathnerd@hotmail.com>
Sussex, N.J. USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 14:28:43
Does any body know where to find PDP11 DISK images?

Allan Moore <amoore@hitech.net.au>
Moolort, Victoria Australia - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 12:49:09
Greetings and Salutations to all,

I have a Toshiba t3100e portable computer and would like to expand the memory.
It appears that it takes a special type of 30 pin SIMM.
The question is; Does anyone in Australia have any or do you know where I can get some.(: CHEAP :)
Also interested in an internal modem for same.

Lori <ski@runestone.net>
MN - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 12:32:17
Does anyone know what BPS this modem is?
Smartlink 1496UM Model # 9600UM
I'm thinking a External 9600 BPS but would like to be sure
before buying it.

Marcel Eijgermans <Eijgermans@dia.eur.nl>
Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 11:38:28
Does anyone have a standard paper-tray for a HP laserjet 4.


Jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 08:06:15

compaq 486/20e laptop.

I willpay up to $30 for it.

Jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 08:06:05

compaq 486/20e laptop.

I willpay up to $30 for it.

Jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 08:05:54

compaq 486/20e laptop.

I willpay up to $30 for it.

Jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 08:05:35

compaq 486/20e laptop.

I willpay up to $30 for it.

Carla Van <cathatz@hotmail.com>
Bristol, PA USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 03:18:39
I recently was given this computer and would like to fix it
and use it as part of a college class project. Here are the
numbers that I found on it:
Gateway 2000 486 sx/25, ASTEC Model No: AA14500,
date:9112M rev:00, s/n: 991017103, Malaysia, QC:9PG2,
B10441029, 25 MHZ, Micronics Computers Inc., copyright
87'-92'copyright, MLR53820, Component Type, Custom
Rectifier, 9218, Maxtor Model 7546AT, UpLeLev, HDA,
10P1, PcBA 36P1, Unique 06P1 s/n: C606FRFS, ko12563228,
FCC ID# Hwymg486 5x, output 110-120v 1.5 amp, 220-240v
1.0 amp, ul 0661959 UL Listed Computer 8L82.
I tried contacting Gateway, but they said I would have to
get in touch with the correct country where the computer was
made and gave me a list of countried. I did not see Malaysia
on the list. Is there a country close to that that might be
connected to the same company?
I would like to get data concerning jumper settings or dip
switch settings, etc. My class is over near the end of NOvember
98 and it is now 10-7-98. Hope there is time to
get help with these settings and numbers.

Doug Blevins <cgrape@inreach.com>
Lodi, CA USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 01:55:09
Howdy All! I've got a fully functional IBM PS2 Mdl30 to trade.God help me,but I've developed a desire for a Model 50z or a model 60.I've got other items to offer in a trade,as well.E-mail me.Thanx!

Fernando Montes de Oca <fermont@amauta.rcp.net.pe>
Lima, Per· - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 01:31:51
I am in need of a Bondwell 486 DXC Notebook┤s power source to repair mine, please e-mail me if you know of anyone selling parts who can provide me of that part.

Michael Lettie <MWLettie@mailcity.com>
Farmington, NM United States - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 23:39:59
On the Magnavox Headstart 500, The CD Rom device is not a tray, but simply a slot. Do I need to purchase a seperate part to put CD 's in the machine, or is it designed to simply accept an inserted disc??

Thank you

Charles S. Wackerman Sr. <cwackerm@home.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 21:40:18
I have an Osborne II computer (and some manuals and software) which
very badly need a new home. Contact me if you're interested.

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 21:28:51
I am trying to locate a IBM 256k EGA adapter at the local
computer stores, but I have not had much luck because I have
no way of identifying one. Is there anybody out there who could
snap a picture of their IBM 256k EGA board and send it to me?
Either that or let me know how I can identify one.


josh <pinewood@bellsouth.net>
prattville, AL UNITED STATES - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 19:47:45

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, VA USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 19:36:04
Hi there guys. How big is Windows 3.0? Does anyone have a copy of 3.0 that
I can get from ya? Let me know. Thanks.

Michelle <eyeballz@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 19:32:20
I forgot to mention that I have both a 3.5 and a 5.25 drive.

Michelle <eyeballz@hotmail.com>
Kirksville, Mo USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 19:28:01
Does anyone out there have any Apple IIc plus software? I just got the computer but only have Appleworks software. I am especially interested in word processing with variable fonts and a spell checker; as well as desktop publishing. However any kind of software would be a appreciated. Also I was in need of a joystick or mouse for the computer. Please email me above with what ever you have and prices.

Richard Bolin <bolinrs@juno.com>
- Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 16:46:23
Does anybody have info on the AC adapter for the Compaq SLT286 or SLT386? Specifically the output voltage? (It may be written on the bottom of the case.)I need to rig up a replacement for my old standby. Also pinout of the plug would help. Am also looking for info on the Toshiba T1000, if anybody has any. TIA, bolinrs@juno.com

John <jp7083a@american.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 15:48:14
I'm looking for the technical specifications for the original
Apple 1 computer from 1976-1977. If anyone has those I'd REALLY
appreciate it if you could e-mail them to me at the above
address. Thanks!

Bob Johnson <falco@anti-social.com>
Wheaton, IL - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 15:29:13
I'm working on a Compaq Portable, and right now it has an 8087, MS-DOS 6.22, two full-height 5.25" FDD's, a Compaq proprietary HDD on an ISA card, and a 14.4Kbps modem. What I wanted to know is: if I were to take the BIOS from an IBM PC and put it into the Compaq, would it work properly, and if I did, what would be the point?
Also, if anyone is looking to shell out a Commodore 128D or 64C, which I find doubtful, I'd love if you dropped me a line, or if you just want to exchange tips...I have around 45 computers and may be willing to lose a couple if anyone makes a reasonable offer as well...I guess that's about it...
bob johnson

Anthony and Lawrence <at006@rocketmail.com>
Toronto, Ont. Canada - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 13:16:50
We are the Crescent students involved in posting some of the inappropriate messages found below. Please forgive us and the school. We are sincerely regretful for offending the people here and this helpful website. We are aware of what we have done and it was an act of childishness and spontaneity. We apologize on behalf of the school and ourselves. We had no intention of getting the school involved in this prank and it was supposed to remain private. But it did.
Sorry for inconveniencing and insulting you.

