Obsolete Computer Helpline

August 1998 Archive

Claudio Puviani <cpuviani@icon.com>
Weehawken, NJ USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 23:53:55
For Brandon (who didn't leave an e-mail address):

Brandon> Another question, did Intel ever make a 186 CPU?

Yes they did. At the time it was called the 80186 (or sometimes iAPX186). They also had the 80188 which had an 8-bit data bus. Essentially, the 80186/80188 was an 8086/8088 with some I/O circuitry built into the chip. The 80186/80188 was mostly used in embedded systems, but there were the rare PCs that used it. The most famous was the Tandy 2000, and it was a notorious flop.

Claudio Puviani

Wil Torres <magoo70@yahoo.com>
Bronx, NY USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 23:32:50
Oh whoa is me! I've just received a Compuadd 325 NXL laptop
and I can't get the keyboard mouse to work. The person who
gave it to me said that the drivers were on an office network
but are now gone (the laptop was trashed and my buddy saved
it for me. Problem: NO ONE seems to have ever heard of
this particular model. Anyone out there think they can

jeremy <hellraisr@geocities.com>
- Monday, August 31, 1998 at 23:27:25
I just got acouple of TI silent 700 terminals. they only connect at 300baud. do any of you know of any free bbs's that still support such low speed. plz email cuz i dont check this much

Andrew <dvk@lineone.net>
London, UK - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 22:27:19
I am trying to work out how to access Phoenix 80286 ROM BIOS in order to change a few things in the configuration.

Usually you hit DEL or F1 or any other button to access BIOS before it starts loading system files. I tried all possible combinations - no luck.

If anyone knows how to do it, please help!!!

ghani alias <s_circuit@hotmail.com>
shah alam, selangor west malaysia - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 21:48:46

I am seacrhing for "FORCE COMPUTER SYS68K/CPU29 XB/XBO".
Anyone who came across this item for sale or a company
selling it,please mail me.
Urgent requirement.

Thank you ppl.

Doug Wilson <dbreeze@northstate.net>
- Monday, August 31, 1998 at 21:11:41
I am looking for an Adaptec AIC-6260 SCSI controller chip used by Micron/Zeos on their "Gosling" motherboard.Do you know where I might find one?

Doug Wilson

Brandon A, Bishop <BAB1235154>
Amherst, NH North America - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 21:08:37
If anyone needs a copy of MS-DOS 3.30, it is still available.
The XT software that I posted, a million days ago, is still available, except for Words And Figures. I have a question, what is SPAM mail? I mean, you really cannot send a can of SPAM through a computer, can you?
Another question, did Intel ever make a 186 CPU?

Thanks! -Brandon

Phil CLayton <handyman@sprintmail.com>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 20:50:42
HELP!!! SOS!!! HELP!!!
My Osborne 01 is down and I'm really depressed..
I need schematics to fix it...
Please can someone help... I'm dying here!!!
I love this machine and I need it to run again..
Please can someone just take a moment to tell me
where I can get help on it.. A web site, phone number,
anything... Thank You... Phil...

Ryan Williams <harlowe@geocities.com>
- Monday, August 31, 1998 at 17:49:52
What is the BIOS setup for a type 50 Conner hardrive?

Matt Warren <matt_r_warren@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 17:25:59
I'm looking for a concise list of US dealers who sell old 8-bit computers/game systems. They have to be able to ship.

Alberto Gonzalez Guizar <alberto@exodus.dcaa.unam.mx>
Mexico, D.F., D.F. Mexico - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 15:57:15

I would like to know if you have any information about digital
DECscope vt50-aa.

thanks in advance

Dale Ford <fordbd@m-y.net>
Newland, NC US - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 14:11:43
Jerzy's right, I forgot about the "/f:xxx" thing on
formatting. In case anybody's wondering, its /f:720 for
720K floppies, /f:360 for 360K's. But remember, if you
format a 360K floppy on a 1.2MB drive, you may have trouble
reading it in a 360K drive. (The density of the magnetic
media is different on lower capacity floppies, thus the
problem). Also, for those looking for Microsoft drivers,
patches, etc: If you don't want to go through all the pages
at Microsoft's web site, try their FTP site at:


Make sure to download the index.txt file and search through
it with your browser (you might want to save it for later
use as well) or any text editor will do. Or download the
softlib.exe file (Word 2.0 format). The reason for this
is that the list in the library below (msfiles) is HUGE,
and will take a long time to load up unless you have a
extremely fast connection and an extremely fast PC. Since
the list is so long, it pays to know just what file you're
looking for ahead of time.

Hugh Carlton <hcarlton@clearnet.com>
Calgary, Alta Canada - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 13:29:52
Hi does anyone have the driver for a CGA Monitor or does anyone know how to load windows 3.1 on to a Zenith 286 Laptop??


jim dunn <jd86shdo@worldnet.att.net>
modesto, ca usa - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 11:34:28
have a old altima model three portable pc would like
manual for same, and any other items or info for i.e.
software thank u

Andy Levy <abl@tiac.net>
USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 11:23:47
I have a Zenith Z-248 in need of a new CPU board
and a VGA video card. If you have surplus parts for
this system, please send a reply. Thanks.

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 10:32:39
Looking for hadr drive controllers for a Tandy 1400HD laptop. Mine blew yesterday.


Ron Poulin <rpoulinod@aol.com>
Camden, NY USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 10:31:14
I am looking for the hard drive setup specs for a 1990 Bondwell 210 plus laptop computer. It has not been used for 3years and when my son went to boot it up , it had lost all the hard drive specs. It is a 20mb hard drive.

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 10:30:39

I'm looking for the following to get an old TRS-80 Model III going again:

-External disk boxes and data cable for the drives.
-Hard drive for the model III
-Any software for the Model III, especially TRS-DOS or NEWDOS/80.

I got the computer out of my friend's basement (which was flooded), and the thing still works. I can get into BASIC by holding during boot-up, but I don't have the boot disk. Unfortunately, the disks got flooded, too.

ThAnX in advance,

Ron <palion36@worldnet.att.net>
- Monday, August 31, 1998 at 09:31:53
I need a 386sx notebook NB-5500 key board or a whole broken/running unit badly. help me help me ! ! !

Doug Bradley <doug@ieee.org>
Cary, NC - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 08:55:39
Am looking for jumper setting for a Tandon Model TM 262
20Mb hard drive out of a Zenith 159 (XT).
Would like to confirm settings and connections are OK
before trying to replace the drive.
Thanks in advance,

Jerzy Sobola <Jsobola@karen.com.pl>
Warsaw, Poland - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 06:14:01
I found Dale's message below and want add one:
format a:/u/s/f:720 for booting old XT's with 3.5" fdd.

Jerzy Sobola <jsobola@karen.com.pl>
Warsaw, Poland - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 06:02:24
Eh Jason, Jason...

Jean Eakins <eakinsj@nb.sympatico.ca>
Fredericton, NB Canada - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 04:28:01
Is there any way of reading KayPro IV diskettes on another computer? I would really like to access this material, which is all on big floppies. Still have the KayPro but needs TLC and I need the material on the floppies. I now have a Mac.

Dale Ford <fordbd@m-y.net>
Newland, NC US - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 03:59:23
For Heather (below-who's mail was returned) and a lot of
other folks needing boot disks. If you only need the computer
to boot to a DOS prompt (such as a machine with a suspected bad Hard Drive),
format a floppy disk with almost any version of DOS (or Win95/98) using the DOS
command: "format a:/s". This assumes a couple of things, that you
are formatting the correct size disk, and the machine looks for the
floppy drive on boot-up. If it is a SETUP disk for an older Compaq you're
looking for, go here:


and follow the links to the appropriate model.

Download the Softpaq file for that unit and read the instructions
on how to make the setup disks from that file.

barry tuttleman <btuttleman@worldnet.att.net>
carson city, nv usa - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 00:03:15
for sale: NCR model 1104 (i guess this is the Decision Mate,
as it looks exactly like it, but i am not an RKI) - good clean
example, one floppy drive, one hard drive (boots from hd), supposed
to be a working example (haven't tried it yet, just got home w/ it).
also has a microline printer w/ it. email any questions/offers/replies.
tnx for your interest,
carson city, nevada

Richard Schwarz <jrschwarz@worldnet.att.net>
Livingston, N.J. U.S.A. - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 20:02:46
I want to buy a functional Micronics powertype star daisy wheel printer, DW-1.

derek flynt <dflynt@netpath.net>
north carolina, nc usa - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 20:01:38
i have an everex step cube (4dx2/66) but cannot identify the mem card in it. it has the numbers; ev-18127. i went to the everex site to find the specs on the machine, but they don't have any listed. any help would be appreciated.

Heather <MHicks0192@aol.com>
- Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 19:39:50
Hi, I have a Compaq Laptop LTE/286 that has no boot disk. If anyone has information on where I can get one it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 19:17:39
Does anyone have a data cable for a TRS-80 Line Printer II? I want to use it with the TRS-80 Model III, but don't have the cable. I've checked with RadioShack, and they no longer carry it. I also need boot/program disks for the TRS-80 Model III.


Luke O'Dell <emh@imatrekkie.com>
KY USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 18:25:43
I have a Tandy 102 Portable Computer and I need to know is there any way to delete files that are saved to the memory? I'd appreciate any help you could give me.

Lou Johnson <LJohnson@WGNX.COM>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 18:25:10
Got an IBM 128/640 memory board p/n 62X0780KA471 (AT ISA bus).Need to know settings of 8 pos dip switch. IBM publication number is 1502544 but they cannot supply it.

Richard Maus <ramaus@ibm.net>
Plymouth, MN US - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 17:29:59
After being off for about 8 years, I turned on our
TOSHIBA 3100/20 for some STAMP2 work. The plasma display has
these vertical streaks that keep shifting and make the text hard to read. Any hope? Any suggestions? Thanks
Everything else seems to work ok.

Jose M. Rodriguez Valle <jmrvalle@arrakis.es>
Sevilla, Spain - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 17:16:07
I have a latop Toshiba T3100/20 with SPANISH NON EXTENDED keyboard.
I can't get to configurate correctly the keyboard anyway.

Jose M. Rodriguez Valle <jmrvalle@arrakis.es>
Sevilla, Spain - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 17:09:15
I have a latop Toshiba T3100/20 with spanish keyboard.
I can't get to configurate the keyboard anyway.

Richard Untied <untied@erols.com>
Chesapeake, VA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 17:06:54
Dell System 310, vintage 1990 - Memory Parity Interrupt problems.
With system cold, it halts before POST completes with a
Memory Parity Interrupt at F000:BE4A.
After system has been powered on about 1/2 hour, it completes the
POST but then gets a parity error at 0255:0AAD or .0AA9 after the
HIMEM driver loads.
After system has been on a day, it can be rebooted with no errors.
Any ideas, suggestions or hints much appreciated.
TKS in advance.

John Gado <jgado@execpc.com>
Madison, WI USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 15:40:56
I was wondering if any ones knows where I might be able to
pick up a Microbee (64 or 128) computer and a floppy drive?
This machine was produced in Australia, and can be found
practically everywhere (you might say it was the C64 of
Australia). But I was wondering if it's possible to find
one of these here in the states. Please send me email
if you have any information, thanks.

Nathan <robertsn@Wabash.edu>
- Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 14:29:20
I recently bought a Zenith XT laptop however it does not have a power
supply. The man I bought it from said that any 12-15v DC 3 amp power supply
would work does any one know where I might be able to find a power supply?

John A Field Jr. <ktvr39a@digital.net>
Ocala, FL U.S.A - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 14:01:20
Hello ,
DO you know anyone who would like to buy a PS1-2011 with
a ACU and a 14 inch monitor if you do please email me at
ktvr39a@digital.net thanks.

Seth Ossinsky <magician@iag.net>
DAYTONA BEACH, FL U.S.A - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 13:50:35

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 13:24:25
============THREE POUND PRINTER============

I just got Kodak Diconix 150 Plus. It looks new and is only $45. Please email with questions.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 13:24:10
============THREE POUND PRINTER============

I just got Kodak Diconix 150 Plus. It looks new and is only $45. Please email with questions.

Robert Pierce <robertp@wt.net>
Houston, TX USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 13:13:55
Does anyone have the specifications for a Mitsubishi Memory Expansion board WEAM10 - DC080025B R A A403 5899

Robert Pierce <robertp@wt.net>
Houston, TX USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 13:09:44
Does anyone have the toggle switch configurations for a NEC-16T G8BBXC motherboard inside a Honeywell AP-M i286 computer?

Robert Pierce <robertp@wt.net>
Houston, TX USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 12:48:38
How can I copy DOS 5.0 from 3.5" floppies to 5.25" diskettes? I've tried b:\> format a: /s with copy *.* and a:\> format a: /b with the system command. The KBs are the same on both sets but the 286 computer rejects the 5.25 floppies by stating, "Sector not found, error reading drive A. Error in EXE file." I'm copying on a 386 with both drives, but uploading on a 286 with only a 5.25 drive. I can't swap drives since the BIOS won't recognize a 3.5" drive automatically nor do I have the setup program to change it.

C DAVIS <cdavis@netdot.com>
Garrison, Tx US - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 12:32:39

Joe <jsham@usa.net>
Monticello, NY USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 12:30:40
I have a working TRS-80 Model III and a line printer.
The price is right.

Robert Pierce <robertp@wt.net>
Houston, TX USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 12:27:24
How can I access the BIOS and what memory boards will work with a Honeywell Bull AP-M i286-10 computer that uses Phoenix 80286 ROM BIOS Version 3.07 03?

Jeremy J. M. <jeremymizell@hotmail.com>
Denver, Co. USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 12:19:24
I have an IBM pc 5150 that i want to program to operate a robot if any body knows software or anything about programing this please contact me i will be vary greatfull. I a message before like this but i didnt put down what i really needed and i put the wrong email.

Jeremy J. M. <jeremymizell@hotmail.com>
Denver, Co. USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 12:18:12
I have an IBM pc 5150 that i want to program to operate a robot if any body knows software or anything about programing this please contact me i will be vary greatfull. I a message before like this but i didnt put down what i really needed and i put the wrong emai.

James W Guill
Lynchburg, Va USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 11:50:58
The curator didnt mention it, but another good place to buy/sell
is www.haggle.com.

JV <champion936@hotmail.com>
Sarasota, FL USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 09:40:04
I am reparing an old Laser brand 386SX desktop, The mouse card is missing, was this card a proprietary part that is unavailable ?. If anyone Knows anything about these computers I would appreciate comments to my email address.

- Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 09:01:34

Brian <bhowes@mail.clarinda.heartland.net>
IA USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 01:42:40
Does anyone know if there is a cardholder available for an IBM 486 with MCA buss that has PCI or ISA slots?
I would like to purchase one if there is such a thing.
I'm also looking for information on a IBM 62RW-100 microcode hard drive. It is scsi, I can't get it to spin. I think it is a 1 GB HD.
Thank you for any information.

stacy cooper <tacers@webtv.net>
mt holly, n.j. u.s.a. - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 00:04:06
I have a c64 with a modem. Are there any old bulletin boards or is there any oher way that I can get on the net?

Tommy Dozer <beard@4eyes.net>
Watford City, ND USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 23:26:46
I am looking for a manufactors disk to a
Compudyne TrueColor 1MB Video Board.
If anyone knows a site I can try or nows where you can order
something like this please e-mail me.

Thank You

Richard Manetta <mrpink@senet.com.au>
Adelaide, Australia - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 22:48:45
Hi,I am hoping you can help me with a question I have regarding the TI99/4A Speech Synthesizer.Do you know if this speech synthesizer module contains the TMS 5200 (speech processor) chip.Thanks Regards Richard.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 22:11:05
=========PORTABLE PRINTER FOR SALE==========
I have a Kodak Diconix 150 PLUS in A++++++ condition and looks new for only $50 yep thats right only $50.

Jud the laptop man

P.S.: This printer only weighs 3 lbs.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 22:10:54
=========PORTABLE PRINTER FOR SALE==========
I have a Kodak Diconix 150 PLUS in A++++++ condition and looks new for only $50 yep thats right only $50.

Jud the laptop man

P.S.: This printer only weighs 3 lbs.

Mikhail <mikhail@microlab.ca>
Toronto, ON Canada - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 20:51:16
Does anyone have Reference Disk for NIC 3Com Etherlink/MC
for IBM PS/2 or knows where those files are located in the Ineternet?

Phil Clayton <Handyman@sprintmail.com>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 20:26:39
OSBORNE 01 Portable:

Does anyone know where I can get the Schematics
for an Osborne 01 portable computer ?

Thanks for your help...

Alastair Nicholson <alastair_n@hotmail.com>
Wellington, New Zealand - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 20:25:43
Amstrad PC2286.
I have lost the system disk for this machine. On start-up the PC requires the system disk to be able to recognise the Hard-drive. I believe the disk is called MS-DOS "INSTALL/SETUP".
It would be appreciated if someone can E-Mail me a copy of this disk.

Dennis Hothem < hothem@mato.com>
Belle Fourche, SD USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 19:28:26
I have an IBM 5140 convertible laptop with no power supply. If some one could tell me the input voltage and amps I could make one, or perhaps someone has one for sale? I am told that there was a car adapter cable to plug into your car? I like the Obsolete Museum its neat! Thanks to all who can help with my question.!! Dennis Hothem
August 29th, 1998

Dennis Hothem < hothem@mato.com>
Belle Fourche, SD USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 19:26:36
I have an IBM 5140 convertible laptop with no power supply. If some one could tell me the input voltage and amps I could make one, or perhaps someone has one for sale? I am told that there was a car adapter cable to plug into your car? I like the Osolete Museum its neat! Thanks to all who can help with my question.!! Dennis Hothem
August 29th, 1998

Dennis Hothem < hothem@mato.com>
Belle Fourche, SD USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 19:23:55
I have an IBM 5140 convertible laptop with no power supply. If some one could tell me the input voltage and amps I could make one, or perhaps someone has one for sale? I am told that there was a car adapter cable to plug into your car? I like the Osolete Museum its neat! Thanks to all who can help with my question.!! Dennis Hothem

Jeremy J. M. <jeremyjm@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO. USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 19:02:41
I have a old IBM 5150 pc that is missing basic I allso need to now how operate basic. Unless some would like to trade for a commador 64.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 18:40:42
New laptops for sale:

I have a Compaq SLT 386/20 for sale with a nice carry case that says "Compaq" on the front. It has a modem and is in very good looking condition.

I also have an external modem for $25 a very good deal.

Email me with questions.

Jud the laptop man


I get new laptops for sale almost every week so email me and tell me what you want and I will see if i can hook you up.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 18:40:28
New laptops for sale:

I have a Compaq SLT 386/20 for sale with a nice carry case that says "Compaq" on the front. It has a modem and is in very good looking condition.

I also have an external modem for $25 a very good deal.

Email me with questions.

Jud the laptop man


I get new laptops for sale almost every week so email me and tell me what you want and I will see if i can hook you up.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 18:39:27
New laptops for sale:

I have a Compaq SLT 386/20 for sale with a nice carry case that says "Compaq" on the front. It has a modem and is in vey good looking condition.

I also have an external modem for $25 a very good deal.

Email me with questions.

Jud the laptop man


I get new laptops for sale almost every week so email me and tell me what you want and I will see if i can hook you up.

Will Daniel <SpammersSuck_wjdaniel@infinet.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 15:56:39
(My REAL e-mail address starts at "wj") 14,400 internal fax modem, $10 -- I pay postage.

I never got ANY spam e-mail till I started posting messages here. I hope the above trick foils the bastards.

Will Daniel <ScrewYouSpammers_wjdaniel@infinet.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 15:54:59
(My REAL e-mail address starts at "wj") Complete set of manuals for Lotus SmartSuite 3.0 for Windows 3.1, $8 plus $2 shipping. Throw in another $2 for additional shipping weight and I'll include the software as is (don't know if the disks are good or not -- no guarantees).

Troy Fisher <troytunes@hotmail.com>
Petaluma, CA USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 15:11:50
I am hoping someone has a bootable 5.25 disk for an Osborne Executive portable computer(similar to the ones posted on this museum site). None of my big system floppies work. Maybe different Operating System than DOS?
Thanks in advance.

Terry Cripe <tcripe@defnet.com>
Defiance, OH USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 15:10:43
A friend of mine has a Tandy 1100FD laptop for which he would like the internal modem.Anyone know where this could be found?

Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
CO USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 14:08:15
I have a Toshiba-1200 for a friend of mine, and she wants to get connected to the internet for texted based browsing and email. Does anyone know of a program or programs that can accomplish this for me? Please respond by email. Thanks in advance....

Alan Randles <dallowgill@lineone.net>
Liverpool, England - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 13:41:55
I have an old "Commodore 4032 & 4040 disk drive unit".
Has any body got the "DOS" for this unit on 360k disk??
I would be grateful for a copy an will glady pay all
cost's. I also am a computer junk freak and have various
old "PC Sytems and Pheripherals" plus my first 8-bit micro
that I built in 1979 a "Nascom 2" Z80 based with 48k ram
and a cassette interface "WOW"! plus all the manuals.

Oded Coster <oded@netmedia.net.il>
Jerusalem, Israel - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 12:46:43
I need info on an old Kai Mei motherboard - the BIOS will not recognize more than 8mb of memory... in whatever configuration. I don't know if it's a BIOS thing or some motherboard jumper settings (?) and I need either the mother board jumper settings or a table of possible memory configurations.


Motherboard SN: KM26G72-10
BIOS SN: 40-P600-001453-00101111-121593-ALI1429G-H

Any info regarding this motherboard is welcome (jumper settings/ BIOS upgrade/any other help)



Caleb Lollis <lollis@cris.com>
Merrillville, IN USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 04:33:59
I was building a new computer for a friend, he gave me his old Gateway 2000 4sx-25 that he wants m to upgrade at least enough to maake it web worthy for surfing and stuff. It has an old 486 board with teh riser card, so all proprietary, no zif, but a second processor socket. It has a dip switch speed setting and 5 sets of pins for CPU type setting, Pheonix BIOS. I need to find out how o change these setting to go from a 486SX/25 to a DX/33, but have no docs and gateway no help, web site doesn't have this board listed, no model number is on it either! Just sayd Gateway. MAde in 1993. Any help or links to places that may be helpful appreciated!

"Duck" McDonald <mcdonald@carol.net, andersondtrain#2@owenscorning.com>
Anderson, SC USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 01:42:20
I'm trying to get a Samsung 2.1 Gb IDE drive to work in a
Zeos Pantera 486/66 machine. The drive works fine in
another (P166) macnine but I had to partition it to about
500mb to get it the Zeos 486 to recognize it. Is there
anything I need to know to get this drive to work in this
machine. I have LBA enabled. It uses PhoenizBIOS v4.03.
Does LBA enable this macine to use a 2.1Gb HDD? If not,
what is the max size it enables?

"Duck" McDonald

George Pardi <gpardi@seacoast.com>
Amesbury, MA USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 00:48:41

I'm in desperate need of the EISA configuration utility for
a CompuAdd 486 EISA machine. I also need the config file
for this unit; the filename is "!CPD0003.CFG". If anyone has
ANY info at all on this system, I'd appreciate it. I've
tried all kinds of searches and Web sites, all to no avail.
There MUST be other owners of this system out there!

Thanks in advance.

Darren Adams <Darkin_84@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 00:37:18
What would cause a HD to sudenly start getting viruses left and
right? I was resently given an old Leading Edge model D, and
the next day, I had two viruses on it. Now there are still some
bad sectors in it, is there any way to grt them out?

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 23:28:11
Hello. I'm looking for one of the OLD CD-Rom's that are sometimes pictured with old IBM's in TAB books. They are the old, big (well, wide) external drives that were in a case about 12-18" wide, and about 3-4" high. I'm not sure if they were manufactured by IBM or not. I need it for my 5170 AT.

I'm also looking for an original IBM 5170 AT keyboard.

ThAnX in advance,

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 23:27:43
I agree with CompDude. Just try to find a "new" copy of Windows 2.3 with original manuals, and disks. Not easy.

Jason W. Bishop <roger@lakemartin.net>
Alexander city, AL USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 23:18:55
I need information on a Zenith Data Systems lap top computer model ZWL-184-97. I know it needs a hard drive, and an adaptor. Your help would be appreciated.

CompDude <aedonelson@hotmail.com>
USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 23:14:39
In response to Jason Whortons post, he is right to a degree. If
your begging for stuff like say....Windows 98 or Visual C++, go
buy it, cause that will be best usually. But if you look for like
Dos 3.0 or Windows 2.0 etc, then who cares...they dont. I asked
Microsoft how to get a version of windows below 3.0 and they told
me to try and see if a local tech or someone online would give it
to me. If the software is obsolete like the computer, who cares?

Jason Whorton <jason@microxl.com>
Attalla, AL 35954 - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 22:49:48
Hello. Could those of you that come on here bumming for illegal copies of commercial software, please stop? It's getting old and lame. If you really need it, just buy it. You will get all the manuals and you will know that all the correct files are included.

Thank you,
Jason Whorton

Michael A. Stanhope/Computer Services of York <jinx97@get.net>
York, PA USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 22:43:28
New eqiopment comming in. All is XT and 286 class. There are 4 Sperry Industrial computers with MCA bus and SCSI hard drives, 2 IBM XT's, Panasonic Business Partner XT, IBM PC/AT, and others. Printers, color, and B/W, a couple of 24 pins, CGA/EGA/Herc monitors.

E-Mail for more info.

Darren Adams <Darkin_84@hotmail.com>
- Friday, August 28, 1998 at 21:06:52
Does anyone have some software for XT's or 286's. Various ver.
of Windows, MS DOS, Games, really about anything. BUT, I don't
want to order anything. Please send any software through the


Sue <swilson@dreamscape.com>
- Friday, August 28, 1998 at 18:45:33
IBM ps/2 Model 9577


How do I open the case??? I unscrewed 2 big screws in the back but nothing comes loose. can anyone help me?

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 18:42:16
Those that use and are contemplating using the online auctions may be interested in this article on MSNBC located at

Take it with a grain of salt though, most are legitimate as are those you deal with personally or (like me) on a small business scale. It;s just a few that make the whole system turn to crap.

Omar Arteaga Cruz <srsoac@mitla.dcaa.unam.mx>
Distrito Federal , , MΘxico - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 16:03:57
Dear Sirs:

We are organizing the expotition " 40 years of computing in Mexico", but We do not have technical information about "OMXIMODEM 48" modem built by Racal-Milgo so please could you help us?, We hope so.

Thank you a lot.

Alberto Terragni <aterrag@tin.it>
SEREGNO (MILAN), ITALY - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 13:49:18
I'm looking for the setup program for the BIOS of a computer OLIVETTI M300.
Who can help me send the program to my e-mail
Thanks a lot

Jim Aguirre <jim.aguirre@ci.seattle.wa.us>
- Friday, August 28, 1998 at 13:44:24
Is the TI4000M laptop (486DX-75) bios YK2 compliant or will
the date/time fail on 1/1/00? Is there a downloadable flash
bios upgrade available?

Paul Rosenkilde <gli6der@webtv.net>
ca sf - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 12:39:03
Im' looking for an NEC-PC8201A Can anyone help me?

AJ <y2k_computer@hotmail.com>
VA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 08:53:16
I have the following items available for the IBM PS/2 55sx (8555) some also work with other systems, first come first serve (all are USED but in good condition) $3.xx MAX price + shipping by USPS PRIORITY MAIL.:

System Top (27F4172)
Switch Link (27F4168) & Front Switch
Speaker (27F4672)
Speaker Holder (27F4673)
System Lock (27F4169) {Does not require key; pins have been pulled}.
Drive Grounding Bracket (33F8156)
Adapter Bracket (27F467x)
Drive Cradle (27F4170)
Rear Cover (27F4670)
Bus Adapter Support (27F4674)

The part/FRU numbers are off of IBM's web site.

E-Mail with any & all ?'s.

Jesper Stenild <mtjst@vibamt.dk>
Denmark - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 07:30:48
I am still using my old trusty ambra sprinta 14'' SVGA monitor, with a win 95 computer . But using win95 I cannot get a better solution than 640X480.
Probably I need a win 95 driver for this monitor. Is there any chance that anyone can help me??

John Kozak <jkoz@ozemail.com.au>
Brisbane, Qld Australia - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 03:54:25
Has anybody heard of an ACOMOS 486 computer (that's the logo on the front panel).
Is so, what year were they made and who by ?
I need this information for an insurance claim because the thing blew up in a lightning storm !

Thanks for any help.

Ron Pierpont <rpierpont@hotmail.com>
- Friday, August 28, 1998 at 02:30:10

Glen Cymbalist <mdp238@freenet.mb.ca>
canada - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 02:21:45
A 386 DX 33 giving me intermitent trouble. If mouse doesn't work, monitor has no color -just grey shades. If I print a color document -same shades of grey as monitor display. Sound doesn't work. Checked all cables. Tried cards in different spots. No success. Help please.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 00:15:00
Need to get rid of quick - Zenith ZWS-248-62 machine and parts CHEEEEP

*Complete case, power supply, planar board, processor board w/512k RAM,
I/O board, MFM floppy/hard drive controller, MDA video board, drive
bays, filler plate. Add a floppy and hard drive and it's back in
business again running a 286-12 processor. Also includes an additional
memory board that uses 30 pin simms, without any simms on it. $10 plus
shipping. Weighs 20-25 lbs

Also, w ith the above I will throw in for the cost of shipping-

*Another complete case but NO power supply, planar board, 1 processor
board w/512k RAM, 2 I/O boards.

I won't post these as freebies to anyone else until I find out if the
person that wants the complete unit wants them thrown in or not.

Email me direct. First come first served.

