Obsolete Computer Helpline

December 1997 Archive

Josh Norton, Jr. <u1c04769@mail.wvnet.edu>
- Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 23:54:35
I have the old HeadStart II GUI if anyone wants a copy.
Heaven knows why you would, but I have it...

Norman MacDonald <nmacdonald@wsu.edu>
Pullman, WA USA - Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 18:21:13
I have an IMSAI 8080 with 'all the trimmings'... problem is,
it has been so long since I've used it, I've forgotten some
vital numbers... It has 2 8" MITS floppy drives, and a MITS
drive controller. Does anyone happen to know the base
address (in hex, octal, or bin) of the MITS IO so that
I can get the bloody thing to boot? I also have a Cromemco
Bytesaver program memory card... this may have been used
as a workaround for basic-in-a-rom, which my machine does
not have. Any ideas on pulling anything off of this?

Thanks for any help with the old dinosaur I learned to
program on!

Paul Goff <goffpaul@concentric.net>
Toronto, ONT Canada - Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 14:25:48
Here is some stuff I need. E-Mail me if you can help.

Color Computer 3 512K upgrade + some disk or cart games.

Macintosh 512K keyboard & the Boot Disk.

ADAM disk drive & any games (tape or disk).


Bruce Godard <child@iamerica.net>
Natchez, MS USA - Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 12:56:43
I have acquired an IBM XT Model 5160 and can't get into
the bios or cmos. I need the system disk. I will boot ok but
it boots directly to a program that looks like gwbasic.
What I'm trying to do is format the hard drive. I put DOS
6.22 in A: and it tells me that there's an error reading
the fixed disk. I can't get to a C:....can anyone help?
I've tried CTRL+ALT+DEL and CTRL+ALT+INS but to no avail.
I can be reached at the e-mail address above or on icq.
My icq # is 5880167, thanks in advance

Jay <jjjoj@concentric.net>
NY, NY USA - Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 12:21:33
I have a Macintosh Classic that needs a new power supply.
I'm looking for the schematic to the machine. Does anyone know where
I can find it on the net or have it?

Rick Mayes <rmayes@westky.com>
Leitchfield, KY USA - Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 06:40:55
I am in need of a switching power supply to replace a DVE Mdoel DSP-0584-100. This unit is 6" long, 3' tall, 4" wide, all measured from the rear faan area. It Came out of a Packard Bell 486SX. I am trying to rrebuild.

Josh Ochal <Jochal@sprintmail.com>
Nashua, NH USA - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 23:37:29
I have printer cables for tandy computers (the kind with
the flat edge). They are very hard to come by. If you are
interested mail me.

Josh Ochal` <jochal@sprintmail.com>
Nashua, NH usa - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 23:36:20
I am looking for a cheap laptop. Got one?

Josh Ochal <jochal@sprintmail.com>
Nashua, NH USA - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 23:09:16
I have a Comador 64 computer with all of the original parts
and a lot of software and the kowala pad. Does anyone
know where I could maby sell it? I also have some obselete
computer equiptment I am tring to get rid of if you, or
someone you know is interested.

Jeff <JDRSchulze@mindspring.com>
- Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 21:04:58
I have some PICT fileson my computer. I have a HP Pavilion computer. How can i view these files on my computer?

- Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 19:11:42
for the c64 smasher:just thought i would mention that this site is for help on repairing pcs or upgrading them not for help on destroying them

Jeff <jeff.harrison@sufsys.com>
- Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 17:39:43
My sister has an old Tandy 286.
The hard drive came unplugged and we cannot complete a Setup without a special disk.
Do you know where I can find one?

Jeff <jeff.harrison@sufsys.com>
- Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 17:38:34
My sister has an old Tandy 286. The hard drive came unplugged and we cannot complete a Setup without a special disk. Do you know where I can find one?

Floyd Hoffman <hoffman@westar.com>
O'Fallon, MO USA - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 16:02:41
I have a Compuadd laptop, 316SL, part number 62201, model A918CA001. I need a battery pack, part number 62217, model A918CA002. Does anyone know where I can find one of these batery packs for less than $98-$102 prices that I've found at several internet sites? I would also like a dc power cord adapter for this laptop. Floyd Hoffman, 12 Hickory Hill Drive, O'Fallon, MO 63366, 314-240-3239

Mats Ericsson <mae@swipnet.se>
Stromstad, SWEDEN - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 14:02:28
I have bought a Ollivetti M300-05 i need a setup disk, where can i get it?
Greatfull for hints!

John Seguin <jcseguin@yesic.com>
Barrie, ON Canada - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 13:53:26
I am looking for a manual for the Dell model 320N+ notebook.

Thank you.

Etwald Goes <abg@worldonline.nl>
Groenekan, N/A The Netherlands - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 12:19:35
Hi All,

My uncle has a Zenith 386sx computer. The battery recently died, so he tried to install a new battery...
The problem is the following :

The CMOS has been deleted, but some kind of password stays active...
Is there some kind of standard password to get into the setup menu or
is there some kind of jumper to reset the password... (the CMOS has already been resetted)...

I think this is a really odd problem....

Thanks ahead,

Etwald Goes

Etwald Goes <abg@worldonline.nl>
Groenekan, N/A The Netherlands - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 12:10:23

I recently bought a Nokia Alfaskop M072 monitor. It has a female DB15 connector instead of a high-density male DB15 connector.
Does anybody know some kind of specifications of this monitor, or does anybody know on which computer system these monitors can be used...

Thanks ahead,

Etwald Goes

Mike Osinski <mosinski@gte.net>
Mukwonago, WI USA - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 11:32:12
I am working on a Tandy 3000 NL that is in need of a replacement 3 1/2" floppy drive. I recently purchased an "off-the-shelf" Teac but am still having the following problem: when I use a y-adapter to get the proper power to the Teac and than install the Tandy 3000 ribbon cable the power supply for the entire machine shorts out. Obviously, the power on the original drive was coming through the ribbon cable, but that will not work with the Teac. Does anyone have schematics of the Tandy 3000 ribbon cables so that I can determine which wire to cut to eliminate the power normally comming through it and use the y-adapter from the power supply?
Does anyone know the jumper configuration on the Tandy 3000 NL that will allow me to bypass the built in drive controller and put a ISA controller into the slots? If this is available the first question becomes moot as I can now replace the floppy as well as the upgrading the MFM hard drive. Any and help would be very deeply appreciated.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 10:56:48
I have some IBM PS/2 microchannel (MCA) token ring network adapters that I've pulled from a group of machines I bought from a loal government agency, and I'm reselling these machines as individuals, hence I have excess cards. Here's a breakdown of them:
2 each FRU 74F9415 short cards
2 each FRU 93F0331 long cards
1 each FRU 53F7748 long card

If you have a couple IBM PS/2 model 50-90 machines you wish to network or add to an existing token ring network these would work great for you. I'm asking $5 each (plus $2.50 s/h)or all 5 for $22 (plus $5.00 s/h)
I would also trade for 1, 2 or 4mb 30 or 72 pin PARITY SIMMs.

G Hampton <ghampton@netcom.ca>
Fitzroy Harbour, ON CA - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 09:57:46
RE: Smashing a C64

I had several C64's and found a local school was very great full for them and since you are in the US, you might get some tax credit as a donation to a charity.

Make up a "estimated value" receipt and have them sign it. If you have more "junk" try the Volunteers of America and they might be able to get rid of the stuff.

Just remember, that the monitor off the C64 was a super monitor and would work really well if you connected it to a VCR Video/Audio outputs.

Hope this give you some ideas.

Just don't drop it off a bridge. You never know who or what might be underneath. :)


G. Hampton <ghampton@netcom.ca>
Fitzroy Harbour, ON CA - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 09:45:58
I have a 120 mg hard drive that I was able to load software which
can be accessed when you boot from a boot diskette. When the hard drive
is connected to any controller card, it reports a HDD controller failure
and yet if I swop the drive, the controller works fine. If I connect
the drive to a different controller, I get the same error.

I've FDISK'ed, formatted and sys'ed the drive. Run Scan disk and done a
surface check and it reports clean.

I would like to try and put this drive into a friends PC and can not
figure out what step might be next.

The drive is a Seagate ST3144A and there are five jumpers on the bottom.
If using the one nearest the connector at the edge of the circuit board
as number one, the are strapped on #'s 3 and 5.

---- Jumpered
- -
---- Jumpered
- -
- -
__________ edge of board

Thanks for your help. Please email me if you have any ideas to this or my other question (see several postings below)

Duncan de Waal <ddewaal@pi.net>
Lisse, Netherlands - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 07:01:55
I'm searching for jumper/connector documentation for a Pentium motherboard model Aries-III used in a computer called 'LEO moniputer Aries III 1000 desktop PC"
Thanks in advance - Duncan

Staffan ÷stlund <staffan.ostlund@stockholm.mail.telia.com>
- Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 04:51:16
Is there anybody who could help me to find an
interface cable for a SHARP MZ700, the cable is
needed if you want to connect the computer to a
printer. If you have any info about where to look
for a new or second hand interface cable please let
me know.

Alfredo Cabello Chßvez <farid65@hotmail.com>
Zapopan, Jalisco MΘxico - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 00:39:55
I┤m looking for a AC power adapter for a Compuadd 325TX.
Please Help me.

Jeff <turbofetus@hotmail.com>
OREGON, OR USA - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 18:39:31
I have a C64 sitting in the basement and would like to smash it, any creative suggestions as to how i might destroy it?

Charles Packard <packardc@scott.net>
Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 18:00:01
I have an old KAYPRO II with just as old CP/M 2.2 diskettes.
The KAYPRO II is unable to boot from the diskettes, the only copies I
have, displaying the error "UNABLE TO READ DISK". I was hoping to find
a resource to get new CP/M 2.2 diskettes or a resource that will check
my old KAYPRO II to make sure that it hasn't died from sitting in my closet.
I really miss programming in INTEL 8080 assembler language.
Thanks, One and all.

Joseph A. Choate <roach69@usa.net>
Sandwich, MA USA - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 15:38:09
I have an Epson Equity II+. The cmos is stored on something called a
"setup configuration disk", which i dont have. If anyone has a copy
of this, or the original disk, (any size 5 1/4 or 3 1/2) please help me
out. Thank you!!

Walter Giger <walter.giger@zug.ch.landisgyr.com>
zug, zg switzerland - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 14:11:12
I have an old DECpc 333 and i need a CMOS Setup Programm

David Cornforth <dj.cornforth@mcmail.com>
Derby , England - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 13:08:00
anyone have any info. on a Compuadd 486 Desktop Type LP
Model A002 ?
Would like to upgrade the Motherboard if possible from current
8Mb Ram (8x1Mb 30pin Simms) to 16Mb using 4Mb Simms.
So any details of jumpers or dip switch settings would be useful.
Have tried 4Mb simms in slots but it doesn't recognise them.

John Hupp <jd_hupp@michiana.org>
South Bend, IN USA - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 12:51:24
I have an Epson QX-10. I have been wondering if I can convert it to run under DOS. The Museum review of the QX-10 says that I can. I'm wondering how, since CP/M includes the BIOS in the op sys rather than in a motherboard ROM chip. Related questions: Can I increase the RAM from 256K? Does the monitor conform to a DOS-recognized standard (EGA, etc.)? Can I add a hard drive other than the Comrex ComFiler? Etc.

Anyone know the specific how-to on all this? Have it in a file? Know of tech dox sources for the QX-10 (component specs, conversion info, etc.)?

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 08:22:16
Anyone need a cross reference listing for computer CMOS batteries? Here's one you can either bookmark for reference or print to have on hand at any given time:


Hope this is of use to many of you.

Greg Hampton <ghampton@netcom.ca>
Fitzroy Harbour, ON CA - Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 18:12:53
I have a Sampo VGA-P video card with a Cirrus Logic chip the card has 8 DIPs and can be used for VGA and some other types of video.

I would like to locate the settings for this card to set it for VGA on and old monitor. It appears to have a VGA Bios 1987-89 chip Plus four jumpers on the card its self.

If anyone can help me with the DIP settings and the jumper strapping, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.