Anthony and Lawrence
Crescent School

huck <huckdunsany@hotmail.com>
guess, CA USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 13:04:41
i am in need of SIP memory.
it is very odd memory, and i need it for a bizarre
Atari 386 mother board i am working on.
If you have some, please let me know.
Also, if you would like to e-mail a young dinocomputer fan,
please do. i have 18 (no lie!!!) computers, from TRS-80's
to Apple II's to Commadores, and a few even I don't know
WHAT to call. so, drop me a line if old computers are
your thing!


Ruthanne <crtyler@hotmail.com>
Orlando, FL USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 12:40:46
My Toshiba T4400Sx laptop screen died. To get a new one would cost six times what I paid for the computer. Does anyone have an non working hard drive but a working screen that they are willing to part with?

Eugene Tetzlaff <ettholmen@aol.com>
Holmen, WI USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 10:35:45
SWTP 6800 computer for sale -MAKE AN OFFER-

Ricardo <rjpaula@base.com.br>
- Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 01:35:21
I need a manual of OPTI-495SLC 3406 REV 1.2
Thanks for your attention.

Franτois Brouillet <frankfun@videotron.ca>
Canada - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 00:19:44
I have an IBM PS/2 30 286 with which seems to be a VGA monochrome video card (which is not common), the monitor is an IBM type 8503-001 and the connector is a DBhd 15 pins (3 rows of 5 pins). The problem is that, the wire of the monitor was completly cut off, and I had no way to figure out which pins on the video card corresponds to the differents colors wires. The only thing I know is that there are HS, VS, SC, GR, ST GR Video signal and a grd video signal and I know which pins correspond to the differents colors. I would like to know where I should connect these differents pins in my video card on my PS/2, and if you can I would like to know what is SC and ST. Thanks

eric Patey <epatey@pangea.ca>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 22:12:55
I am having trouble with a PCI Technologies, ExpertChips, Expert8449 Rev1.3 board.
The board has been set so that the FDC is disabled, and I have NO idea which jumper...HELP

Dusty <omni@mail.iamerica.net>
USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 17:38:33
I have a Laser Pal386/SX that I was redo'ing for a friend.
Inside the chassis, there are some dip switches which control
some of the computers Com/Par Port Settings. Can someone
put me in the right direction, as to how these Dip switches
need to be set? Is there a URL to find that info?
Please help ASAP. Please email me direct.

Dwight Elvey <elvey@hal.com>
ca - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 17:19:20
I'm looking for information on the 4004 microprocessor.
I'm looking for one of the old MCS4 users manuals
that had information on the SIM4-01 board by Intel.
If anyone has one of these manuals, I'd like to get
a copy made.

Ryan <memnoch@brightok.net>
- Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 17:09:46
Does anyone have an older laptop that they would like to sell? If so please e-mail me.


John I. <johniac@juno.com>
Olney, Md. USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 16:49:13
Need configuration info on an Acculogic sIDE 4/Plus controller. Acculogic's home page is useless, and I've searched in vain for the information. I'm building a 486-33 computer for the kids, but there seems to be a conflict in the system.

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg , VA USAq - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 14:38:40
Ok, how can you tell the difference between memory that is EDO
and Non Edo by looking at the chip? Someone said it depends on
whether the chip has mem chips on 1 side....is that right? Let me know. Thanks

Lloyd Hanes <lloyd.hanes@encode.com>
Washago, ON CAN - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 13:57:01
I have a 10yr old HP Laserjet IID which works quite well except for one annoying little habit. 9 out of 10 times when I send it a print job, as soon as the data starts transferring to the printer it kicks out a sheet of paper with one to 5 U's in the top left corner, why does this happen and is there a way to stop it?
Thank you..... :)

R. Reedy <rreedy@voicenet.com>
Schuylkill Haven, Pa USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 10:30:21
ALR Venture 386sx - I have four of these that need additional
memory. Does anyone know where I can find some, I have looked
high and low, with no luck. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF OUY KNOW

A.Schaap <A.Schaap@pl.hanze.nl>
Groningen, Netherland - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 09:30:32
This message is for Jason.

Jason,you asked about connecting a CGA or VGA to your Apple II/C.
The manual tells; you can connect a 'flat panel display' and also a
RF-modulator for connecting a color television. It doesn't tell to
connect a CGA or VGA.
I tryed to mail to you but the message came back without delivering.

I als o have a question to you. Do you have the specs or a manual
for the Wang WLTC you last want to sell on this helpline. I need to know
how to connect a diskdrive, I don't have the pinouts. I'm also looking
for a printercartidge for this machine.

Allard Collector of obsolete computers

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 08:12:15
Does any one have the manuals for the laptop:

Compaq 4/25E

I would like to have a photocopy or the book. I will pay money for them.

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 08:12:07
Does any one have the manuals for the laptop:

Compaq 4/25E

I would like to have a photocopy or the book. I will pay money for them.

Charles Martz <tomcat@dclink.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 07:30:02
I just pick up a Compuadd laptop model 325tx, when I fire it up it shows a gate A20 failure. If anyone knows anything
about these such as does it require a setup disk and what this failure means etc. All help is well appreciated..

Charles Martz <tomcat@dclink.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 07:18:28
I posted a message a few days ago looking for a power supply for a Notestar laptop model # NP-943C someone
responed however when I send a reply the mail is returned.
Could that person please forward a good mailing address and what you want for the device. Thanks...

T D Kueper <TDKueper@Hotmail.com>
Winnemucca, NV USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 01:31:08
I have a box full of Commodore 64 parts to give to a needy home. Includes working computer(s) hard drives, etc. Also have machine language books, various cards and numerous programs. Would like to direct to a group that will use it or at least not throw it out. Please send your justification and I'll weigh it to figure how much you might have to pay to get it shipped.

PS this site did help with an obscure question regarding a Gateway 2000, (not working just yet tho....) Keep up the good work!

David Hopper <wd4jkh@mindspring.com>
Forsyth, GA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 01:11:50
DEC stuff give-away!!