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg , Va USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 23:00:53
Ok folks. I have a 486 33 computer here with the most peculiar
problem. I cannot get a hard drive to recognize via any of the
controller cards that I have installed on the machine. I have
used at least 4 cards. The hard drive is a maxtor 7213AT. I tested
the sucker out and it is fine. Has win and dos on it. I keep getting
a hdd error every time irregardless however, and the hdd cable
is good. Anyone have any suggestions. And yes, I have tried to
manually set up the hdd settings in CMOS. Unfortunately it doesnt
have auto detect either. Any help would be awesome. Thanks

SUZANNE ZUCKERMAN <s.zuckerman@mci2000.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 22:45:56
My 18 year old Eagle II has burnt out its A drive. I need to retrieve information that is on disks so that I can read and edit this information on a Windows 95 machine. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you, Suzanne

PatrickBrunson <dragon@swva.net>
NewCastle, Va. Craig - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 22:39:18
I want to thank everyone that helped me with the HeadStart 300
It is up and flying the modem even works (2400 baud).
It did have a cmos setup in the rom but the only way it could
be accessed is if you removed one of the componets and it would
prompt you to go into setup when it rebooted.
This must have been the brainfart of time (after microchanel technology).
Thanks to everyone!

FRED DERRINGER <fred1@inetone.net>
Mt. Hope, WV USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 22:08:21
Have several PS2 parts and can get hard to find pieces and parts for IBM computers. Just E mail us to let us know what you are looking for. Prices are cheap, so cheap you'll think we are giving them away.

Sylvia Brown <svbrown@acsu.buffalo.edu>
Buffalo, ny USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 20:53:31
I have an old Mac LCII I got in '92. I think is about time for an upgrade.
Can anyone tell me if I can get an external modem (how fast)and CD-ROM for it? With this changes
what can I look forward to, can I surf the net or at least access my university's computers
from my dorm. I don't know much about this stuff, can someone please HELP!

Dave <dave@gonk.prestel.co.uk>
Plymouth , devon England - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 18:35:54
I have just a purchased a Tandy 200 portable computer, and would dearly like to aquire a manual for it and also find out where I might purchase the relevant software and accesories
Thanx dave

roumejon christian <croum@club-internet.fr>
Pont de Montvert, 48 france - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 17:28:34
Need technical info about my olivetti m300-30 computer.
seems to be the same machine as decpc 425i ?
please let me know about any info you might know.
Thanks by advance !!!

CJ Wilson <cjm@gci.net>
Anchorage, AK USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 15:38:47
I have been given a lovely piece of machinery . . its a 3Com ethernet server
modle number 3C1206 also known as 3Server386 (part of 3com's
3 series . . . .It boots with 3comDOS and it is functional
HOWEVER i need manuals to see what this puppy can do . . . I
can get at least one more of these machines I have an application
for them . . but I would like to know more on how to get it
up and running on my network . . thanks in advance . .
Covert Operations

Paul <tata_11@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 15:01:58
I have an old scanner, DEST model 646ST. Does anyone have information that would enable me to use the scanner? Does the scanner require interface card or does it just connect to the parallel port? It has two identical sockets at the back that would seem to accept standard parallel printer cable, then there is a female DB25 socket, perhaps for serial connection. I also have no drivers for this device so your help will be muchly appreciated.

Mary Ryan <mryan@spexus.com>
Dale City, VA USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 14:52:42
My son was given a Commordore 64 computer with no instructions. I have tried setting it up but I'm not sure what goes where. I did get it turned on but I couldn't get any of the software to run. I anyone could direct me to someone or something that could help me I be very thankful.

Wolfgang Oetsch <a9171013@unet.univie.ac.at>
Vienna, Austria - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 12:01:40
please help me with IBM PS/1 486SX power supply this has in addition to the AT-Plug 3 more wires to J30 connector (one of them is common ground) how to connect them to use the PS/1 with a "normal" power supply ? kindest regards W. Oetsch

John Kotula <kotula@uslink.net>
Baxter, MN USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 11:58:58
I have a "Mindset" personal computer system. It has two disc
drives that use a plug-in cartridge called NVRAM, not
regular floppies. It also has an expansion unit and is supposed
to be some type of vidio enhansing system. I have a basic
Operation Guide but no manual that tells how to use it. The
company is no longer in business. Can you tell me more about
it? Is it a collector item?

Buster Wright <cwright@tarrantcounty.com>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 09:32:57
Need information on the following laptop:
Compaq - Contura 4/25.
Need to know about modem, and if there are any upgrades
available. Also, would like to get a copy of the manuals
Please e-mail to either:

Thanks for the help

Bob Johnson <parts@bobjohnson.com>
South Plainfield, NJ USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 09:05:15
For those interested I have a 5000 square foot warehouse
full of older computer equipment. Everything from XT to 486
includes stuff I dont even recognize. You can see a partial
list on my web site at http://www.bobjohnson.com and if you
do not see it there then just email your request. I have ps/2
ibm compatible, printers, monitors(sun, hp, etc) Alot of stuff
Even older copies of software.

Torbj°rn Heltne
Oslo, Norway - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 08:37:19
EISA motherboard configuration

I need the configuration file for this EISA motherboard but I'm not able to determine who the manufacturer is. There are no brand name on the board, no logo, nothing.
Fortunately, I have the manual, and the MB is referred to as "the OPTI-486WB EISA system board", and the configuraton file I should be using is called !opt0000.cfg. I have searched a *lot* for this file on the 'net, and I have found 3 different files with this name, from three different companies.
These three are


I was really optimistic about the file from opti of course, but comparing the the file(s) to the manual I found several mismatches on jumper numbering. The rest seems to match ok.

Is it possible to use "any" !opt0000.cfg file
Is it possible to make my own !opt0000.cfg file based on the manual? Perhaps I could change one of my files and make it match on the jumper numbering?
Does anybody have any experience to share on this matter?

Reply either here or by mail to:

torbjorn dot heltne at ericsson dot no

Best regards,

Rune <rkauslan@c2i.net>
Oslo, Norway, Norway - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 07:04:24
I have a Sanyo MBC-18NL Notebook Computer. It was once a 80386 20 MhZ. With a 60/80 Mb HD. But the previous owner has installed, a 80486 50 MhZ, and a Connor CFN 250A HD at 250 Mb. It was functioning a few months ago, but something happened, (It's not my computer) Now I cant get it to accept the HD at all. And I cant get it to go at any speed higher than 20 Mhz. I tried to set the HD correctly in the setup, but the setup only has 4 digits, and the precomp setting of the connor is 65535, 5 digits. I don't know if that is the reason. Dos will not install, because it wont accept the HD.

Please mail me if you can help me. I am ready to give up.


Brian Larkin <TI_double_GA_eerr@bigfoot.com>
Wahiawa, HI USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 01:44:34
I'm trying to find any information I can about an Everex EverFax 24/96E external fax modem, model EV-967. If anyone could tell me features etc., from a manual, that would be great. The most important thing I need to know is, what are the power requirements to run it? Does anyone have one they want to sell? If I can get the requirements and a rough pin out I can make one. Also, if anyone has drivers or would like to recommend software to use with it (if I get it running), I'd appreciate that also.
Thanks again for the help!

Leonel Rodriguez <lrdgz@yahoo.com>
El Paso, TX USA - Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 00:35:09
Hey guys, I have an old Altos 586. I'm looking for a source of Xenix disk to make it run. So, if you have any idea where I can find those disk please let me know. I'll appreciate, as I think is you where in my place. Thanks in adavance for the help.

DRAGON <dragon@swva.net>
NewCastle , Va. Craig - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 22:12:21
Just got a Magnavox HeadStart 300,Its a 286 and the cd rom puked
in it,no biggy.
The HD is a giant 42 megs,with a 1.44 floppy.
What i need to know is there anyone out there that has or knows where i
can find the setup disk for the modem and the cmos?
This thing has one Meg of rom but i cant seem to find a setup in it,so i figuer it is on
a disk,and the rom just carrys the headstart environment in it.
Any help would be appreciated!
If anyone needs a copy of msword ver 5.0 for dos ill send it to you e-mail
It will run on 8088-80486 allso have the printer drivers for it.

David Powell <dapow1@student.monash.edu.au>
Melbourne, VIC Australia - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 21:31:56
I recently managed to get my hands on a SpectraVideo SV328, with expansion docking station thingy.
Unfortunately it is missing the power supply to the actual computer itself. I was wondering if
anyone could give me the rating of the power supply, is it the same as the one in the expansion?
If not, could someone please email me all of the specifications written on the power supply box.

Thanks a lot!

Tom Martin <tmartin@thegrid.net>
Oceano, CA US - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 21:05:14
Thank you for so many e-mails yesterday,on my Turbo XT.One more if i may.I have a 3.5 floppy drive to put in and windows 3.1 Will it work? Will i still need a boot disk? It has a hard drive and dos 3.3 Thank You so much for any help. Tom

Willie Rayburn <enduser@softdisk.com>
Shreveport, LA USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 20:27:54
New post,
I am now looking for the power supply for an IBM PS2 model
57. the old pwsupply causes spontaneous boots.
still looking for the info for my SOYO board from
my previous post.

Computer Services of York/Michael A. Stanhope <jinx97@gte.net>
York, PA USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 20:07:46
I have available a 286 => 486DX 33 Upgrade chipset made by Cyrix. It presses down in the standard 286 socket after you remove the 286 processor.

For sale only $40.00

Linda Smith <lismith@companet.net>
AL USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 19:11:47
I have an IBM PS/1 model 2011. It is a 286 computer that boots up to a graphical screen with 4 quadrants from ROM. The quadrants do not work, however, because the original set-up files are gone. I have the disks, but they are very old and unreadable. If I had the setup disk, I could change the setting to boot from the HD instead of ROM. If anyone out there can help me, please email me at lismith@companet.net. Thanks!

Lori <ski@runestone.net>
MN - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 18:11:32
Can anyone tell me what error code or is it normal for a
IBM PS/2 Model 90 XP 486 also known as the 8590 model.
It boots up and says: 00967010 008A
If you have any Idea let me know..Thanks..Lori.

Darren <Darkin_84@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 16:52:26
I forgot somthing very important. Please E-Mail them to me. I
don't want to have anything shiped.
(Here's my preveous message)
I'm looking for some older software. It's mainly for my Leading Edge,
but I would like other stuff for other older computers I
get. Any type of game, OS, utility, ANYTHING will be greatly

Thanks a lot!!

Darren <Darkin_84>
- Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 16:52:08
I forgot somthing very important. Please E-Mail them to me. I
don't want to have anything shiped.
(Here's my preveous message)
I'm looking for some older software. It's mainly for my Leading Edge,
but I would like other stuff for other older computers I
get. Any type of game, OS, utility, ANYTHING will be greatly

Thanks a lot!!

Ardell <cmsc@gntech.net>
Spokane, Wa USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 16:33:13
I am seeking the specs on an older NEC 20 inch monitor, Model APC-H439. Specifically, I need to know the dot pitch. Thanks, Ardell

Darren <Darkin_84@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 16:22:18
I'm looking for some older software. It's mainly for my Leading Edge,
but I would like other stuff for other older computers I
get. Any type of game, OS, utility, ANYTHING will be greatly

Thanks a lot!!

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 15:26:28

I'm looking for 2 IBM 4meg Partiy 32 pin SIMMS.


Louie Warren <es336td@crosslink.net>
Sumerduck, VA USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 15:09:50
I have an old IBM Portable (XT bus) PC. It has 256K RAM and
2 floppy (360KB) drives. I also have an IBM Music Feature
(FB01 on a card) Card installed. I basically need to know what is available
that runs under DOS to access the IMF Card. I have Yamaha PlayRec
and Compose, but all I really need is a way to select patches
and control how MIDI is received. Any help would be greatly
Please help spread the word:

Louie Warren <es336td@crosslink.net>
Sumerduck, VA USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 15:05:52
FS: Yamaha CX5M Music Computer... main unit with QWERTY
keyboard & piano style keyboard. $100 shipped COD.
Please help spread the word.

John Bergsma <jljjj@yahoo.com>
Borden, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 12:39:06
Hi, my brother has an 8088XT that he would like to put back into use. Can anyone point me to programs that can be run on this machine? He would be interested in childrens' programs, and also if possible, some music programs, i.e. MIDI apps.
Thank you very much for your time...

george e smith jr <sunnycub@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 10:43:55
hi i got a tandon 386 16mhz computer one of my dos files went corupt and i cant get dos to come up at all i was wondering if anyone had a bootdisk for this computer its got dos 6.22 on it

Greg Stamper
- Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 09:54:53
By the way, I still occassionally use my Commodore 64, it has a large program I wrote for it that I don't feel like re-writing for the PC. In fact, a friend gave me a box of Commodore stuff (including a 128), I hang on to it in case mine ever breaks.

It seems I've stumbled on a panel of 286 experts-that's fine. I just hope no one expects to run Windows 98 and Office 97 or other such bloatware on anything less than a Pentium. Yesterday I loaded Win 98 on a 486/66. I managed to trim it down to 157 Meg of drive space, and even though 98 is supposed to run faster than 95, it is ANNOYINGLY slow.

If I wanted to write C++, or operate a robot, then one of my pre-386's (I own 3 or 4 that I just never threw away) would work just fine.

There, I think that clears the air. Happy hunting!

Greg Stamper
- Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 09:42:46
Concerning my post of yesterday:

I'm sorry I couldn't find a better way to word my message to be less offensive.

I realize that many people, myself included, can't afford to buy or upgrade their computer every 6 months.

However, I have known many people who unwittingly invested time and money in a 286 hoping to have a better machine, only to find out that they overestimted its abilities and wasted their effort.

It's this audience to whom my message is targeted.

The number one rule for upgrading a PC-if it does what you need it to do, then it does not need upgraded.

╪ivind Hantho <oivindh@idi.ntnu.no>
Tronheim, Norway - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 09:31:29
I have a Girlfriend with a 486sx 25Mhz Commodore PC.
Since I have a friend with a brother working at a
electronics recycling plant, I've gotten hold of a couple of
4 Mb 32 pin ram-chips, and 2 Intel 486dx 33Mhz processors.
I would very much like to know how to install the 486dx
33 Mhz chip, including how to get the motherboard to clock
at 33 Mhz instead of 25 Mhz.

My goal is to tweak enough performance out of this old
junker to run Win95 and office95 applications.

Any references to sources of info is appreciated.

Thanks for reading my message!


PS! If anyone wonders how to pronounce my name, it's kind
of like Erwin with an exagerated New York accent

Carl Albritton <crtech@juno.com>
Carrollton, Ga usa - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 08:02:16
I have a tandy 1400LT that is gathering dust.
I would like to use it to send and receive email.
Is there any software or BBS that provide this service.

Razvan <razvan71@usa.net>
Bucuresti, ROMANIA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 06:42:46
I have a 386 motherboard with the CPU AMD386DX40Mhz on the board, but has also a socket for 387 or 486 .
She has AMI BIOS S/N 0A 039601. She has also chipset OPTI 82C495SX, OPTI F82C206Q, and 82C392SX., but i have no documentation for it. Now when I power up she make an 1(or2 i do not see difference) long beep and 8 short beeps and the screen is black. The cmos battery is bad and i must change with an external battery but i don't know what jumpers are be set. Please help me

Mike Hodson <odin555@geocities.com>
Aurora, C) USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 01:57:07
Hello there. I have an ancient Northgate 486. Currently, after upgrading everything except the processor, and vid card, (and the board it self) I'm looking for a small but noticable performance increase. I'm looking for anyone with a manual for older Northgate motherboards (around 1992-1993, 486 DX/SX, it has Northgate BIOS version 6.13). I bought this computer used last year, and therefore have no manual. I need the jumper setup for the processor speed, clockrate multiplier, and system bus speed (pretty much all the jumpers). I'm also looking for info on over-clocking this setup. The processor that came with it is a Intel 486 DX2/66 overdrive processor. (the larger socket on the board is occupied by it). it has a pretty good heatsink on it already, and a good fan.
Any help, or a website is appreciated.

D. "Gus" Gustus <pbg@nicom.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 23:53:27
How many IDE [Hard Drives, CdROM] devices can I put on a IBM PS/1?

2, 4?

Todd Walsh <twalsh@careertrack.com>
Boulder, CO USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 22:44:02
I have an TRS-80 PC-4 with the optional 1k RAM Expander. My question is really a programming issue.
#1. I am looking for some decent code to run on it.
#2. FOR NEXT loops seem to require the EXE button be pushed to continue operation. Why ?
#3. I am looking for a cassette and perhaps a printer. Got one ?


Tommie Battle <tobattle@bellatlantic.net>
- Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 22:37:52
A friend has asked me to look at an old PC6300. It seems that the video is tilted and rolling sideways. Does anyone have any troubleshooting or documentation info on this pc? She just wants to use it for word processing.

Mike Batchelor <nroman125@aol.com>
Harvester, MO USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 21:30:15
Agree 100% on Computer Recyclers. Great Company, never had a bit of problems with anything that Ive ordered. Where else can you get a Jaz for $45 or a CD-R for $79?

And a quick question - is there anyone who has the CMOS setup disk for an IBM PS/1 Model 2121 386SX? Does anyone have any of the expansion modules, or memory expansion boards which were available for it? Its a fairly proprietary little machine, and I dont want to put much into it. Any Help would be appreciated

Bill Reynolds <billr@vvi.net>
Statesville, NC USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 21:29:49
I have a Coleco Adam Computer for sale. It is a one owner and has been expanded to 256K. I have added a 5 1/2" disc drive and I have the cable to attach a dot matrix printer. Included is a color monitor, four controllers, keyboard, driving module, and approximately 200 disks of games and utilities along with 20+ game cartidges, and all cables. This computer is fully operational. I will sell the system at a fair price.

Tom Martin <tmartin@thegrid.net>
Oceano, CA US - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 21:25:31
I was just given a computer i think its pretty old it has two 5"floppys.All it says on the front is TURBO XT,the printer is a Star nx-1000,the monitor is a Beltron and a Keytronic KB 3270 keyboard. It works fine. Can anybody tell me if this thing is worth keeping? I don't know what to do with it,it came with about 20 floppys. Thank you

Dale Ford <fordbd@m-y.net>
Newland, NC US - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 21:25:00
Mr Stampard:

Note: This is the OBSOLETE computer helpline, and some of
us have no intention of upgrading our XT's 286's or 386's
to Pentium IIs.
(BTW-Sent via a 386sx-16)

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 21:20:12
I'm looking for a driver for a "Micro Mainframe Expanded Memory Expansion
Board" (yes, that's the actual name of it). The model number of it is
EMS-5150-T. The name of the driver is . It's for a Tandy
1000TL XT-class 286/12MHz.

One other question: The processor clocks in @ 12 MHz. The 1000TL is
supposed to be 8 MHz. Was there ever an upgrade offered for this computer
to make it 12MHz? The chip is manufactured by AMD, and it's a 286-12 (it
may be a S or SX, I'm not sure). This is also the computer that I'm trying
to find an XTA drive for. Make or model doesn't matter, as long as the
heads aren't run by a stepper motor.

ThAnX in advance,

Brandon H. <bheather@kusd.kusd.edu>
Kenosha, WI USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 21:03:53

I was wondering if some one could send me a copy of the Amiga
os, with the Kickstart disk (I'm new to Amigas) it would be
greatly appreciated, I would gladly send some money for your
troubles, it's an Amiga 1000, by the way. Thanks for your

Dan Mikos <dmi853@juno.com>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 19:28:04
Have for sale new in factory box Future Domain Microchannel SCSI cntroller cards.
These cards were made for IBM.

Model number is MCS-700 , they have an on board power connector so installing a scsi drive in a PS/2
is easy.

Bios date is 1995 and the card will handle gigabyte hard drives.
Seven bootable devices, has 50 pin internal connector and a 50 pin high density external connector.

Price is $45.00 each which includes 3 day insured priority shipping to lower 48 states.
Ibm's price is $162.00 their part number is 71G3576

Includes manual , warranty card , options disk.

If you need more information or want to see a jpeg just email me .

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 18:50:32
And a final blow off of my mouth via my fingers...there has been some concern that my reference to Computer Recyclers in Carrolton TX may result in problems. I am happy to say that the items I ordered arrived exactly as advertised, like new, and in a timely manner. Everything packed in bubble wrap and works great. I'm not plugging them but rather letting others that have heard contrary remarks about them that I recieved exactly what I was told and no problems. Not ragging those that have stated otherwise, just stating what my experience is, for the 12th time ordering from them.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 18:42:32
Evidentally Mr. Stamper has never experienced the thrill of digging up old programs for TRS-80's, CoCos, Ataris, C=64's, XT's and other older machines to include mini and mainframe computers, or it's just his personal preference, but no one should be turned away from their machines just because someone presents their concerted opinion here. If you like the machine and it serves the purpose, then it's not even obsolete in that respect. The manufacturers and "shops" want you to dump them so they can make a 400% profit on something that won't go belly up till after the warranty, as opposed to people like myself that repair and refurbish just about anything that can be repaired and reused only make diddly on these machines as it's not cost efffective to charge $40 or more per hour on a machine you can buy working for $30 (more or less). I'm sure e'd be surprised just how many active Commodore users there are just to mention a few machines that others toss away as trash.

Bottom line - if you don't like less than 486's, that's great. Don't try to belittle others that have uses for other machines below that range, they like them and have uses for them.

Just my opinion, sue me if you don't like it

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 18:31:35
Memorex Telex 286 update:

Got it set. I got impatient and used GSETUP31 to initially set the
scrambled date, time and drive types to get it to boot and found the
setup program from Mem-Tel on the hard drive (duh). I copied it off for
future use so if anyone needs it just ask.

Willie Rayburn <enduser@softdisk.com>
Shreveport, LA USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 16:48:15
Anyone have the specs for the following SOYO mainboard?
3486 - ucf
Marked on board (pink sticker)019K1
board is a 386, board works fine just wnat the documentation for it.
No help from SOYO and no third party source found yet.
Any body got one?
all answers appreciated.

Gilles Ward <giward@dttus.com>
Saint John, NB Canada - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 16:35:22
Hi, I have a Compaq Portable III that's acting up. here is what I have: When I boot up I get a "162-System Options Not Set-(Run Setup) Insert DIAGNOSTIC diskette in drive A". I don't have a diagnostic disk for this model. If you can help, please do!

Greg Stamper <humblestud@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 15:55:06
Just some friendly advice. Some of you may hate it and contradict me, some of you may thank me. I've seena lot of ?'s on 286's. These computers are not upgradeable (processor -wise) and are gnerally a waste of time. I never touch anything less than a 486/66, and then only for learning purposes.
Drivers and other information can be found by going to www.hotbot.com and using the appropriate keywords.

Hope this helps!

Pelle Nilsson <pelle.northtec@home.se>
- Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 14:58:36
Is there any datasheet (jumper-setting) for motherboard 486sv2b

Jeff Carrano <lugzfour20@aol.com>
Bolingbrook , IL 60440 - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 12:07:12
I have a Packard Bell Legend 2050 486/DX2 66mh. computer and it has gone crazy. It has a double speed cd-rom. a 3╜ in. floppy drive and i had purchased upgrades. I upgraded it to a 586 133mh. with a 32x cd-rom, new disk drive, new sound card. When i Put the upgrades in I got a message Missing opperating sytem. When I put the originals back in I go the same message. Could you help me if you have an idea. Thank you

Tony Dumont <aedumont@gte.net>
Long Beach, ca USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 10:40:38
I have a have a Sharp PC-1500 but no documents for it. My problem is I can't program it. The calculator portion works, as well as some immediate BASIC commands such as PRINT,TIME, BEEP and the like. Any help in programming this unit would be greatly appreciated. Oh if this helps anyone, it is the same as a Tandy PC-2.


Jack Hale <jah21854@aol.com>
Midland, Mi USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 09:06:57
I have a lot of old xt and at computer parts if any is in need of any please let me know what you need I have too many to list so e-mail what you need.

Michael Newton <adsoexley@aol.com>
Gulfport, ms USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 07:40:41
I have an old Epson 12mhz 286. How to get in to the setup would greatly be appreciated or,
If I need proprietary software, do you have the link. HELP

Hans Nieuwenhuijs <J.Nieuwenhuijs@vet.uu.nl>
Utrecht , The Netherlands - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 07:01:41
Does anyone knows wich jumper i have to use for
unlocking the power-on password for a Compaq LTE/286 notebook

Hans Nieuwenhuijs <J.Nieuwenhuijs@vet.uu.nl>
Utrecht , The Netherlands - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 06:59:38
Does anyone knows wich jumper i have to use for
unlocking the power-on password?

setup disk for compac proline 4/33 <facont@eisa.net.au>
Liverpool, nsw Australia - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 05:57:31
please i need this setup disk in 3.5'' diskett

sebastien <sebirena@club-internet.fr>
Paris, France - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 05:03:40
I have a old PC-1403H pocket computer. In the past, the kit to connect it to a recording tape was sold by sharp. I would be pleased if someone could send me some schematics about the wiring of this kit (how to connect the PC-1403H with a tape recorder). Thanks!!

Laurie Robinson <ljrobin@arach.net.au>
Perth, WA Australia - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 00:58:34
Help,286 memory.
Recently I added 2meg of Simms to a workmates old
286 and it worked fine.When I opened the box on another
mates 286 the Simm connectors were empty and the bios
said it had 1024mb of ram, which is I suppose, onboard
ram . Does anyone know if I can change the jumpers to
switch to the Simm sockets.The motherboard has no model#
or diagrams of jumper positions.
The bios is AMI 286-2788065 & chipset is I n80286-12 &
CPU is megatrends 77 p8042 \hp.
Thanks to anyone who can help.

Aaron Wagner <necrofim@hotmail.com>
Honolulu, Hi USA - Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 00:24:37
I recently picked up 2 dauphin model 1050 laptop computers. Unfortunately they were previously owned by the US Navy, and due to security issues, had the harddrives removed. They also came without power supplies. Any info regarding the internal specs (harddrive type, power supply specs, memor options) would be most appreciated.
I also picked up 2 19" Unisys VDC 3-QSA monitors. Any info on these would also be welcome.
Gotta love DRMO (the government garage sales):)

Dave Dycus <ddgx@sgi.net>
- Monday, August 24, 1998 at 23:54:11
I have a Mac Portable with an internal modem. How do I get ConfigPPP to recognize the internal modem?

Patrick Aland <pataland@aol.com>
Lubbock, TX U.S.A. - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 23:49:07
I have a CompuAdd 325TX laptop. I badly need to access the bios and go from 2MB to at least 4MB. Can anyone help? If necessary, I will build my own memory card(s) from specs and schematics.

Thank you,

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 23:38:57
Have a Memorex Telex model B7000000 286 machine in a slim line case and a 3.5" floppy on a riser and a Quantum Prodrive 40S hard drive. As per the usual, the setup is botched and the hard disk is not recognized. I have the usual generic setup utilities but am hesitant on doingt hat since the 40S is an SCSI drive. Does anyone know if this machine is a software setup or keystroke started CMOS and where to get the setup program or what the keystroke(s) are. This is getting set up to help a homeschooling single mom out here and it would suit her need fine once I can access the setup.

jaime rodriguez <jaimer@camalott.com>
- Monday, August 24, 1998 at 20:38:10
somebody gave me an old zenith zwl 184-97, it was not working when i got it but i managed to get it running, the only problem is i don't know its function, it doesn't respond to ms dos, I just get the prompt with some commands that are before my time!!!! If anyone can give me a clue where to start with this I would be very thankfull

huck dunsany <huckdunsany@hotmail.com>
mccloud, ca 96057 - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 18:45:38
i have an atari ABC386sx25 motherboard with 5 megs o' ram.
i put a cyrix speed doubler chip in, but to do anything
good, i need more ram. does anyone have SIP memory chips?
i would buy, but if you want to donate anything to a poor
16 year old student, drop me a line! thanks a lot ;-)

Joe Jasniewski <joej@yelmtel.com>
Roy, WA USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 17:14:47
Looking for memory for compaq portable 386 - at less than
the $52 / 1 meg they want elsewhere. Need sticks only, have the card and extender already.

Looking for "Make-it 486" or Evergreen processor upgrade for 386 *DX* type chip, without having to go to Europe to buy one.

Looking for disk drive carriage / cover for Compaq portable 386 unit.

Joe Jasniewski

Galicia Gonzßlez Gpe. Miriam <becmgg@mitla.dcaa.unam.mx>
MΘxico, D.F. MΘxico - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 16:43:28
Me permito enviarles este correo por que necesito informaci≤n
sobre una macro para una IBM 911 asi como tambiΘn necesito
informaci≤n de una Tarjeta de RAM de Burroughs-6700.
ESpero que me puedan ayudar, de antemano muchas gracias.

Rosendo Bonilla <bj296@torfree.net>
Toronto, ON Canada - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 16:33:29
Bought 2 A-NET 8-bit LAN cards on a garage sale but can't find a DOS or Windows driver for them. Not even on the Net. If anyone has one pls let me know.
Also broke my Canon BJ-10e auto sheet feeder. If anyone has one (just the feeder) let me know how much do you want for it.
Any replies are appreciated

Verena Gama <gama@exodus.dcaa.unam.mx>
Mexico, D.F., D.F. Mexico - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 15:51:44

I would like to know if you have any information about
Digital DECscope vt50-aa.

thanks in advance

Brett Bell <bbell@csonline.nte>
- Monday, August 24, 1998 at 14:19:31
I have an old Sanyo Cp/m computer. I love the thing. I was wondering if anyone knew of any web pages devoted to the cp/m operating system


Gilberto Aparicio <becgag@mitla.dcaa.unam.mx>
MΘxico, DF MΘxico - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 13:59:22
Anyone has information (capacity, technical data) about an old hard disk for Apple model MO135


cynthia pardo orozco <cynthia@exodus.dcaa.unam.mx>
Mexico city, DF Mexico - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 13:34:49
please,if you can help me, i need information of terminal regent 60 of DDS company (APPLIED DIGITAL DATA

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 10:50:02
A mail to ben@wcnnet.net results in the error below :
The specified address contains a host or domain name that
could not be found by the Domain Name Server or local
hosts file.