Clive Poole <truebit1@itl.net>
Great Britain - Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 16:58:28
I am the proud owner of an Olivetti P6060 minicomputer (in working order). I am trying to locate a system disk to replace the ones I have lost. Any ideas as to where I might find one ? (and don't say Olivetti).

Thanks in anticipation.

Clive Poole

ken kellner <stoogeland@aol.com>
new stanton, pa westmoreland - Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 16:13:18
i have an old IBM type 6150 and was wondering what it is worth

freddy <fredvdh@mnet.fr>
- Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 14:00:03
comment entrer dans le setup d'un vieux VICTOR v286c
Il ne reconnait plus le hd..

joel <jrwms2@execpc.com>
- Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 11:45:09
epson smd-300 need to now if HD or LD FLOPPY and if someone
has the jumper settings other than master slave

Paul S. <pstanisci@hotmail.com>
Mattawa, on can - Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 10:35:14
I have an old XT that I use for robotics. When I hade the original parts in I had the CMOS available. I changed the hard drive from a 20mb to a 35mb and no longer have it. The computer does not ask if you want to go into the CMOS on boot up. Does any body have any ideas.

Paul S. <pstanisci@hotmail.com>
Mattawa, on can - Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 10:34:15
I have an old XT that I use for robotics. When I hade the original parts in I had the CMOS available. I changed the hard drive from a 20mb to a 35mb and no longer have it. The computer does not ask if you want to go into the CMOS on boot up. Does any body have any ideas.

Maher Atwah <mahatw@ueic.com>
OH - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 23:00:20

I have IBM PS/1 486SX, model 2133-G46. I forgot the Power-on password. I tried to remove the pattery,memory It always asks for the password.

If you have any idea please help.


Art Pitkin <art.pitkin@LogonChi.com>
Chicago, IL - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 21:15:44
For Ben Manley (December 25)-------------------------------------- Zenith sources of info include the following-- ---http://support.zds.com/support/software/index.asp ---------(WWW) ---916-386-9899 -------BBS via dialup with modem, up to 14,400 baud ---telnet://bbs.zds.com ------BBS (same as 916-386-9899) via telnet ------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, here's the text of a message which came from Zenith, which may prove informative, in one way or another. --------------------- Regarding your request for printed manuals for the Zenith ZWL-184-97: Unfortunately these manuals are no longer available.------------------------------------------------------------------ Complimentary support from ZDS is limited to assistance with in warranty systems. ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- F or help with out of warranty products, training, third party products, custom configuration or how to questions please contact Premier Support or the manufacturer of the third party product. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Premier Support 900-555-3388 -------------------------------------- (6 a.m. to midnight, 7 days/week) --------------------------------- Fee Based. -------------------------------------------------------- *Subject to change without notice. -------------------------------- =================================================================== For Jeremy Olmen (December 25) ------------------------------------ PC Enterprises specializes in PCjr (I GUESS they still do) --------00-922-PCJR (800-922-7257) --------------------------------------- http://www.pcenterprises.com -------------------------------------- ----------------They have parts for sale such as keyboard and power - ---------------brick, and the power board which goes INSIDE ------ Unfortunately I don't know anything about the Tandy 1000 or the RadioShack TRS-80. Maybe someone else will provide you with that info.

Rod Ramsell <chcs@iamerica.net>
Kansas, OK USA - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 17:36:53
I'm working on an Epson Equity II+. The battery went dead and I lost the CMOS. How do I find out what type hard drive it has?

Brenda Nauman <bnauman@indy.tdsnet.com>
Fillmore, IN USA - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 16:55:59
Where can I find a file (DMVS1000.RES) for the Tandy 1000rl?
I have a computer here that has that file missing.
It has ms-dos 3.3 and deskmate in rom, and it won't read the
floppy drive (3.5), it also won't let me run rlsetup.
Could you help. If I could get a copy of this file, it might help,
although, if it won't read the floppy, I might have another problem.

Wasantha <abatrdng@qatar.net.qa>
Qatar - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 09:11:46
I have a Hitachi Accuview HM-4521 Monitor and I lost the Circuit diagrams, Can Anyone help me

Ben Alcala <warped@rice.edu>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 20:43:14
I have an "IBM Portable Personal Computer" (the suitcase-looking one)
that I have upgraded to a 386 DX40. I had to replace the original video
card because the old 8-bit one did not physically fit in a 16-bit ISA
slot. The only wires I see coming from the built-in monochrome monitor
are two narrow-gauge wires: a black one and a yellow one. Which two
pins of the DB-9 monitor output connector do I need to use?

Linus Ruth <ruthrob@cyberhighway.net>
ID USA - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 14:51:33
Does anyone have a Panasonic KX-P1124 printer manual?? I just
bought one to replace my old Epson RX-80.

john adkins <bjbpf4@accnorwalk.com>
norwalk, oh huron - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 12:09:55
does anyone have any information on a
"sharp mz-100 laptop"
i don`t have any discs for it?

thank you!

john adkins <bjbpf4@accnorwalk.com>
norwalk, oh huron - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 12:06:23
does anyone know how to work a
"sharp mz-100 laptop" ?
i don`t have any discs.
thank you!

stefano <sipop@ibm.net>
T.O., CANADA - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 11:54:01
HELLO, I installed a Gainbery 586cpu maximizer into my 486dx2
66. I followed all instructions, but when I turned my system on
everything booted up fine except for my monitor,it wouldn't
come on. So I put back the old chip again and everything was
fine.SO Whats going on with the 586 maximizer. please help.

Thank You

j.fears <jdfears@bitterroot.net>
Stevensville, MT - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 10:57:11
Is there a commercial collectors' market for a Morrow MD-3
in mint condition with ALL original hardware, software,
paper work, shipping boxes w/styrofoam, original manuals,
addition software w/manuals, lots of freeware, shareware.
Includes Brother HR-1 daisy wheel w/box, paperwork; 300-1200
baud Promethius modem?
Citizen 9-pin dot matrix w/box, paperwork?


M. Angela Mauermann <cj426@freenet.buffalo.edu>
Buffalo, NY US - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 10:47:23
I have an IBM XT that maxes at 640k but I do have two memory cards that work independantly and should equal 1024k or 1mg. This is my spare emergency computer, I need information on how to get it to 1mg. I understand it involves the settings on the motherboard and a driver that's an expanded or upper memory driver. It's running DOS 5.0 and the HIMEM.SYS driver will not work on anything less than the 8086. I do have two other computers but this is my first and I still use it when I need to. I'm really interested in getting it to 1mg total. Please help. Thanks!

M. Angela Mauermann <cj426@freenet.buffalo.edu>
Buffalo, NY US - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 10:47:04
I have an IBM XT that maxes at 640k but I do have two memory cards that work independantly and should equal 1024k or 1mg. This is my spare emergency computer, I need information on how to get it to 1mg. I understand it involves the settings on the motherboard and a driver that's an expanded or upper memory driver. It's running DOS 5.0 and the HIMEM.SYS driver will not work on anything less than the 8086. I do have two other computers but this is my first and I still use it when I need to. I'm really interested in getting it to 1mg total. Please help. Thanks!

Mark DeLacy <trshpckr@erols.com>
Crum Lynne, Pa U.S.A. - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 02:12:58
I have a Toshiba T3200 portable. Does anyone have a schematic and/or manual?
Also, my C:/ drive is dead, and I'd like to know if there are any special drivers
needed in my config.sys or autoexec.bat files to boot from my A:\ drive. I can boot
from my A:\ drive, but now the LCD screen doesn't work - but an external monitor will!
(I have the Fn key working, but it won't turn on the LCD screen). The LCD screen worked
before my C:\ drive went down. (Hoping it's not gone!) Thanks in advance!

John Ludwig <jludwig@aol.com>
Superior, WI USA - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 01:54:25
Looking for Working or non-working Epson QX-16 or a QX10 machine for display purposes. Have a QX-16 but it has a bad boot drive. Any help would be appreciated.
Also looking for Timex Sinclair in any condition.

Desie Hay <desieh@southcom.com.au>
Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia, Tasmania Australia - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 23:51:06
Anybody got a Lisa 1 they want to sell? I want one with system
disks, manuals but will consider anything!
P.S check out my cool Lisa web page!
merry Christimas~

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 23:17:37
Anyone out there have a Western Digital controller card and not have the faintest idea of how to set it, or even what type of controller it is? Log onto Western Digital's site at the obsolete controller index by going to the following net address:


All the original brochure style instructions for most older controller series is contained on this page, in Adobe Acrobat format.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USa - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 22:57:00
Looking for 1, 2 and 4 mb SIMMs in both 30 and 72 pin styles, but must be parity types. They are going into PS/2's (286 and 386SX types) so I can use 80, 70 and 60ns speeds. I have many items I can trade for these or will pay reasonable amounts. The PS/2's will be donated to a local homeschool which is paying for the SIMMs (unless I trade my excess for them) so keep that in mind when writing with pricing. Most resellers get $3 for 1mb, $5 for 2 mb and $9 for 4mb/30pin, $12 for 4mb/72 pin. Of course these are 60ns prices, 80ns pricing is somewhat lower. If you have upgraded your SIMMs and want to get them out of your "stash" drawer, write me.

Ben Manley <bman@webmart.net>
Forsyth, IL USA - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 22:06:15
I just bought a Zenith supersport 286 model ZWL-184 and a Bondwell
B310A and I'm looking for any information about these I can get.
Owners manuals, Tech. info or where I might find them. Thanks
for any help you can give me.

James W. Smith <bigfoot@nwi.net>
Ardenvoir, WA USA - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 16:39:48
Leading Edge d2, I need a boot disk. Compaq luggable 8088,
I need a boot disk. Kaypro 2, I need a boot disk.
Vecto 3, I need info on this rare bird.
I am looking for an Atari ST at a reasonable price.

Jeremy Olmen <lilpuppie@juno.com>
Lawrenceville, GA 30044 - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 15:21:15
Oh my, where to start. I have an old tandy 1000, but I don't
have the two disks that originally came with it (a few programs)
to actually make it usable, if anyone has these, please write me,
I was wondering if maybe you could send me a copy or something.
I've also got a Radio Shack TRS-80 that doesn't have any boot
disk (at least I think that's what I need), when you turn it on
the screen scrolls horizontally like a TV that needs a Horizontal
adjustment. It checks one of the two 5 1/4" drives, but gives
up after it fugures out I don't have anything to feed it.
I've also got an IBM PC jr, that doesn't have a power cable
or a keyboard, at my preliminary examination of the device,
I determined that it uses proprietary versions of each device,
so I would be most grateful if, someone who had these,
could write me and I could buy it from you. Well, that's about it,
thank you very much for keeping such a great resource up like this,
the Internet needs more good content like this. Keep it up!

mark brown <ebrown@auracom.com>
Saint John, NB Canada - Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 09:57:12
Im looking for a copy of windows 3.0.If anyone here has a copy that they can sell me at a reasonable price please contact me.Thanks a million

James V Fields <jvfields@ac.net>
- Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 05:06:27
I maybe typing this into the wrong area, but I am
looking for information on programs for the Tandy 1000 line
(mostly those that were in the now-defunct magazine 80Micro).
Does anyone know where I can find these (I am mainly
wanting the program Bruce's Basic Compiler, Nov 87, page 44;
but there are many other good ones)?
I have issues 85 to 101(the last); but due to the
amount of wear and tear, they are mostly unuseable in the
program listings (the text smears too easily). I entered
several of the programs into the computer (saved on disk),
but due to age and cold most are lost (included the BBC

James Caro
- Wednesday, December 24, 1997 at 09:56:14
For Peter Kantorowski:
To access the Phoenix setup try Ctrl+Alt+S or Ctrl+Alt+Esc.

peter kantorowski <peter.kantorowski@snet.net>
seymour, ct USA - Wednesday, December 24, 1997 at 08:03:24

Bob Clayton <musicmaster@iquest.net>
anderson, IN USA - Wednesday, December 24, 1997 at 07:34:54
I have a Zenith SuperSport 386sx and am looking for a TECH
manual or internal modem or expansion chassis. if you have
any of these please let me know. I am also looking for a
list of HD drives that are compatible with it. Thanks.