Well, I am giving up on trying to get the DEC Rainbow working again. After encountering the
keyboard error during initialization, I tried 3 different keyboards, 3 monitors and cables.
I remembered I had a DECmate III, so I tried it, and also got a '16' on the screen, which also
is a keyboard error. The only clue I have left is that I must have several pieces of bad hardware.
So enough is enough. I have decided to upgrade the packet radio terminal from the DEC Rainbow to
the Tandy 1000SX. I sure will miss that smooth screen scrolling on the DEC, but hey, at 30 megs
in the Tandy, I will have 3 times the hard drive space!!
So here is the deal. If there are any DEC fans out there, here is you chance to get a piece or
two just for the cost of shipping. As you might expect, I can make no guarantees as to the
condition of the units.
The following is a list of what I want to pass on, with the UNPACKED weight of each piece.

1 - DEC Rainbow 100, model PC100-A1, serial WF29621, 10mb H/D (Seagate ST-412), 32 pounds
1 - DEC VR201C Monitor, amber screen, 14 pounds
1 - DEC VR201A Monitor, black & white screen, 14 pounds
1 - DEC VR201B Monitor, green screen, 14 pounds
3 - LK201 Keyboards (one has a problem with the space bar) 4 pounds each
1 - DECmate III, model PC238-AA, 19 pounds
1 - RX50-AA Floppy Disk Drive, 5 pounds
Several video cables
Assortment of software for the Rainbow and DECmate. If interested, let me know and I'll try
to provide a list.

Naturally the packed weight will be a little higher, but this would give you an idea of the
shipping costs. You can check out UPS.COM for calculating cost. These items would be shipped
from zip code 30223. First come, first served. Save these units from a dire fate!

E-mail if interested..

David - wd4jkh@mindspring.com

Casolai <Casolai@hotmail.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 00:29:07
I just got a 286 motherboard that I would REALLY like to try, but I can't find the jumper settings for it. I think its a Biostar, and there is a model number on it: MB-1212C. It has a 12mhz 286cpu, with 5 16bit slots and 2 8bit slots, there are 4 30pin SIPP slots, and 12 dipp slots for old mem chips. It has an Award BIOS dated 1989. If anybody has info on this board, please let me know

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 22:26:31
Could someone tell me how to put a cdrom in my Compaq docking station. I hav a general idea but not exactly pure. Please email

jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 22:26:21
Could someone tell me how to put a cdrom in my Compaq docking station. I hav a general idea but not exactly pure. Please email

Andrew C. Livesay <wtrclr@bellatlantic.net>
MD usa - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 21:55:31
I need to know how i can use a hercules monochrome adapter on a PS/1 which has a built in cirrus logic vga. I think you can set this in the bios somewhere, but i can only enter the bios when the vga is on and the herc is not installed. If i install the herc the computer does nothing. if have them both on,stil nothing.

Please mail if you know. Thanks.

Brian Futrell <bfutrel@ibm.net>
Zebulon, NC USA - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 21:35:52
I'm looking for a spring to under in the Caps Lock key on a Commodore C-128.

Glenn Cameron <glenn@keylogix.co.nz>
auckland, New Zealand - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 20:37:20
Does anybody have the jumper settings for a GoldStar Prime 2 I/O card. Notice that I say prime 2 it IS NOT the 2C. Please reply to glenn@keylogix.co.nz

Aaron Kuhn <akuhn@usa.net>
- Monday, October 05, 1998 at 20:09:17
Update to my previous post...
I'm working on a Sperry computer, model number 3126-00. The thing has 8 expansion slots, and weighs a friggin ton.. so you have an idea what machine i'm talking about here. Upon booting, the machine spits this message at me 9 out of 10 times:
After paging through the technical reference manual real quick, and an educated guess at what "MMP" is... I've come to the conclusion it's something to do with the System RAM, or even the ROM. If anyone here has messed with Sperry's before and knows exactly what that code denotes and anyways to fix it, I'd appreciate it if you email me. It's a real nice machine and I'd hate to see it goto dumpster land (unfortunately I'm working on this at school.. where if stuff doesn't get fixed in about 3 weeks, it gets chucked)
The machine has booted for me ONCE in the past 3 days, after that problem started occuring too, so I don't think it's totally a lost cause.

Tucker <sikpuppy@wavetech.net>
- Monday, October 05, 1998 at 19:12:40
Hi again,
In June I posted a note about my Accer/Multitech 1100 386 with the crashed harddrive. I got a response from someone with a harddrive that would work. But, because of a virus, and then fdisking i lost all the information. Would love to hear from you again.

DRAGON <dragon@swva.net>
NewCastle, Va Craig - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 16:28:57
Ok all you commodor buffs I got the time to try out the printer
setup and it works very well.
Hook your commodor printer to your pc with the same cable that
you use for the disk drive conversion and go to
and download the file cbmpr11.zip unzip the file and you will be ready to
print on your commodor serial printer via the paralell port of
your pc.
have fun DRAGON

Ernie <minidvr@aol.com>
Erith,, Kent England - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 14:59:05
I have obtained an RS Components 170-339 Personal Portable Computer, this dos based machine has two ic cards and output via a unique serial and parallel port. I got a serial cable but not a printer cable, RS cannot help, they list the machine as discontinued.

I want to source a printer cable, and IC cards suitable for the machine. Can anyone help?? or list a supplier.

I like the machine, it has a good keyboard and has ms works built into rom. It is suitable as a lightweight mobile, and easy to use.

Any information on this machine would be gratefully received.

Regards, Ernie

Mr. Shifty (¼_¼) <divefox@students.jccc.net>
- Monday, October 05, 1998 at 14:31:24
Ok, here's another infusion of equipment I need help with...

AT&T 6386
I thought I was getting a 8088 for $1 when I got this, but when I popped the cover off, lo and behold, it's a 386.
So, I pop the hard drive's "cage" off (Looks like an afterthought or an expansion chassis)
It's a 390 meg 5.25 FULL HEIGHT ST-506 (ESDI?) where it looks like all the sectors have gone bad.
Is this a jumper conflict, or should I give up on it and go ATA?

From the same source, I got an Apple ImageWriter II for $1. If I use the self-test, it says "Internal loop-back fail!" and prints out some numbers. Is it dead, Jim?

You idiots who are clogging up the helpline are lamers. LA-MERS. Ask your local PC guru if you don't know what LAMER means. (Apologies to IDG books)
If there is a waste of computrons, you are it.
Don't worry, the nice men with the warm white jackets with wrap-around arms who'll give you plenty of medicine are coming for you...