Thea Horton <abbyh@spectra.net>
Port Crane , NY USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 10:05:37
Hello ! I'm looking for a keyboard that would wor with an old
apple comper that is a 512K. This is a great tool for my son but the key board is shot an we need another one. Thanks

Dana Seiler <bti@teambeacon.com>
Salisbury, MD USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 08:32:55
I have an old 386 - 25Mhz PC with DOS. I would like to use it for email. Is there a
easy to use, DOS based email program that I can use with this PC. If so, where can
I get it?
Thanks for the help.

Bernd Seyfarth <seyfarth@infodata.de>
Rastatt, Germany - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 04:44:16
Is there any datasheet (jumper-setting) for i/o -card ATIO-V8 ?
Many thanks for answer!
Bernd Seyfarth

Erik <erik@efortress.com>
Richmond, RI USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 00:39:18
I have a Zenith Data Systems 286, that was made in '82 I
would imagine (the processor has the date 1982 on it).
There is a series of little red lights on one of the cards
inside the cpu that are supposed to turn off as the
items are checked, but it just pauses, and never boots. I
can't get into the cmos or anything. The computer is
getting powered fine, I can feel the processor heating up
and when I turn the power to the cpu on, the monitor goes
from a light flickering color to a black color (as if it
was about to start booting).
the lights are in the order as follows:

cpu, rom, ram, int, dsk, rdy

It stays paused with all of them still red.
I know that they all start on and then turn off
as the system is checked because I have a friend
with an equilvalent computer and thats how his

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, or
maybe a faq on the matter if one is available.

Erik <erik@efortress.com>
Richmond, RI USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 00:36:20
I have a Zenith Data Systems 286, that was made in '82 I
would imagine (the processor has the date 1982 on it).
There is a series of little red lights on one of the cards
inside the cpu that are supposed to turn off as the
items are checked, but it just pauses, and never boots. I
can't get into the cmos or anything.
the lights are in the order as follows:

Phil Clayton <handyman@sprintmail.com>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 23:35:29
WANTED: Kaypro or Osborne CP/M computer.
Will pay more than fair price..

Justin Russell <Justinr@intrlink.com>
Blue Ridge, VA USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 23:35:14
Hello I am starting an obselete computer museum like this one (great site by the way!)
And i need donations of hardware and software. If you would
like to contribute to this great cause, send your donations to:

Justin Russell
70 Fields Ave
Blue Ridge VA 24064

I cannot pay you for donations, but i will put your name on my upcoming web page, and what you contributed. Im sorry i cant pay you, I'm not the type that has $5000.00 just lying around, but i will than you from the bottom of my heart if you do donate something. Please help me. Thank you! May god bless you!

Josh Dersch <dersch@voyager.net>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 23:20:28
I have an IBM PC 3270 computer. It's basically an XT with a
3270 interface card and a specialized video card & monitor.
I want to put the video card and monitor on a 386 and install
Linux on it. The video card is _huge_ -- two full size, 8-bit
ISA cards attached to each other in the middle. I have tried
it in my 386 and my 486, but I get no display. It works fine
in the original computer. Any ideas? (I have other monitors &
video cards, but I want to set this one up because the display
is really cool looking. :)

David Moran <commodore64@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 23:14:36
Dose any one have a spare video cable for a DEC Rainbow 100?


David Moran

Terry Yager <tyager@match.org>
Flint, MI USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 21:07:24
Commodore PET 2001 Series Professional Computer, Model #2001-8N. Computer only, no software/peripherals. Runs ROM Based BASIC. Looks great. Best offer over $100.

Terry Yager <tyager@match.org>
Flint, MI USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 19:30:51
Need software/documentation/any info in re: Micro Craft Dimension 68000 computer, manufactured c.1984 by Micro Craft Computer Co., Dallas, TX. Arcticles. reviews, etc. also appreciated. TNX.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 16:27:47
Zenith Z-Note 320L for sale. 1 meg of ram and a 60 meg hard drive, ac adapter battery will not hold charge, 1.44 mb floppy, monochrome screen. I am selling it for a flat $125 and if you want a carry case $150 and thats a good deal email with questions.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 16:27:38
Zenith Z-Note 320L for sale. 1 meg of ram and a 60 meg hard drive, ac adapter battery will not hold charge, 1.44 mb floppy, monochrome screen. I am selling it for a flat $125 and if you want a carry case $150 and thats a good deal email with questions.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 16:27:29
Zenith Z-Note 320L for sale. 1 meg of ram and a 60 meg hard drive, ac adapter battery will not hold charge, 1.44 mb floppy, monochrome screen. I am selling it for a flat $125 and if you want a carry case $150 and thats a good deal email with questions.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 16:27:13
Zenith Z-Note 320L for sale. 1 meg of ram and a 60 meg hard drive, ac adapter battery will not hold charge, 1.44 mb floppy, monochrome screen. I am selling it for a flat $125 and if you want a carry case $150 and thats a good deal email with questions.

Tim Fletcher <TimFletcher@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 15:41:50
I have an old Radio Shack TRS-80. Runs good and the casing is in very good shape.
Great nastalgic look. Can even through in three programs. E-mail me with best offer.

Frank Vivone <tickleme@pris.bc.ca>
Dawson Creek , BC Canada - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 15:25:08
I'm looking for a copy of the Starter Disk for an IBM PS/2 Model 30 286, If anyone has a direction for me to follow i would be thankful.

Thanks in advance;

W.D."Duck" McDonald <mcdonald@carol.net>
Anderson, SC USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 14:26:46
I need the motherboard layout (which pins are for: ide,
com1, com2, lpt, etc) for the following ZEOS motherboard.
Assembly:010-0043-xx (xx=04 this is ver 04) but any ver
will work. This is a 486 motherboard and is also known as
Zeos Rattler.

Can anyone tell me where to find one or send me a copy
of the motherboard layout.
Thanks, Duck McDonald

Bruse Espedal <bruseesp@online.no>
Norway - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 13:13:13
I have what I thought was a modern Hyundai 200mHz P5000M computer. Once in a while it starts running at 166 mHz. Does anyone have a clue what causes this? Thank you!

Ben Spurlock <ben@wcnnet.net>
Franklin, NC USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 11:36:55
Help!! I recently got two IBM PS2 machines (8550-031) and a (8530-E21) and I need to get into the CMOS setup area. Can anyone please tell me how to do that or where I can go and get the setup files that I might need. I am a computer engineer by trade but don't know anything about the PS2's. Thanks..

Pat Green <fritzso@lasercom.net>
Winchester, CA USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 11:23:22
I am purchasing a 486-sx25 computer for my dad to get on the internet. It is a Goldstar and I havent seen it yet. I intend to put a higher speed modem in . Is Goldstar a proprietary maker of computers. This worries me as the fax modem will not to Goldstar. Can a person get a chip to put in to make it a 586? Where can it be purchased. Thn x

Landon McAllister <lanmac@blacksburg.net>
Blacksburg, VA USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 11:14:34
I recently acquired a Sperry luggable Model SP2 (T3097-01), serial number 003720. It is about the size of the other 35-40 pound luggables of the mid-1980s. The built-in monitor is apparently dead, but when initialized, the computer sounds as if it is booting, and seeks the A: floppy drive. It has a video card in it to permit use of an external monitor, but so far I have not been able to find one that works with it? Does anyone know where I can get any documentation for this computer? The Sperry Corp. has apparently gone to the corporate Happy Hunting Ground. Thanks,

Landon McAllister

Bob Crowley <Adirondack@worldnet.att.net>
Orlando, Fl USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 08:44:23

I have a old Datatech XT that has a Seagate St 225 DIK/ERSO/BIOS 2.37 (C) 1986 I haven,t used it in years and have decided to use it again First It will only Boot from a Floppy disk it reconizes that it has (1) hard disk but I can not get a drive letter If I remove the cable to the drive it says (0) Hard Disk I have tried to run FDISK to partion a drive but the Message ( no space to create a Dos Partition )The drive light comes on and you can hear it working but at the end the message comes up.A friend played with it a few years ago Does Any one Have Jumper settings or any other info on how to make this work
Thank you

Joe Morgan <jpalooka@c-gate.net>
Ellisville, MS USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 04:22:43
I have a Compaq SLT 286 Notebook that runs fine but the HD
is small I would like to put a biger Hd in it so I can run
Win 3.11 DOS sucks.
What I am looking for is instruction manual and techional
manual on it.
If any one has them or copys of them or can tell me where
to find them it would be a help.

Jackson Clubb <jackclubb@globaldialog.com>
Madison, WI United Snakes - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 02:57:13
Anybody still use a Casio PB-770? It's a funky little palmtop that docks into a Casio FA-4, which has the slots for the tape drive, video and audio hookups. I have two PB-770s and one FA-4. The PB-770 uses up to three 8k memory packs (Casio OR-8) and I have three of those. It's a nice little toy that runs basic. I have no software or tape drive, help. These are surplus from the State of WI. They were set up to suck the data out of any system for tape storage so the state narcs and tax collectors could impound non hard copy files. Heartless swine.

Trevor Aaronson <taaronso@stpt.usf.edu>
Seminole, FL USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 01:49:12
Does anyone have experience adding an overdrive chip in a Gateway 4SX-33? I'm trying to add a 486DX2-66 overdrive chip and I can't get the machine to accept it. It won't boot up. I've tried several jumper selections but am open to try more. Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Trevor Aaronson

Tim Sweeney <TSweeney@Hotmail.Com>
Ambler, PA USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 00:41:20
Hi, I just bought a Compaq LTE286 Laptop today for $15. When I turn it on it does the 640k mem test and than it says:

1790 Disk 0 Error
Resume= F1 key

so I press F1 and the HD light blinks a couple times and it says "non system disk or disk error" or whatever. I heard the F10 takes you into CMOS but that doesnt work on this machine unless I am nmot pressing it right. Someone told me that he thinks that model needs a bios disk to set the hard drive, is that true?
The bottom line is, is that the hard drive is not booting, but it will boot from a floppy, FDisk doesn't work either. How can I upgrade this thing also? what is the max ram? is there a way that is cheep enough to upgrade the cpu to at LEAST a 386? ok, any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks a lot!!!!!

Brad <bbronts@netspace.net.au>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 00:01:11
Hey all!
I've recently pulled out an old Toshiba T1200 from the depths of the shed, still in working order, but I want to know what I can do with it. How hard are they to upgrade to something usable? What programs can you get for them and where are they available from? At present it has lotus 123 and wordperfect 5.1 on it with a few utilites and so on. Can I run a higher vesion of dos on them?

I'm looking for someone who possibly has one and could help me out...thanks

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Canada - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 23:35:30
To all those people who received Win 1.01:
Maybe you can help. It seems some programs won't run right until their memory options are set in a PIF file. The copy of Win 1.01 we've all got has no PIF editor.
Has anyone managed to figure out if a PIF editor is needed or how to set one up without an editor?
Also, has anyone got a User's Guide they can share info from?

Ben <benj@finenet.com>
GA USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 23:20:46
Hi.. I have an old IBM XT with a 5.25" disk drive. When I got it the thing worked fine, however recently the disk drive has stopped working correctly. Whenever I attempt to read a disk a get a "General failure reading drive A". Whenever I attempt to format a disk, it gives me an error saying Track 0 of the disk is unreadable. I don't know exactly why it's doing this. I have checked the disk drive connections and they are fine. Does anybody else know what may be causing this problem? I would greatly appreciate any help anyone could give me. Please reply directly to my email address if you can help. Thanks!!

Sue Hetrick <hetrick@igateway.com>
Enola, Pa usa - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 21:43:44
I am looking for a system disk for a Macintosh 512K.

ron <palion36@worldnet.att.net>
- Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 20:58:32
Does anyone out there know where I can find information aout an "old" 28.8 modem, (WS-281412) from with Rockwell chips? Thanks!

joe <webmaster@kickthebaby.com>
NJ USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 20:38:17
I just bought a Tandy model 1100 FD Laptop at this computer show. No manuals came with it, but it did come running with all software... Plus some things from the previous owner, Like a really old Jeopardy game. The only thing wrong is that the battery is shot. The AC/power is 9.5VDC and works fine, the battery was labeled "6V", I'm not sure if that's right :@! Anybody have a WORKING battery or any DOS games <1.44MB? email me!

Walter Macewicz <macewicz@gold.tc.umn.edu>
New Hope, MN USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 20:25:00
I recently picked up a QMS "BIG KISS" printer (model LPK110). Does anyone have a manual for it? Even just a quick reference card for the control panel would help.

Don Davenport <don@doubledsystems.com>
Albany, GA USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 16:13:44
Anyone have a manual/processor upgrade information for a Laser 486/3 Computer. Model # D44202AMS. Any help would be appreciated.

Dave Van Ess <cnvaness@worldnet.att.net>
- Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 16:13:16
Way back in the old days TI made a home computer. I believe Bill Cosby was the spokesman for it. It was wiped out by the Commadore 64. Does anyone remember the model number for this TI computer?

Korby Bourne <LimoRulz@aol.com>
Harligen, TX US - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 16:02:35
Hi I just purchased a Zenith Laptop Model # ZW1-184-95
But it doesn't have a power cord/supply. Please email me with any help.

John Hayward <johnhayward@zetnet.co.uk>
Portsmouth, UK - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 15:58:47
Apple ADB mouse for sale
fits Mac SE/II??/Classic/LC etc

ú10 or $15
or ú8 or $13 plus your broken mouse in p/x (I like mending them!)

give me a digital tinkle if you are interested

John Hayward <johnhayward@zetnet.co.uk>
Portsmouth, UK - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 15:56:09
Have Compaq Deskpro 386s motherboards, PSUs also 5.25" slim
line floppy drive and also special tape streamers (fit in
bottom drive bay)

Any offers?

Also have PS/2 55sx breaking for spares, all bits working.

I am English, but offers from anyone around the world, if you pay shipping, not as
bad as you think most of the time.

John Hayward <johnhayward@zetnet.co.uk>
portmsouth, UK - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 15:52:52
I have 3 or 4 hard disks
They are Maxtor 140Mb units but they are 5 1/4 full height
units with edge connectors. are they MFM, RLL or ESDI?
They were pulled from UNIX systems, so if you are interested
in one or some of them let me know with an offer, bear in
mind they are heavy!!

Might ideal if you own a PS/2 model 60, 65 or 80 or something.

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 13:59:14
Does anyone hav the INIT strings for various IBM modems? I have a PS/2 L40sx, and Diagnostics lists the modem as O.K. (initializes it, tests it, and disconnects it), I can get the computer to recognize the modem on COM2, but can't get it to initialize. It will only tell me that there is no dial tone. There is a modem status indicator on the system status bar that lights during the DIAG testing, but not during normal dial-up.

Please help.

ThAnX in advance,


Phil Clayton <handyman@sprintmail.com>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 12:11:06
I will pay $200.00 or more for a working (Original) Osborne 1 computer.
I will also purchase one that does not work, with the price adjusted..

Will Daniel <wjdaniel@infinet.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 07:59:55
I could use some help with the modem in my CompuAdd 325TFX notebook. I got the computer without a modem, then bought another computer for parts. Both are 325TFX. I put the modem from the "parts" computer into the good one, but can't get it to initialize. All COM port test utilities I use detect that the modem is indeed on COM 2, but it still won't initialize. Will someone please send me their INIT string info, or any other information you can provide. Is there a setup disk for this modem? If so, please let me know how I can get a copy of it. Thanks.

Bill Schaible <uncabill@aol.com>
Seattle, WA usa - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 06:48:56
I recently got a 3COM SCSI Plus adapter card (vintage 1989) ,but I need drivers. I'll purchase or trade.

Jay Arnold <Desant@aol.com>
KC, MO USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 02:17:47
Anyone looking to unload a Gateway 2000 HandBook 486, please let me know! I'm willing to pay a primo price for a primo system with original documentation and software media. Willing to pay shipping. Thanks

Rocky Leeper <spiders1@gte.net>
Treasure Island, FL USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 01:37:00
Help, I have a IBM PS/2 was getting a non-systems disk error, so i downloaded the refrence disk from IBM. Now I am traped in the settings program, I dont know what to do with it and cant exit, cant get into the bios settings, cant access dos.... What Now????

Cliff Boyer <homeline@ezl.com>
Alton, IL USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 00:12:23
Greetings all. I have just updated my Data General laptop
to a Toshiba 2150 CDT (486DX4-75). What a power boost!
My problem is that I can't get my HP 2225 Thinkjet to work
properly. It will print, but only gibberish. I have the
correct driver from Win95 installed (boy what a joke that
is- I hope to get Linux inplace of it sometime!). I
suspect it is the dipswitch settings on the back of the
printer. Does anyone know where I can find a tech ref-
erence to configure the printer. It (the printer) worked
fine with the DG & Lotus 123).

Thanks for any help
Cliff B.

P.S. I know the computer isn't 10+ yrs, but the printer is!

Frank G <fwgross3@yahoo.com>
Nowra, NSW Australia - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 23:14:39
How can I break into a program, say a game, or wordprocessor, etc and actually see the program that makes the computer do what it does? I have a Macintosh SE and have a multitude of shareware and freeware games (which I rarely play because they are mostly crud). I would like to modify some of the games if possible so getting into and viewing the program would be a help.

Any helpers out there?



Chris O'H <fwgross@yahoo.com>
Nowra, NSW Australia - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 23:07:42
Looking for any information on where to obtain the following:

1* Toshiba T1100+ Laptop manual
2* Compaq SLT 386s/20 Laptop manual


Apple IIc power pack



Trevor Reed <treed@pei.edu>
Independence, MO United States of America - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 21:56:15
I am trying to install a Conner CP3501 hard drive in the docking station of my Compaq LTE Lite 486/33. CMOS will not find it at all. Please help me!

Mark L. Silverstein <mls@gis.net>
Newton, MA USA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 21:24:12
Obsolete program manuals available, rescued from trash next door! Email me if you are interested:

Item 1: "Q-Office" documentation release 1.92 (April, 1985), published by Quadratron Systems, Inc. No disks- just the manual. Topics include "Q-Menu," "Q-Note," "Q-Mail," and "Q-Form." There is also a section called "Installation Appendix." DOcumentation in original plastic wrapper; comes with looseleaf folder.

Item 2: The "Q-One Reference Guide" (Quadratron, circa 1985). According to the "unpacking instructions," "the enclosed shrink-wrapped package contains your q-One Tutorial and reference Guides." No disks-just the documentation. Shrink-wrapped, with looseleaf book.

Doug Darnell <emi@dimensional.com>
Arvada, CO USA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 19:48:54
I'm looking for HDD parameters for a Connor CFS210A hard drive.

John Teeny <teeny@mpx.com.au>
SYDNEY, NSW AU - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 19:22:23
ADAPTER NEEDED (PCMCIA to 8 or 16 bit card)

I have a laptop modem and a pc!
Is there an adapter that bridges the modem to an 8 or 16
bit card?
Desperate John

Tom Ellis <stick1@home.com>
- Friday, August 21, 1998 at 18:08:15
I need a owners or tech manual on a U.S. Logic Model NT1000C.
Or where I can find information on it. I tink it was made for
Computer City. Any help appreciated.

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 16:11:34
Does anyone know of a Telcom program that I can use to transfer data to/from my Tandy 600 to my PC?

ThAnX in advance,

Tiffany <tiffany@columbus.rr.com>
Columbus, Ohio USA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 14:11:11
I am helping a friend with her PC - it is a 386, 40 MHz, 8 or 16 MB of RAM, running Windows 3.1. We are getting an error when booting - "CMOS memory size mismatch". I tried resetting the CMOS/startup settings w/ no luck. I believe that either the file or the chip itself is bad. I would like to try to upgrade/replace the BIOS program first. Is there a site where I can download a BIOS? I have done some surfing/searching with no luck. Or, does it sound like the actual hardware is damaged. Please advise.


Steven Jansen <s.jansen@inter.nl.net>
Roden, Dre Netherlands - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 13:59:34
Hello can anybody help me with the setup disk
for an olivetti xp2655

thank you very much
steven jansen

Mike Gallant <alienc@fredericton.crosswinds.net>
Moncton, NB Canada - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 13:52:19
In response to the request for and XT (XTA) type drive, I am looking for controllers to work with an WD XTA drive that I have. If anyone has one that is in working order I would be interested in it.

Bob Veith <rkveiht@fuse.net>
Cincinnati, Ohio USA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 13:49:31
What would cause my computer to automatically shut down while
it is in the process of loading up after I turned it on?
It did that about 3 straight times. I ran the anti-virus
program and there was no problem there. Now it appears to
be operating okay. This stuff scares me. I'm an "old" rookie
and just learning to operate a computer. Thanks for your

Rik Beautridge <Rik.Beautridge@midkent.ac.uk>
Rcohester, Kent, U.K. - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 10:43:21
I have an Atari Portfolio and a Parallel infterface for it and I want to be able to transfer programs to and from my IBM PC
Can anyone help. I need details on cables and I also Need Software.

Christian T÷rnqvist <christian@sendit.se>
Stockholm, Sweden - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 09:46:50
Anyone got a SCU (System configuration utility) for an ApplicationDEC 400xP ?

Mary <mcollin7@wvu.edu>
- Friday, August 21, 1998 at 09:34:19
I have a 386 Leading Edge. I went into setup, messed things up,
and now it says it's missing its operating system when I
boot up. What key do I hit when starting to be able to get
back into setup and fix it? (Setup had 1-46 options -- which
one should I choose if I get back in?) Thanks!

YVes Rambinintsoa <su0813@studserver.uni-dortmund.de>
Dortmund, Germany - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 08:10:08
I need Informations about the Jumper-Settings on a Rampage from the Manufacturer AST :

AST Rampage 286 (TM)

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 06:55:51
My mail to Michael Stills ended up in the following error :

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to air16.mail.aol.com.:
>>> RCPT To:
... User unknown

Was your mail address correct Mike ?

Anurag Agarwal <aava@hotmail.com>
Calcutta, WB India - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 05:52:39
My ST3660A Seagate 630Mb drive has suddenly started making a tac-tac sound on starting up and is not being detected in the setup. Any suggestions as I have some important data in it.

Anurag Agarwal <aava@hotmail.com>
Calcutta, WB India - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 05:52:22
My ST3660A Seagate 630Mb drive has suddenly started making a tac-tac sound on starting up and is not being detected in the setup. Any suggestions as I have some important data in it.

William Coleman <willcole@micron.net>
- Friday, August 21, 1998 at 05:07:30
I am looking for info on jumper settings for a EliteGroup
UM486V.It has a UMC480-H chipset.Can anyone help?

bill holder <bill.holder@trowcoll.ac.uk>
england - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 04:53:41
how do i break into the bios of a toshiba t1200

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 02:00:54
Seagate ST351AX drives found! I located the ones I needed at Computer Recyclers in TX ( http://www.comp-recycle.com ) and have also located a few extras from readers here. I am also working with "AJ" below on his need for one as well. Thanks to all and I shouldn't need anymore unless you just "have" to give them away ;-)

AJ <y2k_computer@hotmail.com>
VA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 01:34:26
I am in need of a Seagate ST351AX Hard Drive w/o any bad sectors or problems, to replace a failing drive. Please E-Mail me with the info on your drive & how much you want.


Mike Fisher <z96d@aol.com>
Fort Collins, CO USA - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 01:09:41
I am looking to buy a Commodore PET computer. Any sellers out there?

JOE DAVIS <hotproducts@bay-watch.com>
- Friday, August 21, 1998 at 00:29:10
I would like to use atari color monitors with Macintosh or PC's. Looking for cable pin/hookup diagram.
Looking for info on networking 10 Atari ST computers together, and/OR how to network Atari's to Macintosh Or PC's.

Michael Stills <Mykel Lee@aol.com>
Evergreen, CO USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 23:37:34
I need the CMOS set up disks for an IBM XT 286. Thanks

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 23:35:06
XTA - IDE hard drive without stepper motor. It is for a Tandy 1000TL with a Western Digital controller. The hard drive is currently a 20 MB Western Digital with a stepper motor. It's S-L-O-W, and the bad sector count on it is slowly going up. I am trying to get thins computer working to donate to my church to do thier financial records on, but I need a reliable HD for it.

ThAnX a bunch!

Chris Kuhn <gckuhn@bigfoot.com>
Woodbridge, VA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 22:40:10
I am working on a HP Vectra VL 5/75 Series 3. I need to add another harddrive to the lower rear bay.
I don't have any manuals I haven't been able to find the HP part number for the mounting hardware needed to install the
drive. The drive is a Western Digital Cavair ( the same as the originally installed HDD). If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
I've called HP support and they gave me the wrong number.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, JY ***USA*** - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 21:57:21
The below post can also be ammended to read that I basically am in need of a couple XT (XTA) compatible 3.5" IDE hard drives such as the ST351AX and others that will come up under a Seagate ST05X controller bios for XT machines. Try to be reasonable as these are for friends that still run XT class machines for economy reasons and have no desire to learn a new system or put a lot of money into what they have already - much the same as the CoCo, C64 and Amiga fanatics (no offense people) that are still banging away on these wonderful but limited machines.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, JY ***USA*** - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 21:51:32

Looking for one or two Seagate ST351AX hard drives (3.5" IDE) in working condition at a reasobale price or trade (free is good too). Drop a direct email by clicking the email address to respond if you have one or more.

Brandon A. Bishop <BAB1235154@AOL.COM>
Amherst, NH America - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 20:56:45
Me again! If anyone is looking for PC/XT software, I have
quite a bit! Most of the titles require at least 256K ram,
and an 8088 processor! None of them require an HDD!
The titles that I have available in ZIP format are;
1) Pipeline, (A child's strategy game.)
2) Ole! rewarding spanish, (A spanish tutor.)
3) Printmaster, (A calendar, card, sign, and stationary maker.)
4) Handy, (A calendar, calculator and notepad.)
5) Space commander, (A space-like shooting game.)
6) Namelist, (An address book.)
7) Golf, Chessmaster, 10th frame bowling, Microsoft diagnostics.
8) Turbo Champions, (A racing game.)
9) Classic Concentration, (A game show.)
If you would like any of these, feel free to E-Mail me!

Dana Pattillo <dromed@ix.netcom.com>
Tulsa, OK USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 17:41:24
A co-worker (not on-line) is looking for an owner or tech manual for the Zenith 286 Supersport Laptop. Does such a thing exist?

Mulsanne <Mulsanne@Hotmail.Com>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 17:32:25
Is there any such thing as an adapter that will let me connect a a 3 pin power connector for an old hdd to the D shaped 4 pin connector on the back of the drive? If so could someone tell me where to get one. Thanks for any help, its greatly appreciated.

Claudio Puviani <cpuviani@icon.com>
Weehawken, NJ USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 17:05:03
Suggestion for the curator:

I'm not recommending censorship of the actual users, but I think that deleting spam as soon as it's noticed could have a detering effect on spammers. It could just be me, but it would seem that denying a spammer even one sale could be a very satisfying experience.

Just a thought. The site is great anyway.

By the way, spam haters: when a spammer gives you an 800 number or an 888 number, use them as much as you can. Promote justice: spam a spammer today!

Claudio Puviani

Michelle Musgrave <mlmh-mrm@rocketmail.com>
Hastings, NE US - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 16:46:13
I have a Gateway Handbook that I'm trying to locate a new power supply for. Gateway doesn't carry these any more but they gave me the name of another company Group Tech Services that they said would have them. I called Group Tech and they don't carry these either! They suggested a local computer store, but I haven't had any luck. Does anyone know where I could find one of these? Group Tech does carry batteries for the Handbook, but I really need a new power supply. Thanks!

Igor <iaper@uol.com.br>
- Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 16:04:59

I don┤t know if you can help me but... I have a 486 computer with
4MB, a Chicony motherboard, UMC chipset ( UMC 82C481/82c482 ) and a AMI
bios and I need a help with the jumpers and how do to change my 4
module┤s of 1MB each to 8 module┤s of 4MB each. Sorry about my english
and thank you for the attention.

Dean Pickering <dsoft@dpickering.prestel.co.uk>
UK - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 15:12:24
I have been given a INEX 4100 notebook, can anyone tell me
where I can get a power supply for it (240V) the
serial no. is 331063612

I would also like to know if I can get the battery for the same machine
2.8AH C/5min
battery no.: 41B037AG02101 9334

Will be grate full if anyone can help or put in the direction
of where I may be able to purchase in UK.

Jonni Henttinen <jonni.henttinen@pp.inet.fi>
KokemΣki, Finland - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 14:54:49
Which are the dip settings for old Star LC-10 printer??

S.K.THIEN <silverado@skt1.demon.co.uk.>
London, UK - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 14:46:03
I have a IBM 8515 S/N F3348 computer monitor. I think it is made in June 90.
A few weeks ago it developed a fault, the display slide/move around
5-8mm to the left. There are no adjustments on the front panel to
adjust this. There are only Brightness and Contrast buttons. I had
already checked the inside of the monitor, there are only controls
for colour adjustments. I have also connected the monitor to other
machine and it is still the same, so the video card is not to
blame. Any one out there has the circuit diagram for the monitor? or
the part where you can adjust the movement of the screen? Any help
would be welcome. (I did try IBM, but no one there even
remember/know the monitor!)
Please E-mail me. Thank you.