Bernadette Gibson-Ledford <angels@pldi.net >
Buffalo, OK USA - Wednesday, December 24, 1997 at 04:31:11

Hi, I have been scouring the web for any information I might find on a
Zenith Data Systems ZWX-0248-62 286 computer. I have a couple of them I
bought at an auction & am trying to load an OS on one of them. The HDD
is a Seagate ST225 MFM 20mb drive.The battery is OK, the BIOS setup is:
Z200 Hardware Setup/Configuration Program. It let me change the 5.25 FDD
for a 3.5 FDD. I'm not sure about the jumpers on the drive controller
board & all I can see on that board which may be a brand is '5280-CRZ'.
In setup, when I get to the part where I enter the drive type, it
doesn't let me enter the type myself (it says at the bottom of the
screen to 'use space/backspace to enter....arrows to move...') but
rather ever-so-slowly moves through all the drive numbers and I get a
'beep' whenever I try to enter the drive type myself by moving the space
bar or backspace bar. If I catch it when it lands on the drive number I
want, I can use the arrows to move away from that area but it doesn't
want to save the drive type. It has saved all the other setup data I
have entered so far & I would like to get this thing figured out before
my nephew comes home after Christmas vacation as I would like to give it
to him as a gift & if I can load DOS 6.2 & maybe Dos shell & some games
I think he would be happy with it. I would gladly pay a reasonable
amount for your advice or helpful suggestions (if you give me your snail
mail address) or I could maybe send you parts that you may be in need
Thank you in advance.....Bernadette angels@pldi.net or

Terry Henderson <thend@hsonline.net>
Columbus, IN US - Wednesday, December 24, 1997 at 01:04:11
I would like to use my c64 to control low voltage lights, and
dimming using pulse width modulation. any ideas on how to
also is it possable to connect an EEPROM to exp. port for
programming and operating C64?
thank you.

zack allen <stfrn@rocketmail>
Castorland, ny - Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 22:16:01
I am looking for any old laptops, so I can use the case to
house the motherboard of my computer.
My priorities :
1. price < $200
2. instructions/schematics
3. eletrical power(bateries,ac adapter,fusion generater:)
4. color moniter
5. mac
6. cards?

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 21:39:10
The previous poster about the 1000SX needs a few things to be helped, such as an email address, not a nickname. He/she needs to post what type PRINTER they have and for what operating system or program they need a driver for, not the computer type necessarily.

Ok "Speakful"...you're turn next - rewrite the inquiry with the needed info if you desire help.

Speakful <Speakful>
Gulfport, MS USA - Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 19:57:51
I am trying to find a printer driver for a Tandy 1000 SX. I am trying to
connect my old dot matrix printer to a new laptop.

If you have information, please let me know.

Connie Deane <deane@cconnections.net>
- Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 18:24:29
I have just had a Packard Bell Legend 300SX dumped in my lap. I have no idea how old it is or how much space is on it. Is such a thing upgradeable?
How much would it cost to upgrade to current internet standards? I would really like to make it funtional. Please respond with whatever info anyone
might have on such a machine. Thank you very much.

Jim <jamarno@juno.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 00:34:57
Does anyone have information about making electronic
repairs on old nonfunctional hard drives of any type (MFM,
RLL, ESDI, SCSI, or IDE)? Or even purely software fixes
to IDEs that have been accidentally formatted?

I have some MFM/RLL and IDEs that spin and move their heads
but that's about it, and I'd like to revive them if it's

Loren Everly <vacler@hotmail.com>
Honoka'a, HI US - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 23:10:03
If anyone has an IBM 5100 or Sinclair QL that they wouldn't mind trading
or selling off cheap please email me. Thanks, Loren.

chris rooney <rooney@mbay.net>
seaside , ca U.S.A. - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 15:42:58
I am trying to get a Tandy 1000 working. I have plenty of disk, however the problem is that when I turn it on the computer goes into a memory test and never comes out of it. The computer does not go to any promps c or otherwise. would love some info on it.

Michael Brooks <sales.floaters@sales.turner.com>
NYC, NY USA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 13:54:45
I'm looking for a place in the NY area that might possibly buy old model PCs. I have an old Commodore 64 w/color monitor and 1540 disk drive. I also have a line printer, I 'm not sure of the model, however, all of which I'm looking to sell but no where to go.

S. Fink <finksm@tact.touro.edu>
NYC, NY USA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 13:09:39
A friend was given a 286 (I forget the brand and model
number) that gets an error message when it boots up for
Fixed Disk 1. I ran the setup program (the program is
built in a setup disk isn't necessary) to try to configure
the drive correctly. There are about 50 prefined Hard disk
types, I didn't see an option for user defined. I tried
all fifty types and still get the error message. Is there
anything else I can try. I would be interested in any
advice. Thank You.

S. Fink <finksm@tact.touro.edu>
NYC, NY USA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 13:02:28
I have an Epson Equity II (286). I put in a CGA card and
ran setup for the change. Everything worked great for a
while. Now when you turn the computer on the monitor is
completely blank. I know the computer is working because
I've redirected DOS commands to the printer. I didn't have
another CGA monitor to try so I put in an EGA/VGA card and
monitor that was working in another computer and its still
completely blank. Is this a setup problem? If it is how
can I run setup? If its not what might it be? Any help
would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Matthew Saxby <saxby@vossnet.co.uk>
Slough, Bucks England - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 12:25:58
I'm having a clearout of my old computers. If you want to buy one then
please send me an E-Mail. Please note that I am in The UK.

IBM PS/2 Model 55sx. 386sx-16, 2MB RAM, 60MB Hard Disk.(ú60.00)
Compaq Deskpro 286e 1MB RAM, 40MB Hard Disk. 1.22MB Floppy. (ú50.00)
Compaq Deskpro 286N 1MB RAM, No Hard Disk. 1.44MB Floppy. (ú40.00)
286. 1MB RAM, Hard Disk, 1.22MB Floppy. Hercules Monitor. (ú50.00)
Compaq LTE 386 Docking Station. Hardly Used. (ú50.00)
Olivetti Prodest 1 PC. Two 3.50 Floppys.Mono Monitor.(úMake Offer)

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Matthew Saxby <saxby@vossnet.co.uk>
Slough, Bucks England - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 12:13:09
Does anyone have any information on the Olivetti Prodest 1 Computer.
I recently bought one, and have absoloutely no idea what it is.
The info that I need is Processor Speed, What can it run? e.c.t.
Does anyone want to buy this off me?

Matthew Saxby

Desie Hay <desieh@southcom.com.au>
Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia, Tasmania Australia - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 06:24:20
Hey every body come and check out my new web Page!
the url is:

send comments, corrections and suggestions to me at:

oh yeah I am still looking for a Lisa 1, and a lisa video board...
somebody must have one....

Desie Hay <desieh@southcom.com.au>
Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia, Tasmania Australia - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 06:24:04
Hey every body come and check out my new web Page!
the url is:

send comments, corrections and suggestions to me at:

oh yeah I am still looking for a Lisa 1, and a lisa video board...
somebody must have one....

JEFF HEPNER <dorothy@voyager.net>
white pigeon, mich u.s.a - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 05:20:32

Robert Hudson <rhudson@dreamscape.com>
Liverpool, NY USA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 02:03:10
I just laid hands on the bottom of a PS/1 2011-C24 and I'm rather puzzled at how this unit is powered. There is no place to plug a power cord into it! There is a 'power card' inside, so my guess is that the power comes though the monitor connection. Am I right? Does anyone have the pinouts that can show me where to apply power from a home-made supply or even a few dry cells. Thanks in advance!

Misti Collins <Mirroria@aol.com>
Dallas, tx usa - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 01:39:39
owner of a IBM PC jr. I believe the A: has gone out. I put in the DOS disk and turn on Computer. When it reads the DOS disk isn't there suppose to an A prompt? A>?

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 23:59:25
Have a few IBM token ring adapters for PS/2's that use MCA, a few short and a few long type cards. Will either sell/trade one, a few, or all. These are the type with the 9 pin female sub-d connector and the green dot with the 16/4 on it. Very reasonable, in my way. Contact me for more info.

Mark Favata <favata@epix.net>
Kingston, PA USA - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 21:43:16
I need a battery for my Zenith Supersport laptop. It is the 8088 XT model. E-mail if you have one.

William Erguera <willie001@hotmail.com>
Chino, CA USA - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 20:35:03
I'm looking for any mac 128k's,mac512k's, or any other vintage macs that you would like to sell very cheaply since i don't have much money,I'm not a collector although i like old macs.I need these for a reasearch poject on the "evolution of a company" and i need these computers.If you have any of these or any other working-non working macs that you might want to sell DIRT CHEAP please E-mail me. Thankyou.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 18:08:24
Anyone that's looking for either an IBM 5150 PC, 5160 XT, or 3271 (XT configured for network use) should contact me. I have 3 5160's, 2 3271's and an original 5150 PC. Will let these go for a reasonable amount or trade for other hardware that I can use (especially 30 & 62 pin SIMMs) besides prepaid shipping. Two of the units have the original keyboards as well.
All are in working order, contact me for further info.

Kenneth Westergaard <westergaard@forum.dk>
Kalvehave, Denmark - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 17:04:37
Got an old Victor v286c, but no bootdisk, can┤t start without that.
Please e-mail bootfiles, or name and URL to download. ciao

kevin stark <kstark7888@aol.com>
marquette, mi. - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 08:39:03
My friend recently aquired a Compaq LTE/286 laptop. It
did not have an AC adapter. Would anyone either have one to sell., or know where I could obtain one?

Ian West <irw@sagres.com.au>
Adelaide, SA Australia - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 06:33:31
What key/s do you normally have to press to access the cmos setup in 486's

Mike Holden <mike.h@pemail.net>
Broadstairs, ke United Kingdom - Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 03:47:07
Can anyone help please?
I've got an old Amstrad WP, a PC1640, with 9-pin and monitor

(a) The monitor is colour, model PC-ECD, with a
9-pin sub-D connector - is this an EGA or VGA monitor, and
could I use it with an Amiga? It's also got a second lead
with a 10-pin plug on it - funny-looking thing, larger than
a standard round DIN plug - guess it's the power-out lead
(back of the monitor, which has the mains-in, has a label
with 5V / 5.7A, 12V / 2.1A, -5V / 0.1A, -12V / 0.25A)

(b) The printer is model DMP2000 - do you know of
any web sites I could try for a driver to use on a Windows
95 PC setup please?

Many thanks - Mike Holden


MAHMOUD ELGHAMRAWI <ghamrawi@emirates.net.ae>
Abudhabi, Abudhabi United Arab Emirates - Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 16:16:02


Denis <Kettledc@iol.ie>
- Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 15:55:26
I have been given an old Olivetti PCS 33 which has a boot password set. Does anyone know the jumper settings for disabling the hardware password. Thanks

J. Simons <jsimons@concepts.nl>
Netherlands - Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 14:51:26
I have a Compaq LTE286 laptop, which is password protected. I have forgotten the password. How can I get into the setup or is there anyone out there who knows the way to open the case to remove the CMOS battery?

Paul Fetsch <fetsch@netgaurd.net>
St Charles, MO USA - Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 10:12:39
Looking for info on a Data Genera Model 10,20,30
I have a client that owns a TalySurf system, it measures differences in surface crosshatches but it reports to a DG ancient computer that no longer works. Help

Rick Mayes <rmayes@westky.com>
Leitchfield, KY USA - Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 07:58:20
I need a setup disk for an IBM model 5170 AT. I get a 162 error on boot up. Please attach to an e-mail.
Thanks, Rick

Marina <marina@maestro.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 16:15:27
I am looking to buy Spectrum (anything more then zx81)
wth wither 48 or 128k ram. If anyone has any offers or
knows store, please drop me a line.

Jon Goodwin <jagoodwi@indiana.edu>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 13:25:38
I have an old NEC reader model CDR-83J. If anyone has a
driver for it, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please email me with info.