Kenneth W. Sewell <sewellk@unt.edu>
Denton, TX 76201 - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 14:21:04
Have the following for sale in original boxes

(1) IBM PC/Jr. 128K/Floppy/Cartridge basic/Kbd w/wire
(1) Panasonic KXP1080 printer

Also, lots of related software.

Make an offer.


Ian MacDonald <ian@holedigger.demon.co.uk>
- Monday, October 05, 1998 at 13:29:03
I've aquired a 486 system that won't boot up. On opening the case a jumper fell out. The only id on the board is "V4P895P3/SMT V5.0".Can anyone help with jumper settings?

Brady Allison <allisobm@hoopeston.k12.il.us>
hoopeston, IL USA - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 12:02:09
Did anyone else notice how poor the grammer was in the comments that "Kikosho
David Hopper <wd4jkh@mindspring.com>
Forsyth, GA - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 00:23:21
I had been using a DEC Rainbow 100 as a dedicated packet terminal (which worked very well!). After a lull in my
packet activity, I decided to get everything up and running again. The problem I have now is when I turn the
DEC on, it initiates to the point where it stops with the error:
All 4 of the keyboard LEDs light up continuously.
I have tried:
1-Swapping keyboard with some old spares, same results
2-Swapping the cable between the keyboard and monitor, same results
3-Swapping monitors with a spare (keyboard plugs into the monitor), no change
4-Swapping cable between the monitor and computer, same results
5-Disassebled the PC, blew out all the dust, reseated all the card and reassembled, same results

Any suggestions? Put it all out to pasture, literally?

Thanks for any responses

Matt Brault <brault1@midwest.net/>
Eldorado, Il USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 22:37:09
I have noticed an increase in questions about jumper settings and other things hardware based that may be covered in these web pages. Some are ones that I've collected from someone's help on the Helpline, some are ones I've found.


Hope this helps :-)

Art <artc@4apc.com>
Troy, Michigan USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 22:16:58
I have a like new Commodore CM-141 color display

(this was manufactured by Gold Star)

Anybody interested?

Greg <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
Ludington, mi usa - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 21:38:04
got a few questions

***does anyone have startup/boot files for a wyse pc+ (8088)or if there is a older wyse setup program for this model. it will boot with dos 2.11 but cannot run a wyse 286 setup. need later version. 5.0 will not run.

***i need to know jumper settings for a conner 120 mb 30109 esdi hard drive. this is the one with the 3.5" edgecard conncector.

***does anyone know what i will need to put a mfm hard drive in my iBM portable computer?? 8088 256k 2 360k drives,etc...

***will win95 (SORRY!!!) run on a 286 upgraded to a 386 via a upgrade cpu?? how much ram do you need to run it?

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 21:33:58
Just a word of caution for those who may be interested in the Compaq mentioned below:

The 386s/20 is NOT worth $80 with the config it has. Also, the lowest amount of RAM possible in that computer is 2 meg, not 1meg. A 386s/20, with the config of a 120 MB HD, 10MB RAM, 120 MB HDD, and Compaq case, is worth $70, or $80, if you're lucky to find a buyer. Most 386 laptops go in the $50-$70, depending on the configs.

Just a little word of caution...


J. M. Reichard <intelec@execpc.com>
- Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 18:51:22
I am still looking for a Toshiba 286 laptop and also innexpensive
486 laptops ($75-$105)

J. M. Reichard

Steve Korgie <skorgie@cchat.com>
CAFB, SC USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 18:16:48
Can someone send me a copy of Win 3.1 (not 3.11) any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bigfoot.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 17:13:38
Still have one Zenith ZWS-248-62 desktop unit to find a good home for. It's a 286-12 destop unit with 2 external 5.25" bays, 4 internals. This is the planar version, meaning that the bottom board is only a slot board and that the processor is on a card. It comes ready to run except for no hard or floppy drives. Has way over 1mb RAM, serial and 2 printer ports, mono graphics card (can be chahnged to CGA, EGA, VGA easily w/ common boards), great power supply, excellent case, etc. Weighs in the vicinty of 22 lbs without drives. All you do is add a floppy, MFM hard drive, keyboard, monitor and GO! Will run Windows easily.

The last one I have - need $10 plus cheapest shipping for it w/o drives, $15 with 1.2mb floppy + shipping. Could make it a complete system with hard drive for $20 plus shipping if you like. Then all you need is a monitor and keyboard. If floppy and hard drive is elected, will preload DOS and Windows on hard drive free of charge. Excellent machine for the kids, beginners, collectors, etc.

Email me direct if interested.

DOS Dude <dosdude@bmts.com>
ON Canada - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 15:39:12
I'm in desperate need of the start up files for a Tandy 1000TX
desktop PC. I'm not sure of the BIOS ver. number but I've been told all the TX models shipped the same, so if you have one of these jurrasic beasts, please send me a copy of your start up files.

Thanx for your help,

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 14:51:25
Does anybody have any good suggestions on how to minimize
distortions and static while using the TI 99/4A with a
television set?

Heather <batti@hwcn.org>
Hamilton, Ont Canada - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 14:49:19
I am attempting to help a friend get her commodore p50-s up and running again. We have formatted drive, installed Dos etc, but it keeps telling us "missing operating system" Anyone have any suggestions? Please e-mail me ASAP . Thanks!

Compaq 386 <jud34@juno.com, or jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 14:32:41
Does anyon want to buy a Compaq 386s/20 with onw meg of ram and a 40 meg harddrive. I am only asking $80. That is a good price it looks very good. Click on Compaq 386 above to see it

Jud the laptop man

Jud the laptop man <jud34@juno.com, or jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 14:31:29
Does anyon want to buy a Compaq 386s/20 with onw meg of ram and a 40 meg harddrive. I am only asking $80. That is a good price it looks very good. Go to the url above to see a pic of it.

Jud the laptop man

Jud the laptop man <jud34@juno.com, or jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 14:31:18
Does anyon want to buy a Compaq 386s/20 with onw meg of ram and a 40 meg harddrive. I am only asking $80. That is a good price it looks very good. Go to the url above to see a pic of it.

Jud the laptop man

Jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 14:20:28
Does anyone have a 10-24x cd rom drive they want to get rid of. Internal or external.

I will pay for this at a good price. Email me

Jud <jud34@juno.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 14:20:15
Does anyone have a 10-24x cd rom drive they want to get rid of. Internal or external.