Michael A. Stanhope/Computer Services of York <jinx97@gte.net>
York, PA USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 13:34:48
I have an Apple /// computer system complete with external disk drive and monitor. I dont have any boot diskettes for it. Does anyone have any disks, or if someone is interested in buying it, it will go to the highest bidder. It works perfectly.

Also I have manuals for a Timex Sinclair if anyone needs them, and manuals for Tandy's Deskmate software.

Thanks -Mike

R. Rhodes <12noon@concentric.net>
Shandon, Oh Butler - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 12:39:19
I am insearch of a NCR 3330 Manual....486dx 33mzh system 3300 serial

Tony Phillips <PPD273@WEBTV.NET>
PITTSBURGH , PA APA ALLEGHENY - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 12:35:31
OMEGA TECHNOLOGIES HAS THE FOLLOWING SOFTWARE TITLES FOR LIQUIDATION 500 MS OFFICE PRO 97,FULL VERSION, FULL RETAIL PACKAGING - ONLY $205 each 500 MS WINDOWS 98, Full OEM Version (Including CD, License and Manual) $99 500 MS Windows 98, UPGRD, CD ONLY $85.99 500 MS WINDOWS 98, FULL RETAIL BOX - ONLY $169.00 500 MS WINDOWS NT WORKSTATION 4.0 CD, FULL OEM VERSION $99 500 MS WINDOWS NT SERVER 4.0, 5 CLIENT, OEM $375 500 MS OFFICE 98 FOR MAC, Full Version, CD $195 To request More Info please see http:// www.electronicpromotion.com/omega.htm or call 813-785-5876

Daniel Osenda <dano@colba.net>
Montreal, QC Canada - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 11:36:11
Philips P3371 CMOS setup access.

Thanks to to all of you who responded so quickly.

For others who might be interested entering the CMOS setup
utility of a P3371, here's how to do it.

You can acces that CMOS Setup by letting the Philips BIOS
goes on (memory check, signals that hard disk(s) is(are)
ready, sets the Numlock) until it displays:
At that precise moment, press CTRL-ALT-INSERT
(once if your timing is ok, 2 or 3 times otherwise) and the
Setup screen will show up.
If you do not wait for DOS boot to go to far, you can even
interrupt the DOS boot process and step into the Setup
screen pages.

Ken johnson <vk7krj@southcom.com.au>
Hobart, Tasmania Australia - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 11:15:18
Hi, I have a Toshiba T1100 that I am trying to press into service to control my pcb drilling machine (saves using the pentium), but I can't seem to get it to talk to the printer port.
Anyone got any ideas or information that might help me?
Information on expanding the memory from the (slightly crippling) 256K would also be very good.

Thanks, Ken, vk7krj

Landon McAllister <lanmac@blacksburg.net>
Blacksburg, VA USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 09:09:44
I am looking for a 720k 3.5-inch boot disk for an IMB 5140 Convertible,circa 1986. The computer initializes, and does a memory count to 640k, then tries to seek the "A" floppy, so presumably should work if I can find a boot disk. Thanks for any assistance.


Lieve Lauwers <Lieve.Lauwers@ordab.com>
Antwerpen, Belgium - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 08:31:14
I need the jumper settings for the internal harddrive of a AST bravo LP 4/66d. Ast has a picture on their site, but no information about the settings.
Many thanks...

Nick faulkner <nick.faulkner@virgin.net>
London, UK - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 06:58:45

I have in my possession some computers which may be of historical interest, and which could certainly make an interesting exhibition. They formed the major part of a unique front office system developed and used from '87 to '97 by a global Moneybrokers. The system performed all the real time data feed handling (Reuters, Knight-Ridder etc) and real time calculations ( FRAs, IRS, Cash Arbitrage, Screen Dealing etc) required by their international dealing floors. The system was of modular design, each box handled sixteen users and up to 16 data feeds, with identical software on each computer, extra units could be plugged in as required. The computers are modified Intel 320s, running the iRMX OS, and the application software is known as the "Visual Broker" system. I think these machines could form part of an exhibition related to the dealing floors of the 1990's - a period of rapid change. They are visual, interactive, and intellectually interesting, showing an early alternative to the windows interface. If anyone is aware of any organization or person who might be interested in displaying these systems, I would be grateful if they would contact me.

Thanks, Nick Faulkner.

Ken <harlock_c@mailexcite.com>
Boulder, CO - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 06:31:18
Sorry, I put my e-mail adress wrong. So...

Please help me:

What is the dimention (OD and ID) and polarity of the
barrel connector of Compaq Contura Aero series laptop
AC adaptor?

Thanks, Ken

Frank Gross <fwgross3@yahoo.com>
Nowra, NSW Australia - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 05:17:09
I need to know where to get owners manuals for the following machines

1* Toshiba T1100 Plus Laptop

2* Compaq SLT 386S/20 Laptop

I have tried many places including Compaq and Toshiba on the net to no avail. Can anybody help me?

F>W> Gross

Ken <harlock c@hotmail.com>
Boulder, Co USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 05:09:29
We are from Nowra, New South Wales, Australia and are looking for the following:

Owner Manuals for -

1* Toshiba T1100 Plus Laptop computer
2* Compac owners manual SLT 386S/10 laptop computer

We have gone to Toshiba sites and found nothing and have gotten nowhere with computer chat So we just happened upon your site.

Our names are Chris O'H. and Frank G.

My e-mail address is fwgross3@yahoo.com

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Mel Noakes <Mel@Jack-Allen.co.uk>
Birmingham, England - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 05:07:05
Have an old NEC prospeed 286.
Need more memory and a manual , anybody HELP ???

Ken <harlock_c@hotmail.com>
Boulder, CO - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 03:04:12
Please help me:

What is the dimention (OD and ID) and polarity of the
barrel connector of Compaq Contura Aero series laptop
AC adaptor?

Thanks, Ken

jesper <jesper.rasmussen@usa.net>
Randers, Denmark - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 02:42:02
Can i overclock an Cyrix cx486 dx40 processor, and how ?

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg , Va USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 01:37:59
Ok, to follow up on the ps/2 post, it was an esdi hdd. As most
of you guessed this is my first ps/2 (i feel so special, not). I
got by all the bootup errors and on the test in the reference disk
the hdd has a error of 00175540 (unable to write to disk). What it
boils down to is that I think the drive is flaky/bad. Does anyone have
a WORKING esdi drive they would like to get rid of cheap? Email me
with what you have and your price. (I hate making offers because they
are never right) Thanks guys, and Russ.

Willie Rayburn <enduser@softdisk.com>
Shreveport, LA USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 01:34:23
HELP!!!! Just crashed my computer and trying to resetup
my problem is after I re-installed windows 3.11
it acts real strange. I can enter it fine the first time but when i return to dos and try to reenter it hangs.
after rebooting it's fine. using the 32bit disk utility that came with my mainboard and copied all the autexec and config files as they were before the crash. The disk shows up fine with no errors. What am i overlooking? Also, does anybody have a copy of FIRST AID for Windows 3.1 I can get?
To those who responded to me about the IBM 5150 and 5160 specs.
I lost your e-mial addresses in the crash. please write me back so i can send it.
Any help is appreciated.

Brandon A. Bishop <BAB1235154@AOL.COM>
Amherst, NH America - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 22:42:45
If anyone is looking for a copy of MS-DOS 3.30, I have one that is zipped up into one file! just E-Mail me, and I will promptly send it to you!

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Canada - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 21:22:17
In an effort to help out Maverick with all the requests he's getting for his Windows 1.01, I can send anyone a copy.
Just e-mail me. It's 750K.
Maverick, if you have a problem with this, please let me know.

FL USA - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 20:50:36
Just acquired a CompuAdd 325tx - looks to be in good shape - but won't know until I can turn it on. I need to locate an AC power adapter for it. The back has a DC outlet only.

Vincent Sadowski <pkts@pkts.com>
- Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 20:50:15
Looking for information, particularly manuals and/or motherboard jumper settings, for a Leading Edge D4 (CPC-2048). Thanks in advance.

Mogge <Mfridh@usa.net>
Timra, Sweden - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 18:46:51
I have "hooked my claws" into an old IBM M#8570 PS/2,and can┤t for my life figure out how to enter BIOS setup.It has some problems to access c-drive, A & B works OK.
I have tried DEL, F10, F8, Ins, etc etc,without sucess. Can anyone help me with this rather simple problem???

Marion <phungus@mindless.com>
Miami, FL USA - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 18:14:58
I am looking for a working Sony 400k 3.5" floppy (the kind
used in early Macs and the Lisa). Or parts (got a dead one to
sell cheap?) Thanks -- MB

Chris <eman@frontiernet.net>
NY USA - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 17:59:02
Can anyone send me a Workbench 1.3 boot disk? I have a single disk that came with mine, but it is a game, and I
can't enter Workbench. Also, does anyone have an A520 video adapter and/or a A500 mouse that are looking to get rid of?
Any help at all would be greatful!
(If you can help, e-mail for my address)

Etienne Tasse <floyd@earthling.net>
Ottawa, ON Canada - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 15:55:04
Please mail me an Apple II 5 1/4 bootable disk containing
DOS 3.3(apple!) or DiversiDOS.

If you can, reply by email, I'll send you my snail-adress.


Daniel Osenda <dano@colba.net>
Laval, QC Canada - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 14:38:12
I was given a Philips P3377 (386DX, 33Mz) but I cannot get
into the BIOS Setup. The Philips Co. is of no help.
Anyboby knows how?

Thanks for your attention.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 14:28:46
Also in the PS/2 department....

I recently got snooping to locate the pinouts to make cables for a TON of Boca cards that I had in various machines, which are known by ID as 60E5 and named Boca Dual Asnch/Parallel/2 cards. They have a 37 pin d-sub connection on the spine and a special cable to break out 2 serials and one parallel port is supposed to connect to it. Many people have boxes of these cards without cables. The people at Boca were great enough to email the pinouts to me and I have the lsiting in ASCII format if anyone needs it. I've also sent Peter Wendt in Germany a copy to add to his Microchannel Enthusiasts Page along with the 60E5.ADF for future inquiries. His page is located at http://members.aol.com/mcapage0/mcaindex.htm and has other information crucial to the effective setup and preservation of the PS/2 line of computers.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services
Harned, KY USA

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 14:28:06
Also in the PS/2 department....

I recently got snooping to locate the pinouts to make cables for a TON of Boca cards that I had in various machines, which are known by ID as 60E5 and named Boca Dual Asnch/Parallel/2 cards. They have a 37 pin d-sub connection on the spine and a special cable to break out 2 serials and one parallel port is supposed to connect to it. Many people have boxes of these cards without cables. The people at Boca were great enough to email the pinouts to me and I have the lsiting in ASCII format if anyone needs it. I've also sent Peter Wendt in Germany a copy to add to his Microchannel Enthusiasts Page along with the 60E5.ADF for future inquiries. His page is located at http://members.aol.com/mcapage0/mcaindex.htm and has other information crucial to the effective setup and preservation of the PS/2 line of computers.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services
Harned, KY USA

Darrell Porter <darrellp@menders.com>
San Francisco, CA United States - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 14:28:05
I have several Reply Microchannel computers. None of them have the diagnostic or configuration diskettes. If someone could send these to me, I would greatly appreciate it. My mail server has a 4MB limit.



Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 14:20:53
As per "Maverick's" wishes I was able to give him a hand to find out that he had something totally different than expected.

If anyone else needs help, parts or complete machines (no sound cards) drop me a line by direct email and I'll be glad to help, especially in helping to store your money (grin). If I don't have the info I sure know where to locate it.

Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services
Harned, KY USA

Doug Laing <laing@rice.edu>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 14:02:27
Years back I picked up a Leading Edge 386 laptop from the scratch 'n dent area of a local Sam's club. I don't remember the model and I've misplaced the docs, but it's got a 386 SX/16, 40 Mb HD and 2 Mb of ram and came with MS-Dos 4.xx. I'm looking to upgrade the hard drive and the memory if possible. If anyone has parts or info, please e-mail or post a reply. Thanks!

John Stauffer <staufj@idt.net>
Portland, or usa - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 13:30:52
I am searching for operation or tech manual for sharp 5500 (286) laptop.I appreciate any help.

Anthony <acdreiling@mailcity.com>
ak usa - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 11:02:51
Wanted: jumper settings for Packard Bell Legend 40CD 486desktop Thanks

Anthony <acdreiling@mailcity.com>
anchorage, ak usa - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 11:01:38
Wanted thinkpad 755C keyboard

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Canada - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 06:10:28
In my last post on Windows 1.01, I made some errors, to wit: Program windows can't really be moved around. If you have more than one program open, they just get stacked on screen with smaller and smaller slices of screen allocated to each one. You can only change their position in the stack, nothing more.
You can drag the program title bars to the bottom of the screen and they become icons. No other drag-and-drop. Directory changes BACKWARDS must be typed in.

See my last post for more.

Vesa Koli <oh3luu@sci.fi>
Tampere, Finland - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 05:45:01
I┤m seeking service manuals, or any informative docs about
Bondwell model 8 portable computer.
Thanks in advance,

Mike <majk@usa.net>
Brno, Czech Republic - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 05:38:22
--- PLEASE HELP !!! ---
I have an old laptop EPSON PC PORTABLE model Q150A
HOW can I run SETUP ??? (I need to change HDD type)
Thank's a lot for help...

- Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 02:38:25

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg , VA USA - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 00:59:54
Ok folks...I have a ibm ps/2 55sx here. I cant figure out the hdd
type. The hdd is a scsi, 30 megs, IBM WD-336RT. If anyone has any
info about what type of hard drive this is or can give me a list of
the drive types for the scsi, I would appreciate it. (Hint to
Russ Blakeman, I know you work with these monsters)

Also, those of you wanting windows1.1 be patient. I will send them to
you when I get some extra time by email. If anyone else is interested email
me for a copy. Also, and old dos version would be nice too if anyone has
one. Thanks.

Warren Ostlund <wostlund@pol.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 23:11:52
Does anyone have a schematic or parts list for the Apple II power supply? I am particularly interested in failed caps and trasistors.

Thanks! warren

Steve <marsbase@webtv.net>
PA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 22:46:38
Does anyone have software and manuals for a Xerox memorywriter 645s

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Canada - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 22:24:28
I loaded and ran the Windows Ver 1.01 offered here and sent to me by maverick. It dates from 1985, is amazingly crude, and actually almost harder to use than DOS itself.
For those who haven't tried it, it somewhat resembles DOSSHELL with better mouse support: File listings are like DIR /W command. No sorting. Some windows can't be moved. No drag-and-drop. Left mouse button only. Directory changes must be typed in.
Given that MS's competition then was Apple, does anyone have any experience with 1985-era versions of the Mac OS? How did it compare? There had to be a reason why Gates sent that memo to Jobs suggesting Apple port the Mac OS to the Intel platform.
Any info welcome.

James Hurley <vortex@nimh.net>
- Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 22:01:21
Hi ... i just got a Pine PT-430 motherboard from my aunts computer that i recently upgraded, and im trying to get into the setup, however i need a password, wich i could get rid of if i knew the ccmos jumper number...does anyone know this or have a layout for the PT-430?

QUINCY , MASS - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 22:00:59

Ed <ed@storm.ca>
Merrickville, Ont Canada - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 21:44:22
I was wondering if anyone knew where I can get the drivers for a Sanyo pr-5500 printer. Even if anyone knows of a substitute that will work. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks in advance..

Larry Bauer <Baula@webtv.net>
Elk River, MN USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 19:22:19
Was wondering if anyone knows where to purchase cable for old Thompson monitor? Has a 9 pin female connector in rear. I think it's EGA. Purchased adaptor to convert to VGA 15 pin but wouldn't work correctly. Maybe I need a video card to match? Can you still purchase 8 bit video cards? Thanks in advance.

Tom - Museum Curator <tcarlson@ncsc.dni.us>
- Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 18:06:29
Ooo! Look everyone! Jack can swear. Actually, he also left another message that used the "F" word many, many times, and in ALL CAPS. (And he only mispelled it once!) I just wanted to point out that there's no way to know if his e-mail address is really his. So please don't send a bunch of flames to that address. For any who are interested, his IP address was (Of course, it's a dial-up, so it'll change next time he's on.)

David C. Troutman <davtrou@twave.net>
Hickory, NC USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 18:02:51

I have 2 Panasonic KX-P2123 24pin color printers for sale.
Both work well for text, invoicing and simple graphics.
I need to make more room in my office, will accept the best
offer. Contact me if interested.

Also, I have a Timex/Sinclair 1500 computer that is very
collectable. If anyone knows its value, please let me

Also, I have a Tandy 1000hx that needs a 3.5 drive. Can anyone
tell me where I might find one?

Thanks for your help!

Rob <rob133@mail.odyssey.net>
NY USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 17:33:01
I was just given a Leading Edge computer model# MP-1676L
I have no info on this system. Could someone point me in the right direction?
If you might have any intrest in this system conntact me through E-Mail.....I don't need it,but would like it to be put to SOME use.

Thanks to all that respond.....ROB

jack <jack_mantle@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 17:28:51
I have an old IBM Aptiva E3N AMD K6-2 300MHZ. I was wonering if anybody has any drivers for the ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo, it's on a 2X AGP port and I can't find any stuff for it. Don't write me and tell me it isn't old cauz that is MY old computer. so fuck off

jack <jack_mantle@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 17:28:06
I have an old IBM Aptiva E3N AMD K6-2 300MHZ. I was wonering if anybody has any drivers for the ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo, it's on a 2X AGP port and I can't find any stuff for it. Don't write me and tell me it isn't old cauz that is MY old computer. so fuck off

jack <jack_mantle@hotmail.com>
UNITED PORNO - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 17:26:54
I have an old IBM Aptiva E3N AMD K6-2 300MHZ. I was wonering if anybody has any drivers for the ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo, it's on a 2X AGP port and I can't find any stuff for it. Don't write me and tell me it isn't old cauz that is MY old computer. so fuck off

jack <jack_mantle@hotmail.com>
UNITED PORNO - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 17:26:27
I have an old IBM Aptiva E3N AMD K6-2 300MHZ. I was wonering if anybody has any drivers for the ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo, it's on a 2X AGP port and I can't find any stuff for it. Don't write me and tell me it isn't old cauz that is MY old computer. so fuck off

jack <jack_mantle@hotmail.com>
UNITED PORNO - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 17:25:38
I have an old IBM Aptiva E3N AMD K6-2 300MHZ. I was wonering if anybody has any drivers for the ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo, it's on a 2X AGP port and I can't find any stuff for it. Don't write me and tell me it isn't old cauz that is MY old computer. so fuck off

PC's Plus Inc - Mike <pcplus@ponyexpress.net>
St Joseph, MO - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 17:08:43
Have a customer's LAPTOP that will not power up, it is a Toshiba T1600.
Anyone have a manual for this laptop, or a Toshiba web page.

Steve Cheetham <SCheetham@compuserve.com>
Bolton, UK Little Lever - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 16:46:26
I have a Toshiba T3100sx laptop computer. After 10mins or so the laptop shuts down completly and the "DCin" light starts flashing. Then i can't switch the laptop on for at least another hour or so.
If anyone could help i'll be most grateful

K Aschen <kaschen@nospam.worldnet.att.net>
- Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 16:06:05
Remove nospam to respond. If anyone Knows about, or needs any parts for Victor Technologies V-9000 PCs, I have several, and boxes of software and optional "stuff".

Drop a line if I can help.

John Johnson <jpeace@iapc.net>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 12:39:14
I am working on a Ollivetti XT machine for a friend and I copied DOS 6.22 system files on to the hard drive. Now the machine will not recognize the hard drive. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Zero <ZeroJunk@hotmail.com>
VA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 07:25:45
I just got a Tany 1000RLX (25-1453B) 286 computer w/ 40 MEG HD & 1 MEG ram. I found & D/L the CMOS S/W, But can't find the DeskMate S/W for this system (The part that is on the chip as drive D when the HD is installed still asks for disks during access) So I would like to get this S/W. Also does anyone know how to update the DOS &/or add progs to the D drive chip?

Thanks for any and all info.

Joerg Dorchain <dorchain@wirbel.com>
Saarlouis, Germany - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 05:05:50
I need the jumpersettings for a multi-io card named Comboplus(2).
I would be glad if someone has it.

Frans Gustafson <fransgustafson@yahoo.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 01:47:56
I'm looking for an internal modem for a TI TravelMate 2000.
And the cheaper the better, since, unfortunately, this old
worthy is not going to survive Y2K.

Darren <Darkin_84@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 00:40:44
I'm looking for a good operating enviroment (windows would be nice)
to put on my Leading Edge.
It has 640k ram, a 360k disk drive(I have a computer tha will tranfer
3.5 to 5.25), and a 20meg HD with about 17megs left.

And I want spend a lot on getting any thing for it!

JOhn Seyfarth <seyfarth@monarch.papillion.ne.us>
Papillion, NE USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 22:21:55
Have 2 Unisys EISA 486 PCs, model CER4355, Type UDT 6000 DT2.
Need to deactivate the floppy drive controller so it won't in-
terfere with and IDE card for a CD-ROM I am installing. The
Machine has builtin SCSI, but I have IDE drives. Help

Jason <eatme@writeme.com>
- Monday, August 17, 1998 at 20:59:33
Looking for a 486SXLC2 chip, 50 or 66 MHZ. From what I understand these
were used in Evergreen's 386 to 486 upgrades. One of these
working upgrade units would be fine.

Mike Crooks <mjc1950@mci2000.com>
GA USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 20:14:32
I have a compaq lite 25 with what appears to have a bad battery. If the battery is bad would this stop the laptop from operating off ac power.

James Coker <kb5ehp@texas.net>
Austin, TX USofA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 18:46:25
Need info/accessories/power supplies for CompuAdd 316NX (I
acquired 5 of 'em. Know where to get batteries, so that
info's NOT needed, thanks, but DO need manuals, power supplies,
etc. Thanks in advance. James

lucien stevens <lust@pandora.be>
belgium - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 15:24:54
i am searching info about a mini pc named st88
thanks for a reaction

Frank McCusker <gigalot@snet.net>
Watertown, CT USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 13:57:52
I/O card With a Winbond 83757F Chipset manufactured by the Forever Grand company of Tiawan. I'm looking for jumpper settings and specs. Thanks

Frank McCusker <gigalot@snet.net>
Watertown, CT USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 13:40:02
Epson color Stylus IIs, looking for a color print head, any info would be welcome. Thanks Frank

Frank McCusker <gigalot@snet.net >
Watertown, CT USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 13:37:10
IBM PC Jr color monitor Model 4863, I'm looking for the wiring diagram for the connector in order to covert it to a standard video card connector, if possible. Any information would be appreciated. Frank

Cyrus Tehrani <tehrancj@mcmaster.ca>
Hamilton, ONT Canada - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 12:18:45
I have an old Commodore 486 SX and need to find the jumper setting that will bypass the onboard video display so that I can put in my own higher quality video card. The only number I could find on the mother board was:
5013492525926003000018. No revision number or anything else. If you can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

Scott Matthews <smatthews@dow.com>
Lake Jackson, TX USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 11:54:18
I'm looking for a printer driver for Epson FX86e for my Dad's IBM P75 running Win95.

Dale Ford <fordbd@m-y.net>
Newland, NC US - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 11:33:05
Couple of pretty good places to find diagnostic files:


Though this is a NCR site, a lot of the tools work on standard PC's


Lots of goodies for the PC Technician wannabe.

Greg <q9722992@mail.connect.usq.edu.au>
Toowoomba, Qld. Australia - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 10:47:31
Please Help me. I have a Hsin Tech motherboard model ???
its details are as below:
7 eisa slots (3 vlb)
2 72pin slots
4 30pin slots
UMC 8498F chipset
Bios # = 40-P101-001437-00101111-072594-GREEN-H
I desperatly need the jumper settings and possibly bios upgrade to set it up for an AMD 5x86 133ADZ chip. Hsin Techs Tiawanese sight is about as useless as a hole in the head so if any-one has links to another of their sights that would also be useful. Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Greg. q9722992@mail.connect.usq.edu.au

Chuck <fonz@pacbell.net>
Sunnyvale, CA USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 03:40:53
I'm looking for the pinout requirements for my Altima LSX 20 laptop. I'm having a hard time finding a external DC power supply. Any help would be great..

ANaRcHyU <anarchyu@mmk.wednet.edu>
- Monday, August 17, 1998 at 02:37:47
I have a Epson Equity LT and am having problems with the Serial port. Does anyone know if there are any file patches to make the serial port work correctly with higher speed modems and such??



QUINCY, MASS - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 01:38:34

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 00:05:49
Has anyone been successfull getting a WD 1003-WA2 to work as
a secondary HD controller in an IDE system with 2 drives
already installed?

Brandon A. Bishop <BAB1235154@AOL.COM>
Amherst, NH North America - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 23:51:08
I have a Zenith Data Systems, Model ZF-171-42.
It has a Zilog 8088 CPU, 640K RAM, An odd-looking LCD panel,
no HDD, and dual- 5.25" floppies, it was built in 1986.
Can anyone tell me how much it it worth? and, I need more info.
I also have a Toshiba, T3200SX/120. Can anyone tell me the value of this machine? P.S. It is a portable Desktop.

Tom Dunn <AuTiger1@aol.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 19:20:35
Any one know where I can purchase an internal modem for a Compaq Contura 4/25 c? It has a 9600/9600 internal now...I would like to upgrade. Anyone know what the fastest speed modem made for that computer is? Can I use an external modem? - if so, at what max speed?

Korby Bourne <LimoRulz@aol.com>
Harlingen, TX USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 18:25:52
Does anyone know anything about a Tandy 1400LT laptop and the program Tandy Q&A Word Processing? Can I put Windows 3.1 on this computer please email me

Quinn J Roundy <qjroundy@eskimo.com>
Covington, WA USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 17:37:53
A far fetched request.

I used to have a C64 (Commadore 64) on which I had a program called SID Player which allowed you to play and write scores and scores of music (for those of us who knew how) Now, the program came with a selection of Songs pre-written, and beautifully so. There is one song indeed that had caught my ear. The song was entitled "For the times" supposedly written or composed by Ken Fuller.

I have looked everywhere for a copy or recording of that song away from the computer. No info and the Writer or the song title has turned up. I have been looking for about a year.

Anybody who could lead me in the right direction on getting a copy of a recording of or the score for that song would be greatly apreciated.

Thanx in advance,

Quinn J Roundy

J. M. Reichard <intelec@execpc.com>
West Allis , Wi U.S.A. - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 16:52:42
I am looking for a slow laptop. I also collect computers
that are collecting dust. And am wondering if there is
Windows that runs on a 8088 or 286

J. M. Reichard

Wilburn Smith <wilburnsmith@worldnet.att.net>
Bronx - NYC, ny USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 16:31:24

I recently came into possesion of 2 SCSI drives that I want to put into a 486 I'm building. The problem is that only one is recognized, an ID conflict I believe. Does anyone have the jumper settings for a MAXTOR SCSI drive model # 7345SR. The drives are running off an Adaptec AHA-1542B controller card.

Wil Smith (not THAT one!!)

Bruce Cameron <bc@arrowsmith.net>
Port Alberni, BC Canada - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 16:05:08
To Phillip I Have the DOS 3.3 files you need but I don't know your email address. Email me and I will send you the files.

Elaine Welch <ewelch@redrose.net>
Lancaster, PA USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 15:18:00
Hi all,
I just purchased a Tandy 2500sx20 at Goodwill for my 10 yr old grandson, who is moving to another state (so he can e-mail me everyday). Well, I got messing with the files and deleted stacker and its messed up now. I would like to get hold of the original software setup for this computer.
Thanks in advance, Elaine Welch

Patrick Brunson <dragon@swva.net>
NewCastle, Va. Craig - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 14:45:49
I need the jumper settings for a wd1002a-wx1 mfm HD controler card
I am putting an st225 20meg hard drive on it.
Will this card work in a 286 or is it limited to the 8 bit XT bus?
Thanks in advance. DRAGON

Josh Jordan <frogboy_j@hotmal.com>
Columbia , MO usa - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 14:20:04
Need good shape joysticks to Atari 2600. They had the best ergonomics of any old joystick.

Call me AL
nj usa - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 13:08:52
IBM PS/2 486 model p 70 model # 8557-049 (not a laptop) MSDos 6.22 WIN 3.1 (Beeeep-Beep-Beep)! ERROR CODE 15201 On start up
Ok ok...so I added a 3rd hard drive to it,with out any help of "stinking manuals" but it works!...I guess now it needs some refinning...any suggestions? Jumpers perhaps?...can anyone direct me to a place I can get the ERROR codes?
Also..after adding the hard drive computer no longer recognises XGA video card seems to be type "a" Perhaps because I switched opperating system from PCDos 6.22 to MSDos 6.22 and still have not found the proper driver...
Also....Creative labs Sound blaster card..Vibra16 made by REPLY corp. I can't seem to get all the drivers installed in Windowsespecially the midi & wave driver..ERROR "can't find the driver"...
Please respond to E-Mail ADDRESS above thanks...

Chris Schenk <schenk@w-4.de>
88213 Ravensburg, BW Germany - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 13:04:25
I have an Compaq SLT286 Laptop for which I need a setup disk, because I changed the HD.
I am unable to locate one at Compaq's website, or any other location.
Does any one know where I may locate this program? Thanks

Larry <thorpe @kwic.com>
ont Canada - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 09:38:27
Hello A friend of mine has an IBM 286 for which he needs a setup disk for. I am unable to locate one at IBM's website, or any other source on the net. it is a model # 5170. does any one know where I may locate this program ? Thanks

Atlanta , GA USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 00:53:05
Got an AST Six Pak 286 memory card (AT ISA bus) p/n202344-001. Holds 4 30 pin simms. Need jumper settings for E7,E8,E9,E10,E11,E12. AST has a photo on yheir website but has no info. Many Thanks.