Art Langevin <artl@together.net>
Lancaster, NH - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 12:50:50
I have a IBM 364 mb harddrive-ata for some reason CMOS won't hold the disk configuration info.
I know I must be doing somethind wrong but I don't have
any documentation on this and I just can't figure it out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks Art

Thomas Keats <ziffnab@bconnex.net>
Alliston, ON Canada - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 10:12:29
I made a mistake some time ago, I got a "new" hard-drive for my PS/2
computer, I thought it was a ESDI hard-drive, instead it turned out to be an
old RFor RLL H/D.
I burnt out the controller card for it. System starts fine
but I get a Hard-Disk Attachment error. (I had a spare controller but It blew
IBM wants like $1799.99 for this part. I would be hard pressed to find $50 for it
Anyone out there have a source that might have it for less than the IBM price?

Also. i just got a Compaq Presario CDS526 for free, it wont boot off the H/D
and it wont recognise the CD-Rom either. I think it may be the IDE Controller
card, If It could at least be disabled, I could throw my Scsi card, in it and
run off it!

Any help would be muchly appreciatted

Thanks in advance (send E-Mail High Priority!)

David Burdette <davidb@ufl.edu>
Gainesville, FL USA - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 09:19:32
Need info on Zenith ZFL 181-92; bought used with no manuals. Everything works except modem; can't get it to say "OK".
Would gladly pay photocopy/mailing costs (+ $ for your time) for a copy of the manual(s).

Andreas Bockfeld <andreas.bockfeld@telekom.de>
Bonn, Germany - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 05:13:07
I┤m searching
Memory Modules or Memory Adapter or Module Layer Layout
for Notestar NP943


James <hacked@iname.com>
Saskatoon, SK Canada - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 21:57:55
I've got an IBM PS/2 56. I need to find a SoundCard for MCA that is 16-bit, SoundBlaster-compatiable, and under $100. Please mail me back, Thanks!

Paul S. Oliver <poliver@nwrain.com>
Olympia, WA USA - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 21:21:40
Hewlett Packard LaserJet Fax
I bought this animal and it works great for sending a fax.
It is pecuilar in that it does not print fax's using a roll of thermal paper or any paper for that matter.
It appears as though the fax machine is to be cabled to a printer and that it uses a printer to print it's faxes.
It has Printer Parallel, PC Serial and PC Parallel connectors in the back of the unit.
I bought this machine for cheap $5.00 at a thrift store and am real pleased with it, however it has no documentation. If any one out there is familiar with this little beastie then please drop me a line.
P.S. I have already tried cabling my Canon BJ-200 Printer to the printer port on the fax machine, all's it prints is garbage, so it must need a driver, or the hardware is not correct.

Pat Whittaker <whittap@wsdot.wa.gov>
olympia, wa usa - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 18:27:51
Need help finding a bios chip for a Toshiba Portable
Model T4400SX.
Thanks, Pat

Greg Daniel <twalz@cyberdesic.com>
E. Peoria, IL USA - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 17:51:45
I have an Epson Equity II+. Can you please tell me how to get into
setup. I am getting the message "bad or missing command interpreter".


Janne Kulmala <kulmala@icenet.fi>
Finland - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 17:41:00
HEY YOU !!!-) Do you HAVE MS WORD 6.0 setup disk 4/9 ???
If you do, please pack it up and SEND it to me !!!

Kulmala <kulmala@icenet.fi>
Finland - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 17:34:30
I bought an old IBM and I don't know how to get into the system setup (when I start the computer). The model is:
IBM PS2 Model 57SX. Help ME !!!

Erik Weber <beraew@scope.de>
Mannheim , Ba-Wue Fed. Rep. of Germany - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 16:40:47
Does anybody know the clocks waveforms of
the LSI-11 == MCP 1600 chip set ?
Something like this ?:
F1 i~i______i~i
F2 __i~i_______
F3 _____i~i____
F4 i______i~i__

I need the information to rebuild to rebuild the clock unit
of a pascal microengine board.


Mimi Hill
- Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 15:54:46
Anyone know where I can get the Software supplied with the Amstrad PLC PPC640D computer? It is basically: MS-DOS 3.3 w/special Amstrad functions CrossTalk. If so I would be happy to pay any shipping. My e-mail address once you've removed the "no spams" is blackops(nospam and replaced the at with an @)atnospam.cruzio.com
Thanks. Mimi

Paula <lipici@hotmail.com>
Cluj-Napoca, RO Romania - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 11:02:53
I have a Leading Edge 386SX Notebook. If anyone has a boot disk for such thing I kindly ask him/her to send the files to me.
I'd appreciate any aditional information.

Valerio Gionco <s74454@cclix1.polito.it>
Torino, Italy - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 09:51:14
I've got an old unidentified Xerox machine. It includes an
all-in one unit (monitor, CPU, ports, S-100 bus) and a
drive unit with two 5.25 floppy drives. I only have a
CP/M 2.2 boot disk without any file on it.
What kind of machine is it?
How can I transfer a CP/M system to a 5.25 floppy to use it?
Why the hell am I going to lose all this time for such an
old calculator?


Matt <krazykan@usa.net>
Barrie, Ontario Canada - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 08:48:34
Does anyone out there have a Commodore 10 Boot disk that they could send me, or copy for me. I am in desperate need of one!

Peter A.J. van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 03:11:31
Rick Mayes, you hve 3 or 4 CAMPAQ uint's ?

Don Lundholm <CORNORSTONE@worldnet.att.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 22:36:55
Anyone need old floppy drives?
have 8 360k 5-1/4"
have 2 1.2m 5-1/4"
have 3 730k 3-1/2"
sell/trade/or ?

Rick Mayes <rmayes@westky.com>
Leitchfield, KY USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 16:43:26
Anyone out there needing CAMPAQ mobile cd expansion uint for the Armada 4100 family (4100, 4151 ect)of laptop computers, I have 3 new in the box. I am doing some volunteer for for a charitable group and need 72 pin memory chips for that project. They have a 8 speed CD ROM drive, 2 speakers & Wave table support, game/midi port & extra bay for an extra battery. They connect to the botton of the laptop and are less than 1" thick. My phone (502)259-9024

Rick Mayes <rmayes@westky.com>
Leitchfield, KY USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 16:43:05
Anyone out there needing CAMPAQ mobile cd expansion uint for the Armada 4100 family (4100, 4151 ect)of laptop computers, I have 3 new in the box. I am doing some volunteer for for a charitable group and need 72 pin memoery chips for that project. They have a 8 speed CD ROM drive, 2 speakers & Wave table support, game/midi port & extra bay for an extra battery. They connect to the botton of the laptop and are less than 1" thick. My phone (502)259-9024

Rick Mayes <rmayes@westky.com>
Leitchfield, KY USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 16:42:27
Anyone out there needing CAMPAQ mobile cd expansion uint for the Armada 4100 family (4100, 4151 ect)of laptop computers, I have 3 new in the box. I am doing some volunteer for for a charitable group and need 72 pin memoery chips for that project. They have a 8 speed CD ROM drive, 2 speakers & Wave table support, game/midi port & extra bay for an extra battery. They connect to the botton of the laptop and are less than 1" thick. My phone (502)259-9024

Rick Mayes <rmayes@westky.com>
Leitchfield, KY USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 16:29:58
Anyone out there needing CAMPAQ mobile cd expansion uint for the Armada 4100 family of laptop computers, I hve 3 new in the box. I am doing some volunteer for for a charitable group and need 72 pin memoery chips for that project. My phone (502)259-9024

Alan Hackney <aln@any.net>
Lexington, Ky USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 15:52:14
Anyone have any info on a Alpha Microsystems Alpha Micro 2000
Any Info=big help !!!!!
Thanks in advance

Alan Hackney <aln@any.net>
Lexington, Ky USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 15:51:59
Anyone have any info on a Alpha Microsystems Alpha Micro 2000
Any Info=big help !!!!!
Thanks in advance

Greg G. Dermody <elrose.cma@sk.sympatico.ca>
Elrose, Sk Canada - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 12:32:33
Can anyone help me with some programing voltages, wave forms or data sheets for the following prom(s) and microprocessors: amd 32x8, mits 512x8 (could be Fujiama), Rockwell 6500 8bit microprocessor and Fujitso MB7124E (87124).
Thank you, these are for my brother as therapy for alcohol rehab, he is building his own unit! Thank you.

Matthew Saxby <saxby@vossnet.co.uk>
Slough, Bucks England - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 12:18:39
Does anyone out there have any information on an IBM 6091 016 Monitor.
I rescued one of these and a RISC System from a Skip. The computer
doesn't work, but the Monitor powers up and works fine.
I am very interested to know why there are two sets of BNC
connectors on the back. I'M also interested in a manual for
the same monitor. I also need a driver card for a large HP Monitor
Model HP 90951A


Jack <BPatten@Ozemail.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 07:03:05

I Have around 4 80486 Motherboards with 486DX-33 CPU's,
I need a copy of the manuals for Pheonix M/B They are an
A9 Series and the jumpers are a big block beside the CPU
Making the configuration impossible.
If you can help Please E-MAIL ME THE MANUALS
(Pheonix themselves were of no help)

Men-y Tanks

Desie Hay <desieh@southcom.com.au>
Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia, Tas Australia - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 06:34:23
I am looking for Apple Lisa bits and pieces that you might have lying around
gathering dust, perferably from someone in Australia, but will consider
USA or whatever if the price is right!
also looking to chat to people in australia who are interested in Apple Lisa's
and other old apple equipment!

great site!!!

Desie Hay <desieh@southcom.com.au>
Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia, Tas Australia - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 06:34:09
I am looking for Apple Lisa bits and pieces that you might have lying around
gathering dust, perferably from someone in Australia, but will consider
USA or whatever if the price is right!
also looking to chat to people in australia who are interested in Apple Lisa's
and other old apple equipment!

great site!!!

jim cattell <jcattell@aic.net.au>
sndney, nsw aus - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 06:01:16
help i need the drivers for a osborne mpv1024ni super vga screen for win95

Peter A.J. van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 03:58:29
Re: Setup AT

If Bert Myers is willing to reveal his eMail address,
I'm sure communication will be a lot easier.


Myles Banks <misachan@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 00:22:31
I need to find a harddisk controller for a NEC multispeed HD, (PC-16-03). Does any one know of a inexpensive source or a substitute that'll work.
Also will I be able to install a Simple Tech (STI-HD2.5/1440) hardisk on this system? thanks

Jeff Carron <carron@cois.on.ca>
Barrie, Ont. Canada - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 00:09:21
Does anyone have or know where I can get a copy of the
bios file for a epson equity lt-286 computer, if so it would
be greatly appreciated if you could send me a copy or the URL
so that I could download it. Thanks.

S Fiorito <sfiorito@ix.netcom.com>
Orlando, FL USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 22:45:10
I am looking for a users manual for a FRANKLIN ACE 1000
also, data base type software for it - Thanks

Alison <al.ien@earthling.net>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 22:20:14
Desperately need IBM PS1/33 setup disk by this weekend. Anybody know a site where it can be FTP'd from or something. I'm a desperate woman now and slowly going mad.


Syd Chenoy <sybenbs@bellsouth.net>
Boca Raton, fl USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 21:32:19
Starting with Epson, who are not only of no help but have a very poor product support network; and a lesson well learned after 2 months of dead ends - Don't buy Epson! An Action Laser II has been giving me problems. (Replaceable parts and operation). Does anyone have a cicuit diagram of this unit, either from an old tech manual or service book. I would be very grateful if it could be sent via attched E-mail file or sn-ailed to me. Upon contact I will send an address. Syd.

Kris Hettrick <KHettrick@jessamine.k12.ky.us>
Nicholasille, Ky u.s. - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 19:19:28
Hi, I recently recieved an old commadore 128d computer and I have no idea how to run an old computer like this. I was just wandering if there is anyone out there who has one of these or knows how to use one. If you have a owners/users manual or if you can help then please contact me. I would really appriciate it thanks


Bert Myers
- Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 17:29:54
Someone gave me an old AT machine with a pheonix rom bios V2.27 It asks for a boot disk on startup. can I access the setup or do I need a disk to boot. If so, where can I get a proprietary setup program?

Ed Preble <preble@yogi.nmmi.cc.nm.us>
Roswell, NM USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 15:19:54
Took apart 4 AT&T 6386E WGS computers for the memory, but
no directions for the DIP switches for the memory boards
Original owner (school) could not find the information.