I will pay for this at a good price. Email me

yolanda mashburn <yolandamashburn@mindspring.com>
decatur, ga usa - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 12:42:33
I have a Sharp PC-3030 and I want inernet; what lsot card should I get? PCMCIA? or external modem?

I want a print to go with it; what kind? type? model

what's the best internet server?

can I get a DVD attachment? what kind? make? model?


Bary Bisang <gary_bisang@sunshine.net>
Sechelt, BC Canada - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 11:36:42
Hi, Silly question but, I put a CD-Rom drive in where the 5.25 floppy was. It works fine, but couldn't fine the connecter to plug the audio cable to. Any ideas? Thank-you.

Aaron Kuhn <akuhn@usa.net>
- Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 10:53:38
I have a "small" problem with a Sperry computer at school. It's a 286 I believe... anyways, the following message pops up upon booting it: E-MMP1-0B00-0000-0000-0000. I know this is a memory error, but the strange thing is the first time I went to look at the computer, I turned it on and it worked fine. I cycled the power, and got this error. The technical reference manuals I looked at for the machine do not help much. Anyone familiar with Sperry machines?

Tom <TBar201@AOL.Com>
Revere, MA USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 10:42:14
QMS 2001 QMS 2001 QMS 2001 QMS 2001 QMS 2001

Help Please!!

I recently upgraded from Win 95 to Win 98 and my QMS 2001 Knowledge System will not print. I've been through all settings IRQ's etc with different techs. The printer was discontinued in May 1996 and QMS does not have a Win 98 driver. Does anyone know if this is available anywhere? Or, will another driver work at least to print?

Thanks for any assistance on this matter.


NCP <ts.com@t-online.de>
- Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 09:54:36
We sell used computer parts (mostly from old 286-computers).
Come in! - We certainly have something for you!

Needham Smith <needham@worldnet.att.net>
oklahoma city , ok usa - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 09:03:17
Does anyone have any Info. on a TI 99 COMPUTER. No Not A 99/4. This is a bigger machine with a 1/4 inch tape drive. What operating System? etc
? wHAT

Rick Mayes <rmayes@kih.net>
Leitchfield, KY USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 07:50:37
Want to purchase a snap in CDROM drive module for a Texas Instruments 655CD laptop, p/n# 9813543-0001
10 speed

Charles Martz <tomcat@dclink.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 00:26:18
I am looking for a laptop power supply for a Notestar model
NP-943C if anyone has one for sale or know where I can obtain one from will be well appreciated.

1 <Fallonjr@sprintmail.com>
naples, fl USA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 23:39:05
I have a DECpc xl 590 and would like to know if there is any
way to install windows 95 or 98. I tried 95 but the c drive
keeps getting lost. Very annoying! I shut it down and
reboot and it works again. Is there any way to upgrade
this machine to work or do I own a good boat anchor? It has
a pentium, 64 meg of ram, 2.5 gig scsi, an 200meg ide, and a 8 speed cd rom.
Any help would be appreciated.

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 21:00:12
I have a few questions:

Does anyone have the voltage for the backlight on a Toshiba TLX-1342-G3B1 CGA LCD? It was pulled from a Tandy 1400HD laptop.

Is there any way to connect a non-Apple monitor to the RGB port on an Apple //c? It's a 15-pin connector, like a PC joystick/MIDI connector. Being a 15-pin connector, would a VGA monitor work with it? Or would it just need to be a CGA, or would I just have to get an Apple monitor?

I know it's pretty rare, but does anyone have an LCD panel for the //c?


Kirk Thomas <kirk.thomas@n2mail.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 20:20:52
I have a Compaq Deskpro 386/25. Does anyone know if it
needs setup disks or does anyone have any info. on it
please tell me or send it to my E-mail.


Bret McFarland <bmcfarland@esrv.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 19:27:26
Compac Deskpro 486/ 33i Replacing 33mhz chip with DX4/100 chip.
Need Motherboard jumper settings.

Mark Lumley <mlumley@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Morden, Surrey England - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 19:10:11
Anyone have a manual/jumper settings for a 486 motherboard, apparently made by DATAEXPERT CORP?

It has ISA and PCI slots, CPU Socket 3, an ALI 39/45 chipset; the only reference number I can see on it is 8049 Rev 1.1a.

DATAEXPERT CORP's web site doesn't have any reference to this board.


greg <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
lud, mi us - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 18:15:25
i need a setup program for a leading edge 8088 model d

or jumper/switch settins for a hdd. thanks.

greg <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
lud, mi us - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 18:15:03
i need a setup disk for a leading edge 8088 model d

or jumper/switch settins for a hdd. thanks.

Jon Lockwood <Jazz2000@gte.net>
- Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 17:25:18
First off i would like to apoligize for an in appropriate posting i placed here a while back. Second. Today I Ran across a Toshiba T1100plus in a Yard sale and the people GIVE it to me. The power supply got fried tho... in fact it got so hot it melted the case. So does anyone know the pinout for this power supply or does anyone needs some parts, or WISHES to get rid of Some parts For this type of machine. Every thing on it appeard to be fine accept a Toasted power supply.
thanks :)

Jon Lockwood

Bill Fry <billfry@erols.com>
Washington, DC USA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 15:54:26
I have three Apple][+ computers with floppy drives, green monitors, manuals and s/w, all from 1981. I will keep one for sentimental reasons, but might be willing to sell the others. I do not know if anyone wants them. Is there a market, and roughly what might they be worth? Please email me at billfry@erols.com with any thoughts. Thanks.

David Klein <aklein@toolcity.net>
Hartstown, PA 16131, PA USA - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 14:53:19
2 items for sale. IBM Type 4869, external 5 1/4" disc drive, no power cord included, $4.00 O.N.O. - I have no way of testing this you are buying it as is. Buyer pays postage cost. Also a motherboard from a Leading Edge 8088 Computer - again, no guarantee, but it was working when removed. $5.00 O.N.O., buyer pays shipping. WANTED D.E.C. COMPUTER LAB WORKBOOK for Model H-500 Computer Lab, Circa late 70's early 80's. A Xerox copy would do fine. e-mail David Klein, aklein@toolcity.net

John Hayward <johnhayward@zetnet.co.uk>
UK - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 12:37:00
140Mb ESDI hard disk and controller card for sale.