Bill Bregar <wbregar@rmisp.com>
Lander, WY 82520 - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 00:46:39
Am needing a hard drive for a Compaq LTE Lite 4/33C. I think Seagate's No for it is 146359-001. Can anybody tell me where I can find a hard drive for this laptop? Thanks

John Wilson <wilsonjo@river.it.gvsu.edu>
Utica, MI USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 00:40:50
At a DRMO sale (a big government garage sale) I ran across
a laptop, and had to buy it. It is a Dauphin 1050, made by
Dauphin Technologies based in IL. I was wondering if
anyone had ANY info on it. It didn't come with a power
supply, and the batteries were dead. So I don't even know
if it works. The batteries were 12 volt, so I'm guessing
it takes a 12 volt power supply. Thanks.

David O'Quinn <oquinn@worldnet.att.net>
Baton Rouge, LA USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 23:59:22
I need to know the refresh rates for an old Kenitec PX-14S monitor.
I'm switching a 486-66 machine to Linux and need the refresh rates
to set up the OS. Thanks...

Larry Horst <lhorst01@intrepid.net>
sharpsburg, md usa - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 23:06:08
I have a toshiba t3100sx laptop and need help to get it back in service. The power supply and batteries are good but nothing happens when I turn on the power switch. If anyone has had a simular problem please respond to what you did to get it up and running. Thanks in advance....Larry...

Klaus L. Robishaw <navdoc@internet1.net>
Battle Creek, MI USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 21:25:06
I gave my ACROS 386/SX to my sister-in-law. It has been working fine for her, but
now when she brings it up it states HIMEMM ACTIVE. There is no DOS prompt and she is unable to
do anything with it. It has DOS 6.2 and WIN 3.1. Any suggestions?

jim moltion <sbbn@aol.com>
tully, ny usa - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 20:07:08
Software disk 1 or set of five for ABCVOICE voice mail system. Ver 2.1 for dos (51/4) circa. 1991

Louis LaPrade <ace@d-k.com>
va - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 20:03:10
I found a new 2.88 floppy drive made by sony for IBM. There is no place to hook up the 4-wire power plug. All I see is the ribbon cable plug. Will not work this way.

jim moltion <sbbn@aol.com>
tully, ny usa - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 19:52:14
need info on nec 286 setup disk. also need info on a Practical Peripherials PM2400SA modem. Power supply voltage (wall tranformer, and switch settings for autoanswer.

Jonathan Chtoe <drrabidmonkey@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 19:05:59
I recently purchased a Sharp PC-7100 portable computer.
The ROM says 1985 on startup. I would have expected it's 20Mb hard drive to creep along and be very large but instead it sounds like an IDE drive and must be small becaue it spins up in 2 seconds as apposed to the 1984-88 Seagate 20Mb which took ages.
Also the CPU is dead slow. It has given me three readings which don't match up with benchmark tests. 3.5MHz 4MHz and 5MHz.

Does anybody know anything about this machine?
I am especially interested in original pricing, why the hard disc is a lot faster than most desktop drives of the time and what is the bus clock?

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

Jonathan Chote

Ned Wilson <nwilson@bdsinc.com>
Glastonbury, CT USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 18:31:59
Looking for a power adapter for a zeos laptop, model 310-0037. the settings are as follows: 15VDC:1.33A:19.95W(DC)

any ideas?

Ronald Gillen <gillen@nconnect.net>
Hustisford, WI US - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 17:50:43
I need a manual or info on setting up a Mitsumi CD-ROM
PC card. The card is marked CD-ROM drive 168IT I/E Card
74-1645A. and it control;s a Mitsume CD Rom Drive,
Model No. CRMC-FX001D
Mfg Frb. 1994.....
The PC card has multiple settings but no info came withj the system,
which is a Gateway 2000 P5-60.
Ron Gillen

Bill Torrance <n7qax@vcn,com>
Gillette, WY USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 17:49:33
I need parts for the Atari Portfolio. the key board no longer works.

Ron <palion36@worldnet.att.net>
Tallahassee, FL - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 17:07:54
I have a CAF NB5500 that has a broken keyboard ribbon cable. I need to purchase an entire computer (broken would be fine) that has a good keyboard or just a keyboard. It is a Chicony keyboard PN 001-06600-009. Otherwise, I need to sell one slightly inoperative NB5500. :)

Trevor Aaronson <taaronso@stpt.usf.edu>
Seminole, FL USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 16:54:28
I'm looking for a laptop computer that is preferably a 486DX2-50 or -66 or better with at least 8MB to 12MB RAM. A PC-card modem and CD-ROM would be great, but not required. The machine must be able to run Windows 95 and have a color screen that is viewable just about anywhere. If you have one you'd like to sell, please e-mail me. I some stuff I could trade, but it's not necessary. Let me know as much as possible about the laptop and how you're asking for it.


Michel Gallant <mgallant@grassroots.ns.ca>
NS Canada - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 16:43:00
Hi! I have a Patriot PC with a Cyrix 486SLC2/66 processor. Win95 often hangs at random. I had problems under WFW311 also. It I get Fatal Exception 0Es, generel protection faults and illegal operation errors. I thought it might me memory, so I ran an advanced (byte-by-byte, word +doubleword) check on the RAM. It turned up clean. Next I suspected the disk subsystem, so I replaced the Multi I/O card and IDE 250 MB HD with a SCSI card (w/ intergrated floppy controller) and a 500MB SCSI HD. The errors persisted. (The only common component to the two disk subsystems was the 1.44MB 3.5" floppy.) Any ideas? I'm beginning to suspect a motherboard component or the CPU. BTW, I'd also like to identify the motherboard. All I can find is a (copyright)RYC message. What's RYC? I can't find it on the net (except an inaccessible, under-construction site called ryc.com. Since the mainboard is old, I don't think this new site is it.) Any ideas? Thanks.

Michel Gallant

Doc Reisman <admiralpwash@earthlink.net>
South BEnd, IN - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 16:12:32
If anyone could send me a boot disk e-mail it would be a
life saver. I have a DEC PC 316 SX. Thanks!

AJ <fltmed1@hotmail.com>
VA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 16:04:17
Any one have the audio board for a ZDS Z-Star EX laptop, that they are willing to part with. ZDS and ALL of the parts places I have contacted don't have any of these $35.xx boards.
Let me know,


David Aldlay <DAllday@bigfoot.com>
England - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 15:12:44
Has anyone know about the Sinclair MK14 - a really "old" computer ? Owned one once but it got modified so often it became unusable and thrown away!

Mike Ervin <mervin@iobbs.com>
Hebron, OH USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 14:13:20
Does anyone have an old (junker) Compaq 386s/20 for parts.
Need a keyboard flex cable (or the whole machine if cheap enough)
Tnx Mike

Paul <phofland@stad.dsl.nl>
Netherlands - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 13:05:29
Looking for the jumper settings of the following motherboard: P4U880A/IO V1.0 (S1.2)
It's a 486 PCI board with an UMC chipset and Phoenix BIOS. It could be made by QDI.

Goran Mellbin <goran.mellbin@swipnet.se>
M÷lndal, Sweden - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 08:11:53
I want to make a low lever format of a 20 MByte har drive on an old PC-AT compatible 286 based system.
If I remember correctly this could be dun by using the debug utility. Could you please tell me how!

call me AL <OICU812QT@aol.com>
bradleybeach, NJ USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 01:47:50
I can't seem to get my IBM PS/2 P/7o to use the XGA Video adapter type "A" My monitor is a Radioshack VGM-510,But imporantly everything worked fine until I added my old 386 Hard drive to this system..after alot of trial and error I finnally got the Hard drive to work but now the video card won't work..I may not have stumbled across the right driver yet but I have tried alot of them.
If anyone happens to know a sight where i can look up the driver or better yet tell me the exact name of the file I am looking for it would be greatly appreceated.
By the way...with all the drivers I have tried when my monitor is plugged into the adapter port,all i get is an over ride message on my screen

James Furman <jfurman@istlaplata.net>
LaPlata , MO USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 01:27:16
I am in need of the membrane for a Commodore SX-64 keyboard, or for the entire board. Would appreciate it if anyone can help me find either one. Thanks!

Bryce Anderson <appealsbca@juno.com>
Clayton, CA USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 00:33:10
I have a "Pied Piper" portable computer, circa 1983, in good working order with screen, backup disc drive, dozens of floppies (96 t.p.i.), software (Perfect Writer, Perfect Filer, Perfect Calc) and a C-Itoh F-40 daisy wheel printer with extra ribbons and daisy wheels. If anyone is interested in buying it, please e-mail me.

Timothy Webb <newsouth@gamewood.net>
Danville, VA USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 20:52:07
Have an IBM PS/2 35 SX Model #vc5__ Am looking for documentation on IBM error code numbers 162 & 163...
Thanks for your help! T.WEbb

francisco leal <francisco60@hotmail.com>
venezuela - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 19:59:51
need information for ast suplies for one premiun 386

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 19:26:53

Hello again, everyone

I'm looking for a power supply for a WANG WLTC laptop. It dosent necessarily need to be a WANG power supply. Just as long as it's 18V DC, and at least 2 Amps.

I'm also looking for manuals for the WANG WLTC:

- Installation instructions
- Fundamentals Guide
- DOS Command Processor Guide
- Troubleshooting Guide
- Printer Software Administration Guide
- BASIC Language Guide

(With all those books, it may weigh as much as the computer.)

Again, they don't need to be originals. They can be copies.

As always, ThAnX in advance,

Bob Stek <bobstek@ix.netcom.com>
Tolland, CT - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 18:32:07
Does anyone have copies of the Osborne Executive disks (CP/M Plus, Personal Pearl, SuperCalc, etc.)? And does anyone have an Osborne Executive, working or not, which they would like to sell?

Mark Danckwerts <markgd@yahoo.com>
Durban, South Africa - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 17:50:35
I have a 386 Sx 33 IBM clone with Quadtel Bios rev 03.06.01
I am running DOS 6 and WfW (Win3.11)and want to hook up an
external modem, however cannot find where to enable second
COM Port as it is unused
Any suggestions?

John Brockman <JohnB@Vossnet.co.uk>
Canterbury, Kent Britain - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 16:40:22
I have an old 286 made by Wang trying to fix it for a friend, but the BIOS bat has died. So its lost the HD, it asks for a Setup program. Has anyone got one ?
It's a Phoenix BIOS V 3.10 01 1985 - 1988
Any other helpful hints would be good.

BV Alvarez <bva@airchek.com>
Fletcher, NC USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 15:31:56
I need a display screen (orange plasma) for a T3100 Toshiba. Please
reply with price, etc.

Bernardo Eylenstein <eylenstb@telefonica.com.ar>
La Plata, Bs. As. Argentina - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 14:40:04
Sorry, there is a mistake at the e-mail address, this is the same message with two alternate addresses:

I desperately need the jumper settings for a Chicony CH-498b Ver.: 3.0 mainboard I know the following about it:

Cyrix 486DX2 66 CPU
UMC Chipset
2x72pin SIMMs and 4x30pin
3xVL Bus slots

It works fine with an Intel 486DX-33, but I really need the jumper settings for all the jumpers to set it up for an Intel 486DX2-66 chip.

Thank you !!

Bernardo Eylenstein
My job e-mail: eylenstb@telefonica.com.ar
My home e-mail: eyb@satlink.com

Bob Rogers <bobr@udp.com>
Portland, OR US - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 14:21:23
I am looking for a picture of an old Tektronix programmable calculator. They are roughly the size of the Friden (circa late 60's). I used to program them and wanted a picture to put on my web page. Thanks, Bob Rogers

Alex Knight <calchist@poboxes.com>
Research Triangle Park, NC USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 14:17:15
I have a Kaypro 4 portable (luggable) computer that I would like to trade
for an early model desktop calculator or possibly an old HP pocket calculator.
I do not have any of the floppy disks, but the unit does power up and display the
"Insert Boot Floppy" type of message clearly on the CRT. Please see my
"wanted" list on my web page for a listing of the types of calculators I'm
looking for: http://www.poboxes.com/calchist

Bernardo Eylenstein <eylensteinb@telefonica.com.ar>
La Plata, BsAs Argentina - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 14:15:01
I desperately need the jumper settings for a Chicony CH-498b Ver.: 3.0 mainboard I know the following about it:

Cyrix 486DX2 66 CPU
UMC Chipset
2x72pin SIMMs and 4x30pin
3xVL Bus slots

It works fine with an Intel 486DX-33, but I really need the jumper settings for all the jumpers to set it up for an Intel 486DX2-66 chip.

Thank you !!

Ellen Mahoney <mahoney@ndti.net>
Ridgecrest, CA US - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 11:55:11
I have a Commador 64, 2 disk drives, printer, and lots of game type software does anyone know if this has any value?

Bill Mauer <b_mauer@mtcweb.com>
Kansas City, MO usa - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 11:47:21
A customer of mine has an osborne computer and is looking for parts, any ideas ?

Robert <rsoukup@hotmail.com>
Prague, CR Czech Republic - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 11:20:31
I have EGA video card Paradise 38315B , but i don't have
driver for w95. Can you send driver to my Email box.

Jaap Dam <sneirra@hotmail.com>
Leiden, zh Netherlands - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 08:26:57
I have a "highscreen" i486/25 sx motherboard which I'm trying to revive except all the jumpers have been taken off and I need a drawing or something to some indication how to put all the jumpers back in the right places(about 15 jumpers or so), is there anywhere I can get this info?

Jaap Dam

Terry Cripe <tcripe@defnet.com>
Defiance, OH USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 07:07:37
Anyone know if the Canon Innova 386's came with optional modem card ? If so, I'd like a diagram of the pinouts. Thanks!

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, n.a. The Netherlands - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 04:54:03
Anybody out there (especially in The Netherlands) interested in
an IBM PS/2 P70 (This is the luggable version of the desktop
model 70). Collectors unite !



Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, n.a. The Netherlands - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 04:37:39
Hurray for the 'Few Rules' ! !

Is there any web browser around without a search function ?
Why put people the same questions over and over again
(setup for instance) on this site, while a search would reveal
all info they're looking for.

Keep up the good work !


Alex <Hamitup@bellsouth.net>
Somewhere, LA USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 02:47:25
I just got an IBM PC jr. I was wondering if I could find manuals for it online. Perhaps pinouts so I could make my own com port cable or monitor cable. What is the RCA plug labeled "V" it seems to be for video but it doesn't work with the video outlet of my VCR. Also, is the diskette drive used in these computers compatable with the interface used in modern computers? I would like to put an 5 1/4" disk drive in my pentium-60 using an old PC Jr disk drive..

Thank You!

(Please email me your responses)!


tammy Meaders <tmeaders@intop.net>
Newton, Ms - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 23:20:08
I have Tandy 1100fd lap top deskmate. there are three program disks that you must use. my problem is that my startup disk has been messed up so now i can't do anything. is there any way to replace this? i would like to sell this computer because i no longer need it but i will need to get the disk first. any advise would be appreciated.

Lisa Bade <bade@rma.edu>
Front Royal, VA USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 22:25:02
I just purchased an HP Vectra LS/12. I thought I could reformat, load DOS7, Win 3.1 and WORD. So far, I am able to load DOS 6.22 only. I am getting "XMS Driver Not Installed" error. I am unable to load windows without this XMS driver.
I would like to upgrade this unit if possible. If there is anyone that has upgrades for this unit, hardware or drivers or software that can be loaded on a 286 or less, I would appreciate the help. Any advice too, is welcomed. Thanks Lisa

Mike <authona@netway.com>
- Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 21:58:35

I have an old 20Mhz 386(SX) laptop computer with a slow modem
(2400 bps) running Windows 3.1. If anyone knows of any way(s)
of speeding up this system (especially the modem)without
a hardware upgrade (using tweaks, software, shareware,
freeware, etc. instead) I would be most thankful. Additional
info. on the system can be obtained by writing to


Jon <jvalla@mail.utexas.edu>
Austin, TX - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 21:45:52
Just got an old 486 MB to replace an older 386, but am having same problem.
No video, no beeps on startup; only the HD spins up, lights come on. Have 3 different video cards
and 2 different IDE controllers I've been swapping in and out to no avail.
Any thoughts on the matter, please email me and I'll happily give you the specifics.

Colin <debin666@storm.ca>
Ottawa, On Canada - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 19:48:14
Many thanks to all!...A earlier version of F-Prot worked...I had to boot from a floppy, Enter a system date of 1995, (Or else the software says it is too old to work and shuts off) and run the software that I installed on the harddrive...The NYB Virus is dead!...Im a happy camper!
Thanks again All!

Neil Terry <celt@net-magic.net>
Fernandina Beach, FL USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 19:12:01
I just got hold of an old IBM PC Convertible "laptop"
computer. It's old as dirt but I would like to get it running
again. If anyone had used one, or knows where to get
software for it I would be very thankful.
Neil Terry

owen <owen54@hotmail.com>
n.ireland uk - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 18:58:30
can anyone help with me finding a copy of sharp mz 700
instuction manual

Leigh Brooks <shifty@well.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 18:54:32
Having trouble getting an Apple Lisa to
recognize the hard drive. Floppy seems to be broken as well.
Anyone got Lisa boot disks?


jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas United States of America - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 18:54:14
==============Zenith Z-Note 320L================

It is a 386/20 Mhz, it has a 60 meg hard drive and has 1 or 4 megs of ram (?????), it has a 1.44 (3.5 inch) disk drive, and a black and white screen. Please email me with how much you would be willing to pay or any questions! It would be a good laptop for kids or an adult ages 4-444. Please email me with your highest price you would be willing to pay. Oh yeah it runs great!!!
================Zenith Z-Note 320 L==============

Jason Whorton <jason@microxl.com>
Attalla, AL USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 18:02:37
Hello. This is to the owner:

Thank you so very much for changing the description at the top of the page. I enjoy reading the "Obsolete Computer Helpline" and am always annoyed at questions which do not apply. A recent Windows 98 question took the cake. Perhaps people will care enough to read the instructions before posting.

Thank you,
Jason Whorton

ROSS E. BESCH <ross.besch@save-a-lot.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 17:07:05
I have an Austin TFT and I am looking for Memory upgrade. Can I use any or does it have to be from a specific dealer?

Ted Camu <tedcamu@worldonline.nl>
Emmeloord, FLV The Netherlands - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 16:55:00
Hello out there,

can anybody tell me, where i can find a replacement diskdrive for a TANDY 1100FD computer.
Or does anybody know the pining layout (24pins) because the drive looks standard,
but it does noet have a SHUGART 34pin connector.

Thanks in advance

Electronics greetings,

Ted Camu

A <Medic-1@juno.com>
VA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 16:36:11
Does anyone have a list of the switch & jumper setting
for a GENOA SYSTEMS - Super EGA hi-res rev B card.
On the back it has 724855-02(G) REV. A
The BIOS are Version: 4.05-7


gay hazlewood <rcq123@uriacc.uri.edu>
wakefield, ri usa - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 16:26:20
can an old packard bell "pack-mate 966" be upgraded enough to make it serviceable for a college student?

Erick Doering <googol@macconnect.com>
Arvada, CO USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 15:54:53
I am looking for memory cards for a Zenith Data Systems Z-Note 433Ln+. If anybody could help, please let me know.

Tim Downing <tdowning@geocities.com>
rockwood, MI USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 12:42:50
I recently messed up my 32 bit VL I/O interface card.
when installed the computer BIOS screen says "Primary HDC error.
My dad went to the store to get a replacement, but came home with a 16 bit card instead. The new card only recognises the first 500 MB of my HDD's first partition and all of the second partition (64 MB)
can the secondary IDE be changed to primary?

the words CMD Technology Inc are silk screened on the board
there are 4 sets of jumpers first one labeled W1 has 6 sets of three pins 2 labeled asy1, 2 for asy2, and 2 for lpt. Next one W2 has 12 sets of 2 pins and 4 jumpers, sets IRQ line for 2 COM ports 1 LPT port and second IDE port. W3 is 4 sets of 3 pins labeled only a,b,c,d (four jumper blocks) W4 has 5 sets 2 pins a,b,c,d,e and one jumper block
any and all help greatly appreciated

Jane Karthen <JKarthen@AOL.com>
Lansing, mi usa - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 11:28:40
I have a IBM PCjr that is used at school. Last year the cordless keyboard stopped working. I tried changing batteries, but still no communication with the computer. There is what looks like a phone connection on the back of the keyboard. Is there a cord that can supply power to the keyboard from the computer? I'd really like to get it up and running for the kids. Any suggestions or resources???

Stuart Mair <smair@cs.keele.ac.uk>
Keele, U.K - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 10:31:27
I have, not quite, half a lab of PC's which have 'Abell C&C'
BNC 16bit ISA ethercards in them.
Can anyone help me out with the jumpers and jumper settings
which are on these cards as I have no manuals for them (they're
donkeys years old).

Mucho Thanko

Stuart Mair

Truro, Cornwall U.K. - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 09:22:34
Hello friends,

Just a couple of things that someone may be able to help me with.

1. Has anyone had any experience installing an IBM/Cyrix 5120?
2. Has anyone any experience with a Covox Voicemaster ii. I'm interested in what it can do and whether there are any drivers for Microsoft windows 95 etc. I've tried searching the Internet for covox etc and can't find anything so can only assume that they don't exist any more or have been taken over by somebody.

Many thanks in antisipation again friends.

Peter Bell <peter.bell2@virgin.net>
Carlisle, Cumbria, UK - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 06:58:16
Does anyone know if and where I can get any windows or programs for an old 286 machine with 1 Meg memory but only a Black & White display
Many thanks

Truro, Cornwall U.K. - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 04:40:54
This message is to the Helpline owner really but others may be in the same position as me. I am a blind PC user using specialised voice Software to read the computer screen and am having a few problems with the form that posts messages to the Helpline. I wonder if I could have a quick chat to you about the form. The main problem is that the field labels on the form are at the righthand side of the entry box and my software doesn't like this very much so I get problems navigating.

I must add that this is an excellent list and several people have helped me with a few problems which I am really gratful too.

L. Thomas <sunrise@netmdc. com>
- Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 03:59:56
Looking for an 8087 math prosessor, a battery and also any information or software for a Zenith Laptop model zwl-184-97.

L. Thomas <sunrise@netmdc.com>
Alamogordo, NM Otero - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 03:29:58
I have purchased a Zenith laptop zwl-184-97. It only has command.com, autoexec.bat, edit.com and qbasic on it. What can I add to be able to use it? The dos is 3.3. Thank You.

Joel M. <j_menezes@yahoo.com>
Cambridge, MA USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 03:29:52
HI folks. I was wondering if anyone has the Flash Bios upgrade For the Gateway 2K 486dx2/66 board?
the board is PhoenixBIOS A486 1.00.xx.AC0 -- Motherboard model number 612194-00x
The following is a description of the upgrde, but i was looking for any alternatives to plunking down $60

: Intel Classic R Mini Desktop System. Has existing BIOS Version PhoenixBIOS A486 1.00.xx.AC0 -- Motherboard model number 612194-00x
: Micro Firmware Part Number I4HS10 -- PhoenixBIOS ver 4.05 -- $59 -- plus shipping and handling -- Provided on Diskette as
: a self-contained Flash ROM Update utility.

If you do, please e-mail me j_menezes@yahoo.com

Thanks, Joel M.

James W Guill Jr <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, Va USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 01:10:36
Hi folks. I notice off and on folks want old O/S software
such as Win 1.1. If anyone is interested, I have Win 1.1
zipped up into a exe file. If you are interested let me know
and I will send you a copy for free. Someone was nice enough
to give away a copy and I thought I would spread the wealth.

- Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 00:34:22


Curtis Childs <CDChilds@msn.com>
Oak Park, MI USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 00:04:35
I have an older IBM PS/1. I am looking to add the 128k cache memory that it is set up for. I cannot locate a place that sells 28-pin cache memory. Does anyone know how or where I can order some from?????

Brian K. White <linut@squonk.net>
Albany, NY USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 00:00:41
grrr!, sorry for the multiple posts.
the site kept returning with

"The comment section in the Helpline fill-out form appears to be blank and therefore the posting was not added. Please enter your comments below."


Brian K. White <linut@squonk.net>
Albany, NY USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 23:56:56
Does anyone know how (if there is a way) to clear the BIOS
password from a GRiD 1450sx? unplugging the internal battery
did not clear it. (left unplugged for 15 minutes also)
This is a GRiD laptop, 386-16 mono screen that someone threw
away 2 of them! granted it's pretty old hardware, but , as expected
with GRiD, it seems to all run fine, and it would be great for mobile
basic net access. (BitchX, Lynx, pine, etc...) or qnx, for that matter :)

Brian K. White <linut@squonk.net>
Albany, NY USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 23:55:35
Does anyone know how (if there is a way) to clear the BIOS password from a GRiD 1450sx? unplugging the internal battery
did not clear it. (left unplugged for 15 minutes also)
This is a GRiD laptop, 386-16 mono screen that someone threw
away 2 of them! granted it's pretty old hardware, but , as expected with GRiD, it seems to all run fine, and it would be great for mobile
basic net access. (BitchX, Lynx, pine, etc...) or qnx, for that matter :)

Brian K. White <linut@squonk.net>
Albany, NY USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 23:54:20
Does anyone know how (if there is a way) to clear the BIOS password from a GRiD 1450sx? unplugging the internal battery
did not clear it. (left unplugged for 15 minutes also)
This is a GRiD laptop, 386-16 mono screen that someone threw
away 2 of them! granted it's pretty old hardware, but , as expected with GRiD, it seems to all run fine, and it would be great for mobile
basic net access. (BitchX, Lynx, pine, etc...) or qnx, for that matter :)

Brian k. White <linut@squonk.net>
Albany, NY USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 23:52:59
Does anyone know how (if there is a way) to clear the BIOS password from a GRiD 1450sx? unplugging the internal battery
did not clear it. (left unplugged for 15 minutes also)
This is a GRiD laptop, 386-16 mono screen that someone threw
away 2 of them! granted it's pretty old hardware, but , as expected with GRiD, it seems to all run fine, and it would be great for mobile
basic net access. (BitchX, Lynx, pine, etc...) or qnx, for that matter :)

Brian k. White <linut@squonk.net>
Albany, NY USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 23:52:14
Does anyone know how (if there is a way) to clear the BIOS password from a GRiD 1450sx? unplugging the internal battery
did not clear it. (left unplugged for 15 minutes also)

This is a GRiD laptop, 386-16 mono screen that someone threw
away 2 of them! granted it's pretty old hardware, but , as expected with GRiD, it seems to all run fine, and it would be great for mobile
basic net access. (BitchX, Lynx, pine, etc...) or qnx, for that matter :)

Terry Cripe <tcripe@defnet.com>
Defiance, OH USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 23:07:14
Anyone have a users manual for a Commodore laptop 386sx? I'd like to have the pinouts for the modem card if they are printed in there, or, if you have a modem card, I have some questions! Thanks

Kristen Hachey <bruhac@nbnet.nb.ca>
- Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 22:21:09
I live in Canada and I am interested in purchasing a Macintosh, the first models. (Smiley Face one)

Phil Clayton <handyman@sprintmail.com>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 21:30:51
Looking to purchase the following:
Osborne 1 Portable computer.
Kaypro Portable computer.
Radio Shack Model 1 computer.
I will pay a better than fair price plus shipping.

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Canada - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 21:25:36
Thanks to all you good people who answered my question about Windows and CGA. As it turns out, the CGA monitor was sold by the time I got hold of the people selling it. However, I did manage to get an EGA monitor for $10 Cdn.
It works great.
Thanks once again.

Shaun S <sms29m@bellatlantic.net>
Monroe Twsp, NJ USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 21:01:29
I upgraded my Intel 486 SX/33 to a DX2/66 and just recently further upgraded to an Intel OverDrive processor, (83mhz). I fear that the OverDrive processor is causing a Win95 dial-up networking problem. I read that Intel had a diagnostic disk (that was sold with the OverDrive processor),that would check the machine's BIOS for compatibility. Haven't found it and Intel no longer supports the chip so... Does someone know where to get a hold of that program? I'm hoping it'll shed some light on the problem I'm having. Appreciate any help. Thanks.

Jesse Wilson <jeaw@edne.com>
Bethesda, MD U.S. - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 20:39:07
I'm looking for a motherboard that can fit into my existing gateway 2000 4sx-33 slim chassis.
Any suggestions?

Michael <mdills@ou.edu>
USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 20:38:55
A friend and I are working on upgrading an old IBM PS/1 model G54 and we're putting in a second hard drive and need a BIOS update that will recognize two hard drives

J. M. Reichard <intelec@execpc.com>
West Allis, Wi United States of America - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 19:02:13
Help me find a 286 or slower Laptop.
Also if you have a computer you are going to junk
just E-Mail me
Thank You

J. M. Reichard


Trevor Aaronson <taaronso@stpt.usf.edu>
Seminole, FL 33772 - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 18:21:47
The following is for sale. I'm not a dealer, but I've accumulated these parts after upgrading my computer several times and would like to sell them. E-mail taaronso@stpt.usf.edu for further information. I will take
best reasonable offers.

1) Toshiba 286-16 Laptop Computer: 1MB RAM, 40MB hard drive, 2400BPS internal modem, 9" black-and-white screen, nice and big black Toshiba carrying case, 3.5" 1.44MB disk drive, and loaded with software: $125/obo.

2) Philips Magnavox 14" VGA Monitor (13" viewable screen, .38-dot pitch). Work great!: $55/obo.

3) Epson Action Printer-5000 24-pin Black-and-White printer in great shape (comes with brand-new, unopened ribbon): $45/obo.