Dick Lawrence <van3@iname.com >
Southlake, TX USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 13:51:07
Am seeking information on an Atari Palm Top called the
Pasport. I have one that is working but the keyboard membrane connector to the main board has cracked.


Bob Johnson <adamweishaupt@hotmail.com>
Wheaton, IL - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 12:41:06
Hey, does anyone out there have any Commodore 64C's, Commodore 128D's, or any CP/M systems, like the Franklin ACE 1200, or anything like that?
I'm very interested. If you do, please email me.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 12:26:51
I have a PCjr color display that I have plans on converting to a standard 9 pin CGA/EGA connector but since I know these are getting hard to find I wanted to find anyone that has a PCjr and may be looking for a good monitor. It's worth $40 to me as a CGA monitor so anyone that may wnat it before it gets modified should contact me by email by the morning of Saturday December 20, 1997 or it becomes a CGA monitor for a unit I'm rebuilding for a friend. If someone does contact me about it with a firm yes then my friend will have to look for a standard CGA/EGA monitor in the local area but then another PCjr will have color instead of mono.
Of course shipping is separate, via UPS.

Shaun Wass <scwass@yahoo.com>
Newbury, UK - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 11:47:04
reposted due to incorrect email address

I have an old commodore pc20 and the screen has failed, is there any way i can connect vga monitor to it or any
other type of monitor?



Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 11:42:25
STILL Looking for ANY information on an NEC Powermate Portable, model APC-H702. The unit is in working condition but I'm in search of the manual(s) to do any changes, upgrades, etc. I want to let my wife have this unit for use with her Viking #1+ sewing machine to create and digitize embroidery patterns that go to a printer port mounted card reader/writer. Will gladly pay a reasonable amount for manual(s) or will trade if possible.

Also looking for a source of a new screen or supplier/repairer of screens for this machine.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 11:38:17
Getting ready to buy a Mac IICX and need some excess out of my way.The following are all working computers in very good condition:

* (3)Commodore 64 with 1541 drive, power supply (no cables). $25 EACH set plus shipping.
* (1)Mac 512k with all original manuals and software. Needs 400k floppy or alignment. $85 plus shipping.
* (2)TRS-80 Model 4 in working order with dual disk drives. $25 EACH plus shipping.
* (1)TRS-80 Model 4 partly working parts machine. Needs RAM or CPU (screen garbage), works otherwise $10 plus shipping
* (1)Panasonic SR. Partner "portable" with dual floppies, green composite monitor built in. $50 plus shipping

Will consider offers in trade on some of this above (except the Mac512k) for working IBM parts. I am especially looking for:
-good working 72 pin 1 or 4 meg PARITY type SIMMs, at least 70ns speed
-8 and 16 bit ISA sound cards
-used cdroms, scsi and ide. Proprietary types considered

UPS Shipping will be approximated and must be paid by cashier's check or money order, cannot be traded for.

Paul Fischer <pmfischer@juno.com>
Canton, NY USA - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 10:18:55
Need Lantastic Noderunner 2000/C Ethernet Adapter ver. 5.0 for existing network in my office. Have 5 computers with this network card & 1 down with bad card. Tried other Lantastic cards but won't talk to each other. Trying to avoid replacing all cards & software. Help.

marek <dmarek@sprint.ca>
mississauga, ont canada - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 10:18:37
my computer is AST ADVANTAGE 8075p .I have problem to install second hardrive.On matherboard there is only one connector which support two IDE devices .In original it was cd-rom and harddrive.Each of them is working only with cd-rom after disconnecting cd-rom I receive masage problem to read hardrive and the same masaage is when I connect only two haardrives without cd-rom.It looks like cd-rom decide about working of computer.

Peter <dwd@ebox.tninet.se>
Degerfors, Sweden - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 06:59:17
I need a screendriver to a compaq lte286 portable for windows. the screen is portable plasma something
Thank yuo very much.

James Caro
- Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 00:13:40
I almost forgot: after you successfully bypass the password, replace the SIMM you took out and re-enter CMOS setup to record the correct amount of RAM!

James Caro
- Tuesday, December 16, 1997 at 00:11:10
For Lee Hernandez and anyone else who needs to bypass a CMOS password:
If possible, remove a memory SIMM. On an older BIOS this will usually cause a "Setup error" that will then take you into the CMOS setup. There you can deactivate the password or change it to something you know.

LeeHernandez <lhernandz@hotmail.com>
Mineola, ny usa - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 23:55:40
I have a CompuAdd 386 computer that is locked with a password. How I can remove the password form the bios
(desabled)this. This computer was builded by Compudyne
under type V2LP, Model A003. Please any sugestions wil be
appriciatered. thank you...

Torsten Nordenfelt <torstenn@mbox300.swipnet.se>
Sweden - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 20:07:35
Hello, i just want to ask if you have heard abaoute an old
computer named "Corona"? I have one that I┤l found at a
fleemarket. It is from 86 and have 10 mg. harddisk

Thank you

William D. Prevost <WPrevost@aol.com>
Little Rock, AR USA - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 16:35:27
I have a friend who used a Kaypro II for many years. He has accumulated a number of Bible Study notes on the Floppy Disks generated by the CP/M operating system on the Kaypro. Because of failing vision, he recently purchased a HP Pavillion 3100 PC. This gives him a much larger screen to view. Is there any way to get the Bible Study Notes converted from the diskettes to media that would be acceptable to the HP....Thanks for any help you may be able to provide......

Pauline McCoy <ppmac@cybergal.com>
Columbus, MS USA - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 15:29:45
i have a compuadd 486sx and a compuadd 433slc.
i am looking for a manual, dip switch settings or any other information I can find on these computers. If you have some information please contact me.

thank you

Brian Vick <303@sprintmail.com>
New York, NY - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 14:56:40
I am trying to locate an IBM 5100 to buy.
Any help would be appreciated.


Shaun Wass <swass@yahoo.com>
Newbury, Newbury UK - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 11:12:56
I have an old commodore pc20 and the screen has failed, is there any way i can connect vga monitor to it or any other type of monitor?



C. S. Joslyn <C.S.Joslyn@worldnet.att.net>
- Monday, December 15, 1997 at 10:00:07
What is current market price for an original Compaq portable, with original manuals, etc?

Finn Molmen <molmen@filosofi.uio.no>
Oslo, Norway - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 05:57:03
I own an IBM PS/1 486 DX, bought dec. 1992. I recently bought 4x4 Mb RAM, and now have 20 Mb smoothly running. But my harddrive is helplessly narrow, only 170 Mb. Are there any limits to what kind of and/or how big a harddrive I can install?
Thanks for any help!
Finn Molmen

Steve Woods <sgwoods@spectra.eng.hawaii.edu>
Honolulu, , HI USA - Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 20:17:09
I need the video drivers required to run Win 3.1 on a Dell
NL 25 (386) laptop. I believe the required drivers will be
for Quadtel CGA. Any and all help or pointers would be
greatly appreciated.


Patrick Engelman <dinarchus@hotmail.com>
Penfield, NY USA - Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 19:42:38
I love old hardware.. i live in the rochester NY area.. I'm wondering where I can get lots of crap? I used to pick up boxes of atari/amiga drives, TRS-80s, keyboards, joysticks, cords, all that stuff at thrift shops for like 10 dollars/box

Bryan Williams <WILLIB@friends.edu>
Wichita, KS USA - Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 19:20:56

There I was in a thrift shop and then I saw them...

An Apple IIc plus, monitor and imagewriter II...

I don't know anything about Apples but I had to have it ...

I took it home and pluged it in the power indicator light came on and I heard a stirring inside and that was that...

Do I need a boot disk?

Can I run it without a mouse?




James Caro
- Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 13:18:52
For Crazy J:
1) Parity error 2 indicates a memory problem on the memory expansion board. Error code 201 indicates a memory error at the indicated hex address. 40D8 is 16600 and 4040 is 16448. If your computer is indicating 62498 bytes free, you must have the 64k motherboard. This seems to mean you have a memory problem on the motherboard (at 16600 and 16448) AND a problem on the Six Pack (parity error 2).
2) You MUST use the /S switch with FORMAT or use SYS.COM to make a bootable floppy. This makes sure the hidden files IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS are copied to the correct location on the disk, as well as COMMAND.COM. You are right that it will also try to put DRVSPACE.BIN on the disk and may run out of room. DRVSPACE.BIN can be deleted and COMMAND.COM copied separately, but you MUST use FORMAT /S or SYS.COM to get the hidden files copied properly.

Craig Lawson <clawson124>
T.S., Fl. - Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 02:49:48
Have an older Irwin tape drive,model#145,config#ak-03.can anyone give me information on it or possibly where to find a manual.thanks in advance.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 23:11:55
Looking for ANY information on an NEC Powermate Portable, model APC-H702. The unit is in working condition but I'm in search of the manual(s) to do any changes, upgrades, etc. I want to let my wife have this unit for use with her Viking #1+ sewing machine to create and digitize embroidery patterns that go to a printer port mounted card reader/writer. Will gladly pay a reasonable amount for manual(s) or will trade if possible.

Martin Chatterton <martinc@ped.co.uk>
Bolton, Greater Manchester UK - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 20:27:54
I have a "Compaq Model 450" 17 inch colour monitor.
Does anyone know where I can get drivers for W95? It seems's to operate upto 1280 x 1024 resolution but I'm not sure what the optimal refresh rates are! I've tried the search engines for "compaq 450 monitor" but with no success. Any suggestions welcome.
Thanks in advance.

jeremy k davis <jkdavis@starfishnet.com>
morehead city, nc usa - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 17:17:45
need information on zenith lap top computer model number
zfl-181-93.just bought it used but no information came with
it. need to know the polarity of the charger and or any other information you can help me find.

Donald H. Cohen <award@palmnet.net>
cocoa, Fl. USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 16:19:37
I am seeking some information on the proper monitor settings for a compudyne monitor model #KD1440 manufactured 1992 ,running windows 95 on a digital dec pc / xl 466 d2. I seem to have some shift in the screen during boot, between startup and the desk top.
Tthe system was used I have no doc's for the monitor.
Thanxs DHC.

Crazy J <crazyj@sj.znet.com>
CA USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 11:46:55
I still need help with my IBM 5150.

I still get the "parity check 2" with the AST Six Pak Plus
installed in the system. When I remove it the pc boots to
ROM basic and reports 62940 bytes of memory. With the card
installed the first thing shown is "4040 201" and then the
error. Without the Six Pak it shows "40D8 201" and then
boots to ROM Basic. I tried creating the disks as advised
earlier and the ddrive just spins and spins and spins. No
time out error or anything. Thinking the drive is old and
bad I swapped the cable and made the B: into the A: but
still get the same thing, spin spin spin with no error
or message. Also a tip to others that may need to make a
system disk for this type of machine: Don't bother with the
/s switch when creating 160k disks as the system won't
fit by default. You will need to delete the drvspace.bin
(v6.x) file and then copy the command.com as there isn't
enough space for all the files. The pc will boot without
the drvspace.bin file (tested it in another pc). I have a
post card but don't know if this 5150 reports bad controllers
and the like. Anybody have any thoughts? Tips? Clues?


Gary <glm@afweb.com>
Angel Fire, NM USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 10:55:57
I recently acquired a LNW Research Computer. It is z80 based
and runs C/PM. If any one has any info about this old computer
such as schematics, manuals, etc., please email me.

MANSFIELD, OHIO U.S.A. - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 03:38:25

Charlie DeLEEUW <SDBiker1@aol.con>
Rapid City, SD USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 02:59:34
A friend gave me a commodore omega 2000, I was told it works, altho there is no keyboard. I want to get it going if I can, and put some kind of word processor, and modem on it. My goal is to give it to my 73 year mother. Most of the family has E-Mail, & I thought it would cut down her phone bill. Anybody that has any info, software, ect. I'd love to hear from you. I don't know much about the omega...ANY info will be greatly recieved :-}

John Thaxtton <thaxtjp@netjava.com>
Borger, TX USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 02:24:48
Just bought a compuadd notebook 320nx. I cannot boot up from the HD. Gives me an floppy drive conrtoller error message. I can boot from a floppy and get into the hard drive. can even run the doddshell. where can I find more information. All I hve is the notebook nad the power adapter. I found the battery but do not want to buy a new one until It is runnig from the hard drive.