15 pounds plus postage

John Hayward <johnhayward@zetnet.co.uk>
Portsmouth, UK - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 12:35:29
Recently got a Dell SVGA monitor with 9 pin scoket on the
back. I need a cable for it, I have seen some monitors
like this before.

Anyone got some schematics so I can make a cable?

B°rge Skσtevik <borges@idi.ntnu.no>
Trondheim, N/A Norway - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 11:03:19
I'm looking for information about jumer-settings on a vitex controller card (IDE, FDD, COM1 & COM2). I'm not sure about the serial number, but i think its some of these numbers printed on the PCB:

ZEON 2 94V0 or FCC ID: JPDVAIDE-2S1P OR 9348

Data I'm interesting in, are:

- Settings for jumper JP6, JP7 and JP8

Best regards

- B°rge

Per Ove Olsen <podesign@online.no>
Norway - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 10:33:09
I've got the hold of this old broyher BC-20, a 286 machine
and I have one problem with it. I wan't to get rid
of the 5 1/4 floppy drive(Panasonic JU-475-3ACG),
because I can't use it to install programs, mainly
because I don't have any software on 5 1/4 floppies.
A friend of mine was throwing out a 3 1/2 floppy,
it's an EPSON SMD-400.
Can anybody help me with this, I haven't found any
manuals for any of them.I have tried to swapping
the jumpers in all possible combinations, but it won't
do any good. I also have to run the BIOS setup from an
5 1/4 floppy. It doesn't seem to work doing it from the
If anyone can help me with this, i will gladly help them
with some webdesign if they need it.

DRAGON <dragon@swva.net>
NewCastle, Va Craig - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 09:31:11
I have been gone for a few days and the first thing i did when i got back was
check out the help line.I couldnt beleive that people had so little respect for themselves and others
that they would be so abusive here.
I would like to see this kind of behavior stop,I will not stop comming here to get help or give help to
the people that need it.
To the children that are sending the nasty little postings- go and talk to your mom and dad like that and
see what happens when you do!
To important things now.
To all the commodor buffs- I located a site that has a cable and software to run a commodor printer from the paralell
port of a pc.As soon as i get it up and going ,to make sure it works ok,ill post the info here so
every one can have it!
well need to be going now.

Martin CHAMR <tenspirits@arsystem.cz>
Ostrava, CZ Czech republic - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 08:14:53
I need BIOS for motherboad 486 with UMC chipset and the motherboard Nr. FX-3000 rev 1.0 with 5 ISA bus and 1 Vl Bus, 8 SIMM banks ( 30 pin )

Martin CHAMR <tenspirits@arsystem.cz>
Ostrava, CZ Czech republic - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 08:13:52
I need BIOS to my motherboard FX-3000 rev 1.0 with UMC chipset, 5 ISA bus, 1 VL Bus and 8 banks for SIMM 30pin.
Please help me


Martin CHAMR <tenspirits@arsystem.cz>
Ostrava, CZ Czech republic - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 08:10:21
I need BIOS for motherboad 486 with UMC chipset and the motherboard Nr. FX-3000 rev 1.0 with 5 ISA bus and 1 Vl Bus, 8 SIMM banks ( 30 pin )

Herb Dye <chestutr@klink.net>
- Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 02:56:12
I have several large text files on my C128 that would take days to retype. Does anyone know an easy way to transfer files from a C128 to a Pentium 90? I wouldn't mind posting them on a bulletin board, but the C128's modem is only 1200 baud

Jon Lockwood <Jazz2000@gte.net>
- Friday, October 02, 1998 at 21:59:43
Ok I am just about give out on trying to repair my DC - DC converter for my Toshiba T3100sx Laptop... unfortunatly i really do need a laptop for school. So... Does anyone have a WORKING power supply for a T3100sx, or a T3100 with a broken something else that has a good power supply board in it. I'm looking for a price range affordable on a Students budget. thanks

Brandon A Bishop <bab1235154@AOL.COM>
Amherst, NH America - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 20:35:28
Hello, This goes to anyone who has been making all of those rude messages. Many of us probably are geeks,
I am! and you should respect those rather antique computers of yesterday. They poured the foundations for the Pedentidum 2, and pedentidum pro computers.
I am still using a 486, and I love it! if you have no respect for 8088-486 computers, than I suggest you get the
hell out! you have no place in here! begone! because I think Tom Carlson has done an excellent job in making this
website! When I accidentally discovered it, about 3 months ago, I never stopped coming here! It is also filled with
great useful information for older computers, and is very entertaining! If you have any comments on this speech,
feel free to E-Mail me!

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Canada - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 20:10:16
Right behind our units at work earlier this week, another company was having an auction. Among the jumble of stuff on the block there was a Philips Logic Analyzer made about 1983.
Can anyone tell me what a Logic Analyzer is and what it's used for? It had a small CRT display and a hexadecimal keypad, among other things.


hanafi t <ivkvplne@centrin.net.id>
jakarta, dki indonesia - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 18:37:20
my 386 opti always display keyboard error when booted.
I have check keyboard fuse ,it's OK
I have replace it's keyboard controller ,it's ok
What else I have to check ,to find the cause ?


Kris <memnoch@brightok.net>
- Friday, October 02, 1998 at 18:01:09
I have an old 5.25in floppy drive that was once on a 286. It worked just fine on the 286, but when I put in on my newer machine it wouldn't work. I changed all setting accordingly. Any suggestions?

brady allison <allisobm@hoopeston.k12.il.us>
hoopeston, IL USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 14:01:33
What's obsolete about a pentium II?

David Wilder <littledavid@wilder.ca>
Toronto, Ont. CA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 14:01:11
Ok, they have been properly punished for their actions. They will never bother you again. We apologize greatly, and hope that we have not posed too much of a bother or insult towards you, or your webpage.
Thank you and I applogize again.

David Wilder

DeNNiS The MeNaCe <meijerda@wxs.nl>
Enschede, OV The Netherlands - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 13:59:56
I'm looking for some docs about the Commodore C286-LT laptop, what I'm looking for is how to get into the bios etc. Furthermore I'm looking for the amigados version 2.1.

fdaah <ahf>
- Friday, October 02, 1998 at 13:58:32
Hi, help me

Terry Cripe <tcripe@defnet.com>
Defiance, OH USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 13:48:10
I'm looking for a working motherboard from an Everex Tempo LX, Ogivar Internote 386SX, Sanyo NB17, or Commodore 386sx-lt.