4) One Pair (2 Chips) of 16MB Kingston EDO RAM (32MB total): $50/obo.

5) Keyboards: 1 PS/2-Compatible Keyboard and 1 AT-style keyboard: $8 each/obo.

6) Mice: 1 2-button PS/2-Compatible Mouse and 1 3-button Serial Mouse: $4 each/obo.

7) 4MB 72-PIN Parity RAM Chip: $7/obo.

8) Zoltrix 2400BPS Internal Data/Fax Modem: $4/obo.

9) Internal IDE-expansion ISA Card (for adding a second IDE port): $5/obo.

10) WinFax LITE for Windows 3.1 with manual: $5/obo.

E-mail offers and/or questions to taaronso@stpt.usf.edu. Again, I will take best reasonable offer for all 11 things for sale. Buyers pay shipping.

Fziems <formaxmis@worldnet.att.net>
Mokena, il USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 15:22:44
Need an external power supply for a CompuAdd notebook
model 325TX.

Nancy <thecafe@nauticom.net>
Evans City, PA USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 13:00:09
I need a keyboard for a Q130a Epson Equity II Plus.

andrew culver <culver@videogamers.com>
st. george, on canada - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 11:46:54
anyone know where i can get some (any) software for Windows 1.3? i'm sure windows 1 software will work, but i can't find any.

Jonathan Chote <drrabidmonkey@yahoo.com>
Hamilton, - New Zealand - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 10:47:56
I desperately need the jumpers for an OPTI 895 Deep Green mainboard I know the following about it:

Max 486DX4100 CPU
Board PB486P3
Model 1442G
Chipset 82C895
2x72pin SIMMs and 4x30pin
3xVL Bus slots
about 30 jumpers all numbered like W12 etc
Socket 3 CPU plug

I really need the jumper settings for all the jumpers to set it up for a 486DX-40 chip.

Thank you very much just for reading this.

Jonathan Chote

Chris <two_mac@hotmail.com>
Edmonton, Alberta Canada - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 06:08:34
Motherboard Jumper Settings???
P54SA (Pentium) Socket 5

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 00:13:51
If anyone emailed me about anything, would they please re-send thier message? I had a little "problem" with my email program, and have discovered that only half of my emails got downloaded.


Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
CO USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 23:18:48
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $450, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Frank M. Rauck <frauck@axsnet.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 23:00:30
I have a Compaq Deskpro 386 25 that I believe took a lightning hit. The power supply seems to be ok...it has all the necessary voltages, but I don't have any specs for specific pinout readings. I'm looking for a good motherboard or any troubleshooting info anyone might be able to provide me with. For instance, one question I have is...will I get post beep codes with a dead battery on this unit?? Thanks much in advance.
Frank M. Rauck

Colin <debin666@storm.ca>
Ottawa, ON Canada - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 22:10:53
Computer is a Toshiba T1200 (XT)
This old T1200 has a virus...I cant find any virus software that this old beast can run . Every program I try locks up because of lack of memory...I need a program that can completly fit on a 750K floppy so I can get this virus fixed...Anybody have the fix?

J. M. Reichard <Intelec@execpc.com>
West Allis , Wi United States of America - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 21:45:25
Please Help me find a 286 or slower portable computer

J. M. Reichard

Mark Readinger <readinge@gwi.net>
- Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 20:14:07
Re: Old Macintosh. Does anyone know how or what the
"programmer's switch" does on an OLD Macintosh (128k)?
I don't actually have the switch, but I know where it mounts
on the case and I can see two small pushbuttons(?) through
the slots of the case.
Mark Readinger

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 19:50:23
Hi, I have been trying to get my own Web Forum going for
about the last month without much luck at all. It covers
mainly IBM XT and AT computers. I would really appreciate it
if some of you could put or respond to some messages in there.
So far, I have only gotten 2 other people. If you would like to help
you can just click on my name...or for those of you that like
to cut and paste....


(the entrance to the forum is on the main page)


Heimo Claasen <hammer@inti.be>
brussels, belgium belgium - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 19:47:07
what clear white-on-black (larger) screens laptos are there ?

Kevin Perry <perryk@db.erau.edu>
Miami, FL USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 19:20:06
Need a floppy drive replaced in my Zeos Meridian 850c
notebook.... Pentium 75, 16MB RAM..... any ideas???

David G. <dg_mez@hotmail.com>
Guadalajara, Jal MΘxico - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 19:19:17
I need access the bios from a deskmaster 286/12 (Samsung), somebody cant help me?

James W Guill Jr <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, Va USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 18:43:29
I have the following processors for sale. If your interested in
any of them please email me at maverick@lynchburg.net.

1 486 25 with bent pins $1
2 386 33 $6 each
2 386 25 $5 each

I have all the socketed chip from an old IBM XT Pc. The board
worked good except for the keyboard controller, however the power
supply went bad so I striped the board of all its chips and junked
the board. If anyone is interested in the chip, email me with an

Also, I have some tape cartridges for sale. They are as follows:

6 3M DC 2120 120MB $8 each
4 4MM 90M 2GB $15 each

I also have 3 seagate ST-157A hdd's that wont do much. I
hook em up and the COMPUTER does nothing. Give me $15 (includes
shipping) and they are yours.

If your interested in any of this stuff, let me know. My email
is maverick@lynchburg.net

Thom Garfat <garfat@fox.nstn.ca>
Montreal, Que canada - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 18:08:31
I need a hard disc for an old IBM ThinkPad 350. Anyone have any idea where I might find one - IBM doesn't stock them anymore.


Michael A. Stanhope/Computer Services of York <jinx97@gte.net>
York, PA USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 18:04:11
I need two keys for a Compaq Contura 4/25 Laptop computer. I am looking for the Right arrow key, and the /? key.


Michael Bernet <mBernet@aol.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 17:31:03
EPSON QX-10. Is there a site or List that specializes in these?

I have 3 QX-10's(but only 2 monitors), manuals, wealth of latest software, DOS/ram drive adapter, modem.

I'm moving house, don't want to drag them to new location BUT I occasionally need to get at my old data. Does anyone know of software that will allow me to read Epson QX-10 (and Valdocs) 5.25 floppies on my MS 95 system (I have a 5.25 drive.) I do have a very laborious application for use on the QX-10 that will convert one file at a time into ASCII on a 5.25 floppy, but I'm looking for something faster and simpler, if possible one that will work in MS-DOS or Windows on my current PC machine. Alternatively, does anyone know of a transcription service that can do this reliably and inexpensively.
REWARD: a donation of all my QX-10 stuff to the person who comes up first with the best solution.

laercio brasil monteiro <lbmonteiro@sol.com.br>
Sao Paulo, SP 01252050 - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 17:30:31
I've a note book Notestar probabilly damage. The model is
hat is the configuration? Hd ( size ), Ram ( ? ) CPU etc
It is two batteries ( 12 V ) and need news.
Please indicate shop and tecnical asssistance.

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas United States - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 17:03:42
Does any one have a copy of Windows 3.11 they can email me so I can get it on disk to put it on a computer. If you can please email it to me?

Thanks in advance-
Jud the laptop man

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 16:47:19
Hello again.

Does anyone have a copy of Windows 3.0 that they'd be able to email me? Any disk format is O.K., since I can transfer the files to any size disk.


Rebecca Glasser <space_dreamer@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 14:07:57
I'm looking for any information regarding the UNIVAC 490, 1230, 1232.
I think they're all the same machine, except the Air Force and NASA used them and
changed the name. The commercial name is UNIVAC 490 but I'd love any info on any
or all of the three if possible.

M <mrb007@hotmail.com>
fl - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 14:04:01
i need information on compaqs 1215 laptop can anyone help me? please!

Michael Grimmett <mgrim@airnet.net>
AL USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 12:46:12
My neighbor has a HeadStart Exlorer (198? model) - and would like info on the following:

1. Is it possible to install Windows 95 on this system? - It is difficult to find out what memory capability is on this machine - any suggestions on how to get system resources info out of this machine?

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas United States - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 12:39:52
I have a Zenith Z-note 320 L it runs good and has one game that runs from dos. It is a good computer. It is a 386/20 mhz, 1.44 floppy, ac adapter, monochrome monitor. You pay shipping. Email me with questions.

Thanks in advance,

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas United States - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 12:39:19
I have a Zenith Z-note 320 L it runs good and has one game that runs from dos. It is a good computer. It is a 386/20 mhz, 1.44 floppy, ac adapter, monochrome monitor. You pay shipping. Email me with questions.

Thanks in advance,

Jud the laptop man <jud34@hotmail.com>
Texas United States - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 12:32:01
I have a Zenith Z-note 320 L it runs good and has one game that runs from dos. It is a good computer. It is a 386/20 mhz, 1.44 floppy, ac adapter, monochrome monitor. You pay shipping. Email me with questions.

Thanks in advance,

Colin <debin666@storm.ca>
Ottawa, On Canada - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 11:23:02
I have a old Toshiba T1200 notebook...It works OK but has no expanded memory...I thought it was a 286 but I now realize its a 8088 or XT...Is there a way to load EMM386.exe or/and Himem.sys to it?...(Runs DOS 5.0)...Also does anyone have a manual for one of these?
Thanks in advance!

jSteven Hicks <Steven.Hicks@RCHT.SWEST.NHS.UK>
Truro, U.K. - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 07:29:33
Hello, I have an old double-speed Sony CD-ROM which Has it's own 34 pin interface card. I am trying to get hold of the software drivers for Ms-Dos and/or Ms-windows.


Konstantin Drygin <jonny@info.kuzbass.net>
Kemerovo, Russia - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 03:47:45
Does anyone have any documentation on a Notestar NP-667 notebook?

Walter DIERICK <walter.dierick@skynet.be>
Rupelmonde, Belgium - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 03:23:12
I have a old 386 with 120 Mb disk and Quadtel Tiger Bios V. 3.05.10 -04 and am trying to put an bigger hard disk on it (Samsung 2.1Gb). When changing the Bios settings for the (new) disk it is inpossible to specify a number of cylinders larger than 999 (3 digits) and the number of heads seems to be limited to 9 (1 digit) although the edit field accepts 2 digits (eg 16). Any solution welcome !!

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 03:17:53
Anyone in the US that might be interested in the purchase of military surplus at the auctions, or non-profit groups seeking free (or nearly free) items needs to check the Defense Reuse and Marketing Service (DRMS, formally DRMO) page at HTTP://WWW.DRMS.COM

There's all kinds of computer stuff at various locations and even resellers can bid for lots and do whatever they want with it afterwards. Of course the average person may not want a full pallet of printers just to get one out of it.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 03:12:59
Evidentally there is some suggestion that since AOL has purchased ICQ/Mirabilis that AOL plans charges for the use of ICQ in the near future (typical of AOL of course) but Xoom.Com has a petition web page where you can enter your name and email name to show your protest of this proposed charges. It;s located at http://members.xoom.com/micq/ and even has information about the proposal/rumor on the page. Thought I'd mention it to the die-hard ICQ fans that don't want to see ICQ go down the toilet.

Peter Parker <inventco@inventco.com.au>
- Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 00:39:47
I have an Ollivetti Envision and have just upgraded to Win 98. On the shut down the Envision would on 95 require one to reboot using CNTRL ALT DEL which would then close the machine of . Under 98 the system requires the switch in the back to close it down. Can someone tell me how to reinstate the close down without the need to phyically switch.

Thanks in antipication

Peter Parker

Jason Snyder <snideman@yahoo.com>
Ohio - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 00:36:21
Does anyone know how much a 486/66mHz Packard Bell with 16 RAM, 4X CD-ROM, 4.3 gig hard drive, 14.4 modem, speakers, sound card, win 95, Office 97, keyboard, and 14" monitor is worth?

J.L. French <Toxxer@aol.com>
Harrisburg, PA USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 23:43:08
In process of analyzing a COMPUDYNE 486, 5 1/2 and 3.5 drives,
600 Megs mem. Have potential client looking to upgrade
to Win95 and Word 6.0, straight. External CD-ROM and
hard drive possibility. Please E-mail info/help to
TOXXER@AOL.COM Thanks all!

John Harrison <johnharrison@hotmail.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 23:41:04
I am looking for a 3.5 FD for the TI Travelmate 2000 or a replacement 20MB HD for same.

J. Azevedo <jazevedo@worldpass.net>
Miami, FL USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 22:47:35
To Dan in Canada... I tried to send you my experiences with Windows and CGA monitors but my message came back to me as undeliverable. Give me your correct address and I will re-send the note.

J. Azevedo <jazevedo@worldpass.net>
Miami, FL USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 22:44:50
This is to Dan in Canada...

Don Lundholm <CORNORSTONE@worldnet.att.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 22:03:18
Need a controller card for a 1.44 floppy drive. Anybody got one to sell OR TRADE?

Robin Reeves <dargus@ou.edu>
- Monday, August 10, 1998 at 21:03:49
I have an old laptop. Its an NP-743 and the battery has quite on me. Can anyone tell me where to get a new one? The model number of the battery is BAT-701. Thanks

Dan <dmerritt@fort-frances.lakeheadu.c>
Canada - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 20:03:13
need a CGA driver for Windows 3.11. Trying to install Windows for simple use on an old machine. I have changed the motherboard to a 386 board but only have the old cga monitor (and video controller) and the Windows install disks say they don not have a driver for CGA and i must get it elsewhere but they don't say where.

Dan Falkenham <danf@cyberus.ca>
- Monday, August 10, 1998 at 18:53:35
Something has gone screwy with my roomate's modem.

He has:
486/66 Cyrix CPU,
14.4 modem (came with the system.. unfortunately, with no
running win95

The modem is installed as a "Standard" 14.4 modem.

The modem and system were fine two weeks ago. Now, after
returning from vacation, we can't communicate with the modem.
I've tried deleting the device and reinstalling (which
hangs the system) and for kicks, have pulled out the card
plugged it back in and tried to reinstall from scratch
(again, the system hangs when windows tries to set up
the modem.

Any advice would be fantastic

Trevor Aaronson <taaronso@stpt.usf.edu>
Seminole, FL USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 18:10:08
Want to add pep to that 386 or 486?

I have a Intel i486DX2-66 OverDrive Chip for sale for $25 or best offer.

Luc April <lucapril@globetrotter.qc.ca>
Riviere-du-Loup, Qc Canada - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 17:25:18
I search theuser manual for an Olivetti PG 306 Laser printer.
If you have it or if you have a copy of it I'm very interested.

Thanks for all the people who respond to my post about the special XT.

Paul Yarovoy <paul@dcn.nord.nw.ru>
St.-Petersburg, - RUSSIA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 16:57:23

Recently I've got 20-meg MFM hard drive:
Olivetti ope HD 622/12
and it's interface card.
Could somebody write me how to make it work with my PC
(Pentium 200 MMX) - i.e. how to configure BIOS setup and what jumpers should I set?


Mark Ross <mross14@banet.net>
NY USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 16:56:38
I am trying to find jumper settings for an old American
Megatrend (AMI) motherboard Model 386 Baby Screamer built
in 1991. I am having a problem with Hard Driver Controller
failure error messages even though the hard drive is
recognized and can be "read and write" to. It has an IDE
interface but came from a computer that used an SCSI hard
drive. I believe there must be a jumper or dip switch
to change this.
Thanks to whoever can help.

Dewayne <bbci@mt-vernon.com>
Mt. Vernon, TX USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 16:41:10
I still have some computers for sale.
IBM XTs and ATs
IBM PS/2 Models
Compaq deskpro 286,386 and 486
IBM Monitors
Compaq Monitors
Compaq SLT 286 and 386
Compaq Portable III
Compaq LTE/25 w/smart station
Let me know what you need.

jim moltion <sbbn@aol.com>
tully, ny usa - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 15:50:14
need setup program for NEC 286 computer. Attach to e-mail to me at sbbn@aol.com


Frits Haas <fhaas@hotmail.com>
P.e, EC S.A - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 15:24:49
need the specs on a NEC MFM 40 meg hardrive
i.e cylinders , heads etc
Urgent plz!

Will Granzier <wgadget@mweb.co.za>
Port Elizabetrh, South Africa - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 14:55:34
I allso have a Sinclair 128k +3 Spectrum !
I`m looking for a couple of Sinclair Floppy discs, ( not microdrive disks !! )

Can Anyone help !


Will Granzier <wgadget@mweb.co.za>
Port Elizabetrh, South Africa - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 14:53:53
Hi guys
I have a G7000 ( phillips ) videopac computer ( game )
And one major problem , I need to trace a service manual for this machine !!

Can you help ?

Thank you
Will Granzier

Linus Ruth <ruthrob@cyberhighway.net>
ID USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 12:43:23
Does anyone have the pinout of the Compugraphic MCS-5 (or 10)
communications port??? I'm trying to make a null-modem cable
to go between my IBM PC and the Compugraphic.

Linus Ruth

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 12:28:06
In need of a fe IBM PS/2 items for a local Christian church's school with limited, but not zero, budget.

-Front bezel (cover) for an IBM PS/2 type 8595 commonly known as a model 95 XP 486. The plastic cover is the very front trim for the case with the keylock at the bottom that snaps off after the lock is undone. The one I have right now has 64F5842 molded into it but IBM's manual shows the unit as 64F4137. I have the rest of the unit and need only this to make it into a good looking unit.
-Additional processor matrix boards faster than 25 mhz such as the 33/66 board option, as well as snap on cache boards if applicable.
-Microchannel ethernet cards - either RJ45 type 10BaseT or BNC type 10Base2
-Misc hardware for the 8595's such as drive carriages, 1.2mb floppies, etc.
-Manuals (at least one) for the 8595 server.

The objective (and soon) is to fit at least one (if not two or more)servers so they can network to a series of other 486 machines so the kids can have machines with limited resources and still access Win95 assets on the server that will be loaded with resources.
Email me directly if you have anything to sell or trade for. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Blunt Rolllies <bonger@geocities.com>
CO USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 12:04:46
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $450, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Bill <bishi5@aol.com>
Spring Valley, NY US - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 11:12:25
I have a leading edge computer 486 SX that I converted to a 486DX2 with success. I recently obtained a 486DX4 Intel overdrive processor. I plugged it in and it keeps sending me a message on boot up that I should go into Bios and reconfigure. There is nothing to reconfigure in BIOS that is relevent to this. Can someone tell me if there is any solution.

Jerzy SOBOLA <jsobola@karen.com.pl>
Warsaw, Poland - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 11:06:39
Hi all
I look for any program to use more than two FDD on DOS 6.XX
with 386DX or higher cpu, i.e. 1.44MB, 1.2MB and 360kB
Thanks in advance Jerzy

Jerzy SOBOLA <jsobola@karen.com.pl>
Warsaw, Poland - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 11:06:15
Hi all
I look for any program to use more than two FDD on DOS 6.XX
with 386DX or higher cpu, i.e. 1.44MB, 1.2MB and 360kB
Thanks in advance Jerzy

Jerzy SOBOLA <jsobola@karen.com.pl>
Warsaw, Poland - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 11:00:50
Hi all
I look for any program to use more than two FDD on DOS 6.XX
with 386DX or higher cpu, i.e. 1.44MB, 1.2MB and 360kB
Thanks in advance Jerzy

Truro, U.K. - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 06:36:16
I have a Cyrix 5120 and cannot find out any configuration information about it. Can anyone hllp? Does it run as a 486DC4/40?

Many thanks in antisipation.

Darryl Hunt <darrylh@samara.co.zw>
Harare, Zimbabwe - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 05:11:10
I have a working Compaq Plus, all original. Where do I find a collectors items site to value the thing?

Lars-Erik Johannesson <fhv.karlskoga@swipnet.se>
Karlskoga, Sweden - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 04:32:30
Where can i find a new bios to a Philips P 3348.
I have version 2.52.2

Scott Best <sbest785@swbell.net>
Grantville, Ks USA - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 03:32:28
Hello I recently aquired 3 laptops, 2 Zenith Data systems ans a Notestar np-913. The zeniths dont even powerup but the notestar did until I messed up some of the board work on the motherboard. I found out that Microstar I believe made or is now useing the name notestar. My question is this...does anyone have any idea where a person can get the schematics near where the battery is at? While reinstalling a new battery I must have severed a fine wire, now when it boots it tells me CMOS INOPERABLE SYSTEM SHUTDOWN. I replaced the chip "Dallas DS/1287 with a DS1287a because I was told that they where interchangeable. Since I messed up the board I guess, is this laptop now trash?

Bruce Cameron <bc@arrowsmith.net>
Port Alberni, B.C Canada - Monday, August 10, 1998 at 01:06:55
I was given a Wang Model PC-001 (AMD 8086 -2)that I need a system disk for. The one that came with the machine has a damaged boot sector. Does anyone know where I might be able to find one?
thanx bc@arrowsmith.net

Brandon Siegel <Tribble@ImATrekkie.com>
- Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 23:06:31
I have an old Personal Typing System, with a typical 8086 processor It's a type 6907. I can't seem to find ANY software to run on it. It does not have a hard drive, so everything must be loaded off a floppy, like Apple's (obsolete) IIe. I would especially like to have a diskette that could load DOS, since I haven't been able to do anything with it besides load the typing software. IBM's website was no help. If ANYONE knows where I can get any software or support for my PTS/2, please e-mail me.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY **USA** - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 23:02:35
Grid owners - I'm not sure if any of you know this but Tandy has Grid computer setup programs available for free download on their support website at http://support.tandy.com/grid.htm and it appears most of them are there.

Trevor Aaronson <taaronso@stpt.usf.edu>
Seminole, FL USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 21:09:50
The following is for sale. I'm not a dealer, but I've accumulated these parts after upgrading my computer several times and would like to sell them. E-mail taaronso@stpt.usf.edu for further information. I will take
best reasonable offers.

1) Toshiba 286-16 Laptop Computer: 1MB RAM, 40MB hard drive, 2400BPS internal modem, 9" black-and-white screen, nice and big black Toshiba carrying case, 3.5" 1.44MB disk drive, and loaded with software: $125/obo.

2) Philips Magnavox 14" VGA Monitor (13" viewable screen, .38-dot pitch). Work great!: $55/obo.

3) Epson DFX-5000 24-pin Black-and-White printer in great shape (comes with brand-new, unopened ribbon): $45/obo.

4) One Pair (2 Chips) of 16MB Kingston EDO RAM (32MB total): $50/obo.

5) Keyboards: 1 PS/2-Compatible Keyboard and 1 AT-style keyboard: $8 each/obo.

6) Mice: 1 2-button PS/2-Compatible Mouse and 1 3-button Serial Mouse: $4 each/obo.

7) 4MB 72-PIN Parity RAM Chip: $7/obo.

8) Zoltrix 2400BPS Internal Data/Fax Modem: $4/obo.

9) Internal IDE-expansion ISA Card (for adding a second IDE port): $5/obo.

10) Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 for DOS with Allways disks, manual and reference book: $8/obo.

11) WinFax LITE for Windows 3.1 with manual: $5/obo.

E-mail offers and/or questions to taaronso@stpt.usf.edu. Again, I will take best reasonable offer for all 11 things for sale. Buyers pay shipping.

Phil Clayton <handyman@sprintmail.com>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 21:00:59
I am Looking to purchase a Radio Shack Model 1 computer.
Needs to be in working order.
I Will pay Top Dollar plus Packing & Shipping.
Contact me at handyman@sprintmail.com

Thanks... Phil Clayton

AM <amalpass@usa.net>
- Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 18:44:42
I am looking for a Ac adapter for a Compuadd 325 TX. Will pay up to 25 dollars for it. If you have one you would like to sell then please e-mail me at amalpass@usa.net


Phil Clayton <handyman@sprintmail.com>
- Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 18:09:44
Looking for a working "Radio Shack Model One" computer
with monitor.

I Will pay your price plus shipping and packing.

Thank You...

Phil Clayton

Paul R. Jennings <jennpac@cwis.net>
Keota, OK US - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 17:50:07
I have a friend who was just given a Tandy Computer Model 400. I know very little about Tandy computers, but have been instructing HS students on PC's for several years. Where can I find some info to help my friend know what he has been given and if it is usable.

Casper <pb4ugoout@aol.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 15:51:16
Hey guys here is some more junk that I have for trade for Compaq SLT286 stuff. Enjoy
The gateway has two processors: a 486 sx33 and a 486 sx25. Both are in working condition but I think there is something work with the power supply. I has no ram but I do have a 16 meg chip that I am willing to trade. Im am very sure that it can be fixed. Also has no mouse, keyboard, or monitor. The NEC is a 386 nonremovable processor. It works like a charm. I don't how much ram it has in it but it has alot of simms. I think they are either 256k chips or 1 meg chips. It has eight of them. I also have a bag of potporri memory chips that all work but I don't know there size. I think that it has a 120 meg harddrive in it. It has a 5.25 floppy and a 3.5 floppy in it. I think that is about it. Oh yeah, the gateway also has an internal 14.4 modem that works. If you have any more questions just ask. I also have a bunch of MS OFFICE manuals and several books on the dBASE VI language. And If anyone would like a bulk supply of dot matrix printer ribbons, I have a bunch of those.


Casper <pb4ugoout@aol.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 15:50:57
ave 11 unused and unopened copies of DOS 3.30 that are for sale for $5 a piece + $5 for 4LBs s&h by Priority mail. Also for sale are 9 unopened unused copies of IBM PS/2 Model 25 Operation Manual and Starter Disk for $2 a piece and $3 s&h. No orders out of the US, please unless you can recieve files attached to email. I can email the disks but not the manuals. Also if anyone has anything regarding the Compaq SLT 286 in the way of manuals, memory, battery, expansion base, etc.... I am extremely interested in these items and can pay money for them. I am desperately searching for anything at all related to the Compaq SLT 286.
I Also have a number of atari item that are for sale or trade for a working Atari Portfolio, 64k mem card, and pc to mem card reader interface. I will also trade the atari stuff for a working Compaq SLT286 or several(2+) nonworking Compaq SLT286's. For a list of what atari stuff I have, email me and I will send as soon as possible.
Thanx in advance,

P.S. If this message is kinda wierd in format or order forgive me, i don't like rewriting stuff a million times over.

Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 14:12:34
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; 2 IBM PCjr's, one power source, both have color monitors and keyboards; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $500, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Phil Clayton <handyman@sprintmail.com>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 12:52:57
I am looking for an old Osborne 1 computer for personal use.
If anyone remembers it is a portable (Lugage) with a very
small screen. It runs on CP/M..
I will pay top dollar for one, working or not working..
Please Email me at handyman@sprintmail.com

travis doyon <tndapratt@northnet.org>
- Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 12:25:43
I am looking for any used micro channel sound cards for an ibm ps/2 77
486 dx2 running win 95, please help

Jerri <lgcook@mastnet.net>
Angleton, TX USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 12:18:22
I need to know where I can get a copy of Windows 3.0 and an older copy of lotus123.
I have searched and can't seem to find what I want.

Chris <archer1050@aol.com>
London, UK - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 12:08:33
I have recently found a sharp pc6200 laptop, 286mhz, 20mb hdd. I need a battery for it, can any one tell me of a place that stocks spares for this modeln that ican mail order. cheers-

Tom Harris <tpharris@mindspring.com>
Sylacauga, Al USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 11:39:49
I am associated with a private school. We have several, donated IBM computers, model 25. Could you give me some info on these computers, on how to operate, software, ect.
We have no papers on them, and very little software.

Donald Campbell <donald@abberdeen.u-net.com>
Aberdeen, Scotland UK - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 11:25:10
Anyone know of a DOS program to slow a Pentium PC to 486 or lower speed?

Michael Casida <casidamd@iamerica.net>
Boyce, LA USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 10:09:11
I am looking for any info on an addin memory board,(jumper settings, dip switch settings, etc.) Information on the board is AT 4X4 Plus, 4x4Rampak, Basic Time, Inc., ASSY 13-01004 D. It also has a serial port and printer port on the card. Thanks for any info I can get on this as its for my grandson's computer that I put together for him. Was working fine but never has recognized all the memory on the board.

Ray Riley <RAYBARB@sprintmail.com>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 09:48:19
I have a Packard Bell AX3510 Computer that the modem went
bad in. I attemped to replace it (combine sound card and
modem card) with a seperate Magic Sound 16-bit PnP Audio
Card (Windows 95 Plug n' Play Compatible and a ActionTec
33.6 Internal Data/FAX/Voice Modem with Speakerphone.
I continue to get a conflict with one of the COM ports
with the IRQ address. Any help you can give would be
appreciated. I think I need step by step help here.

Jay Fonville <jayf@teleport.com>
Portland, OR USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 08:58:09
I have an Epson 660c laptop and my floppy drive died. Epson wants $300 to fix/replace the drive. I found a replacement drive that will work but the ribbon
cable is too short (about 1 inch too short). I cut the orginal mylar cable in half and soldered wires point to point to both halves of the ribbon cable to increase
the length of the cable. This works, but it is unreliable, since the wires keep coming loose. Then I have to solder the wires back on; what a pain!

Does anyone know where I can get a new cable, or have any sugestions about correcting my cable problem?



Torbj÷rn Renlund <torbjornr@mail.bip.net>
Sundsvall, sweden - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 07:36:15
I have a problem with my TM4000e.
I have lost the battery saving funktion. Kan anybody help me?