Also, I just came into a lot of IBM microchannel boards. these include monitor and rj and bnc network cards. Also have two model 8560 that are parts only. Haven't had time to check any of this out. May be a winter or rainy day project. Any one interested?

Pete Dickerson <pete_d@ix.netcom.com>
Boise, ID USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 00:36:00
Looking for 6 Meg upgrade module for a Grid 1755. Anyone know where I can get one?

Aaron Hill <mozart@inlinik.com>
Imperial, MO USA - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 19:36:43
Someone asked me to help them find a replacement battery for their computer. The computer is a "Wise 286." The model number is "MY-2200-01." (It is a IBM-Compat.) I am looking for any information about the company/manufacturer or information pertaining to the replacement battery. I do not know what type of battery was in the computer. The person told me is was a grey rectangle with wires (pins probably) coming out of it.

Aaron Hill <mozart@inlinik.com>
Imperial, MO USA - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 19:33:06
Someone asked me to help them find a replacement battery for their computer. The computer is a "Wise 286." The model number is "MY-2200-01." (It is a IBM-Compat.) I am looking for any information about the company/manufacturer or information pertaining to the replacement battery. I do not know what type of battery was in the computer. The person told me is was a grey rectangle with wires (pins probably) coming out of it.

Robert Cordner <clevon@hotmail.com>
Scarborough, Tobago., Trinidad &Tobago - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 14:46:08
I have a Macintosh Classic Computer with a 3.5" (1.44MB) floppy drive and a hard drive.
My problem is when I boot it up all I get is an icon of the floppy with a blinking question mark in the center.
It won't go past that. I have floppies of :
the startup disk
hypercard software
welcome disk
and system additions

can you please suggest something that I can do to reuse this computer and you can get technical i think I can understand some jargon.
Thanks in advance
Robert cordner

Jeremy Sharp <musician@bushnell.net>
Bushnell, Illinois USA - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 13:44:33
I have a Heath/Zenith Z89 that won't do much. I have read all the manuals and, as far as I can tell, it should do *something* when I turn it on. Does anyone know how to work this thing? I can type and the letters appear on screen, but for anything besides a neat electronic message board it's useless. (right now)
Any help you can offer would be appreciated!!!

Jolley Watson <jwatson3@worldnet.att.net>
West Columbia, SC USA - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 08:41:02
Picked up a 386SX Laptop with no manuals, accessories.
Can someone help me locate a manual or support site?
The only desciption on the bottom reads:
Model : WIN386SXNB-20B; S/N: 2314C12101183
The computer name: WIN Personal Computers - 1991

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

Thanks, Jolley

Simon Pellew <pecan@premier.co.uk>
London, UK - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 07:36:35
I have an anonymous computer with a NICE-EISA1 motherboard (S/N 351427).
It seems to be permanently stuck in AT mode (running very slowly).
Can anyone give me a diagram so that I can know which jumper to change?

Brian Hubenak <wolf2187@wcnet.net>
El Campo, TX U.S. - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 02:52:36
I neeeed the CGA video drivers for Windows 3.0

Gary Keperling <gary.keperling@trw.com>
Redondo Beach, ca usa - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 21:22:53
Need info on ATT 6386sx/el_wgs regarding the following:
1- What CD-ROM will work ( if any?)
2- How many external bays are in this cabinet?
Want to but CDROM for someone as present but do not know the details of architecture.
Thanks, KEP

Raf <adde@adde.com>
IL USA - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 20:10:29
I need to find out how to transfer files from an oooold
MAI Basic/Four to today's PC's (DOS/ and/or Win95). The files
consist of company names, their current orders, amounts due,
our inventory, etc. it's all just text and numbers. I am not trying
to copy the programs, just the datafiles.
Of course the manuals for this old boat anchor can not
be found anywhere. It has a dot-matrix printer hooked up
and a bunch of terminals (about 5 or so).
I don't know anything about this box, what is the CPU,
what's the OS, how do I get a file listing
(dir command in DOS), what's the copy command, can I print
the info to the printer port and plug that wire into a PC
instead of the printer and my PC will "record" all the stuff
coming in?
Any info on this subject would be highly appreciated.
Re-typing 12000 names and addresses plus a large inventory
is really not what I want to do. There has to be a way to
do an ASCII dump somehow.


Raf (adde@adde.com)

Larry Hardy <lhardy@juno.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 18:09:37
I have a Compuadd 425tx 486sx computer. It has an internal modem only 2500 bps. Will an external modem work on this computer? I have a PCMCIA card but can't get it to work( any suggestions, the computer configures the modem card as a memory card). On my desk top computer the MSD says I have have com1,2,3. On my Compuadd MSD says I have com1,2 then it has com3 n/a com4 n/a why doesn't it show com 3 active? Thanks for any help anyone can give me regarding this machine. Larry

Mett shak <shakazul@ix.netcom.com>
Philadelphia, Pa USA - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 16:57:55
I have a LASER PAL 386SX. I don't know the switch settings for memory. I have four 4MG 30-pin memory simms. The computer has four memory slots(banks) and eight dip switches. Please, any one with that info respond.

Matej Anzin <Matej.Anzin@guest.arnes.si>
Ljubljana, - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 16:30:00
I wonder how can i get in my phoenix bios. I have Texas Instruments 486SX-16 Traveller computer!

g doyle <glwj@mci2000.com>
- Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 14:36:44
Laser Pal 386 SX -- can this motherboard be replaced for upgrading??

Jolley Watson <jwatson3@worldnet.att.net>
West Columbia, S.C., SC USA - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 14:22:33
Picked up a Zenith ZWL-184-97 laptop and a ZWL-0200-02 laptop with no manuals or power jacks.
Main concern: Zenith ZWL-0200-02 has DC 12V written on the bottom plate, but I need to know the polarity:

------(+) + = inside post and ( - ) = outside shell

Also, is the ZWL-184-97the same polarity?

Susan Harter <phharts@ph.cc.va.us>
- Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 10:52:19
I have a Zenith supersPORT 286e (model # ZWL-0200). I can't figure out how to get to the BIOS. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

paul northcott <paul@bighead.co.uk>
uk - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 09:42:34
Help!! I have accidently errased the config.sys file from my freinds olivetti PCS 286 and he has not got a boot disc.
How can I get a boot disc or restore the computer.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 21:56:07
Still looking for a single 286 processor board for a Zenith Data Systems Z248 desktop machine. have all the rest of it but was short a processor board on this one. Anyon ehave a working one around, preferably (but not absolutely) with the bios that recognizes 3.5" drives as well as the lo/hi density 5.25" drives.

pancho <housbroken@aol.com>
rockford, il. - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 21:54:18
to whom it may concern if you are the owner of a compuadd laptop ar other here are some telephone numbers that will help you 1-800-554-3202 or 1-606-232-4992 good luck....

Michale Duncan <xroads@hotmail.com>
Prince George, BC Canada - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 21:10:16
I have a Nec PC-8201a, its got the drive cable and tape drive,
but I am interested in:

a:\ how the heck do I hitch the cable from the notebook to
the tape drive?

b:\ Where can I can get a copy of the manual/docs?

c:\ Does anybody know where I can get parts for this thing?

d:\ Is anybody interested in buying it off me?

you can reply to xroads@hotmail.com or ICQ #5054229, thanks


Jerry Wagstrom <jerwag@bigkeys.com>
NC USA - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 17:09:40
I have three Otrona Attaches and need parts for two of them.
Any ideas?

Rick Dearth <rdeart@leeca.esu.k12.oh.us>
oh Lorain - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 15:19:33
In our school system we have had zenith systems (386) donated. We are trying to switch the drives a: and b:. We have switched the cables, but cannot get into the cmos. We have tried Del and f2 on boot-up but no luck. Until we can get into the cmos it will not do us any good. Any ideas will be apprecitated.


________________________________________________________________ <16H>
NO CARRIER it here. With any luck, - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 07:47:27

Obsolete Computer Helpline

Chuck Anderson <crash@curtismathes.net>
Portland, Or USA - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 01:40:55
I left a note about 30 spaces
back, concerning an Osborne computer
I'ld like to get rid of, but I gave
the wrong e-mail address.

hat just goes to show you how much
I need a classic computer around
when I can't seem to get this
new-fangled easy stuff right

Anyway, this time I'm pretty sure
I have the correct address and I
apologize for the oops.

Nick Cassway <nick.cassway@icdc.com>
- Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 00:26:14
I have a mac plus with a harddrive, sometimes the hard drive boots up but mostly it won't, I've tried flipping the scsi switch where it connects, a couple times something kicked in and the hard rive boot up, ones I locked and unlocked the drive and it boot up but most of the time i can't utilize the drive, any you mac experts out there have a clue what i should do, oh by the way i found this guy in the garbage. Nick

Dennis Lambert <dlambert@thegrid.net>
Pinole, CA USA - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 00:20:17
Father-in-Law has Tandy 1400FD that locks up when warm (Motherboard problem?) looking for a whole unit(s) if possible. Will pay dearly for them, he uses it for his geological research.

Lans Carstensen <Lans.H.Carstensen@rose-hulman.edu>
Terre Haute, IN USA - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 21:46:54
I'm looking for anyone with an AT&T StarServer S Starserver System Configuration diskette. I am in need of the EISA configuration utility, and do not have it.

Dave Martin <dave@surplus.demon.co.uk>
Upper Norwood, UK - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 21:05:51
I run a props company and am looking for a
'hole in the wall' type credit card cash cash machine'
Inards & works not needed - just the front, Willing to
purchase if right price -

email = Dave@surplus.demon.co.uk

Homer Salter <HASalter@aol.com>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 19:07:13
I have a two Mac Classics which are obviously ready for the archives. I have actually grown very attached to them and am searching for any software enhancements which may increse the performance.
I read a comment earlier about a site where one could download software which could give a Classic the capability of internet access. Any info would be great !!!


Lee Dunbar <dunbar@unitrode.com>
Merrimack, NH USA - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 12:52:28
I have 4 Acer 1100/33 (386) servers which needs ram. Acer is no help: I need proprietary memory modules to increase RAM above 8x1 meg SIMMs. Tried using 4 meg SIMMS, systems lock up at boot (Acer confirms: 1 meg SIMMs, maximum).
The module uses a MB connector identical to those used for VLB; these machines are very much prior to VLB. Any information (modules for sale or schematic of module for sale) will help.

Trevor D. Bulau <tbulau@clni.com>
Fort Wayne, IN USA - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 10:06:17
I am looking for the memory settings for a CompuAdd
386SX-20. The system has a bank of ten dip switches
(labeled SW1), a 16 bit riser card, four 30 pin simm slots,
and uses the Chips chipset. The settings I am most
interested in are those for the memory...

Thanks in advance for the help!
-Trevor D. Bulau

Dirk Weihrauch <nl1055@launet.baynet.de>
Nⁿrnberg, Germany - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 08:14:14
I did get a VLB-Mainboard you can fit with both, 486 and
Pentium; but i do not now the jumpersettings and other
boardspecification. It contains a "DC Chips - Chip 18" Chip,
2 PS/2-Ramsockets and 4 SIMM-sockets, 4 Isa and 3 VLB/ISA-Sockets; also fitable with
Cache up to 512 Kbyte; Does anyone now something about that board

mazlizan gulam rasul <mazlizan@eng.usm.my>
ipoh, perak malaysia - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 03:15:48
i'm searching about ibm pc xt....to be exact i want to know about
the keyboard itself...i need to know about the scan code that
the keyboard send out when we press any of its button...is
there any site that could tell me abut that...it would help
a lot then...thanks in advance...

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Bradford, Ont. Canada - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 22:36:54
I recently acquired a Zenith ZBV-3339-EQ (made in 1988). It was partially disassembled by the previous owner, but is complete & was working before disassembly.
It has 2 RLL HDs, & one 360K 5╝" floppy.

I need manuals or help setting up the cables & jumpers.
Right now it won't boot when I hook up only the floppy
("SEEK ERROR" msg). Swapped drive for a 1.2MB to no effect.
Machine will drag heads across drive on POST, but won't read any disks at all.