Frank <frank.ries@ats.uk.eds.com>
Hook, Hampshire, England - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 12:27:07
Has anyone the manual for an ASP Premium II 365SX/20 PC? I need to find out how to reset the bios password.Thanks!!!!

David Wilder <littledavid@wilder.ca>
Toronto, Ont. Canada - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 11:36:30
I realize this message is out of context, but I'd like to apologize to the readers of this board, on behalf of Crescent School, for the messages posted by Nick Wong and Jonathan Haber below. Their actions are inexcusable and are being dealt with immediately.


David Wilder

J.M.PERES <myperes@aol.com>
fontenilles, France - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 11:14:07
Who can explain to me how to change the CMOS battery in a computer ACER 486 SX33( dating from 1994), and what are the type and the number of this battery? Thanks

Jim Warren <Sir516@Juno.com>
Brentwood, NY USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 08:29:41
PLEASE, I keep asking, a COMPLETE copy of DOS on 5 1/4 diskettes, LOW density

hanafi t <ivkvplne@centrin.net.id>
jakarta, dki indonesia - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 04:17:02
I have a opti-495slc motherboard (386 amd processor) which
has battery leak.Now it cannot save setup configuration.
It seem as there is no connection (because has burnt)
between batery to circuit.Does anyone know to what point
I can jump this battery connection ?

Casolai <Casolai@hotmail.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 03:44:47
I have an Intel 8086-2 8mhz cpu and Intel 8087-2 8mhz fpu. I'm looking for a working motherboard that I can install them on, preferably an XT so it will fit in a standard case. I'm interested in buying or trading for it.

Casolai <Casolai@hotmail.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 03:25:01
I'm looking for a 286 16mhz motherboard/cpu that can also take 30pin simms. If anybody can help me I'm interested in buying or trading for it.

Chris PAILLART <cpaillart@brain.neurobio.sunysb.edu>
Port Jefferson, NY USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 00:59:35
While surfing the net, I found this interesting collection of web address of part suppliers and surplus
at : http://hudson.idt.net/~alexbel/links.htm
Old stuff for old boxes...
Good luck

Todd Noetzel <tpheonix@geocities.com>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 23:28:32
ok, I came into some old compaq computers(286's I think). Anyway they have 40meg hard drives
and 1 mb of ram. What The problem is is that whenever I boot up it asks for a diagnostic disk
which I guess is how you change the bios settings. I don't have the disk and compaq wont give me
any clear response about it. Any info would help, please e-mail me

Jim Szczur <tigrman15@hotmail.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 22:32:33
I recently acquired a compaq portable III. It only has a 20 mb hard drive and 640k of ram. I tried to upgrade both but niether worked. any suggestions?

Tubby <memnoch@brightok.net>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 22:10:02
I have a problem. I finaly got a 5 1\4in drive (thanks kj), but I cant get it to work. When my computer boots I get a floppy error. I went and changed all of my settings. Is there anything I can do? If it helps it says on the drive that if was make by mitsubishi electric.


Greg <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
lud , mi us - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 21:40:06

i have a ps/2 model 50z. the hard drive is weird. it has a 3.5" card that slides into the card which slides into the motherboard. i just got a 120 megabyute one to replace the 30 megabyte one. there is no setup on the ref disk for a hdd. how do i set this up???? its a conner 30109 (esdi)???? hard drive with a 3.5 inch edgecard connector. weird!!

greg piper <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
lud, mi us - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 21:37:09

does anyone know if there is a internet browser/dialer for windows 3.x
that i can download/purchase??? i have netscape 1.1 i need a dialer to access internet thru my account. thanks in advancce

Master One <master_one@iname.com>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 21:11:50
I have an IBM PS/2 8556-055 and I cannot get the External CDROM to work at all. I would like some help on the subject. EZ SCSI Doesn't see the SCSI devices in the system. I am having a heck of a time trying to figure this one out.

ZooneyMan <ZooenyMan@yahoo.com>
USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 19:53:40
By the way guys, mr Haber has officially been reported to his isp...among other things. :)

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 19:45:06

I just did a hard drive swap, and it didn't work the way I planned. I have two laptops: an IBM PS/2 L40sx, and a Tandy 1800HD. The IBM had a 60MB Conner drive in it, and the Tandy had a 20MB Conner drive. I bought a new HD for the IBM (120MB Conner), and decided to upgrade the Tandy with the 60MB drive. The 120 in the IBM works fine. However, when I put the 60 in the Tandy, it wouldn't load DOS. I tried a generic SETUP (GSETUP21) to set the HD type - didn't help. I tried re-installing DOS - nothing. The odd part is that I can boot off a floppy, then switch to , and can read from and write to the HD as I normally would. I just can't get it to boot from the HD!



Anonymous Person
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 18:22:16
For those of you interested, here is the ICQ number of Jonathan
Haber (the guy who was posting inappropriate material on the message


L. Moore <uwalam@stumail.westal.edu>
Livingston, AL USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 17:16:37
Okay, I've got a GRiD Compass 1109 laptop (in fact, it should appear in this page's next update). I'd love more info on it, but what I've found on the web amounts to a mere thimbleful.. Anyone know anything about this ancient (1979-82) machine, or where to look for more? :)
- Turq.

Ryan <memnoch@brightok.net>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 16:51:03
I have an old compaq presario cds 524, and I need some CD-ROM drivers for it, can anyone help?

Kirk Thomas <kirk.thomas@n2mail.com>
houston, Tx USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 16:32:01
I recently got a Compaq LTE 4/25c.
I would like to know how to safely
open it, where the PC-card slots are,
and what type of upgrades I can make
on it, (i.e. hardrive, RAM, etc..)

Send anything you know to me if you can,


Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 16:10:40
For anyone that is interested, the address for the idiot that made all those off-topic posts is:


Have fun.

The General <General1@moonshinehollow.com>
Baden, PA USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 16:07:39
Damn right you're sick! You're probably the same person that posted all this other crap. I hope someone finds your real address - better yet - your IP number. Maybe someone will bomb you, or send you a virus and fry your hard drive.

As stated in the rules, there's a whole world of newsgroups out there.