John Edw. Gulow <jgulow@capecod.net>
Chatham, MA USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 02:22:56
RE: Computer CMOS Setup

There are repeated postings requesting "Hot-Key" CMOS setup keys and/or Setup utility files. Here are some general answers:

1. PC/XT computers have no CMOS setup...but use DIP switches on the motherboard for hardware setup.

2. Early 286ATs used a Setup floppy disk utility.

3. Later 286ATs and up (386/486/Pentium etc) use "Hot-Keys" to access the CMOS setup on-screen.

4. There are a number of CMOS setup utilities, but no one utility seems capable of setting all CMOS [old and new].

5. Several shareware CMOS setup utilities that can be downloaded from most FTPs are:

5. The original IBM 286AT Setup Disk works with many older 286s. This file can be downloaded from IBM Canada at: http://www.can.ibm.com/helpware/vintage.html
At the 5170, click the link for "PC/AT down loads" and look for the file ATDG207.EXE This file expands on a 360Kb Floppy Disk.

6. Micro Firmware offers links to other sites for CMOS setup software. Go to: http://www.firmware.com/support/index.htm

7. BIOS Manufacturer sites to access:
Phoenix: http://www.firmware.com/support/index.com
Award: http://www.award.com
AMI: http://www.megatrends.com



John Edw. Gulow <jgulow@capecod.net>
Chatham, MA USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 00:48:20
RE: Epson Equity Series Setup Utility Files

There are repeated postings for the Setup utiltiy file to access Epson Equity computer CMOS setup. These setup files are still available from the following Epson Connection web-site:




John A. Vosgien <jvosgien@concentric.net>
Portland, OR USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 00:02:43
I just bought a Zenith Laptop computer, a 286 model with a
20 mb hard drive. What keyboard keys are needed to be pushed
to enter into the CMOS setup. Thank you for your help
in advance

Majed Quttaineh <q_tana@hotmail.com>
San Mateo, CA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 23:54:23
Greetings !
I've just acquired an NEC Multispeed Laptop. I have no software for it but the O.S. Any advise or help in regards to upgrading hardware/software is greatly appreciated. The system has 2 floppy drives, but no hard drive. It has a Ram drive which setup as volume c. I love playing with my new laptop at the local coffee shop head to head with those yuppies who use Pentium laptops for typing notes !!!!!!

Mike Gibson <m.gibson@snet.net>
- Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 22:22:36
I have a " Convergent Technoliges" Mightyframe. It does the power on test and asks
for a boot tape. Does any one have such a tape, or any other info on such a machine.

Steve Neofotistos <cyberman@vdot.net>
East Northport, Ny USA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 15:57:18
Hello again, Im back here looking for assistance with my
IBM Thinkpad 750Cs. My problem has been narrowed down to
a defective keyboard module so I am hoping that someone here
might happen to have one sitting around from their old broken
Thinkpad and might want to part with it. The module is
Part# 66G0120 FRU# 66G0150 and Model# M6-1 . Let me know if
you have what i need and what you might want for it and
maybe we can come to some agreement. It would be a shame to
let this laptop go to waste as its been barely used. Thanks

Waylon Angel <Waylon_Angel@yahoo.com>
Hobbs, NM United States - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 15:00:58
I am looking for some help with the jumper switches on my Compuadd 386sx, Need help soon or I will be forced to sell existing components to my computer.

Goldstar color monitor (supports vga and svga graphics card)
AST us-101 keyboard
ms dos 6.22
winzip 6.20
IBM monochrome monitor (supports ega and vga cards)
comm card
varrious shareware games
at&t worldnet service

if anyone can help me with the switch combonation, e-mail me
or if anyone be interested in the listed parts or software e-mail me with a bid. thanks Waylon.

TOM WILLIFORD <tommy3@indynet.com>
INDIANAPOLIS, IN. US - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 14:38:43

Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
USA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 14:24:21
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; 2 IBM PCjr's, one power source, both have color monitors and keyboards; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $500, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Vince Laybourne <vjd@zetnet.co.uk>
United Kingdom - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 12:47:13
I was wondering if you could help me with a problem with an 8088 XT zenith supersport. I'm configuring it for a friend and I had an old monitor and keyboard from an XT in my attic. The monitor works great and I have no problems with the F10 key switching over from LCD to CRT. My problem lies in getting the keyboard to work. I've formatted the hard drive and installed MSDOS 5.0 onto the machine. I need to know what drivers and system files are required in the config.sys and autoexec.bat (a listing of the files would be useful). I use Windows 98 on my own machine and its been a while since I've had to poke around in DOS. I would be grateful for any help you could offer ie addresses for specific drivers etc.

Neil Millar <neil@iweb.net.au>
Adelaide, SA Australia - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 11:56:31
I have just been given a sharp pc-4700 (4741) Laptop. Now my problem is that when I boot it gives me a Hard Disk Controller Failed - 1782!, Can anyone help me out with my problem? any thoughts would be appreciated..

Thanks in Advance,


James Terry <jamesterry@softwareplus.net>
Sallisaw, Ok USA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 11:42:33
looking for a power supply for a Zenith ZWL - 183 - 93
120V AC Adapter model:150-308

Rafael Rojas <rafaelm@bolivar.funmrd.gov.ve>
Merida, ME Venezuela - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 11:16:13
I have an EPSON NB 125 notebook with a damaged power supply card. Iwant to find the replacenet or a subsitute.

Sheila Watson <lilsheba1@aol.com>
Cape Coral, FL USA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 10:40:36
I have 2 Microstar MS-3131 motherboards that I need jumper settings for. Please help!!!!

Blaser Rolf <rolfblaser@bluewin.ch>
8308 Mesikon , Switzerland - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 09:28:01
I am interested in a Bondwell 2.
Please email me the conditions if you
have informations abot an Offer.

Thanks! With best regards Rolf Blaser

John Turecek <turecek@interhop.net>
Canada - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 09:06:43
Anyone know if Windows will run on a CGA monitor?
I have an old Zenith desktop 386 with a video card that will take either a digital or analog monitor.

Norman Johns <njohns@gfn.org>
Burton, Mi USA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 08:57:44
Antique HP 50720A cdrom and CM 153/03 controller board.
Looking for information/drivers for the above. This cdrom
has a special 16 pin ribbon connector from it to the control
board, another 10 pin ribbon connector???, a 5 switch DIP
switch packet, plus the 4 pin power connector. The controller
card has only 1 jumper block with 4 jumper positions.
HELP! HELP! please.

Simon Aldworth <bathog007@aol.com>
USA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 07:39:31
I have a problem with my floppy drive. On boot up it shows a floppy drive failure code 40 and when in windows it will not read the disk i just registers that the disk is not formatted and gives an option to format. When okay is entered it fails. On several boot ups there have been varying disk drive option in file manager i.e 'B' drive when there is not one installed. I am running windows 98. Please help.

Jon Schrade <jonschrade@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 06:37:28

I need help identifying a laptop I was recently given. It is a
486sx25 with 4meg ram and a 120MB HD. There is no name on it,
so I'm assuming it's an off brand (possibly a knock off of a name
brand. The model number is NB8620C. The FCC ID (if that helps at
all) is E8HNB8620C. It was made in Taiwan. It has AMIBIOS that
AMI tells me is an evaluation version that does not let me know
who built it. The start up screen shows "NB 8620D, 486SLC Notebook
PC Revision 2.21" under the AMIBIOS copywrite line.
It uses a Sanyo battery pack (Model # KR-2800CE). It has a 1.44
floppy drive in the front right corner. The power swith, DC in (four
pin) and battery are all on the right side. There are two doors on
the left side - one hides a printer and com1 port - the other hides a
com2 port. The is also an external keyboard port (PS2) on the left
side. The back has a Video out (15 pin) and an expansion bus slot
(it looks sort of like a SCSI port and has two rows of about 50 pins
that an axpansion card would fit into.
There is a trackBALL above the keyboard to the left. It can slide out
to show the RAM expansion slot - it has a fifty pin connector.

I know that's a lot of information, but I'm desperate to get this thing
upgraded so I don't have to fork over a few thousand for a notebook. (I'm
starting Medical School and we have to have them in class.)

Also does anyone know if there is such a thing as an external network connector?
(To connect through one of the com ports or the expansion bus) The school uses

Thanks for any help.

Stuart Bazley <stubaz@turboweb.net.au>
Narrabri, NSW Australia - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 01:46:02
I'm trying to set up an NEC Powermate 286. The battery died and I have no bios settings. Question, how do I enter the bios setup or do I need software.. CTRL-ALT-DELETE/ESC/ETC don't seem to work. Any assistance would be appreciated. Stu

- Friday, August 07, 1998 at 23:31:57


Charles Herman <chils@ricochet.net>
Minatare, NE USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 23:30:14
its me again.
I also have 2 LANtastic ETHERNET ADAPTER AE-2 lan cards
I cant get them to work properley does anyone have the install
disks(if any is needed)or ami I just not doing something right?

THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

charles herman <chils@ricochet.net>
Minatare , NE USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 22:37:12
I am looking for a Packard Bell 486 motherboard(that is not
too expencive)
also a 60 meg HDD

I also have a 286 that I am looking for a word prosseser for
and maby a few games that can be run on it? If any body can
help I would be very greatfull!

Zack <kapheine@annex.org>
Ct USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 21:18:26
I have a laser 386sx/25 but don't have information about the jumper settings for adding ram.

Tom Copper <tcopper@roxboro.net>
Roxboro, NC USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 20:49:12
I just got an Epson HC-40 and need to know the BASIC commands
to Load from and Save to the Mini-cassette drive so I can view
information on tapes I got with it. I have an operator's manual
for the PX-8 which is similar and it refers to the BASIC manual
for the commands and I don't have it. Thanks to anyone who can help.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 19:13:24

I need one to three sets of plastic drive rails for a Dell server, marked as "PN 25102" and has a snag tab on the front end to lock it in the bay. If you have any in your junk box please email me directly.

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 18:20:47

Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 16:29:51
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; 2 IBM PCjr's, one power source, both have color monitors and keyboards; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $550, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Michael J. Scott <azcal1@prodigy.net>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 14:53:55
Looking for a used NEC Powermate/Multisync XL monitor, model # APC-H439. Monitor has RGB input and has 19" viewable screen.
Thanks in advance.

Eric White <Adlidlas@AOL.com>
- Friday, August 07, 1998 at 14:49:54
I am searching for any information or addresses of web sites that might have information about the CompuAdd 325TX laptop (ugrades, accessories, etc...). I have searched around without any luck. Thanks.

Brian Stewart <boney@senet.com.au>
ADELAIDE, SA AUSTRALIA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 14:22:12
Does any1 have any info at all about microvax 3400???
I also need parts, manuals if any1 have any they want to sell or give away, especially any manuals!
Thanx to the ppl who have emailed me already, I feel I am close to solving the machine! I will put up a web page next few days about my saga, It is quite a story!

Lenorelle F. Lee <llee@ymail.yu.edu>
New York, NY - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 13:21:44
THIS IS A DUPLIATE REQUEST as I lost all my incoming mail before I could read it. I'm looking for a setup diskette for the COMPUADD 325TFX. Can someone please help.


Claudio Puviani <cpuviani@icon.com>
Weehawken, NJ USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 10:56:36
> Very interesting to see the quiet revival in old machines
> coming about. Could it be the average person is tired of
> the expense of keeping up with the neighbors? Must be as
> I've had overwhelming response to the machines I have to
> sell and trade and I'm sure more everyday

While I agree that the interest in old computers is growing, I can't see how you would arrive at such a drastic conclusion. I'm sure that you'll find that most people with such interests already have at least one, if not more, modern computers. If anything, such people are likely to be the ones the neighbors are trying to keep up with. I sincerely doubt that more than a handful are actually using a museum piece in lieu of a contemporary system.

Claudio Puviani

Jill <happy2b@pivot.net>
ME USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 10:20:32
Looking for Specifications 17" MONTIOR Model IBM 9517

Luc April <lucapril@globetrotter.net>
Riviere-du-Loup, Qc Canada - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 09:56:22
I have a very special XT. It have 728k RAM and an OKI 8086. It have a Floppy, an IDE, 2 serial and a
parallel port on bord.
My question is : Does the DOs can use the 128k in extended mode or it's unusable because it's an XT ?

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 08:14:24
Here's a bit of inspiration for those of you fumbling with these "old" machines and wondering why you just don't go out and buy a new 400 Pentium (and pay through the rump for it to play Solitaire) on CNet in Singapore, located at


Follow through the stories by clicking the button on the bottom of each, it continues on past the first page. The "Aliison" in the one story is a friend (sort of) of mine in Framingham MA and she was able to dig up some of the items mentioned from me; items I rescued from a dumpster and gave or traded her for.

Very interesting to see the quiet revival in old machines coming about. Could it be the average person is tired of the expense of keeping up with the neighbors? Must be as I've had overwhelming response to the machines I have to sell and trade and I'm sure more everyday - which is why you see more of me here and elsewhere on the net and my local area. Dig out those old monsters from the closet and put them back into service. Screw a bunch of Y2K stuff for a wordprocessing machine!

Lars Goran Larsson <larsgoran.larsson@swipnet.se>
MOTALA, OG SWEDEN - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 04:15:49
I have an 'old' IBM AT 286 (with NEC MFM harddisk).
Must run a setup program to store information in CMOS ram.
I don't have any knowledge about the MFM harddisk!
Do any of you know how to find out what type of harddisk
it is and/or the parameters (Cylinders, Heads and tracks)?
With kind regards Lars G Larsson

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY **USA** - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 03:02:09
Someone may have need for these or some will be scrapped soon....

Have a DEC VT100 terminal without keyboard, working condition and good shape - FREE but you pay shipping (about 30 lbs)

Have a Visual 102 terminal with keyboard, working and looking good - FREE but you pay shipping

Have a HP 700/44 terminal with keyboard in like new condition - $15 plus shipping

The first two become landfill if I don't get a firm answer by August 15th so if you might have need or interest in them contact me by direct email, or for further info.

- Friday, August 07, 1998 at 02:46:52

- Friday, August 07, 1998 at 02:46:43

- Friday, August 07, 1998 at 02:46:24

Tom Talkington <ThomasTalk@aol.com>
- Friday, August 07, 1998 at 01:16:06
Sorry, I made 2 typos on the BIOS ID I gave for my system. The correct ID is:


Sorry for the confusion.


Tom Talkington <ThomasTalk@aol.com>
- Friday, August 07, 1998 at 01:10:16
Does anyone have any documentation on a Microstar MS4131G Ver 1 motherboard? It's a 486 VL system. I bought it used with no docs! :( I'd like to upgrade the CPU but don't know the jumper settings to use, or if it's possible. The BIOS ID is: 41-01MS-00169-00101111-080893-ALI1429G-H. I used the sysopt web site (http://www.sysopt.com/mboard.html) to map that ID to the motherboard manufacturer and model.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone provides.


PS I've tried Microstar's web site, but they only go back to older Pentium based systems for documentation. By the way, in case nobody has already responded to you with this, Ed Cox, take a look at: http://www.msi.com.tw/product/5128/JUMPER.htm regarding your question posted Jul 8th. You are lucky, that appears to be the oldest board Microstar has online docs for!

Timothy Tisdel <tim@tisdel.com>
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 23:40:11
Does anyone know where I can get a power supply and Monitor
for a TRS-80 Model I?

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 19:26:41
I am looking for information on a Compaq DeskPro 3/25i. I
need things such as jumper settings, memory configurations
and other things that might be of use.

Daniel Scott <thegreatwakko@hotmail.com>
Cambridge, IA USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 17:57:46
I found some disks. They are in the original packageing. It says they are DR DOS v 6.0 with viewMAX, includes Novel Nteware workstation shell. These diskd are for the low price of, SHIPPING. You want em'. E-mail me, I only have one set.

Dawn Philbrick <dphilbrick@ainop.com>
Presque Isle, ME USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 17:52:58
My stepdad has an epson equity IIe. I was playing a game on it the other night and when I exitted the game I got a screen that said setup options not installed run setup from reference disk. I put in the disk and ran it. I got a message thta said HDD is incorrect. I also ran a write,read check and got the message Error code=1702
Do you have any idea what the problem is? And how can I fix it? Also sometimes when I turn it on I get a blank screen, but if I turn it off and on multiple times it will come on. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Lenorelle F. Lee <llee@ymail.yu.edu>
New York, NY - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 14:23:11
I have COMPUADD TFX325 that I have resurrected for miscellaneous DOS stuffs. Problem is...I need a setup diskette for the machine. Can anyone provide me with one? I'm not certain if I have anything to swap for it. I'm willing to purchase it, if the price is right!

L.F. Lee

Matt Anton <(206)343-7576>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 14:21:43
FOR SALE: rare, black, APPLE II PLUS very good condition. call Matthew (Seattle Time) 206-343-7576 price: $500 firm

Pat Stakem <stakem@loyola.edu>
Columbia, md - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 14:21:39
I figure I can ask this question, as Intel has stopped
shipping Pentiums.

Has any one had any experience with a Dual Pentium motherboard,
running Win-NT?

What about loading NT to a Power-PC?


Matt Anton <(206)343-7576>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 14:20:25
FOR SALE: rare, black, APPLE II PLUS very good condition. call Matthew (Seattle Time) 206-343-7576 price: $500 firm

David Mitchell <entoday1@axess.com>
Beaconsfield, Quebec, Que Canada - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 13:41:26
On an 8088-bios (C)1985,1996 AMI
(C)AMI, (1123-050687) How do I open the bios to add another drive or change one?

Norman Johns <njohns@gfn.org>
Burton, Mi USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 13:40:47
Hi, Looking for parts to buy for a COMPAQ Portable III.
1.4 floppy drive - part # 109595-001 (#1 priority)
memory expansion board - part # 107378-001
expanded memory board - part # 107805-001
memory 256x9 - part # 107380-001
memory 1mbx9 - part # 107379-001

I have a 2 slot docking station for the above that I will
not use. Can be bought or maybe traded for above.

Mike Gallant <alienc@fredericton.crosswinds.net>
Moncton, NB Canada - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 11:39:33
I just picked up an IBM PS/2 Model 30 for $20 with the keyboard/mouse and monitor. I figure this is a pretty good deal and will be testing it out when I have time on the weekend. I know that is has a 20meg HDD, 8086 processor, 720k drive, 640k of memory (the max for 20-bit address bus), and it has both a 9-pin video and a 15-pin one. The monitor is 9-pin, so I am guessing the monitor is probably monochrome. Does anyone know anything about the MCGA monitor/card -- supposedly is allows a monochrome monitor to emulate a color card. Does it use a 9-pin or 15-pin connector. I am just wondering why the machine has a 15-pin analog connector but the monitor that works with it is 9-pin. Must be a replacement or something. Anyway, if anyone knows any differences about this model over a standard pc (I know that the ps/2's are different in some ways) let me know as I am going to use it to play old pc games that run too fast on my 486. At least it is not MCA, which hopefully mean I can install any standard 8-bit card in it.

James <onguyen@freenet.npiec.on.ca>
- Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 11:14:57
Hello, I have an old 286 with 640k of RAM. I can't upgrade the RAM because it's in a really weird kind of chip form.. I'm only used to dealing with 30 pin and 72 pin RAM. I wanted to get Windows 3.1 on it so it could actually do something. But windows 3.1 right off the bat tests for extended memory, and course if it doesn't find any it won't install. So I was wondering if anybody has an early copy of windows (be it Windows 1 to Windows 3.0) that would be able to email me a copy of it. I just want it to have a descent operating system :)

Luc April <lucapril@globetrotter.qc.ca>
Riviere-du-Loup, Qc Canada - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 09:56:13
I need an ESDI drive with more than 200 megs that will work on a WD1007 controller.

I have to sale an user manual for Windows 3.1.


Mansor Abu Bakar <measat65@hotmail.com>
Kuala Lumpur, W.P MALAYSIA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 06:09:12
Ihave an olivetti M380 series (386-33mhz) computer with bad
cmos setup battery.After replacing the battery I could not
run my cmos setup in order to configure the system.CTL+ALT
+ESC ,CTL+ALT+INS and all other possibilities I'have tried
it does not work,Could anyone out there help me !!!please ..

James W Guill Jr <maverick@lynchburg.net>
Lynchburg, Va USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 03:00:12

I have the following processors for sale. If your interested in
any of them please email me at maverick@lynchburg.net.

1 486dx66 with heatsink and fan $12
1 486dx33 with heatsink $8
1 486 25 with bent pins $1
2 386 33 $6 each
2 386 25 $5 each
1 387 Cyrix Math Co Processor $3

I also have 3 seagate ST-157A hdd's that wont do much. I
hook em up and the COMPUTER does nothing. Give me $15 (includes
shipping) and they are yours.

If your interested in any of this stuff, let me know. My email
is maverick@lynchburg.net

Brian Stewart <boney@senet.com.au>
ADELAIDE, SA AUSTRALIA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 01:27:50
Hi !
Thank you Dragon for replying to my problem! I have spent hours searching the web for ways to access my microvax 3400, DEC included, but there seems to be nothing around the web to show how to actually set one up, or any diagrams etc. The main reference to the microvax 3400 is within openVMS documents or FAQs. I am completeley new to this as I have been strictly a PC man until I got these two VAXs, which really got me interested. I cant seem to find a way to connect a VT100 to my VAX's.. I seem to think that If I could connect a VT100, then I would be able to access it through my PC in the same manner, or does the VT100 use the ethernet adapter on the VAX? Also, I didnt get any documentation or disks, tapes, manuals... Just the 2 servers, so I am completely on my own. If any1 can help, I would really appreciate it. I rescued them from an electronics buff who was about to strip them for the components! SO CLOSE!!! :)

JEFF LIVINGSTON <jeff.livingston@usa.net>
DUMAS, TX USA - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 00:36:55



Tim Gauldin <allanon@mobiletel.com>
Thibodaux, LA USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 22:04:02
I'm trying to add a mouse driver to a boot disk. Can you suggest a download site and how to install once I have it?

Britt Helms <britt-helms@usa.net>
Charlotte, NC USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 21:43:18
HELP! I am prepping a TOSHIBA SATELLITE 1950CS to go to college with a friend and the display is only showing 16 colors under Windows 95. Can anyone direct me to the proper driver for getting 256 colors on this unit?

Many, many, thanks in advance for your help.

Mark Readinger <readinge@gwi.net>
Boothbay Harbor, ME usa - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 21:24:57
On June 30 I posted a request for software that would run
on a MAC 128. One person in particular (Wayne) replyed but
a WIN 95 reinstallation wiped out my mail archive.
Wayne, if you read this would you E-mail me again.
If anyone has copies of the original MacWrite or MacPaint
I will supply disks and pay for postage.
Mark Readinger

Don Watson <c674963@showme.missouri.edu>
columbia, Mo USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 18:45:15
The "Password at Boot" has been set and lost on an AST Advantage
Adventure 4066d (501690-001). Are there key sequences for over-ride? If not
are there Jumper pins to disable? I found a note from Tandy.com that on the 6066d at
location E5 pins 1 and 2 are used to disable. Nothing for the 4066d.

Can you help?

Don Watson

Roger <parspars@hotmail.com>
Porto Alegre, RS Brazil - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 18:24:52
Hey! , I'm a happy owner of a pc/xt 8Mhz,640K,mono
Please Where can I download software, games , text editors?



Chris <Super42910@aol.com>
n/a, n/a n/a - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 18:12:13
I was wondering how much would a brand new Epson EHT-400C Pen Based Handheld Computer is and is the hard drive upgradable and can a 1.44 floppy drive be attached to it?

mmp computers, inc. <mmp@digitalexp.com>
Coshocton, OH USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 17:54:39
A customer brought in a NEC MultiSpeed HD portable and needs a 13.5V DC from 110/120V AC adapter for it. It has a two prong male receptacle on the back, rectangular with two rounded corners on the bottom and a key slot rib on the top.

chris r. lauless <chris.cpu@eudoramail.com>
PITTSBURGH, PA usa - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 17:11:39
8580-111 needs reference diskette for video problem says service system unit, so i will, but don't have diskette do you have it? shows dos, no win95 without scrambling. is there an external soundboard or soundcard for mca (cheap)??

Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 17:11:07
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; 2 IBM PCjr's, one power source, both have color monitors and keyboards; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $550, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Jan de Weerd <jdeweerd@worldonline.nl>
Apeldoorn, Holland - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 16:59:53
I have a Zenith portable, a ZWL-183-92 and it doesn't start
up OK. It replies: "initializing hard disk: drive error".
It won't start from floopy either.
How can I access and change the BIOS settings?

Thanks a lot!

T. Sisk <Teacher@Redriverok.com>
Durant, OK 74701 - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 16:28:15
I am the Network Administrator for the Durant School District. We recently had donated to us 45 IBM PS VALUEPOINT 6384-M71 OR 433DX/D. I have finally located ram for the machines but cannot get the systems to recognize that they are 16Mb simms. Please help. School starts soon and we desperately need these computers in the classrooms.

Casper <pb4ugoout@aol.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 14:01:23
For Sale, I have 11 unused and unopened copies of DOS 3.30 that are for sale for $5 a piece + $5 for 4LBs s&h by Priority mail. Also for sale are 9 unopened unused copies of IBM PS/2 Model 25 Operation Manual and Starter Disk for $2 a piece and $3 s&h. No orders out of the US, please unless you can recieve files attached to email. I can email the disks but not the manuals. Also if anyone has anything regarding the Compaq SLT 286 in the way of manuals, memory, battery, expansion base, etc.... I am extremely interested in these items and can pay money for them. I am desperately searching for anything at all related to the Compaq SLT 286.
I Also have a number of atari item that are for sale or trade for a working Atari Portfolio, 64k mem card, and pc to mem card reader interface. I will also trade the atari stuff for a working Compaq SLT286 or several(2+) nonworking Compaq SLT286's. For a list of what atari stuff I have, email me and I will send as soon as possible.
Thanx in advance,

P.S. If this message is kinda wierd in format or order forgive me, i don't like rewriting stuff a million times over.

Casper <pb4ugoout@aol.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 14:01:01
Hey guys here is some more junk that I have for trade for Compaq SLT286 stuff. Enjoy
The gateway has two processors: a 486 sx33 and a 486 sx25. Both are in working condition but I think there is something work with the power supply. I has no ram but I do have a 16 meg chip that I am willing to trade. Im am very sure that it can be fixed. Also has no mouse, keyboard, or monitor. The NEC is a 386 nonremovable processor. It works like a charm. I don't how much ram it has in it but it has alot of simms. I think they are either 256k chips or 1 meg chips. It has eight of them. I also have a bag of potporri memory chips that all work but I don't know there size. I think that it has a 120 meg harddrive in it. It has a 5.25 floppy and a 3.5 floppy in it. I think that is about it. Oh yeah, the gateway also has an internal 14.4 modem that works. If you have any more questions just ask. I also have a bunch of MS OFFICE manuals and several books on the dBASE VI language. And If anyone would like a bulk supply of dot matrix printer ribbons, I have a bunch of those.


John Seguin <jcseguin@bigfoot.com>
Barrie, ON Canada - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 13:41:18
Can anyone help with an owner's manual and setup software
for the Epson LQ870 printer?

Thank you.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY **USA** - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 13:33:31
I need some info this time around......

Headstart LX with CDROM - need to know how to get into setup to alter the settings for the IDE controller as we've had to change the IDE drive out. Software or key sequence, I need to know or obtain software for it to finish the machine for some people that homeschool. Any info should be directed by email to me at the above address and would be GREATLY appreciated.

William Brown <bbrownwellsburg@webtv.net>
Wellsburg, WV Brooke - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 12:18:24
HELP. I have Commodores Vic20, 64 and 128 with printers, modems, tape and floppy drves, some games, many manuels - no one seems to want them - I'm not using them and must get rid of them. I don't want to throw them out since they are in good condition. HELP

Mirek SMYCKA <mbr@post.cz>
Brezolupy, Czech Republic - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 12:13:47
Hello !
One my girlfriend asked me to install some older modem to her computer, but she has no doc┤s for that modem. Is here anybody who knows the description of DIP switches for Compudyne 1442F or some 1442 model from Best Data?
I┤m very thankful in advance!

William Messina <wmessina@gte.net>
Tampa, Fl. - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 10:23:14
I have an old Toshiba T5200 with a 40 meg hard drive is there a way to put a larger drive in?
The Bios only supports 3 drives (2-40 meg and 1-100 meg)Conner type drives.thanks Bill

Brian Stewart <boney@senet.com.au>
ADELAIDE, SA AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 09:51:37
Hi, I just bought 2 computers. After lots of searching on the web, I am unable to find any info on it, except part numbers etc..
They are identical units. What I am fairly sure of is as follows:
Microvax 3400
KA640 CPU (M7624-DA)
8meg memory module (M7621)
load module (M9060-YA)
TQK70 Tape controller
TK70 Tape drive
ethernet adapter with AUI, bnc, 10baseT
RF drive module (hard drive) (DSSI interface)
BA213 case
As there seems to be nowhere to connect a monitor, I have connected it up via BNC network cable to my PC to try to "log in" to it, but I was unable to access it. I run NetXray to try to work something out about the data it may be sending, and It sent some packets from DECconsole, DEC Pmp/load and DECnet1AE21C, so I am sure the thing is working. There must be a way to access it via network, as this is the only access points on the machine.
I wonder If any1 has any Idea what I need to do to access the machine, or any info, service manuals, references, at all bout this machine? I have already spent many hours on the web looking!
Thanks in advance,

Brian Stewrat <boney@senet.com.au>
ADELAIDE, SA AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 09:51:20
Hi, I just bought 2 computers. After lots of searching on the web, I am unable to find any info on it, except part numbers etc..
They are identical units. What I am fairly sure of is as follows:
Microvax 3400
KA640 CPU (M7624-DA)
8meg memory module (M7621)
load module (M9060-YA)
TQK70 Tape controller
TK70 Tape drive
ethernet adapter with AUI, bnc, 10baseT
RF drive module (hard drive) (DSSI interface)
BA213 case
As there seems to be nowhere to connect a monitor, I have connected it up via BNC network cable to my PC to try to "log in" to it, but I was unable to access it. I run NetXray to try to work something out about the data it may be sending, and It sent some packets from DECconsole, DEC Pmp/load and DECnet1AE21C, so I am sure the thing is working. There must be a way to access it via network, as this is the only access points on the machine.
I wonder If any1 has any Idea what I need to do to access the machine, or any info, service manuals, references, at all bout this machine? I have already spent many hours on the web looking!
Thanks in advance,

Bob Stek <bobstek@ix.netcom.com>
Tolland, CT - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 06:58:33
Does anyone have any 1976-1982 microcomputer magazines that they are wiling to part with? Magazines like, Kilobaud, Interface Age, Creative Computing, Personal Computing, S-100 Microsystems, Byte, Dr. Dobb's Journal. Thanks.

Mark Terran <MarkTerran@juno.com>
Orem, UT USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 04:45:42
I have a Zenith Z.425S+ with ZIFF and a partial manual glued to the inside. Except it does not explain how to reconfigure the machine for more 72-pin memory (it says, "See User's Guide"). How do I get into the bios? Where can I get ref. discs, etc.? Please help. Thank you very much.
Sincerely, MT

Ted Gallant <tedgalnt@auracom.com>
Charlottetown, PEI Canada - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 01:36:27
I have an Olivetti (ETV 260) word processor that I bought
at a yard sale and when I got it home and tried it, it
worked fine. The hard drive was filled with documents and
stuff that were none of my business so I erased them and
formatted the drive. "Now it won't print using the onboard
printer". It has a printer port on the back of it and will
print on an external printer using this port. I would like
to get it to print using its own printer. I tried telling it to
to print using lpti, lpt2, com1 and com2 but no luck. It did
work before I formatted the drive. I didn't save the startup
files so I'm assuming something in one of these had the
necessary instructions. I posted this a while back and got
some replies, which I appreciate, but never had any luck. If
anyone has any ideas what I can try I would be grateful.
Thanks for your time.

PITTSBURGH, PA ALLEGHENY - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 00:47:38

Joe Shambley <jsham@usa.net>
- Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 23:03:23
I own a TRS-80 Model One and a TRS-80 model Three plus a RS line printer and would like to donate them to a non-profit organization. Can someone help me locate a museum that that might be interested. I also have an IBM PS/2 Model 30 that could also be donated.

Brian Howes <bhowes@mail.clarinda.heartland.net>
Clarinda, IA USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 23:00:59
Sorry, my e-mail address is bhowes@mail.clarinda.heartland.net

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 22:57:47
Hello everyone.
I recently bought a Tandy 1800HD laptop. Everything seems to work fine, except the disk drive. When I try to access 720k disks, I get a "General Failure" error message. When I try a 1.44 MB disk, I get a "Sector Not Found" error message. Both disks worked on my P200. This is the sam thing that happened when I lost the CMOS on my IBM 5170, and I had to rest the drive type. However, in the Tandy's BIOS, there is no setting for disk drive type. Would I be able to set the drive type with a generic setup utility?

ANY help is appreciated, as I can't really use the laptop until I find a way to transfer files to/from it.

As always, ThAnX in advance,

Lori <ski@runestone.net>
MN - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 22:13:43
Hey Brian Howes your E-mail address must be wrong. Do you
have anything for a Compaq SLT/286? Thanks..Lori...

Brian Howes <bhowes@mail.clarinda.heartland.com>
Clarinda, IA USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 21:59:03
I have many older computers that I am selling for parts.
I have about 200 computers now, but am always getting more.
If you need a part for an older or obsolete computer, printer, or any other electonic equipment, email me.
Maybe I have what you need. Or if you have some old stuff you want to get rid of.

Will Seay <plough@ixlmemphis.com>
Memphis, TN us - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 20:52:30
I have an old ISA hdd and fdd controller, 2sp, 1game, 1ide, 1floppy
Has jumpers labelled JP1 (hd led) thru JP17.
FCC ID: F133290U-10101-2
on back: IODE-3290U REV:E1

trying to figure out what the jumpers do so that I can disable the IDE and one of the COM ports. All I can find on the Net is a listing for a similar looking product on mpcdirect.com, but they wont help me find any docs

Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 17:11:54
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; 2 IBM PCjr's, one power source, both have color monitors and keyboards; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $650, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Chris <eman@frontiernet.net>
NY USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 16:51:02
Does anybody have any Commodore 128D's for sale?

Oystein Raabe <oystein@porsgrunn.mail.telia.com>
PORSGRUNN, Norway - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 16:34:53
Toshiba T3200 with DOS ver 3.3
How do I install windows on this machine?? It does not
read my DOS 6.22 diskettes.

larry horst <lhorst01@intrepid.net>
sharpsburg, md usa - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 15:58:35
I just got hold of a Toshiba 3100sx laptop. I cant seem to get it to do anything but charge the batteries. I have taken it apart and found there is a 34 pin connecter bettween the power supply and the motherboard. I need to know the pinout of the power supply connecter so I can troubleshoot it. The supply seems to have a multilayered pc board cause i cant seem to find traces to some of the pins on the connecter. This machine was made before 1991 I think. I can build a new supply or repair the old one if possiable if a schematic of this machine is available. If anyone has any information on this machine and what to look for when it balks please email me. I want to get this machine up and running before I return to college later this month. As always thanks in advance...Larry...

Tim <ltd@oregontrail.net>
Umatilla, OR - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 15:19:33

A while back I was given a brand-new Atari 130XE, with all the goodies. Only one thing missing... the system disk.

Anybody have a system disk that will work on this machine? According to the manual, it can use AtariDOS 2.5 and up.

Needless to say, Atari wasn't much help on this.


Mike Gallant <alienc@fredericton.crosswinds.net>
Moncton, NB Canada - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 14:11:30
I am looking for an 8-bit XTA interface card for a Western Digital drive that I have. I do not know if it even works unless I can find one of these cards because it is not compatible with the ATA standard.

I am also looking for a cheap, working power supply that I am using to put together an old 386 with. It needs to have a power switch that mounts to the front of the case, not the type like the XT where the button is on the side. It is about 5-6in. High * 6-7in. Wide * 5-6in. Deep. I don't know the exact dimensions but that is a rough estimate.

Timothy Fay <fayxx001@tc.umn.edu>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 13:43:23
I recently picked up a batch of old ZEOS Freestyle notebooks
and I'm in the process of getting at least a couple of them
back into working order. So I'd be most grateful for any and
all technical help I can get.

First off, does anyone know how to access the CMOS setup
program on these machines? They use a Phoenix BIOS but none
of the "usual" keys (DEL, F1, F2, CTRL-ALT-ESC) typed during
boot-up seem to work.

Also, I have a couple of the little modem plug-ins that were
made for the Freestyle, but I would like to know how to set
them up, what their max baud rate was, what Hayes codes they
accept (if any), and any other tech info you may have.

Thanks in advance!

Computer Services of York <jinx97@gte.net>
York, PA USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 11:04:15
I have 6 ST-506 Seagate MFM Drives. FREE to anyone who wants them. I dont have the means to test them, although they were in working condition when i got them. E-Mail for more information.

Michael A. Stanhope/Computer Services of York <jinx97@gte.net>
York, PA USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 10:41:56
PC/XT/AT/386 Owners.... READ THIS

Tons of software available for these computers. 5.25" disk, 360k. Applications, Games, Windows based.

Email for a complete listing of what's available.

Greg Piper <1439pipe@inet.westshore.cc.mi.us>
ludignton mich, mich us of a - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 10:34:17

does anyone have some software for an apple //c (you can send it to me)
and could i use a 360 k disk , from my pc, with the software, on the apple //c?

and also, i have a commodore plus/4 with manuals. the 3-in-1 is hard to figure out

when i start it it says ready (its in basic) (i havent gotten a disk drive yet) and i push f1
and it takes me to the wp. well there are 3 other programs. i need tro know the keystroke to get into the others *(spreadsheet, graphics, and something else)

and last but not least, i have an old 8088 ps/2 model 30 and its got a 20mg hard drive
i start it up, got to windows, and it give me this messge- divide overflow. what the heck does that mean/

any help on these q's would be very much appriciated. thanks.

Joshua Shriver <jshrive3@wvu.edu>
Morgantown, wv United States of America - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 10:01:54
A friend of mine gave me two Laser 128 computers in wonderful condition.
The only problem is that I dont have a power cable for it.
Though it seems easy enough to make. My question is, what is the Laser 128?
I've been told that its a Franklin Ace Apple IIC clone.
But I was hoping to figure out:

*What OS does it run
*Software that can be used (dependent on OS)
*Anything would be appreciated.

chris burns <mwalimu@corinthian.net>
oglethorp, georgia usa - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 08:57:10
I'm looking for any information on the HP PORTABLE PLUS. Right now I'd love to know how to connect to my PC. Apparantly the HP has a built in TERM program, but it is rather obscure. I have REFLECTIONS, another telecomm program, but I need a program on my PC to communicate. Any help out there?

Christian <nav@webmail.bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 02:12:54
I got a Leading Edge 8088(model D). My operating system is MS Dos, and Le Menu, and I was wondering if anyone has a copy of Windows 3.0 that they would sell for cheap.

David Moran <commodore64@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 01:39:30
Dose anyone know anything about a Wang 2236-DE or Wang 2336-D terminals?

David Moran

raymond ong <raymondong@geocities.com>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 00:09:55
Can anybody give me help identifying motherboard pin assignments for
HDD/power/Turbo LED's, including the PC speaker (no labels on the board) on a MICROSTAR MS:4137
ver 2.1 486 motherboard? I greatly appreciate it

Don Lundholm <CORNORSTONE@worldnet.att.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 23:53:09
I have aquired some extremely old monitors. Can anyone point me to a web page that will tell me what my Mini-micro delta DGC, or my IMTEC model 1457A, or the other 7 oddballs that I have really are? I don't think I want to go connecting a mono monitor into a CGA/EGA/VGA video card, or vise-versa, do I?

Adam Heath Avitable <ahavitab@ls.wustl.edu>
Ormond Beach, FL USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 23:12:33
I need to find the autoexec.bat, command.com, and config.sys for a magnavox 386 16mhz in order to make a boot disk.

Daniel Dewey <dewfish@hotail.com>
New Plymouth, United states - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 23:01:56
I just got an Apex by Epson and it is the worst computer I have ever used. I was wondering how you change the 5 1/2 inch drives to 3 1/2 inch does it have a setup program if so how do you run it?

Laurence H. Green <fligh@worldnet.att.net>
New Iberia, LA USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 22:37:48
Does anyone happen to know what processor the At@t 6312 WGS uses?

Laurence H. Green
New Iberia, LA USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 22:36:21
Does anyone happen to know what processor the At@t 6312 WGS uses?

bill mclean <mcleanw@telusplanet.net>
- Monday, August 03, 1998 at 22:11:38
I have a sharp yx3200 pre hard drive computer. It uses sharp basic b-01 and f-dos v-051. I would greatly appreciate any information on this machine,sharp basic or this dos version. Thanking you in advance.

ATLANTA, GA USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 22:10:34

Tony A Robbins <tony-alvin@worldnet.att.net>
Fort Smith, AR us - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 17:01:55
need jumper settings for compuadd 486 eisa board to change it from a 486dx/33 to a 486dx2/66

Nicolas Andrews <renshen@compuserve.com>
Bristol, Avon UK - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 15:17:46
My new Amstrad PC2086/30 is asking for a system disk.
I think its really very hungry, the poor devil can't have munched on a single system disk for years (I believe he's been in hiberanation).
Please, for the sake of my hungry 2086, could you send me a suitable system disk? (zipped is fine)
My Computer will love you.
PS - I hope you have fully checked out all the great new C64 Emu's.
Thankyou very much.
ATB, Nic.

Ben Delatte <bdelatte@engr.latech.edu>
- Monday, August 03, 1998 at 13:35:09
Does anybody know where I can get an Motorola 6809 Assembler for the Tandy Color Computer 3?

Richard Fox <foxyrich@yahoo.com>
NM USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 12:41:05
I have 5 and a quarter inch floppies DS DD with files in cpm language from a Kaypro 2X made in 1984. I'm getting a new computer, probably a PC. Is there a program which will allow me to read the cpm files if I get a 5 and a quarter disk drive on the PC? The Kaypro doesn't work well, so the program would have to be on the PC. Thanks!

iman <irascruz@juno.com>
- Monday, August 03, 1998 at 12:16:46
i have a 286 puter, it came out of a ibm xt case. i had to
remove the cmos battery, and now it tells me "161-no system
options set (run SETUP)" then it says resume "f1" key.
so i hit the f1 key and loads some kind of ibm basic.
i tried hiting the delete key to enter setup, but that doesn't do anything. and the battery is hooked back up. please help me!

Dewayne <bbci@mt-vernon.com>
Mt. Vernon, TX USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 12:02:34
I've had allot of people wanting a list of computers that I have in stock well here it is. I will beat any prices around. Also if you need parts for any of these computers let me know if I can help.
Item Description QTY.
IBM CPU 286 CPU 5150 2
IBM CPU 286 CPU 5160 21
IBM CPU 286 CPU 5170 5
IBM CPU 286 CPU 5271 1
IBM CPU 286 CPU 5273 1
IBM CPU PS/2 MODEL 56 486 SLC2 5
IBM CPU PS/2 MODEL 70 386 49
IBM CPU PS/2 MODEL 80 386 23
IBM CPU PS/2 MODEL 90 XP 486 3
IBM CPU PS/2 MODEL 95 XP 486 1
IBM 3194 6
IBM 4860 23
COMPAQ 286 CPU 2551 18
COMPAQ 286 CPU 2550 1
COMPAQ 386/20E CPU 2540 5
COMPAQ 386/25E CPU 2545 1
COMPAQ 386 CPU 2570 3
COMPAQ 386/20 CPU 2570 3
COMPAQ 386 CPU 2571 3
HP VECTRA 486s/33N 2
HP VECTRA 486/25U 6

Item Description QTY.
420 COMPAQ VGA 420 25
420T COMPAQ VGA 420T 10
420K COMPAQ VGA 420K 8
460 COMPAQ VGA 460 2
472 COMPAQ VGA 472 1
8503 IBM 8503 7
5153 IBM 5153 9
8513 IBM 8513 5
8518 IBM 8518 20
8515 IBM 8515 4
8512 IBM 8512 4
5154 IBM 5154 1
8511 IBM 8511 1
8516 IBM 8516 2
8514 IBM 8514 4
8513001 IBM 8513 5
8518001 IBM 8518 1
9517 IBM 9517 3
9518 IBM 9518 10
9525 IBM 9525 11
HP HP 98774B 1

Item Description QTY.
CABLETRON E21XX 9000342-04 41
CABLETRON E3110-X 9000340-04 5
CABLETRON E2020-X 9000151-04 1

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY **USA** - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 09:15:03
I still have an unused and unregistered copy, complete, of Zenith Data
Systems/Heath Company's "Breakthrough Timeline" which appears to be a
timeline creator/project manager. It has the original box, manuals, key
template, registration certificate and the original 5.25" 360k floppies
(still in the envelope). From scanning the manual it's roughly 1986/87
vintage and should run on most any machine from 8086/8088 up through our
present array of hardware.

Really good condition visually too, might be good as part of a

Need $12 for it which includes mailing in the 48 CONUS states. First
come, first serve. Email me direct for info.

Bryan West <bjwest@gte.net>
Sedro Woolley, WA USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 06:55:01
I have a old NEC ProSpeed 486SX/C portable that has a expansion socket to upgrade the processor or run a overdrive chip. I would like to get a manual or info about what memory, processors and add on boards I can utilize in this machine. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Mike Getsey <getsey@ix.netcom.com>
St. Louis, mo usa - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 05:52:55
16 bit Ethernet Cards

- two Cabletron 10Base2 cards, with documentation and drivers
- one Intel EtherExpress 10BaseT card, with drivers
- 10Base2 cables, various lengths
- two 10Base2 connectors, with terminators

All for $15! Contact me if interested!

Mike Getsey <getsey@ix.netcom.com>
St. Louis, mo usa - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 05:49:40
MS-DOS / Windows Database Bundle!

Everything you need to develop MS-DOS and Windows database applications! Develop your applications with dBXL, and compile with either Clipper or dBFAST! Distribute applications royality-free!

- dBXL Version 1.3, "super clone" of dBase III+, 5.25 in.
- dBFast, Version 2.0, Windows dBase compiler, 3.50 in.
- copy of Clipper Summer 87, dBase compiler, 5.25 in.

dBXL and dBFast have complete documentation. Also, will include various application generators and utilities.

All for $35! Please contact me if interested!

willie rayburn <enduser@softdisk.com>
shreveport, LA USA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 00:38:38
This post is to all the 5150 pc xt owners who
need jumper settings..
try this URL first.
If you're still lost, I have a copy of the specs with
diagrams/schematics faxed straight from "big blue"
I will be perfectly willing to send them snail mail.
just ask.

Michele Scott <mscott@decisionmark.com>
Cedar Rapids, IA - Monday, August 03, 1998 at 00:07:08
The heads of a hdd on an IBM-compatible XT were parked with Perstor's DOS utility. The executable was BYE. Unfortunately, the previous owner (who parked the drive before selling) failed to copy any files for unparking to a floppy nor did she remember how to unpark.

If you have these files and the barest memory of this utility, it would be appreciated. I'm familiar only with IBM's utility.

Thank you

Devan <Connected0@hotmail.com>
MA USA - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 23:43:33
I recently bought an old motherboard witha 133 on it. All that I know about it is made by ACER. The bios string is ACR1BE00-I07-960716-R01-D4
Any one have any information on it?

Carl M. Swartz <cswartz@epix.net>
Millersburg, Pa Dauphin - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 20:55:21
I sent pictures with a JEPG extension. The recepient server is America on Line. He can receive one picture and view it but when I send mutiples they come through with a MIME extesion. What is the solution?

Serzh <moraru@softcom.net>
Sacramento, CA US - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 20:09:38
Hello all!
I've got an Ultra TS34X laptop. Have no power adaptor. Anybody knows where to get one? Thanks!

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 16:45:37
Getting way too many machines so...(sorry about the advertisement but) I have for sale (or trade in some cases) the following items which may
be of interest to those looking for a second machine, a utility machine,
or just something cheap to tinker with...

*PS/2 Model 30 (2 floppy unit, no HDD)- 8088 mani unit/no ram - $15 +
*PS/2 Model 30's - 8088 main unit/no ram - $20 each + shipping
*PS/2 Model 30-286's - 286 main unit/no ram - $25 each + shipping
*PS/2 Model 50Z's - 286 main unit/no ram - $25 each + shipping
*PS/2 Model 55SX's - 386SX main unit/no ram - $30 each + shipping
*PS/2 Model 56SLC's - 486 main unit/no ram - $120 each + shipping (SCSI
*PS/2 Model 57SLC (1 only) - 486 main unit/no ram - $150 + shipping
(SCSI drive)
*PS/2 Model 65's - 386SX tower unit/no ram-$45 each + shipping (some
SCSI types)
*PS/2 Model 80's - 386DX tower unit/no ram-$50 each + shipping (some
SCSI types)

*IBM 5150 "PC" and 5160 "XT'" - inquire. Available w or w/o monitor or
*IBM 5170 "AT"'s - 286 workhorse main unit, contents vary - inquire

Above are case, power supply, motherbd, floppy, hard drive, applicable
controller(s) in great shape but without memory. Memory will be obtained
by buyer or available with unit for a little more. All have built in VGA
video, serial, parallel, mouse and keyboard ports. Hard drive sizes
vary. All are tested and in great physical and electronic condition.

Also available:
*PS/2 Model 55SX motherboards - complete/no ram - $10 each + shipping
*MCA 16/4 token ring cards - long and short - $5 each or 3 for $10 (plus
*MCA 3270 adapters BNC type - long and short - 5 for $10 plus shipping
*Cases for many IBM machines, power suppiles, etc. drop a note with your

Many other parts, cards and items for IBM and other brand machines.

Discounts may apply to multiple purchases, mixed or same. Please

Shipping is generally by USPS parcel post but UPS may be used upon
request. Payment by cashier's check or money order, no personal checks
please. COD only with prior approval and incurs additionl COD charges.

Info on each model's specs and pictures can be obtained at

I also have lots of books, software, generic and specific hardware that I'll be listing on my page soon (under construction now)

Brad White <Quiffboy99@aol.com>
London, England - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 16:36:45
I recently purchased a ZXspectrum still boxed and never been used for my obsolete collection but unfortunately I cannot load any of the games,as the damn thing keeps resetting itself,any comments please E-mail me,tx

Mark Kuss <kuss@scsud.CTSTATEU.edu>
New Haven, Ct USA - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 16:22:53
I found a one-piece dual drive for an Apple IIe. I have never seen one before. Usually it's the two little metal bricks that one comes across. No mention about it in the Obsolete Computer page. Just curious

Denise <kentuckybrat@geocities.com>
FL USA - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 15:02:42
I had a Tandy 1000TX given to my son. I have the Deskmate disks to install on it, but something is wrong with the 2nd disk and it can't read it. As it stands right now when I try to start it, it tells me it needs file Desktop.PDM. Can anyone help me with the file? and can anyone tell me about any other programs I might be able to find for it.

Susan <susan_blair@hotmail.com>
TN USA - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 11:34:39
I am helping someone with an IBM 5150 that he bought at a garage sale. It came with NO manuals whatsoever!!! Any help that I can receive in getting this computer going would be wonderful...especially where I can find info on the MS-BASIC program that is in the memory.

Gerry Mackinon <geaddict@mindless.com>
Calgary, AB Canada - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 02:12:27
I am looking for docs on an Olivetti XP-1078. There are no SIMMS and a few cards missing in this old 486 EISA bus server. Standard SIMMS don't seem to work and I need the docs to see what will. Any help would be appreciated.

Gerry Mackinnon.

Brian <boneal@aye.net>
KY - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 01:49:00
Is there any mac users out there who know any of the different keyquences. I know the typical ones like Rebuild desktop, zap pram, start w/extensions off, boot from cd, boot from any available drive etc..
The reason I ask is, a friend of mine(who also uses macs) had his mac at work serviced and the technician asked him to turn his head while he did a specific key sequence on hte keyboard.
I find this a bit strange and am wondering if there is anyone out there knowledgable abou this. Please get in touch with me. Thanks

Anthony Morales <TonyRone@webtv.com>
Chicago, Ill USA - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 00:05:48
I received a IBM 5150 computer with 5153 monitor. I would like to get any info you would have on its operation,and if its upgradeable

AJ <medic-1@juno.com>
- Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 23:14:52
I know that the V-20 is a faster direct replacement for the 8088, is it the V-30 that is the upgrade for the 8086?
Does any one have or know where I can get a math coproc. for a system w/ an 8086?

Pete Peters <pat-pete@prodgity.net>
Mi - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 21:51:03
need set up info on vender turbo-888-xt want to install new
3.1/5 drive or 5.5 drive at 1.2 need set up info

Blunt Rollies <bonger@geocities.com>
USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 20:57:51
I have several items that I need to sell in a hurry. There is a Leading Edge Model DC-2011E, complete with monitor keyboard and power supply; 2 IBM PCjr's, one power source, both have color monitors and keyboards; an IBM PC/AT, includes a 5151 monitor, power supply, and keyboard; ARC Turbo PC Model 10, no monitor or keyboard; two modems with upgrades for one; 2 CD-Roms; a Gravis GamePad; Epson keyboard; another 5151 monitor; 2 other monitors; 4 or 5 different old video game consoles; a 286 motherboard; a whole box full of software, from 5.25" to 3.5" to CD's; and I think there are a couple of other things in there. I would like to sell it all for $650, but I can give prices if you want just certain things. Email me for more details, or visit my web site (click on my name).

Elio De Petris <gaselio@hotmail.com>
Roma, Italia - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 19:27:47
I've an IBM PS1 with two MByte of RAM memory. Is There Someone who could tell me how can expand RAM of my PS1? I would know wich is the connector i must use and, if possible, how can I adapt standard bank of memory to my PS1. Please Help me as soon as possible. Thank You very much.

Michael Brinsley <michael@gingerwood.com>
CA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 19:12:54
I have acquired a Laser 386sx 16mghz computer with 1 meg ram. I have two 30 pin SIMM's but apparently need the jumper settings to add this memory. It does not detect any extra memory. There are 10 dip switches by the memory.
Does anybody have this info memory upgrade info?

Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 18:58:10
I forgot to add this to the previous message: I would also be willing to buy/trade a portable w/ a plasma display.


Jason <roblwill@usaor.net>
Baden, PA USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 18:56:48
Anyone have a luggable with color display they want to get rid of? Speed, RAM, and HD size are not important. Name a price, or I will be willing to trade for it.


B. Campbell <Mulsanne@Hotmail.Com>
New York, NY USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 18:09:47
Hello. I need help with a recently acquired Compaq SLT/286.
I first received error message 1790 (0 Disk Failure) the first time I turned it on. Next time error message 162 (System options not set. Insert Diagnostic Disk. F1=Resume). Tried that.Many, many times. Machines starts to read the disk then just hangs . FDD light stays red. Nothing happens at all. Please Help. Thanks.

Bill Bocock <wbocock@richmond.infi.net>
Glen Allen, VA USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 16:43:21
I have a 486 machine with a Conner HD model CFS541A that I
am trying to get to work with a new CD-Rom. I have tried every
possible combination of master/slave settings and nothing seems
to work. I read something once about a program called 'Feature.com'
that will assist with making Conner drives work with other
devices in a master/slave combination. Anyone heard of this program
or possibly have it, or maybe have some experience with these
troublesome Conner drives? Please email me if you have any ideas
how to make this work.

Russ Blakeman <rhblake@bbtel.com>
Harned, KY ***USA*** - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 16:30:33
For Bonnie and others in need of assistance with the IBM System 32/34/36 minis, there is an excellent source of help and information at "IBM Help" located at http://www.IBMHelp.Com/ or by email by contacting IBM Help's operator, David Wollman at DWollman@IBMHelp.Com

As for the ST-251 problem, there are none listed with anything but -0 or -1 (-0 is also id'd by just ST-251, no prefix). The MLC1 and 2 may be another marking not associated with the drive's designation. The difference in speed is the access times, the -0 is a 40ms drive and the -1 is a 28ms drive. The -1 was upgraded electronics and cache, making it faster.

BRC <BRC1472@aol.com>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 15:14:26
Hello. I have an old Compuadd 425CXL laptop. When I received
it the hard drive was blank. The laptop works fine but
I think that there was software that the laptop needed and
it was all lost. I don't know this for sure but if there is
software for this laptop it would be a real big help if
someone sent it to me at BRC1472@aol.com. Thanks!!!.

Roy El-Rayes <exeroy@mindspring.com>
Reading, PA USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 14:25:10
I just purchased an IBM xt model 5160 from a garage sale. Whenever I boot it up, it gives a high pitched tone. There's only one riser card in it. It looks like it's for a printer port. There was no place to plug the monitor in, so I installed a card that I had on a previous computer and used a TANDY monitor. Whenever I boot, it gives that high pitched tone and the screen is blank. I can turn on and off caps and scroll and num lock though. Anyone know what's wrong or where i can get info on this? Thanks in advance.

- Roy El-Rayes

B. Preloh <Upsdrvr@worldnet.att.net>
Arlington, VA USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 05:26:37
Thanks to everyone who responded to my drive problem....I have corrected the problem and the drive is working fine now.
You help is deeply appreciated!

Chrystopher Cooley <BMW4me001@aol.com>
- Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 04:29:16
Hi...I have an old Packard Bell (Legend 3540, which is 2 years old) the modem I got with it was a 14.4/sound card...I recently upgraded it with a 56k modem but it will not work with the other modem in it...since the old modem is connected with the soundcard I cannot have it in there...surprisingly the card has 3D(for its age)and I want to keep it, BUT I need to know which jumper setting to change so that I can keep the modem/soundcard in there without having hardware conflicts...if anyone knows how to do this please email me telling me how..THANK YOU

Peter Holowaty <cholowat@primary.net>
St. Louis, MO United States - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 02:40:08
I have (4) Seagate ST251 harddrives, and each has a different
marking. First I have a regular ST251, then I have one that
ends in -1, I have one that ends in MLC1, and another that
ends in MLC2. What are the differences between the drive.
I know that when I run PC tools, my ST251 is ALOT slower
than my ST251-1.

Nate Underwood <nate@utcm.com>
canton, ga cherokee - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 01:00:52
We have an old ibm prospeed 386. nomater what we do,
it will not recognize the mouse. we have tried several
mouses & drivers. any help will be appreciated.
thank you

James W Guill <maverick@lynchburg.net>
VA USA - Saturday, August 01, 1998 at 00:44:45
I have the following processors for sale. If your interested in
any of them please email me at maverick@lynchburg.net.

1 486dx66 with heatsink and fan $12
1 486dx33 with heatsink $8
1 486 25 with bent pins $1
1 386 40 $7
2 386 33 $6 each
2 386 25 $5 each

I also have 3 seagate ST-157A hdd's that wont do much. I
hook em up and the COMPUTER does nothing. Give me $15 (includes
shipping) and they are yours.

Also, a dead seagate hdd. Was 40 megs. $4 (includes priority
mail shipping) and its yours.
I also have 2 hdds that spin up but that is about it. 1 is a
WD caviar 420 meg hdd. It will recognize, but that is all. I
also have another drive that was 80 megs until it lost its partition
info. Now I cant do anything with it. $13 (includes shipping)
will get you these 2 drives.

I have a couple of HP Vectra cases for sale too. These work fine
and dandy. $10 each +shipping. $30 for both (includes shipping)

If your interested in any of this stuff, let me know. My email
is maverick@lynchburg.net

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