The BIOS seems to refuse to see any HD #0 no matter how I arrange the cables, but will see a HD #1. Since it won't boot, I can't get at #1 either.

ZDS has no support for this oldie so I turn to you...


Alan J. Rose <bydand1@mindspring.com>
- Monday, December 08, 1997 at 20:51:14
I made an earlier request for information about a 325TX screen problem I have, but the e-mail address was wrong.
The address is "bydand1" (one, not the letter L).
Please use this address in response to my questions.
Thank you very much....sorry about the mix up!
-- Alan

Dean <oscar@datasync.com>
usa - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 20:07:28
We are trying to put computers together for kids at Christmas
WE need information on the following system :
Philips motherboard 386 16 Intel CPU
need to configure system for CGA monitor
Is this done by dip switch ?
Board has onboard VGA
We want to use an add on CGA card
Changing mode in setup has no effect

Dorothy Schwalb <drjulia@earthlink.net>
- Monday, December 08, 1997 at 20:00:38
I have a Tandy 2500 SX33 and have added the maximum 8 megs of ram, making 10 megs total.

Is there any way I can add more memory?

And is there anything else I can do to upgrade it? I bought an overdrive processor, but it didn't work.

My main interests are greater speed and possibly listening to "real audio".

Thanks to all in advance,

Gary Thone <thoneg@juno.com>
Killeen, TX USA - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 18:08:39
I have a Zenith Data Systems Laptop computer, model ZWL-184 that I need to find out what the dip switch settings are for different configurations. This computer will be used for a special project. Thanks in advance for the info.

Alan J. Rose <bydandl@mindspring.com>
Southern Pines, NC USA - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 15:23:43
I have a CompuAdd 325TX that the screen went out on. No computer places around know what to do and CompuAdd phone numbers aren't helping a bit. Can anyone tell me how to fix it? The screen is just really dim...
Do I have to find a new screen for my laptop? If so, how do I find one? Thanks! -- Alan

Nick <ycrnm09@ucl.ac.uk>
U.K. - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 13:11:59
Apparently my Packard Bell 'Force 515', model PB400-SX is
obsolete! However I can'nt afford to replace it so want to
upgrade. Can anyone tell me where to find the motherboard
technical manual? SDownloadable from the web?

Glenn Watkins <blueribb@comcat.com>
Bristol, Pa USA - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 19:52:19
I purchased about 100 used 486 computer's and need 4 or 8X
CD-ROM drives cheap. I'm also in need of 1 and 4 meg 30 pin
SIMMS. Used good chips are fine. I also have a need for 28.8
modems and sound cards. Used or dis-continued, overstocks
are fine also. I can purchase in fairly large quantities.
If anyone has an idea where these items can be purchased
please let me know. Thanks in advance,

Teresa Ratcliff <teresar@eurekanet.com>
Chillicothe, oh usa - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 18:19:03
I need to find to dip switch settings to add memory to a Laser
386SX/3 computer. Lost the book. Thanks!

Grant Hawkins <granthaw@sprynet.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 18:12:24
Looking for software that came with IBM PC Convertible 5140. Thanks, Grant

Ben Simo <simo@primenet.com>
Sierra Vista, AZ USA - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 17:08:49
I need to configure an Epson Equity II+ to use a 32mb RLL Seagate hard drive. This drive was in the computer when it was new. However, the BIOS settings were lost. The system has no preset or user defined drive settings for this drive.

gino <gino@webcenter.co.il>
raanana, Israel - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 13:10:28
Sirs,i have Amstrad portable PPC512 but i have no system
disk.can you help me finding it and another disks for this
comp.,?.thanking you in advance,gino.

M Potter <qmaster@reliable-net.net>
IN - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 13:08:04
Have an older IBM PS1 386sx need to get into CMOS settings
is there a keystroke combo or do I need software. The floppy
has failed & I wish to add ram...

gino <gino@webcenter.co.il>
raanana, isr Israel - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 13:08:01
Sirs,i have Amstrad portable PPC512 but i have no system
disk.can you help me finding it and another disks for this
comp.,?.thanking you in advance,gino.

gino <gino@webcenter.co.il>
raanana, isr Israel - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 12:48:54
Sirs,i have Amstrad portable PPC512 but i have no system
disk.can you help me finding it and another disks for this
comp.,?.thanking you in advance,gino.

pancho <housbroken@aol.com>
rockford, il usa - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 04:24:53
i have a compuadd 325tx that gives ma an error message on startup that reads "gate a20 keyboard controller failure"
i cant get to the bios or anything let me know if you have one for parts... i also have a ibm think pad i need misc. caseing peices for and the battery and charger plus i have a packard bell 486 laptop that needs the battery and charger. please help.......................................................

pancho <housebroken@aol.com>
rockford, il usa - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 04:22:40
i have a compuadd 325tx that gives ma an error message on startup that reads "gate a20 keyboard controller failure"
i cant get to the bios or anything let me know if you have one for parts... i also have a ibm think pad i need misc. caseing peices for and the battery and charger plus i have a packard bell 486 laptop that needs the battery and charger. please help.......................................................

Charlie Hurd <dimaestro@geocities.com>
ND USA - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 04:05:26
I am currently trying to get a external modem working for a friends IBM ps/2 286 1 mb, 20 mb HD.
#1. I need to get into the bios.
#2. Is the 9pin female end on the computer port1?

Basically the problem is this, I can't get *any* software to recognize the modem ( hayes accura 14.4 ).Windows, dos based, nothing, have tried adjusting com port settings, ( speeds, data, parity ) used mode, and Control panel.
Any suggestions?

Kelley Peabody <kp1hawse@webtv.net>
Oswegatchie, NY USA - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 02:21:25
I have a TANDY 1000 EX that my parents couldn't get to run for them.The pdeskmate would not boot up for them.Helppppp!!!!! Appreciatively yours.

Chuck Anderson <crash@curtismathes.com>
Portland , or - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 00:26:34
I have an Osborne II complete with internal
modem, external video plug, boxes,and boxes
of programs, and a set of "Sam's photo fact"
Plugged it in last year it still works great

If anyone out there is interested in it
please e-mail me

James Caro
- Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 23:27:31
For Crazy J:
1)The error message 4040 201 indicates a memory test error at byte location 4040
in hexadecimal. That's 16448 in decimal. Since that's a low number and your IBM
PC works without the card, you must have 16k memory installed on the board, and the
error is occuring just above that, it must be in the first (lowest) bank of chips
on the memory card. Get some known good chips (they're probably 64k memory chips)
and replace the ones in the lowest bank on the card.
2) Your computer will boot ANY version of DOS; you don't need an old version. I have
booted DOS 6.22 on my PC just fine. You just need to make a bootable DOS disk using
a DOUBLE-DENSITY (NOT high-density) 5╝ disk. Use FORMAT B: /S /F:160 just in case you
have the early single-sided disk drive. You can use FORMAT B: /S /F:360 if you have
the more common double-sided drive (assuming the 5╝ drive is the B: drive).

Mike Batchelor <nroman125@aol.com>
St. Charles, MO 63304 - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 19:03:08
Does anyone have a 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy for a Compuadd 386 Machine? The drive is the same height as a 5.25 floppy, but the same width as a 3.5.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 17:19:00
For all of you looking for Compaq info and setup programs, go to this site:


There's an out of production link for machines not listed.

Crazy J <crazyj@sj.znet.com>
CA USA - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 14:03:53
I just acquired an IBM 5150. I have a two part question:

1) The 5150 has an AST Six Pak Plus card that, when installed
generates the error "Parity Check 2". Preceeding that msg
4040 201 is shown. I remove the Six Pak and the 5150 boots
to ROM BASIC just fine. Can anybody help me troubleshoot
the SIx Pak without having to blindly move chip after chip
until the msg. changes?

2) Yep, it boots to ROM BASIC, 'cause I don't have any bootable
disks (DOS 1.0 / 2.0?) from that era. Could anybody offer
help here as well? I have a few obscure parts / items that
I could trade. I will also offer money, that usally being
the best incentive. The system has dual 5.25" drives and
of course no HDD. FUN! 8)


Rick Draper <rick_draper@juno.com>
- Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 13:55:43
The projection monitor just posted was a DP-1200. Sometimes my keyboard ignors the number 1. Maybe my keyboard uis about to be replaced!!!!!

Rick Draper <rick_draper@juno.com>
Midlothian, VA USA - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 13:53:55
A friend just acquired an NEC dp-200 SH projection monitor. He needs specs, a manual, remote and the video card if a special one is required. ANybody know about these things? He can be reached at CCTC, PO Box 50085, Richmond, VA 23250.

I can also try to relay messages via my e-mail, though he is frequently hard to reach. Snail mail is preferable.


Rick Draper

Rick Draper <rick9908@bellatlantic.net>
Midlothian (outside Richmond), VA USA - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 13:49:40
I am still looking for the setup disk for a Compaq laptop 386 s/20 lte. Several people responded - but it requires a rather particular setup program, apparently. The computer said each was either too old or too new for that model. I added 8 megs of ram and now have to hit f1 every time I boot. Otherwise it's a sweetheart!
Rick Draper

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 12:01:10
Need info on PS/2 style external floppy drives, IBM type 4869. I have three that have connectors just like the external floppy connector on many floppy controllers and I have the software for them. Will these work on a stock external floppy port or is there a specialized PS/2 port that has to be used? I'd like to let a local homeschool group have these so they could load and run older 5.25" copy protected software on a PS/2 model 30 machine (no room for a 5.25 anyway). It doesn't have an external port but with trying it on an external port on another machine I wasn't able to get it to work, any of the three.

Anyone that knows these units and can offer any tidbit of information would be greatly appreciated.

Also looking for Qicken QuickBooks, 5.25" DOS version for older machines, preferably with docs. Anyone?

Ubirajara Valladares <ubira@gold.com.br>
Ipatinga, MG Brasil - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 10:01:17
I Want for an external floppy disk drive to my
NEC VERSA S/33, and the software DBFAST 2.0 or the last

Douglas Hall <doug@akula.demon.co.uk>
Cambridge, UK - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 20:21:12
Can anyone remember when kits to build the UK-101 were
first available in the UK?

Also, anyone ever hear of the Pertex-2000, a huge all
in one CPM system complete with 2 8inch disk drives. I
believe it was made by the pertex computer corporation,
but I can find no references to it ANYWHERE on the net.

Mark Readinger <readinge@gwi.net>
ME - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 19:24:53
Magnavox 8CM873 multimode monitor. What does the
"special"/"normal" switch on the back do?

Damian Kidd <infosec@plantwo.byu.edu>
Provo, Utah U.S. - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 17:12:48
I need a modem for a Tandy 3800HD Laptop. I'm desperate.

janet lockett <janet.lockett@youthspecialties.com>
el cajon, ca usa - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 17:00:52
Application Software Diskettes for Magnavox HeadStart 300
Headstart o/e v 1.3

PLEASE HELP--- AYH COMPUTERS---- <baracuda@dreamscape.com>
new york, ny usa - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 16:33:01
I'm looking for a power supply for a
new world technologies laptop
model# 386sx
fcc# jcun386sx25
please reply at baracuda@dreamscape.com

Brett Bensley <csbdb@ux1.cts.eiu.edu>
Charleston, IL USA - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 10:56:24
I am a collector and interested in putting your unwanted systems in a good home.
Email me if you have something. Willing to pay shipping in most cases, and maybe offer
some money (depending). Want to share these "Classics" with others. Have quite a few right now.

steven g treadway <streadway@snowcrest.net>
weaverville, ca usa - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 05:20:50
Attn collectors! Must sell to pay my internet bill!
Compleat functional PCjr system w rgb monitor,some kind of sound add-on, extended basic and speach cartridges.
$50.00us +shipping

Also wyse 2112 80286, 20m hard drive cga adapter $50.00us +shipping. might be able to get cga monitor $20.00 extra (not mine).