-ThE GeNeRaL

Bill Clinton..."Suck bitch!" <hornycigar@whitehouse.com>
Washington, DC US - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 15:49:08
Umm is it ok to stick my shaft inside the computer and fuck it? I tried it on my CD and I got some major chaffing. It's like all bloody now. Will it be safe to do the same thing to my computer hard drive? I'm in love with my computer!!! HELP ME!! I'm sick!!!

Darian <ho@poo.com>
Cumshot, XXX Hooters Haven - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 15:45:23
You people make me sick!!
Get a goddamn decent PC!!
"My 286 won't boot! Oh no! what do I do? And my other computer, the Apple C2, I can't get my 5 inch floppy disk in!! NOOO!!!! Help me!!! My 9600 baud modem is too slow for the current phone lines!!!! SHIT!

Chewy Chu <chewbacca@atemyballs.com>
Los Angeles, CA Zimbabwe - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 15:37:01
Sheflin can lick my balls clean!!!
Lick my ballsack!!!
Drink it up you cumshot master!
Oh BTW, I need help with my 486DX/2
How come I cannot get my Diamond Multimedia Monster 3d 2 Voodoo 2 to work with it???

Michael Sheflin <Sheflin@home.com>
Westfield, NJ USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 15:32:46
People who are not here for Old Computers, and wish to write
curses should leave now. Tom, is there anyway to filter
these people out?

Darian <ho@poo.com>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 14:05:42

Michael DiCioccio <i xtant i@aol.com>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 13:31:29
I need a system disk..after I formatted my harddrive it says "invalid system disk" I need something to put an operating system back on my computer...

Tim Richardson <richardt@lee-dns1.army.mil>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 12:56:52
Someone at work has come up with a NeXT. The display comes on with a prompt but it does not appear to boot. There is no software with it, disks or otherwise. I am suspecting it had an external hard drive that has disappeared. Any advice?

Ed Wagaman <edwag@netassoc.net>
Palestine, WV USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 12:40:22
Had an HP Vectra QS/16 Mod D1410A Config D1412A donated to our Humane Society and I am working on it. It's a 386 class but I can't get into the BIOS setup. It has
ROM BIOS HP Compatability Software
Phoenix D.02.00 QS/16
during boot up and comes up with a
Configuration error run SETUP
F1 to continue
message. I tried all the ways I know e.g. DEL key, CTRL S, CTRL ALT ESC etc. Think it needs a disk like old Epsom and Compaq. Does anyone out there have one AND be willing to share it? Or does anyone know something I overlooked trying to get The BIOS? It runs pretty well in on a DOS platform with whatever it thinks is not setup right. I Ran QA Plus and checked the CMOS from there and it seems to be OK.
Thanks in advance.

ladyhawke <ladyhawke@jps.net>
bay area, ca., ca usa - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 11:24:45
Hello. Im new to computers. My freind gave me a Pac Bell legend 25 Tv Supreme. I can find any new "updates" or any info from Pacard Bell Home Page.
Anyone know how old is it. What's the Legend 25TV signafy. Does it have tv card inside ? Can anyone tell me about it out there. Please send e-mail to
ladyhawke@jps.net Thank you.....

Tom Copper <tcopper@roxboro.net>
Roxboro, NC - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 11:05:49
I recently aquired a Hewlett-Packard Apollo Series 400, Model A1630 Type 425t
and it appears to be a server. Does anyone know how to connect a monitor to this
computer, or what type monitor? I don't see a connector that would work except one
labelled AUI. Is that it? Thanks to all who respond.

Let me apologize for the "brain cell challenged" individual who made the following comments,
must be one of those idiots someone is always going to have to make excuses for.

Jonathan Haber
Delphi, fdf Zimbabwe - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:37:08
F*ck You!!!!!! All to HELL!!!

Jonothan Haber
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:36:05

Gopal Punjab <cum@n.me>
Delhi, NS China - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:35:09
$^#@$^#@%&#$&$#$@#$!!!!!! You stupid #%!@#%!@#% GEEKS!!!

Jonothan Haber <haberj@crescent.willowdale.on.ca>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:35:06
F*ck you all to hell!!!! This site stinks!!! I hate you
all. By the way I AM GAY!!!

Zeedick Leung
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:33:37
SUCK MY *&^#*&(^#@(*%

Zeedick Leung <dreagon@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:32:19

Jonathan Haber <haberj@crescent.willowdale.on.ca>
Toronto, NB Zimbabwe - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:31:55
I think your page really stinks. I don't really care about all your stinking computers. Do you geeks have anything better to do??

Zeedick Leung <dreagon@hotmail.com>
hongkong China - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:30:12
hello!!!! everyone here sucks!!! I hate your website
and it just plain rieks!!! I wanna kick all you geeks
seen!!!! DAMN YOU ALL!!!!

KENTVILLE, NS CANADA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 08:06:46

Irek Lerczak <idel@poznan.tpsa.pl>
Poznan, Poland - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 06:59:17
Hi !
Who knows, how configure mainboard KS0TG919 ver.1
chipset EFAR with processor AMD 486/DX2 -66MHz or 80MHz. My problem: board started but not reset (hard reset). My board (KS-TG919) not start in non-turbo option.
Why? Who knows jumper-seting for this processor instalation?
MY chipset EC802G/EC100G.
Operation Memory 4*1MB(30pin) and 1*8MB(72pin)
Sorry for my English!
Manufactured: probable U-Board Computerize Co. Ltd.
e-mail: idel@poznan.tpsa.pl

Sven KΣstner <03915419579@t-online.de>
Magdeburg, 39104 Germany - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 06:54:13
I need a manuel for HP Vectra 386/33/NI.
I would like upgrade RAM.
I don't know, how I must set the jumper.
Please help me.

You can answer me also in germany.

Thank you very much.

Rune Dahl Iversen <rune@math.ku.dk>
Copenhagen, Denmakr - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 05:47:33
I'm searching for the Manual/DIP-settings to OPTi 495SLC Rev 1.1 Motherboard.
Any and all help would be appreciated!

Maarten Lindeboom <Maarten.Lindeboom@dvi.rld.Minvenw.nl>
The Hague, Netherlands - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 04:49:07
It concerns an old notebook: Nostar NP 942 (cyrix cx486slc processor; 81 mb HD. Probably the HDD controller is out of order. I am searching for a type-number of code of the HDD controller with the meaning to replace it. Also i am searching for a setup-diskette for this notebook. Who can suggest me a proper site where i can get information on this notebook? Thanks

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