Stefan Lombaard <slombaard@clear.net.nz>
Wellington, New Zealand - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 00:45:02
I'm looking for a C++ compiler that would run on an XT compatible machine ie Turbo C++ ver 2. Would appreciate it if anyone can help - I may be able to send you something in return.

email: slombaard@clear.net.nz

Garry Sambell <Aussie1003@AOL.com>
Fort Lauderdale, Fl USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 22:37:59
Does anyone know how to access the CMOS setup for
a Zenith ZWX-0248-62 desktop computer?

Leonel Rdgz <lrdgz@hotmail.com>
El Paso, TX USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 16:56:54
A friend of mine has an old Altos 586 computer, but unfortunately we lost the operating system (Xenix) disks and we lost the access password, so we will apreciate if some one can help us with information of how to find 5 1/4" disks.

Paul <J&P@montrose.net>
Montrose, Co. - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 15:24:03
Need to find out how to get into the bios of an amstrad 1386 v1.11. Tried all the keystrokes I could think of (hopefully I don't need a disk). Any suggistations?

Will "Power" Dyve <pdive@hotmail.com>
Kansas City, MO USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 10:14:24
I have a GRiD 1755 that works fine, but I have NO
documentation. I do have the setup program and am lucky
enough to have a working (ha ha) copy of Win95 on this thing.
My problems: The batteries will not charge beyond 3 volts.
The charger does not put out voltage.
I do not have the original OS or proper Windows ver.
The modem is slow.
I can't find the PC Card slot. (I heard one exists)
Memory upgrades are unavailable.
It is a 20 Mhz 80386.
The LCD is monochrome.

It works, but slowly in Windows 95.
It only has a speaker in the sense of the modem speaker,
which plays WAV files.

ANY help will be appreciated. IF YOU HAVE A USER'S GUIDE

--Forgive the caps,
Will "Power" Dyve.

Elroy Worner <eworner@bewellnet.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 03:05:17
I am looking for a printer for my Commodore 64 computer. I currently have an Okidata Okimate 10 printer hooked up to it, but ribbon cartridges for this printer are no longer available. Does anyone know where I can find a Commodore 64 compatible printer in Colorado for which ribbons or ribbon cartridges are still available? Please e-mail me at eworner@bewellnet.com. Thanks.

Jake Gibbons <jgibbons@interaccess.com>
Joliet, IL USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 01:29:07
Basically... i was wondering--- how could i start collecting these obsolete computers??? Where does one find them. .. .. etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

Marc <mlobue@earthlink.net>
Tacoma, WA US - Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 22:25:35
I just got hold of a C64.. however... I have no manuals...
how would you go about loading a program from the basic


Sorry, I was an Atari computer user in the 80's... no prior
Commadore use...

Greg Koons <koons@crown.net>
- Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 18:05:27
Anyone looking for information on industrial ps2s can find
it at http://WWPRODSOLN.bocaraton.ibm.com/rugged/. Took me
a while to find it. Reference disks and error codes and
general info.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY *USA* - Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 16:09:58
Looking for old 1x, 2x and 4x cdroms, mainly in SCSI but IDE also for beginner's low budget machines. Prefer not to have those with proprietary controllers but will consider all. Driver software on proprietary controller types is a must.

As I stated, low budget so if you have some, make them reasonable. You won't get rich off the people putting these together.

Have some IDE, ESDI and MFM hard drives I can trade also if you wish.

David Dishart <David.Dishart@mbb.ki.se>
Stockholm, SWEDEN - Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 04:30:35
I have just bought an Apple IIe with a 5.25" drive but don┤t have the
start disks to boot it up. Is there anyone who could sell/ send
me a boot disk?
Thank you in advance.

Wil Harrison <harrisow@egr.uri.edu>
Pawtucket, RI usa - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 20:39:14
Need assistance in finding system discription for a Tandy 1000 hx

Wil Harrison <harrisow@egr.uri.edu>
Pawtucket, RI usa - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 20:38:57
Need assistance in finding system discription for a Tandy 100 hx

Ron Bodnar <cbb@mich.com>
Northville, MI US - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 20:32:20
Need help with a older (80's)Houston Instrument DMP 60 (61) sign cutter/plotter. Proving impossiblem frustrating and expensive to try to work with Houston Inst. since their sale, move, split & who knows what else.

Need manuals, drivers, etc. - and contact with anyone with experience. At one point got the machine to cut a 5" letter, then it reverted \to 1/4" size. Willing to pay fairly for the items we need. Appreciate any help. Thanks.

john knight <john@engineer.com>
preston, - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 18:42:10
how do i set the bios on an old zenith 286 to recognise a 210 meg hard drive when it is not listed in bios?

steven mayer <samyer@aol.com>
san francisco, ca usa - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 18:07:06
help. I am trying to track down the history of terminal emulator programs from the pre 1985 time frame...any computer and any terminal (vt100, plato, mintel etc.) thanks

steven mayer <samyer@aol.com>
san francisco, ca usa - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 17:59:54
help. I am trying to track down the history of terminal emulator programs from the pre 1985 time frame...any computer and any terminal (vt100, plato, mintel etc.) thanks

Matthew Kiehl <waffles@swbell.net>
Little Elm, Tx USA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 15:40:24

I just received an Apple III computer and was wondering if anyone would sell me or copy me the disks to boot it up.

Any help would be very appreciated.
Matthew Kiehl

Adam Nolte <nolte@umr.edu>
Rolla, MO USA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 15:04:32
I have a Toshiba T1000 model laptop-type thingy with an LCD screen. It's "c" drive is entirely ROM--about 700K of DOS 2.X and a couple dinky programs which tell you what time it is. I read the autoexec file and it said something about defaulting to a D: drive if one is present. All it has is a Low-density 3.5 floppy drive. It has a port for an external floppy drive, but where would I find one of these, and is this my D: drive??? Thanks, Adam

Oscar <oscar@omegam.amsterdam.nl>
Amsterdam, n/a Netherlands - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 14:07:03
(english translation below...)
Amsterdam, 2 dec. 1997
Vraagje: is er een bedrijfje/dienst in Amsterdam
waar je je Tandy Portable kan laten repareren?

Question: is there any repair-service for Tandy
Portables to be found in Amsterdam, the Netherlands?


Tim Poindexter <TimmyBoy@softhome.net>
- Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 10:53:54
Where and what is the name of the 286 BIOS program
Thank you

Faith <faith-4-u@webtv.net>
Cleveland, oh USA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 09:56:42

I hope someone can help me get my Tandy 1000sx running. When I turn it on, this is what happens.

Memory size=640K

BIOS ROM version 01.02.00
compatibility software
copyright (c) 1984,1985,1986
Phoenix Software Associates Ltd
and Tandy Corporation
all rights reserved.

Insert System Diskette and strike any key when ready

current date is Tue 1-01-1980
enter new date (mm-dd-yy):

current time is 0:06:27.71
enter new time:0:07:42.00

A)twimax go

data error reading drive A
Abort, Retry, Ignore?r

sector not found error reading drive A
Abort, Retry, Ignore?I

divide overflow


The IBM Personal Computer DOS version 3.10 (c) copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1981,1985

Could you explain what is going on above and
where do I go from here? I don't know what command to give to go on. Please help me?

I still need an owners manual for the Tandy 1000sx and the Commodore 64 computers.

e-mail me at faith-4-u@webtv.net

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 04:46:27
Tried to help Bill Craft with CompuAdd setup problems but
got the following back :

550 ... User unknown

Bill, Try 'CTRL,ALT,ESC' or give me your correct
mail address so that I can send you some generic
setup utilities.


Greg Mattoon <tooner1@ix.netcom.com>
Sumner, WA USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 23:33:42
Does anyone have an owners manual for an old Wang profesional computer. It's an upright model with 8086 and 8087 chips on the Motherboard. An all Wang system. Has a 5 1/4 floppy drive, a Seagate St-225 20mb hard drive,and a Wang P/N pm-004-b Monochrome monitor, also a Wang xerox Diablo Systems model 620 dot matrix printer. If any one has a manual available for copying I would appreciate a reply. Thank you in advance.

Cindy <http://chaussen@jvlnet.com>
Baraboo , WI USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 22:24:51
We purchased an IBM PC Jr and it seems its memory was erased and we have no clue how to operate it! I would like to find some information on the instructions or to see if it still is operable. Can you help me?
Thank You Cindy

Bill Craft <kjcbsc@cp-tel.net>
- Monday, December 01, 1997 at 22:24:38
can't access setup on a compuadd 810R. Tried every key combination that I know. Do I need a disk to access the setup and do any of you have one. the bios is award xtbios copyright 1984,85,86. Sorry to double post I was in a hurry and didn't complete my e-mail address.

Cindy <http://chaussen@jvlnet.com>
Baraboo , WI USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 22:23:29
We purchased an IBM PC Jr and it seems its memory was erased nad we have no clue how to operate it! I would like to find some information on the instructions or to see if it still is operable. Can you help me?
Thank You Cindy

Bill Craft <kjcbsc>
- Monday, December 01, 1997 at 22:14:10
I have a Compuadd 810R with an award XT bios. I can't get into the setup to attempt to upgrade. I have tried the usually keys, does this computer require a disk to access the setup.

Michael Castro D. <xpg4@mailexcite.com>
- Monday, December 01, 1997 at 20:23:29
(E-mail messed up below. This is the correct address)


Urgently need jumper settings for an Acer 915V 286 computer.


Michael Castro D. <xpg4@mailexite.com>
- Monday, December 01, 1997 at 20:22:23

Urgently need jumper settings for an Acer 915V 286 computer.


Michael Castro D. <xpg4@mailexcite.com>
- Monday, December 01, 1997 at 20:19:08
The mother of all questions:
I have an old KENNEDY 9100 9 Track I am rebuilding. The question is: Is there any way to make these drives work with a PC system?

It doesn't matter whether it be through a special interface card, SCSI, parallel or serial. Anything works.


Mark Readinger <readinge@gwi.net>
Boothbay Harbor, ME - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 18:23:10
Looking for manual or specs on a Magnavox monitor.
Model 8CM873-0741. Has built in audio and a analog/digital
switch on the back

Dan Gauthier <blackcheetor@hotmail.com>
madison, Maine U.S. - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 18:18:07
I'm looking for any kind of software for three specific computers.
(as follows)Needs to be reasonable prices. Any donations are acceptable
and will pay postage.please e-mail me if you can help.

:Atari 1040st
:Atari 65xe
:Tandy 1000ex

Paul S. Oliver <poliver@nwrain.com>
Olympia, WA USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 17:57:53
I have an AT&T 6386 WGS that I have not been able to get a mouse hooked up to. I am not talking about just plugging a mouse and loading drivers, there is something really strange going on here. I do not have the Documentation to this computer, I am wondering if there is a jumper somewehre on the board that has to be set. If you have one of these machines then please let me know how you got a mouse running on it. If you don't have one of these machines, please don't waste your time or mine by respinding, I have mahy machines and have done it all. I know how to get a mouse running, but this is not a "usual case".

Dave Arieno <arieno@arctic.net>
Anchorage , AK USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 16:24:10
Parts,(some), and Manuals for CompuAdd model # 325, 425, 450, and 475 laptops are available from Lexmark Corporation, Lexbook Division. Call (606)232-4992
And ask for Darryl. He can assist you.....


Shahab Manavi <samplepz@emi.net>
Coral Springs, FL 33065 - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 15:41:04
A friend of mine has a Compuadd 386 Desktop system,
we need to find out dip switch configuration on the
memory board. Does anyone know anything about the
memory used by these machines? They look like 30 pin

Tim Maloof <timnoble@hotmail.com>
Foxboro, MA USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 14:49:33
I am searching for a copy of PFS Write for an Apple IIc and am running out of hope. Can anyone help me, I will be very appreciative. Thank you

gaston abrahams <g.abrahams@wtocd.be>
lier, belgium - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 06:05:21
I want to connect my TRS-80 PC-3 pocket computer (SHARP cat. no. 26-3589) and printer/cassette interface (SHARP cat. no. 26-3591) with a PC (DOS/Windows) to exchange data and programs. How can I do this???

DEBOUNY Jean-Marie <jean-marie.debouny@eurocontrol.be>
belgium - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 05:02:56
I'm looking for a setup disk for an olivetti M28 (286)

Archived Questions:

Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive