Obsolete Computer Helpline

October 1997 Archive

Clayaton L. Dean <cdean334@mail.tds.net>
Blue Ridge, GA USA - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 21:41:36
Seeking info on an AT&T 6312 WGS. Any history/help w/b

mark brown <ebrown@auracom.com>
Saint John, N B Canada - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 17:51:23
Does anyone know where I can get a PCjr power transformer.I am very desperate and any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks

mark brown <ebrown@auracom.com>
Saint John, N B Canada - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 17:49:50
Does anyone know where I can get a PCjr power transformer.I am very desperate and any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks

Janet Blickle <JCBlickle@webtv.net>
Eugene, OR USA - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 17:46:10
We just received a Panasonic Business Partner
model FX-600. Where can we get a manual to
show us how to run it?

Josh Dersch <dersch@voyager.net>
E. Grand Rapids, MI USA - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 17:33:08
I just acquired an AT&T 3B2/1000-60. It worked for a couple
of days, but the hard drive slowly went bad, and I began
to get constant I/O errors, and now the hard drive is
completely dead. I found a replacement 347MB SCSI hard disk
and have a copy of UNIX System V 4.1 on backup tape, but
I have no bootdisk to format and partition the new hard disk.
I have read about a system disk called "devtools" or "idtools"
which contains these utilities. Is anyone who has this
disk willing to send me a copy of it on 5.1/4"? I would
gladly pay the postage if neccessary. I'd love to get this
machine running again, it is a nifty computer.
Thanks in advance!

Udin <udin@worldaccess.nl>
Amsterdam, Holland - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 11:11:42
I am looking for a dos driver called : notebook.sys
It is for a laptop called Notebook 2100.
It is an 286 with a broken schreen and I need the driver to
activate the extended monitor.

Roy Brock <roybrock@ix.netcom.com>
westminster , co usa - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 10:34:04
i have a lot of xt parts and runnung computers and wouild like to donate all to some charity in and around Denver Co.

jim malone <melissa_stanton@hotmail.com>
burtonsville, md usa - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 09:53:33
I have startup disks for dos 3.1 also version 5.0 and 6.1 however I am looking for backup disks for an IBM PS/1 or dos 4.0 I also have startup disks for win 3.1 both 3.5" and 5.25"

risto helminen <risto.helminen@pp.inet.fi>
keminmaa, finland - Friday, October 31, 1997 at 04:52:16
I'm trying to update an old Philips P2230 (286 CPU) -
from 2 Megs to 4 Megs. Without a manual for the motherboard,
the jumper setting is difficult. Can anybody help me?
Thank You...

Scott Steffens <tj76@aol.com>
Orange, Ca. - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 23:45:55
I have a Kaypro 2 portable that I would love to get up and running. I am looking for the cpm 2.2 operating discs and any kind of software and manuals. If anyone can help me out, drop me a line with all of the info. Thanks Scott

Rev. Craig <maigne@kca.net>
- Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 23:18:40
I have a CompuAdd 486-33DX, with 210 hard drive, 8 megs ram (4 on the motherboard) and a 72 pin 4 meg chip, parity, to bring it up to 8 megs. I recently purchased a 66 DX chip (Intel) and am not sure how to configure this computer to put it into action. I also purchased a 500 MB harddrive to connect in conjunction with my current drive; but, again, am not sure how to do this. If anyone out there has the knowledge to assist in this matter, their help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your consideration. G-d Bless and keep you. Rev. Craig

Andrew Vidal <vidalah@thnet.com>
- Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 22:50:07
i need a mouse for a mac 512k, anyone know were to get one?

Earl Adam <egadam@frontiernet.net>
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 22:48:15
Looking for replacement power supplies for SUN 3/110
or anyone that can fix them.

P/N 600-2501-1
Model 347

Eddy Hoek <eddy.hoek@erindalec.act.edu.au>
Australia - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 21:59:22
I have bought a Zenith 486 personal serverand need info/help on setting it up to use as a mini network server. Any ideas, info specs would be a great help. It was written up in Byte mag - Vol 19, No 4, May 1994, however I can't find a copy of this mag. Have emailed Zenith as well, but still waiting.

John Preston <JPres15334@aol.com>
glastonbury, CT US - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 20:13:53
I have an Osborne 1 computer complete with disks and manuals that I'd like to get rid of. If anyone knows any place or person that is interested, please contact me.


Darrel McFarland <dlmcfar@gate.net>
Fellsmere, FL USA - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 19:33:02
I have a fully operational Epson QX-10 Computer and LX-80 Printer for sale. Valdox OS and Basic programs

mike <migelli@sympatico.ca>
toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 18:54:54
re:ast Bravo 486 upgrade.
This e-mail address IS correct.
sorry for any inconvience.
Thanx again.

Bob Johnson <adamweishaupt@hotmail.com>
Wheaton, IL United States - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 17:21:15
I am looking for any Tandy/Radio Shack, Commodore, Atari, Apple // series, Mac Classic & earlier, and any 80x86 486SX or lower parts or computers. If anyone can help me, please Email me or send a form message on my homepage. It will be very much appreciated.
Thank you,
Bob Johnson

mike <migelle@sympatico.ca>
toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 16:59:16
I have an AST Bravo that is currently a 486dx/66. I have
purchased an Evergreen 486 upgrade cpu.
There seems to be a problem with the clock speed jumpers.
Does anyone know where these jumpers are located exactly?
I dont have a manual or extensive computer repair skills.
If i can locate the proper jumper I belive the upgrade
will work.
Thank you for your help

Elma Rodd <erodd@mindspring.com>
Tecumseh, OK USA - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 11:44:16
Wanting to buy 5 1/4" disks containing teaching ABCs & numbers and games
for pre-school up to 5th grade. Disks they can run and learn from. CPU is
a Vendex M888c Vendex Headstart II. These disks would be used to help a
person with disabilities learn to read and enjoy games on their own machine.
Right now I only have a Solataire game that she can play. While I working on my CPU she
Is anyone out there familiar or ever had any software for this machine? This
machine can be put to good use and enjoyment of this person, if I can just find some
disks that will work in this environment.I have been everywhere trying to find programs
written in 8 bit for an XL and on a 5 1/4" disk.

Matthew Hanson <m.c.hanson@hud.ac.uk>
England - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 10:12:54
I need some information on the old BBC Micro made by ACORN.
Please help me!
E-Mail on m.c.hanson@hud.ac.uk

Matthew Hanson <m.c.hanson@hud.ac.uk>
England - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 10:08:40
I need some information on the old BBC Micro made by ACORN. Please help me!

James Ross <Lifeexst@Clarion-net.com>
Cook Forest, PA USA - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 09:51:42
ATTENTION obsolete computer collectors and computer museum
curators. There is an IBM Minicomputer for sale in Seattle
Washington. The asking price is $25. The computer works
but has no terminals with it. It will be trashed if no one
saves it. I am not the seller,... but I will be glad to
give you the seller's e-mail address if you are interested.
I would take it myself for my own museum but I cannot afford
to pick it up or pay for shipping (I live in PA, USA).
Thank you,... and happy retrocomputing! :)

Dwight Whitfield <DWhitfi359@aol.com>
New Orleans, La USA - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 02:41:32
Does anyone know where I could get a users manual for a
Commodore 128 PC and a Commodore 1571 Diskdrive?
Please E-mail Dwight at DWhitfi359@aol.com.

Joe Hegedus <jhegedus@mango-bay.com>
- Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 21:01:18
Looking for copies of discs (util.& drivers) that came with the compuadd 425 tfx laptop. If anyone has please e-mail

gerry <bmficwtw@www>
eve, Ma USA - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 20:28:42
need info. on premier250 want to purchace a printer but don't know what is compatable. Thanks for any help!

Jonathan Viventi <jonv@roxbury.org>
None Given, NO NO - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 17:52:59
I have a Compuadd (Compu Add) 433 TXC Laptop and I need
either pin-outs for the DC-IN or a place to get a power
supply... Also, i need a battery.. Thanx..

Ken Manton <kmanton@direct.ca>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 17:47:03
I am very surprised that no mention has been made of the 1976 Processor Technology SOL computer that I purchased as a kit together with 20 lbs of instructions and a bunch of chips
The monitor was a converted 12 inch TV and the printer a 1947 ex newspaper news machine.
If anyone shared my enjoyment out of building this machine I would like to communicate.
From 1976 8080 to 1997 MMX gives me seven machines which I still have.

Pam Shirk <rshirk@foto.infi.net>
Fayetteville, NC United States - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 14:20:32
Please Help!!
We have 2-3 old C64s that have disk drives that have crashed. Does anyone know anyone in the Fayetteville, NC area that fixes C64s? Or is there anyone in the Fayetteville area with a working C64 disk drive that they might be willing to sell me for a reasonable price? Thanks for any help you can give me.

Faith Patterson <Faith-4-U>
Cleveland, OH USA - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 13:18:12
Hello! I need help finding owners manuals,
or operating manuals for the Tandy 1000 SX
and the Commodore 64 computer.
Thank You!

John Clawson <101721.3657@compuserve.com>
Newark, Notts England - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 06:43:59
I am looking for a driver for the following printer

Tandy DMP 300 Dot Matrix printer
I am running Windows 95 OSR2 and need this driver, if any-one can help I would be most grateful.


John Clawson

Herbert Kempe <tdi@gti.net>
Flanders, NJ USA - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 02:48:21
I am trying to increase the RAM of an NEC Powermate SX/20
from 12 to 16 mbyts and need a special memory board that
goes into a regular I/O slot that had been available to do
this. Would anyone know where I can obtain one or otherwise
get the RAM to 16 which is the maximum this computer
can take.

j willams <skyrider>
dallas, Tx Dallas - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 01:36:31

have a tandy 6000@16b and printer and i would like to know
a little bit more about how to operate it. saving data and
accessing the word processor.
I think is's word perfect version, but I cant get it
to write to the floppy.
any help welcome

Dave Forsyth <polaris@vax1.mankato.msus.edu>
Mankato, MN USA - Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 00:30:35

Although I use a computer almost every day at school, I've
never owned one, and don't know much about their inner workings.
I decided that I'd buy something really primitive to learn
on, and just have some fun with.
So, I just bought my first computer system at a local
computer swap meet. It's an IBM-clone with an 8088 chip
and 512K of RAM. It was new in the original box, and was
built without any disk drives. The guy I bought it from
threw in a CGA monitor, a driver card for up to four floppy
drives, and a driver for the CGA monitor. I then bought
two 3.5" drives at the same swap meet. When I got it home,
I managed to get it working (physically), but haven't been
able to get pat the RAM test.

Can anyone please help me get this thing going? I know I need
a bootup disk, and I'd like to add a harddrive eventually.
Also, I need DOS. Where can one get obsolete computer
software and hardware for old PC's?


Dave Forsyth

THOMASVILLE, GA. THOMAS - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 23:09:43
DO ANY HAVE A PC GEO WORKS PRO? I NEED VER. 1.2 FOR DOS. 1991, SERIAL # 2006-006 -0015-0409-4600

SANTA FE,, NEW MEXICO SANTA FE - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 22:58:17
To whom it may concern.

Bud Brubaker <roadworn@earthlink.net>
Yoe, Pa U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 22:16:30
I have a Magnavox 386sx 16mhz computer that I am trying to upgrade.
Cyrix does not have an upgrade processor for this machine. I would
appreciate it if anyone has any information about the upgradability
of this type of machine they would pass it on to me.

Thanks, Bud

Pierre Olivier <olipie@aei.ca>
Montreal, QC - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 22:13:06

I'm looking for jumper function/configuration for a few cards:

1) VGA card with oak OTI 077 chipset. has three jumpers, one double
position, the two others single.

2) Elitegroup DI600 VLB I/O & disk controller board. lots of
jumpers (14).

3) two anonymous VGA card with Trident TVGA8900D and TVGA8900CL
chipset.Nine jumper positions.

Please e-mail if any info.

Thanks, P.O.

Loren Everly <vacler@hotmail.com>
Honoka'a, HI U.S. - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 20:34:09
I'm looking for the following computers in the north america or oceania area.
An IBM 5100 or 5110, a Tano Dragon, an Enterprise 64 or 128 and any Acorn
Archimedes. If anyone has any of these computers and wouldn't mind trading
them or selling them for cheap please email me. Thanks.

charles <cogshell@anet-stl.com>
st.louis, mo usa - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 19:48:36
Hi I am looking for operating disk and/or software for
a apple 512k? model #m0001

Help????? cogshell@anet-stl.com

Gene Young <gene39@hotmail.com>
Severn, Md. U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 19:03:58
Searching for programming language software to use with the
Apple Machintoch Plus. Also need Swicher program for same.
Please e-mail me if you can help.

wayne knecht <kne500@aol.com>
lakeland , fl u.s.a. - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 17:12:40
looking for operating disks for 2 mac 512k model#m0001-e
also any software have aquired these for a low cost . if
disk and software can be found these will be given to a
pre school or kindergarden program . will pay for disks
and software.

Mike Mikels <mikels@usaor.net>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 16:16:45
I am searching for documentation or owners manual for
Compudyne 4dx/33 computer. If someone knows of one available
contact me please.

Thank you.


SAN DIEGO, CA USA - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 14:10:22
I am trying to bring back online an IBM 3270 Personal
Computer with Matching 3270 monitor and keyboard which is running DOS 3.1 .The problem on startup
reads as follows:
Runs through test to 640 kb and then displays

bad or missing \dos3.1\ansi.sys
error in config line 1
error incorrect dos version
error incorrect dos version
urecognized command in config.sys
error in config line 4
incorrect dos version
bad or mising command interpreter

After these lines everything locks up. I tried starting up with standard dos
3.2 disk but had no success.I beleive I need a startup dos 3.1 disk and the complete software to reinstall it with.
Any software or advice anyone might have to offer would begreatly appreciated.

Stacey Greene <sgreene@isdh.state.in.us>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 13:41:44
I have an IBM PS2 with 6mb of memory. On it I'm running
Win3.1, Paradox, Powerpoint and lots of games for my kids.
It apparently has a product specific motherboard because no
standard memory chips or peripherals like a fax-modem will
fit in the slots. What is the upgrade capability of my
machine and how do I go about it? What else do I need to
know about it?
Please post or email me at sgreene@isdh.state.in.us

ronnie sharbeno <ronnie@cp-tel.net>
many , la usa - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 13:20:52
I have a zenith data system desktop with a zud-0486-33 cpu board. this is a isa board unit .
I need the setup or configuration utility disk.
M# zud-433d bios is 4.01
unit will boot to flopy with boot disk but will not see hard drive ( board config error) help me help me i need help!

Hung Nguyen <hnnguyen@ccgate.dp.beckman.com>
Brea, Ca U.S.A - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 11:27:38
Does any one out there have a large inventory of the Zilog Z8038. If you do please contact me at my E-mail or at (714) 993-8730. Thanks a lot

ron stulken <rstulken@cam-walnet.com>
selby, sd usa - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 01:06:11
Leading Technology 6500sx 386sx computer manual, motherboard
jumper settings, etc. Also, how to get into setup, has ami bios

chris w <bugs14@hotmail.com>
arlington, wa usa - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 23:39:52
Working with a 386sx with math co-processor and
Paradise pvga plus 16, that i happen to have no drivers for.
With certain ega resolutions and vga resolutions and for
example the shareware ega vtrek (wimpy star trek game), the
video looks like it tilts 180 deg out of sync and I have
diagonal across screen and my controls do no good.
The PVGA PLUS 16 is a full 1meg ISA card. My monitor is a
MGC 13in 1992 with SVGA VGA led's by the power button.
The next hell is that checking with Paradisemmp.com I found
out that my card was manufactured by a oem manufacturer with
paradise and western digital chips. I would like very much to
see spec's on my card and monitor which I haven't found
on the net. I have not a clue about the jumper switches on
this card and have found no support.
thank - you

Ric Hambleton <hambleto@ozemail.com.au>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 23:30:05
I have dozens of discs written on an Osborne 1 (single sided, single density). They are Wordstar discs and I would like to translate them to Word (PC). The Osborne computer is not working well, so ideally I would like to put the 5 1/4 Osborne discs into a PC and run some software to convert it to txt. or word files. What can I do?


Tony Williams <tazman@cdsnet.net>
Medford, OR - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 22:36:45
I am k\looking for the pin out for a IBM PC Jr. Keyboard cable or the cable it self.

SAUGUS, CA USA - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 20:26:53
IO-IRQ CONFLICT...INTERRUPT REQUEST LINES, are physical hardware connections over whichperipherales send request for service to the CPU.An I/O PORT is aconnector on the PC in which you plug a cable from
another device and through which information flows between two unit. (CHECK) In the Resources Dialog Box, check the Conflicting Devices list to see if the modem is using resources that conflict wither devices.
If so, left-click CHANGE SETTINGS and choose a configuration that does not have resource conflicts. Dont use a modem on on COM3 if their is a serial mouse or other device on COM1. The COM1 and COM3 ( and COM2 and COM4)
ports usually use the same IRQ and cant be used simultaneously on most computers. If possable, change the COM3 and COM4 ports to an IRQ setting that is not in conflict. Also, some display adapters have address conflicts with COM$ ports. To avoide
this conflict, use another COM port or replace your graphics adspters....RICK

beaver, pa - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 19:39:29

SAUGUS, CA USA - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 19:25:07

Jason Siegel <Sjdjzm@aol.com>
Conway, MA USA - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 18:15:19
Mainboard jumper setting for a DECstation 425c

Kenneth Geoffroy <Kenneth.Geoffroy@fmr.com>
Marlboro, MA USA - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 16:43:01
I have a CompuAdd Express 325NXL laptop computer and the power cord does not work I am looking for a new power adapter.

If you could help please E-MAIL me. The power cord model # is DU-24120 and is a BEAM DC ADAPTER.


Kenneth Geoffroy <Kenneth.Geoffroy@fmr.com>
Marlboro, MA USA - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 16:29:54
I have a CompuAdd Express laptop computer and the power cord does not work I am looking for a new power adapter.

If you could help please E-MAIL me. The power cord model # is DU-24120 and is a BEAM DC ADAPTER.


Doron Volkman <ibermed@internet-zahav.net>
Raanana, ISRAEL - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 15:29:17
HELP !!! I have a 1987 Tandy 1000 TX with 512 KB and a 720 KB drive.
All I need is memory expansion, 20 - 40 MB drive, 1200 - 2400 B Modem, and a network card
... I hope i'm not asking for to much. Need it to connect to network as a fax server that
connects to standard fax with connection to computer. Can also be reached by fax -
even better that way as i'm a newbe to the web (but i had the first Atari in Israel !!!)
972 - 9 - 7460385 - thank you

Jose Taboas-Baco <jtaboas@tld.net>
San Juan, PR USA - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 15:19:06
There is, reportedly, a Colossus at an American university. This machine was developed in Britain during WW II to assist in the German code breaking work conducted at Bletchley Park. Anyone know which university? Thanks!

London, United Kingdom - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 14:18:17
I own an Amstrad PC9486 and recently have been having problems with the PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports on the motherboard. I have come to the conclusion that the board needs to be replaced. However I am having great difficulty trying to get in touch with Amstrad or anyone else, for that matter, who could supply me with a replacement motherboard. The motherboard is an LPX form factor which takes a single ISA riser card for expansion. Do you or anyone else know whether I could obtain a replacement motherboard from Amstrad (and if so how?) or another supplier. It seems such a shame to have to trash the machine seeing as it performs my duties perfectly and everything else on the computer still works fine.

kathy martinelli <stk11218@loki.stockton.edu>
pine hill, nj usa - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 13:39:32
i have a magnavox 386 pc and would like info on how to upgrade,
is it worth it? if not where can i sell to get a new computer?
i am not very knowledgeable in the field of computers, and
need lots of help!!!

Molly <Molly@ican.net>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 12:26:44
We purchased a very old working computer called a Zeus 2001
with an electrahome monitor. This computer came working
a Mitac B drive. At this point I am unable to use it,
and would love any information out there to try programming it
Presently, all I am able to access in a the function modes.
But don;t have a clue what they are capable of.
Thanks for any input!

Maureen Healy <valjean@berk.com>
NY US - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 12:20:34
Received 3 replies to question re: stackers. One person used stackers on 386 - no problem. His 486- another story. 2nd person used stackers, but prefers 4 mgs simms instead of stackers, mainly because of cost. 3rd person advised against stackers. As a compromise, I will try one stacker and see what happens. Will keep this site posted as to results.

Ian Stedman Brown <ian.stedman_brown@virgin.net>
Lymington, England - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 10:14:32
Does anyone have software for an ICL Microline 294 printer by OKI, I want to use it under Windows 95

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 07:40:21
On 22 Oct, T. Thompson asked for a Setup diskette for his
286 machine. If he can come up with a real eMail address
(tthompson can't be true) I can supply him with a Setup.


Brad Curran <sydney@eig.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 02:58:31
Can you help me in locating a the latest version of EZTAPE for my Irwin Magnetic System tape drive. I need to use it within Windows 95 and my current version (2.2) will not do so.


Dan Hershey <DHershey@centuryinter.net>
Hawkins, WI USA - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 23:29:45
I bought a old IBM 286 computer for a starter for my daughter.
I got the thing to boot but it says I have to run setup.
It dosn't tell what keys to hit to get there, was setup on
a disk or was it on a chip. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Dan

Wen Wilkinson <wildfire@netdirect.net>
Muncie, IN US - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 23:18:54
I used a Commodore C-64 to put some important info on 5 1/4" floppies. The C-64 has since passed on. Is anyone aware of any programs available to allow this C-64 info to be used in my PC? Any help will be appreciated.

Paul Stoetzer <pstoetze@tir.com>
- Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 21:00:38
Does anybody have any 9900 Assembly Language resources for rhe TI-99/4A also I would like a Mini Memory Cartridge

NEW ORLEANS, LA USA - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 20:21:29

danelle gilkes <fdsa432@aol.com>
new orleans, la usa - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 19:44:55
Help!! I don't know what I have. The device is labeled as a "mobile computer-patents applied for" and was made by the Gavilan Computer Corp. It contains four 32K RAM capsules which were copywrited in 1983. On the back, a label says "Display Control Unit Airshow 100." It weighs nine lbs. and requires 2A-17V power. It has a 3"x5" disk drive and a place for a telephone line. ANY INFO???

k Segrest <segrest@sigmaduke.com>
Indianapolis, IN usa - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 16:39:44
I am looking for a apple IIe disc drive. I have alot of games and my computer is still good.

Art Pitkin <art.pitkin@logonchi.com>
Chicago, IL - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 16:23:24
For James (10/22), here are 2 resources regarding IBM model 5140 Convertible (laptop). (1)Fantasy Productions (800-358-5887) sells the IBM Manuals for the earlier (discontinued) IBM computers. (2)PC Parts Inc. 888-426-8258 (888-IBM-VALU) has some parts for 5140s. For T Stafford (10/23) regarding software for the C64: DYNACOMP has some (temporarily!). 716-346-9788 Voice/Fax or toll-free ORDER line 24 hrs 800-828-6772. They're clearing-out all their software for Atari 400/800/XE/XL, TRS-80, Commodore 64 in special 10-packs for a low price. Don't know how much is left at this point. NOTE: Their "250 page" catalog which costs $3.50 has software for older computers (mostly IBMs & Apples, also CP/M) has a heavy emphasis on software for ENGINEERING!

Matthew Saxby <saxby@vossnet.co.uk>
Iver, Bucks England - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 16:02:48
Does anyone (who lives in the UK) have an old compaq
portable working or not working. The type that I'm after
is the sort that has the CRT built into it. I will pay
shipping and a small price.(prefer it to be free!)
I also need the manuals and system disks for this computer.

Michael Byrum <pctech@hickory.net>
Hickory, NC USA - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 15:09:24
I am working on a Packard Bell Agoura P 75 MHZ. When booting up I am getting this error "IO Device IRQ Conflict". Packard Bell Will Not support this computer and I need to now what device is conflicting. I have removed everything exept the video card from the system. Now if I go into the system setup (bios) and reset the system to default it will run through with out prompting you to pree "f1" or "f2", but if you reboot the IO error will pop back up. I had to replace the hard drive and disable the sound card. If you need anyother information or have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.

Thank you for your time'
Michael Byrum

Maureen Healy <valjean@berk.com>
NY US - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 14:16:38
Have American Megatrend 386DX, 40mhz w/210 hard drive.
Originally had (4) 1 mg 30 pin 70ns simms in 4 slots.
Computer had 4 more slots which I filled with (4) more
1 mg simms. Total 8 mgs RAM. Want to use 2 stackers to put
(4) 1 mg simms apiece into 2 slots, and fill remaining 6
slots with a 4mg simm each. Total of 32 mg RAM.
QUERY: Use of stackers OK? Would I need to upgrade to a 486
or 586 CPU with motherboard? Without motherboard? If I
get a new motherboard, do they come with 72 pin slots? If so,
is use of 30 pin to 72 pin converters found to be effective?
Computer store said customers didn't like them. Does anyone
have some experience using them? Conclusions?

Michael <Sisrael@law.cwsl.edu>
san diego, ca usa - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 13:53:38
I am looking for a dos 3.1 startup disk or the complete dos 3.1 setup software.
This is the same person as the post above but I entered the wrong e-mail address.
The correct one is 'sisrael@law.cwsl.edu'
thanks, Mike

Michael <sisrael@law.cwsl.ede>
San Diego, ca usa - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 13:49:31
I am trying to help a friend use
a IBM 3270 personal Computer System.I f anyone has a
startup disk for Dos 3.1O or the complete Dos 3.1 Software
I would appreciate it if you would attach it and send it to me. My friend is learning to
type with wordperfect on the system but it hung up.
thanks Mike

Jasper Ziller <jzille61@maine.maine.edu>
Portland, ME USA - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 06:47:39
Looking for a boot disk for an Apple ][e.

Also, I recently pick up a Mac 512k "Hyperdrive".
It has an internal HD. I hear references to the 512k
everywhere, but nothing on the Hyperdrive. Any info?

george pierni <geobrend@aol.com>
brockton , mass. usa - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 22:04:23
i have a zenith data system laptop w/20mb hd 640kbase mem 1 3 1/2 floppy,powers up okay but i cant get it to boot up! i formatted the hard drive i tried dos 5 but reads disk error is there a boot disk i can get from someone??? model #zwl-0184-97 it had a programin bfore i cleaned out hd.

Jim Shepherd <shepherdj@wcsu.ctstateu.edu>
Danbury, CT USa - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 21:34:05
Hi! I have a DEC PC 450st, which is an EISA-based server running
an Intel 486-50 processor. BIOS is Phoenix v1.00.11. It has
2-2Mb 72-pin parity SIMM's in the first two slots. Two other
slots are open. I've tried 8Mb parity SIMM's (IBM and OKI) but
the system refuses to see anything but the existing 4Mb. I can't
modify the memory setting in BIOS, nor does it boot if I just
put in the 8Mb SIMM's. Any suggestions? I am trying some
folks at DEC, but any help is appreciated.

in usa - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 17:21:21
I have a Globalyst 250 Laptop with, I believe, a Crystal
Semiconductor sound card. Does anyone know if there is a
driver for this internal sound card that will accomadte MIDI?
I've installed Cakewale Pro 6.0 and the WAV recording/playback
works fine. The company refered me to Crystal and they don't
seem to have a driver posted (that I can find) on their site.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Dean <homebrew@metrolink.net>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 16:52:19
I am looking for a daisy wheel for the Tandy DWP 220 printer. The catalog number is 26-1230 for the part. I will pay for the wheel and the shipping.

Jes Gonzales <jesgonzo@aol.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 15:18:26
I have an NEC Ultralite laptop, Model PC-17-02. I have three batteries for it, but none are working now. I need Battery Hard Pack PC-17-76. Voltage specification 12.6V average. Capacity 800 mAh.

I am also looking for software for this device. It uses ROM cards (don't ask, if you have them, you know what they are) since it only has a 2 Meg silicon hard drive. I only have WordPerfect 5.0, and would like to see what else they made for this cute little machine.

I will pay reasonable price and shipping for these items.

Dwayne Purvis <purvisd@texcellence.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 14:37:28
Looking for a Heath/Zenith Z-100, and/or the parts. This
the computer with the S-100 bus or IEEE-696 bus standard.
Can you help??? Taking any and all serious leads...

Joanne Vinton <jvinton@teleport.com>
Eugene, OR USA - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 14:12:21
My Dad has a KAYPRO II that he picked up at Goodwill. He's been able to figure out a lot of it, but doesn't have any of the original manuals.

If you can help, please send a message. He has some specific questions.

Dale R. Potter <drpotter@centuryinter.net>
Kingston, MI USA - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 12:43:43
I have stumbled across a old 286 with Phoenix Tech. 2.75G. Any help on getting into the BIOS setup would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Joseph DePalma <depalmaj@mail2.theonramp.net>
West Palm Beach, Fl. - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 08:24:49
I have a Tandy 1000 w/two monitors, a color and a monochrome. It was upgraded to 384K. I would like to give it to the kids in the family, but w/o much software, I don't think they will get the use of it. Your comments would be appreciated.

Stuart Hanson <shanson@fastlink.com.au>
St Andrews, NSW Australia - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 05:24:23
Need info on how to set the user defined hard drive params. (type 47) on AMI BIOS 386 from 1987 . any help would be appreciated . When the prompt is asking for type number if you press Esc you can get a list of the params for 1 - 46 but I can't find where to enter the data for type 47 .

Mike Batchelor <nroman125@aol.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Saturday, October 25, 1997 at 02:10:08
I have a IBM PS/2 Model 50 286-10 Mhz with 1 MB of Ram, a 1.44 MB floppy, and a 20 MB hard drive w/ Windows 3.1 & Dos 6.0 Loaded. No keyboard or Mouse. Machine works, and looks good. First $35 plus UPS COD takes it.

kelly nelson <knelson@pdqnet.net>
brigham city, ut - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 23:15:21
i have a toshiba T1850 with 4 meg ram and would like to up date it to 16 meg. Is that possible.

Michael <masonbrm@totacc.com>
Alamogordo, NM USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 22:41:44


Pat Schultz <pschultz@win.bright.net>
St. Croix Falls, Wi USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 21:15:20
I have an old Leading Edge computer: Model No. DC-2011 With
64k, dual floppies, amber monochrome and an Epson RX-80
Model# P80RA. Circa May 1985. And a large software library
including: Microsoft Flight Simulator with handbook,
Lotus 1 2 3 ect. All in good working order. I would like
any info or offers on system. Thank You Pat Schultz

william l malcolm <wm32509@inetnebr.com>
holland, ne usa - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 20:26:34
looking for help any information for Lisa [apple] programming languages . I have a working Lisa bute am in need of technical information to play with programming

ed gordon <tenjten@bellatlantic.net>
edison, n.j. USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 18:24:17
not sure if your the one to ask ,but i'm looking for a certain game that used to be on comm. 64.
i want to find it in a pc format.also i dont know the name of it (big help i am) but i can describe it pretty
good.basics---it was a 3 qaurter over head racer on dirt(but with tons of different cars to play .here's the key
you could build fairly large tracks anyway you wanted,using pre "cut" peices of track.you could change the height
sort of like excitebike for nes if this rings a bell e-mail me back


John Farmer <jfarmer374@aol.com>
Greenville, sc greenville - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 17:15:31
I need a operating disc for a 1983 Osborne Executive computer .... its a great antique but would be better if i could boot it up .... any help appricated JF

Michael Finn <chfinn@ch.missouri.edu>
Columbia, MO USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 14:54:24
Looking for Technical Reference Manuals and Schematics for both an Atari 800 and an 810 Disk drive.
My computer still works, but It can no longer find the drive on boot up.

If I can find these resources (Repair Info) I can bring this baby back to life.


mike <welsh@ponyexpress.net>
st joseph, mo - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 14:04:38
looking for information about a Commodore COLT
any and all info!

Kay S <soks@Blomand.net>
McMinnville, Tn Warren - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 12:00:27
I neea a win95 compatable driver for a radio shack jb1000 ink jet printer. please, if you have one email me.

frederick, md us - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 11:58:36
Was the Leading Edge 88 system made by IBM?

Patty <patnpat@parod.com>
Seneca, KS USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 09:26:59
A friend of mine has latched on to an old laptop. It is a Zenith Data systems Supersport 286. I have updated the dos but windows wont load ...it tells me i need the CGA widoe driver. Can you help me find it PLEASE:) Thanks so much!

Nino <Windhorse_Trading@compuserve.com>
Cambridge, UK - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 08:34:12
Anyone know how to activate the RGB port on a compaq 386/20 "luggable"?

Don Simon <arch@pioneer.nevada.edu>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 08:00:35
I am looking for a game released for IBM compatatables in 1990 or 1991 called Sword of Aragon. If you have it or you can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Dr. Donald Carroll <donaldc@netcomuk.co.uk>
BRIGHTON, NN/A ENGLAND - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 07:49:16
Has anyone successfully used a Kermit on the ABC-26
Microcomputer manufactured by Ai Electronics Corp (Japan).
The beast runs CP/M ver 2.2(ABC-26 9A). I have been to the
Kermit distribution Web Site at Columbia Univ. but although
they list many Kermits produced by M. Freeman for a variety
of CP/M computers a Kermit specifically for the "ABC-26"
is NOT listed. Maybe one of the Kermits listed for CP/M
ver 2.2 will work o.k .. but which one?!

Dr. Donald Carroll
Medical Physics Dept.
Royal Sussex County Hospital

Email: donaldc@netcomuk.co.uk

David G. Wachtel <davewach@wizvax.net>
Rensselaer, NY USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 01:46:18
RE: Sun 3, I mistyped my e-mail addresses. It should have been davewach@wizvax.net. Sorry.

David G. Wachtel <davewach@wizvas.net>
Rensselaer, NY USA - Friday, October 24, 1997 at 01:44:04
I have a friend who has a professional and very complete Sun 3 system. Includes plotters, Ethernet, SCSI cabling, hubs, a large plotter, 1/4 in tape drives, terminals and hard disks (boot hard drive is crashed. System was working fine Feb. 97, before the crash). Software includes high end (for the time) CAD/CAE software, UNIX and more. We are looking to sell the complete system or can part it out. If there is serious interest, we can come up with an inventory. Licenses for the software (upgradable I presume) alone make the system desirable. Serious inquires/offers only please! I would fool with it myself but I donÆt have the time or the space. Any interest, suggestions?

GARY, IND. USA - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 20:48:55

John Preston <JPres15334@aol.com>
Glastonbury, CT US - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 20:35:51
I have an Osborne Model OCC 1 that I'd like to sell. I have an external monitor and manuals to go with it. Any ideas on any places or people who are interested?


Andrew C. Trempel <atrempel@tmisnet.com>
El Cajon, Ca USA - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 17:34:24
You might want to look into acquiring a Digital Group System.
It came out a year or two after the IMSAI. It was pretty neat
for it's day. It had a seperate buses for I/O (configurable
bit width), memory, and processor. At the time, it could run
either a 6502, 6800, 8080, or Z-80. Unfortunately, I tossed
my system 10 years ago, tho' I could probably scrounge up
the power supply (Xentec, a San Marcos, CA-based company
made 'em). I have no idea how many were made, and I don't
remember where, but I do remember that a Dr. Robert Suding
had some hand in it's development (they named the cassette
tape storage format after him). Maybe that's enuf info for
you to hunt one down, maybe not. In any case, good luck!


T Stafford <ki_moira@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 17:28:48
I have a C64 that is still working great(although very slow!) Anyone know where I can find software? I have it in my classroom for my students to play with!

Toni DeCarlo <toni@tsgcapital.com>
Stamford, CT USA - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 16:27:37
Have an IBM XT in "stellar" condition. Would like to sell to collector or someone only needing a computer for wordprocessing. Can you help me network?

Randy Yardley <yardley@pdqnet.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 14:40:35
I need a Boot disk for a 286 computer. Please attach files to my email.

Mike Price <maprice@bechtel.com>
houston, tex usa - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 14:11:20
I have a Epson Equity LT labtop/portable computer.
Can you tell if it is a 286 or what.

Randy <mitzi@bluemoon.net>
Buffalo, NY USA - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 03:16:49
Hello, I have an old 286 (its an Epson) and I cant fiqure out how to get into BIOS to set things up. Ive tried lots of different keystrokes like; ALT-CTRL-ESC, the delete button, etc... I have no idea what brand BIOS it is either. Hope someone can help! Thanks.

Randy <mitzi@bluemoon.net>
Buffalo, NY USA - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 03:16:07
Hello, I have an old 286 (its an Epson) and I cant fiqure out how to get into BIOS to set things up. Ive tried lots of different keystrokes like; ALT-CTRL-ESC, the delete button, etc... I have no idea what brand BIOS it is either. Hope someone can help! Thanks.

Max Capp <maxcap@nemonet.com>
MO United States - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 23:10:50
Hi everyone, I have a question about a Tandy 1000 TL/2 computer. I need to know what speed it is like for ex. 186, 286..... or whatever it is. And I also want to know if I can install windows 3.11 on it. Its dos version now is 3.30. Please help!!!!!! In desperate need.
Max Capp

Dale Burrell <dburrell@tir.com>
MI - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 22:15:09
Can someone tell me how to turn on my External vga port on my Compudyne laptop 486dx33

Michael Langley Sr <michaelsr@vallnet.com>
- Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 21:56:24
Need a SETUP disk to resurrect a surplus Compaq LTE286 for
the Headmaster at a Christian School

Simon Bailey <Simonb@dedset.net.au>
Adelaide, SA Australia - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 21:18:50
I have just got an old Epson PC AX Portable computer
I don't know anything about it and need cables etc
any help at all would be appreciated

Tom Thompson <tthompson>
Newport New, VA USA - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 18:17:12
I am looking for boot disk for 286. Please send attachment to my e-mail address.

Daniel Hawthorne <jane.hawthorne@virgin.net>
London, England - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 17:42:12
I work at a school which has just restarted using old HP 386's. The only problem is that no-one knows how to get into the BIOS. If anyone knows how it would be very useful to know. Thanks.

Betty Redwine <bettyjoe@sttl.uswest.net>
Bellevue, WA King - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 15:55:09
I'm a college student, I have an assignment dealing with MS DOS
I go through win 95 and excute MS DOS, when the window appears
the curser is in the middle of the window and there is no prompt.
I need to fing the soulition to this problem. Where can I go.
I've looked in help, am looking through MS DOS books. Can't find
anything. Is there a troubleshooting book for DOS? What? and Where?

James <Itchybahl@aol.com>
Brisbane, CA USA - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 14:11:26
IBM 5140 -The original laptop! I need SOFTWARE and an OPERATING MANUAL. Anybody have anything?

Jim Malone <firebirdboostr1@sprintmail.com>
Albany, NY U.S.A..com - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 13:44:32
Hi Folks!! Great web site!! I'm looking for program Carts for TI 99/4a and game carts for the Original SEGA video game system. Any suggestions would be appreciated !!
Also I have a Tandy 1000HX 286 w/5-1/4 & dual 3-1/2 floppy drives - & 640k RAM.
Is there any way to : a}upgrade the chip to 386 or 486? b.} add on a hard drive ? c.}increase the memory any more ?
d}Find programs that run on MS.DOS 2.11 ? e.} Upgrade the Dos to 3 or higher ? f.} find a source for NON-HD 3-1/2 FLOPPIES ??
I have the thing running so my kids will keep away from my MAC 6205 & if I can prolong their use of it the better off my MAC will be. Thanks in advance -- jim

Colon Gaskill <cwgaskil@unity.ncsu.edu>
Raliegh, N.C. USA - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 13:19:47
I have found a Compaq LTE 286 Laptop computer. I am looking for an AC adapter for it.
GOT POWER? Thanx for the help in advance.

David Banner <motodude@magicnet.net>
Apopka, FL USA - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 12:21:03
I have a Compuadd 316nx laptop and am looking for a power
supply and other things for it, i also would like to find
a mailing list where Compuadd products are disscussed.

Thank You,

Sambli <Sambli@aol.com>
Tamarac, Fl USA - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 10:47:23
Have a Timex Sinclair 1000 computer with 16K Ram module,still in the original packing. Curious about comments and value

Kevin Olds <kolds@edsatt.attmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 10:23:04
I have found a very old Zenith laptop model ZFL-181-93.
It has two floppy drives and I suspect no hard drive. Is anyone
familiar with this type of machine? I welcome any information
regarding possible processors in this thing, what type of
OS it can handle, pretty much anything.

Joe Buckley <jbuckley@cmsassociates.com>
Boston, MA US - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 09:16:51
I recently got hold of an NEC PowerMate Portable SX (a 16MHz 386 'luggable'). It had no boot floppies and only has the most minimal DOS 3.30 installation.
I was hoping to install a newer version of DOS, but when booting from a floppy, it no longer recognizes the C: drive.

If anyone can either explain why that is so, or get hold of the original install disks, I'd appreciate it.

James L. Fendrick <fendrick@pilot.msu.edu>
East Lansing, MI USA - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 05:22:18
I have a CompuAdd 425sl and would like to upgrade my memory. It currently has 1MX9 30 pin 60 ns SIMMS. It appears that I can increase my memory to a total of 16M, however there are only eight slots. Is there a way I can use 4X9 SIMMS?

stan <rand623@juno.com>
canyon, tx randall - Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 23:16:01
I also have a TANDY computer. Is it updatable and is it worth updating?

Ann Pavlakovich <pava@Zianet.com>
Silver City, NM USA - Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 20:26:58
I had an old IBM PS-1 which I passed on to a family member a few years ago when I upgraded to a new machine. Does anyone know if those ild machines can be upgraded and if you can add a modem?

Vince Cash <cash@kih.net>
Stanford, KY USA - Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 18:52:40
Looking for operating disk for MAC 512K.

Daniel Siu <dps@micro-mono.com>
- Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 14:12:35
I like to obtain more information about the TRS-80 pocket
computer, model PC-3, catalog no. 26-3590. The part I am
most interested in is how to use the interface on the side
of the unit. The computer is actually made by Sharp but I
don't know the corresponding Shart model number.
Thank you.

mark <markzero@mylaptop.com>
austin, tx usa - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 23:20:36
A friend and I found a Tandy 1000 rotting in a shed behind
our house. We brought it in and lo and behold, it works!!
We would like to fix it up into a powerful mainframe
computer so we can communicate with NASA. Can anyone help?
Really though, we just need to update it and hopefully run
Windows3.1 or something similar on it. Right now it just
has DOS 3.2. Does anyone have any help or suggestions?!?!
Thank you.

Joseph Pohlman <pohlmanj@pacbell.net>
North Highlands, CA USA - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 23:16:26
Trying to locate any info on the Epson Equity II and the ATT PC6300.
The Epson I would like what CMOS battery to use.
All Info would be helpfull on both system. Also I have a IBM
5150 system with the cassette interface. I would like info on what type
of cassette deck I can use and the operating proceedures.


Milton Watson <mwwatson@newnorth.net>
Woodruff, WI - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 20:43:55
I was given an old Packard Bell Force 341 CD which has a P60 processer. It died after an electical storm.
Obviously, from the looks of the Modem board, it was hit through the phone line. I have a hunch that it might be a com port
or something that is also fried on the motherboard. But I need to know how to disable the serial ports. Does anyone have any
information? Any experience with this kind of thing?

Kathryn Morris <Katmor@worldnet.att.net>
San Bruno, California USA - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 18:17:38
Can anyone tell me where I might locate the battery on a Leading Edge 486dx-33 Computer?
Need to replace this as the CMOS keeps losing its' information. I have looked in the owner
manuals, but can find nothing. Took off the case cover, but, I can't seem to figure out
where or even what this battery might look like? Appreciate any advice. Thank-you.

Michelle Gordon <mcooper@thuban.ac.hmc.edu>
Claremont, CA USA - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 17:47:08
Does anyone have any idea what an IBM PS2 Model 50 system is worth? It's complete with 4 MB, 20 MB HD, and an IBM monitor. Please email me if you know.



Fred Heuer <harley@kiva.net>
New Castle, IN US - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 03:29:20
How to Run Setup on an old Tandy 1000 TX PC. I am trying to install a new floppy drive.

Mark Elliott <medje@electriciti.com>
San Diego, CA - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 03:28:49
just picked up a mint condition Kaypro 2...looking for software...
and upgradability.. any hard drive ever made that it can use?

David I. Luther <diluther@aol.com>
Lake Orion, MI USA - Saturday, October 18, 1997 at 20:59:59
My plans for our church youth group includes using older computers for education in hardware basics and history. We need software appropriate to the 8088/286 era. Anyone know where to find older internet tools, or works for DOS?

Dave VonDielingen <dvondiel@mail.win.org>
St. Peters, MO USA - Saturday, October 18, 1997 at 20:58:12
Just got a Compaq Plus luggable and no book. On startup it says "4001 201" and then stares at me. Can anyone translate?

Dave VonDielingen <dvondiel@mail.win.org>
St. Peters, MO USA - Saturday, October 18, 1997 at 20:57:48
Just got a Compaq Plus luggable and no book. On startup it says "4001 201" and then stares at me. Can anyone translate?

Jason M. <jaybone7@earthlink.net>
Lancaster, CA USA - Saturday, October 18, 1997 at 20:50:26
Anybody know where to get programs for a 386 computer
off the internet?
Thanks in advance.

Stefan Mansier <stefan@softhome.net>
Nieuwdorp, ZLD HOLLAND - Saturday, October 18, 1997 at 15:34:45
Looking for software (plugin cards that you plugin in the side) and
hardware for a TRS-80 color computer 2.
Mainly software because hardware will proberly be expensive to send!
But if you know how much it'll cost and you have something please do
contact me.

Greetings to all computer collectors and freaks :)

Pascal Langlais <gentle_giant@videotron.ca>
Canada - Saturday, October 18, 1997 at 04:52:37
Hello! I have an old DMP133 printer, and I want to know how can I install it on my Pentium. Do I need a driver printer??

Thank and goodbye

Charlie <zistema1@mail.giga.com>
Morelia, Mich Mexico - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 20:30:56
Hello! I have a Sharp MZ-100 model and I need the operative
system, or something compatible that make it works...
if any one knows where can I get one please send me the
tip or if you have the system please help me with the SOFTWARE.

Morelia, Mich Mexico - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 20:24:25
Hello! I have a Sharp MZ-100 model and I need the operative
system, or something compatible that make it works...
if any one knows wher can I get one please send me the
tip or if you have the system please help me with the SOFTWARE.

John Goodchild <goodchild@greenlight.ca>
Ottawa, Ont Canada - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 10:38:05
I am looking for a nec multispeedhd setup disk.
any body have any idea on a location.
regards john

Tom <genius_2@hotmail.com>
Emery, UT US - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 08:30:00
I am looking for an old 386 or 486 file server. If anyone has one for sale, please mail me about it.

Stefan Mansier <stefan@softhome.net>
Nieuwdorp, ZLD Holland - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 06:59:22
Does anybody can give me some info on an IBM System 36.
haven't seen it myself yet, but the guy who has it said it was
about the size of a maxi-tower.

Michael Wellman <MWell91553@aol.com>
Chandler, AZ U.S.A. - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 03:38:56
To all who have the luck of having a working Commodor C64 or128, I've run across three (3) old games for those systems. 1,COUNTDOWN TO SHUTDOWN, by Activision
2,ARCTICFOX by Dynmix, and Electronic Arts
3, ULTIMATE WIZARD by Electronic Arts
All three (3), have there own "Album" like holders for the 5╝ disks, with story lines, instructions, screen ilistrations, and more. If any one wants them, please, let me know.
They will go CHEAP!

Trevor Poll <sac@atse.vic.gov.au>
BENDIGO, VIC AUSTRALIA - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 03:30:42
I am looking for information and parts for XT computers. Please advise me where I may find this information.

Pierre Bourbonnais <jcpierre@humana-cortex.com>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 02:39:16
While moving our office, we found a Sharp PC-7000 dual drive portable PC. It apparently does not have a hard drive and requires a boot disk. Needles to say, we found nothing else. I was hoping I could get a simple word processor on it for the kids to learn about computing/keyboarding. Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks.

Desie Hay <museum_curator@hotmail.com>
Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia, Tasmania Australia - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 02:15:04
I am looking for a boot disk for a Digital DEC Mate II
can anbody help me out or point me in the right direction?
I am also looking for a DEC Mate I

Brandom <bheather@kusd.kusd.edu>
Kenosha, WI Usa - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 23:43:10
Can someone please send me a copy of GS/OS for my ROM 3
Apple IIgs. I really need a copy of GS/OS. By th way,
Apple ][ Forever!!

Rob <evil_mist@hotmail.com>
Kitimat, BC Canada - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 23:05:50
Hi every body! I need some help with our old NEC multispeed
HD. I think that the bios or cmos has gone on the blink.
Please help us with any info.

Jeremy M. Meller <jmeller@JUNO.COM>
Syosset, NY 11791 - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 21:43:08

I have a Zenith Turbosport 386. The CMOS battery seems to
be dead. I'd like to replace it myself. I have opened the
machine and was unable to locate any battery like object.
I would like to now if you could tell me what the battery
might look like, where it would be, and where I could get a
replacement. If you could point me in the direction of a
technical manual, that would be a great help too!

Any help you could give me would be appreciated.


james louis <j6937@aol.com>
new orleans, LA USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 19:18:39

my neighbor has just bought an old IBM PC Jr. (Racore Computer Products, model 1500). She wants to use it for school, but i have no idea what word processors can be used on it or how to find them. i understand there's no DOS, but i don't know how to function without it.
when basic comes up, it won't respond to any keyboard commands. i'd appreciate any advice you could give me. we're down here in new orleans in the sixth ward and need all the help we can get. I'd like to make this computer functional in a 'more than just games' way.

thank you.

james louis

james louis <j6937@aol.com>
new orleans, LA USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 19:12:03

my neighbor has just bought an old IBM PC Jr. (Racore Computer Products, model 1500). She wants to use it for school, but i have no idea what word processors can be used on it or how to find them. i understand there's no DOS, but i don't know how to function without it.
when basic comes up, it won't respond to any keyboard commands. i'd appreciate any advice you could give me. we're down here in new orleans in the sixth ward and need all the help we can get. I'd like to make this computer functional in a 'more than just games' way.

thank you.

james louis

james louis <j6937@aol.com>
new orleans, LA USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 19:07:17

my neighbor has just bought an old IBM PC Jr. (Racore Computer Products, model 1500). She wants to use it for school, but i have no idea what word processors can be used on it or how to find them. i can't get dos to come up, so do i assume dos won't work?
when basic comes up, it won't respond to any keyboard commands. i'd appreciate any advice you could give me. we're down here in new orleans in the sixth ward and need all the help we can get. I'd like to make this computer functional in a 'more than just games' way.

thank you.

james louis

james louis <j6937@aol.com>
new orleans, LA USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 19:05:21

my neighbor has just bought an old IBM PC Jr. (Racore Computer Products, model 1500). She wants to use it for school, but i have no idea what word processors can be used on it or how to find them. i can't get dos to come up, so do i assume dos won't work?
when basic comes up, it won't respond to any keyboard commands. i'd appreciate any advice you could give me. we're down here in new orleans in the sixth ward and need all the help we can get. I'd like to make this computer functional in a 'more than just games' way.

thank you.

james louis

james louis <j6937@aol.com>
new orleans, LA USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 19:02:27

my neighbor has just bought an old IBM PC Jr. (Racore Computer Products, model 1500). She wants to use it for school, but i have no idea what word processors can be used on it or how to find them. i can't get dos to come up, is that normal?
when basic comes up, it won't respond to any keyboard commands. i'd appreciate any advice you could give me. we're down here in new orleans in the sixth ward and need all the help we can get to make this computer functional in a 'more than games' way.

thank you.

james louis

james louis <j6937@aol.com>
new orleans, LA USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 18:59:00

my neighbor has just bought an old IBM PC Jr. (Racore Computer Products, model 1500). She wants to use it for school, but i have no idea what word processors can be used on it or how to find them. i can't get dos to come up, is that normal?
when basic comes up, it won't respond to any keyboard commands. i'd appreciate any advice you could give me. we're down here in new orleans in the sixth ward and need all the help we can get to make this computer functional in a 'more than games' way.

thank you.

james louis

james louis <j6937@aol.com>
new orleans, LA USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 18:57:10

my neighbor has just bought an old IBM PC Jr. (Racore Computer Products, model 1500). She wants to use it for school, but i have no idea what word processors can be used on it or how to find them. i can't get dos to come up, is that normal?
when basic comes up, it won't respond to any keyboard commands. i'd appreciate any advice you could give me. we're down here in new orleans in the sixth ward and need all the help we can get to make this computer functional in a 'more than games' way.

thank you.

james louis

wayne richards <cyberspeed@webtv.net>
eureka, ca usa - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 18:08:29
Does any one have any information on a jonos 2150 pc?
thank you. wayne richards

Shaun Nelson <stnelson@att.com>
Piscataway, NJ USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 17:22:34
Does anybody know how to tell a Lisa 2 from a Mac XL?
I have a lisa factor machine with no labeling on it.
Just a an Apple logo.
Was there something that could indentify the two apart?

thanks in advance,
Shaun Nelson

Yvonne <corner@cornernet.com>
Lindstrom, MN USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 16:13:09
I'm working on a Compaq Deskpro 386 with 10 mb memory.
It isn't recognizing the esdi harddisk and I'm wondering
if there is a required startup disk?

Linus Ruth <ruthrob@cyberhighway.net>
ID USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 13:17:05
I recently acquired an old Cordata PPC (Portable PC). I like to restore old computers as a hobby, and this
computer is in excelent condition. I want to write a report about it for school,
but I need to get the specs. on it. Anyone with any information please E-Mail me!!
I would sure appreciate it!!

Chris Coldham <c.coldham@lshtm.ac.uk>
London, UK - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 07:27:52
I want to buy a Toshiba T2000SX. Anyone have an old one they want to sell?

Buda <Buda@rockford.com>
Rockford, Il USA - Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 00:47:44
To: D. Kilgore
You can find the spec. for that drive in a book called "upgrading and repairing pc's" by scott mueller it contains alot of HD spec's on more than just HD.
isbn 0-7897-0825-6 for 6th edition.

Imprimis model 94166-182 is 151.7 MB unformatted, 968 cyls, 9 heads, 34 SPT(Sectors Per Track), no Write precompression usually set to 0 or 65535 min BIOS.


Eduard Kronenburg <101612.2704@compuserve.com>
ZEIST, The Netherlands - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 18:47:46
looking for second hand memory for IBM 386 model 80.
Now 2 MB, want to upgrade to 4 or more MB to be able to run
MS Windows 3.x and MS Word/Excell

Just trying to help my brother in law and thereby giving
my model 80 a second life with a warm and caring person.

Thanks in advance if you'd like to help me.

My Address is:

Eduard Kronenburg
Voorheuvel 70
The Netherlands (Europe)

E-mail 101612.2704@compuserve.com

Thomas Visel <thomas@neuric.com>
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 18:29:05
DG Nova 1200 using RDOS. I need to know the format for
the .SV files so I can make a loader for them on the PC.
I have a Nova simulator running on the PC.


Andy Lee <ncifwa@nci-fwa.com>
Ft. Wayne, IN USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 17:51:19
Anybody know anything about CompuAdd? I need a power supply
for computer model number PN40739, power supply SQH-H154. Help please.

bruce <sp1d3r@impulse.net>
lompoc, ca - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 15:42:02
got a compaq luggable plus..some one has the hd and floppy missing, and the video card is missing, but the unit appears to be in good shape...if anyone wants this thing, just eamil me and we can figure out he shipping costs and you can have it..wife says it goes into trash within a week if i dont find a home for it..

Marshall Goff <fishdad@abts.net>
Hudson, NC 28638 - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 15:02:14
I'm trying to upgrade the memory on a PB Axcel 100. I've installed 2 4x9 30 pin simms but the setup program will only recognize 3456kb of extended memory. What am I doing wrong?
fishdad @ abts.net

Steve Heard <BiffHooper@aol.com>
Millis, MA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 14:37:42
I have an old Compuadd 286-16. It boots OK to the hard drive but I can't access either floppy. The setup info is correct, there is power to the drives, the controllers and daisy chain cables are OK and I know the drives work by substituting them to other computers. On the boot, a message appears that the extended CMOS checksum failed and when I go into setup, extended CMOS is disabled and I can't enable it. Any ideas on the solution to this problem? Is it a corrupted CMOS chip? I essentially have a "locked-in" computer. I can't get files in or out of it. Thanks.

Gerry Thompson <gerry@nanometrics.on.ca>
Kanata, On Canada - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 13:09:39
I have a Commodore 486SX-25 destop PC. The motherboard HDD
controller has failed. Is there any way to disable the
motherboard controller and install a controller card?

Thanks for any help.

Dan Kilgore
- Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 12:58:37
I have an IMPRIMIS 94166-182 hard drive, does anyone know
where I can get some specs?

Robert Mullen <robbm@usa.net>
Shepherdstown, WV - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 08:49:53
Does any one know where I can get some software for my TRS-80 Model III? I don't have any thing right now, not even a boot disk.

Robert Mullen <robbm@usa.net>
Shepherdstown, WV - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 08:49:09
Does any one know where I can get some software for my TRS-80? I don't have any thing right now, not even a boot disk.

serge vesnin <vesnin@sfti.snz.ru>
snezhinsk, chel russia - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 05:55:19
plz send me any documentation for motherboard ATC 1000+

Lothar Stahn <Stahn.Moers@t-online.de>
Sandsteinweg 53, D-47441 Moers/Germany, Germany - Wednesday, October 15, 1997 at 05:46:08
Help! I got an old 386 DX and the COMs don't work together with several mice. I've compared the COMport-pins of two different PCs with a voltmeter and found out that there a significant difference in the pin layout (9-pin connectors), but I have no idea how to connect cables with pins when I would build an adaptor. Can anybody help me with different pin layouts for the 9pin-COM?

michael <mdlindqu@camtech.net.au>
Adelaide, South Australia, SA Australia - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 21:44:26
need a disk drive for a Japanese model IBM PS/55 laptop. Doesanyone know if it is a 286 or a 386?

michael <mdlindqu@camtech.net.au>
Adelaide, South Australia, SA Australia - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 21:42:26
need a disk drive for a Japanese model IBM PS/55 laptop. Doesanyone know if it is a 286 or a 386?

Larry Fink <Info@MagnaFabrics.com>
North Bergen, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 18:39:52
I am interested in buying at least 100 486 or better working
computers for under $40. Please send email to Info@MagnaFabrics.com or fax 201 868 4664
(oops, not to 201 868 4000)
Att: Larry

Larry Fink <Info@MagnaFabrics.com>
North Bergen, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 18:38:38
I am interested in buying at least 100 486 or better working
computers for under $40. Please send email to Info@MagnaFabrics.com or fax 201 868 4000
Att: Larry

Anthony Jenkins <ajenkins@auburn.campus.mci.net>
Auburn, AL USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 15:57:18

I am trying to find out what's wrong with an IBM PS/2 Model 70 386DX-20
computer failing it's POST routine. The codes returned, 161 and 163,
are apparently "CMOS power failure" and "Clock date error" which seem to
indicate that the battery is bad. The battery, however, is outputting
its rated voltage (6V) both off the board and on. This is a Duracell XL
lithium battery, model DL223A, but the battery holder says it requires
(which I doubt) a proprietary IBM part no. 72X8498. The BIOS is an IBM
33F4906 (what the paper sticker over the chip says) and is made by
Toshiba (an EEPROM?) p/n TC5710010-200. Anyway, the memory check
proceeds without problem, ad does the keyboard check. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Shaun "ThE SpAcE CoWbOy" Wolfe <swolfe@miworld.net>
Barton, MD U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 15:55:16
Anyone know where I can fetch a Mac SE ??? ...... I would really enjoy it :)

Irv Drost <idrost@mindspring.com>
Mobile, AL U.S.A - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 15:37:43
I have a CompuAdd 425c notebook, I have tryed to load WIn95 on it three times and when it boots it automatically goes into Safe Mode. Does anyone know why? It has 8meg of memory.

carlos pacheco <CMPachec@okuc02.okanogan.bc.ca>
kelowna, b.c - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 15:05:19
need systems disk fo tandy 1000 home computer
and software for word prosecing

COLUMBUS, OH USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 13:33:33

Wendell Wilker <wwcowboy@ll.net>
Owatonna, MN USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 04:22:10
Someone brought me a Commadore 64 computer to fix for
them. The reason it doesn`t work is that they did not have
a power cord to the keyboard. Does anyone have a spare
or know where I can find one.
Thanks much

Giuseppe Orlandi <Gorlandi@aol.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 00:23:21
Does anyone out there have or know where I can get software for a Roland CMU 800-R? This was a music synthesizer designed to be used with the Commodore 64, Apple II, NEC PC-6000 and 8000. If anyone has software for any of the PCs above, I would be very interested. Thanks..

Douglas Robertson <douglasr@unixg.ubc.ca>
Vancouver, B.C. Canada - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 23:55:56
I am working on a computer driver for an old robot and I am using
an old 286. What I need is any technical manuals or information
on the Parallel Port(ie, pin assignments, timing diagrams,
handshaking etc.)

Angela Goodman <Angelagood@aol.com>
Vancouver, WA USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 23:09:45
This place is my last resort, and you all sound as screwy as me! I have a 2 yr old scanner from Logitech and can't find a n adaptor for my Compaq computer. Can anyone help me find one. I have tried all the usual places, need someone who is a squirrel and could have one hidden away somehwere. Any comments would help. Thanks

Jeremy Ames <james605@uwsp.edu>
Stevens Point, WI USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 22:40:33
Anyone have an old EGA monitor they'd be willing to sell for about $20 plus shipping? I gave my parents my old computer, minus monitor, to email me with. It won't run more that 16 colors in windows, so paying $200 for a VGA seems kind of pointless. Thanks.

Alan R. Wilson <arwkeane@concentric.net>
Cincinnati, Ohio USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 22:21:22
I'm looking for information on Cache Computers, Inc. 486
MB. Want to upgrade w/ Kingston Turbochip. Anyone familiar
w/ or know of any resources? Thanks.

Rob Fisher <rdfish@ealnet.com>
Toledo, OH USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 22:19:07
Does anyony have any info on a Media Vision Pro Graphic 1024 Drivers needed

Bill Crowell <bcrowell@mailexcite.com>
Shingle Springs, CA USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 21:06:21
I heard on a PBS documentary on the history of the microcomputer that Gary Kildall passed away. Does anybody know when, and why? What a loss.

Bryan Boone <bboone@mho.net>
Denver, co - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 18:23:51
I have a NEC multispeed hd laptop that is missing the bios setup. NEC webpage had what appeared to be what I need but cannot find anymore. Can anyone help me with this beast?

John McNair <bulldog0@sprintmail.com>
Warren, Mi. USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 18:13:57
I have a Media Vision Jazz-16 sound card that I need drivers
for. There is a serial no. on the card, but it does not match
any of the part nos. listed on the Media Vision Ftp site where
all the drivers are for their sound cards. Could someone help me to
better identify the type of sound card that I have, so I will
be able to download the proper drivers. TIA!

Dick Glassberg <drdick@ibm.net>
Fullerton, CA USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 17:45:17
I've got 8 Packard Bell (Model BL102CD) workstations. They
are 486 DX2 66's. They are too slow for a new program we are
using to schedule appointments.

They have ZIF sockets and I want to put the fastest processor that
will work in them. Does anyone know if I can use an
AMD 5X86 133 chip in these boxes?

Dick G.

Bob Burke <bburke@taro.poi.net>
Honolulu, HI USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 17:38:17
I've cleaned out my closet and found an old KayproII system. It has 16K memory with 2 5 1/2" drives. I have the following software, with manuals: Wordstar 3.3, Perfect Filer, Microsoft Basic, The Word Plus, Perfect Calc, Perfect Writer, Perfect Speller, Kaypro CP/M, Kaypro Profitplan, and various user manuals. Anyone want it? Only cost would be shipping.

John <jams@ulster.net>
Rhinebeck, NY USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 16:57:25
My daughter has an old (5 yrs.?) "Leading Edge" color monitor (I think Quadtel was the manufacturer) Model #CMC1418S that she's useing with a newer pentium powered, Win95 platform PC. I'm looking for a newer driver for Win95 for this. Anyone know where I can find one? Leading Edge seems to be non-existent by now. Please e-mail me at the address above. Thanks.

Mark Goede <mgoede@centuryinter.net>
LaCrosse, WI usa - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 14:26:59
I have a CompuAdd 316nx with a busted adapter connection on the
ac adapter...
Anyone know where i can find a replacement power supply
for this model??

Donna <GJBD21A@prodigy.com>
Lansing, IL USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 12:17:17
I have a Magnavox 386 SX-16 PC. I intend to install a larger hard drive and an 8MB SIMM. What are the upgrade possibilities for this dinosaur and where could I find parts for any upgrade? Thanks for rading this! Donna

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, The Netherlands - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 04:57:25
If Lucero can specify a valid eMail address, I can send him
the AT Setup diskette.

Peter van Zuijlekom

Emily Walters <kennedy@pitton.com>
Pittsburg, KS USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 00:15:44
Hi! I'm trying to locate a device driver for a Wang VGA moniter. Any ideas?

Michael Mason <masonbrm@totacc.com>
Alamogordo, NM USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 21:39:04



Paul Braun <splendor@laidbak.com>
Valparaiso, IN USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 14:31:49
I'm looking for a copy of "Electric Pencil", an old word processor for the Apple II. Even if the disks no longer work, I would like to have the box (if there was one) and docs. I'm putting together an educational exhibit/presentation and need a copy. Can anyone help? Also need VisiCalc v.1 and dBaseII, early release. Thanks.

Mike Hanlon <mhanlon@acnielsen.com>
Fond du Lac, WI USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 10:43:49
I have a P90 w/ASUS EISA/PCI motherboard. I deleted the EISA cfg file for the serial port add in board(EISA). Does anyone know where I can find a generic one? The add in board is ISA in an EISA slot.
Much Appreciated

Toby Buel <73170.2117@compuserve.com>
Cross Lanes, WV USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 06:24:09
Have an Epson Equity LT laptop for sale for parts; working harddrive, floppy
drive, keyboard and display. Power source corrupted. $50

Art Pitkin <art.pitkin@logonchi.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 03:46:23
To George Kozykowski re: power supply for Zenith 286 laptop. Try phoning PC Parts, Inc. 1-888-IBM-VALU (1-888-426-8258). The power brick I got with the Zenith 8088 Supersport laptop that I bought from them seems to be one manufactured by IBM, which a label stuck on it that says "modified for use with Zenith SuperSport laptops -- Output = 15VDC". And I know they have a certain amount of parts/old-Supersports there, from which they can furnish parts.

Art Pitkin <art.pitkin@logonchi.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 03:29:19
Anyway, regarding the chances of obtaining manuals for theseZenith Supersport laptops (both 8088 and 286),I offer my experiences of a couple weeks ago, goingthrough Zenith's phone maze. ("For Technical Assistance, press 1,then press 3", etc.)I'd found from another source that the manual for the 8088Supersport laptop, which I'm told "includes schematics, signals,etc.", has the title "Super Sport Portable Computer User TechnicalManual", and it's published by Zenith. My several calls toZenith's phone #s netted the info that that manual's part #is 595-4906, but it's NOT currently available for purchase fromZenith. The earliest manual that's still available is for somemachine based on the 486 processor.And the Zenith Data Systems phone # is 1-800-582-0524, in caseyou want to verify that you can't get them!

Art Pitkin <art.pitkin@logonchi.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 03:24:46
This info is for Richard Charnes 10/10, and Buda 10/11, as wellas anyone else who requires help with their Zenith Supersportlaptops (both 286 & 8088). (There seem to be SEVERAL postings lately.)The following info was sent to me by Jay Tomlinson on 10/1. He wrote: I found a file at a Zenith WEB site that worked for setting up the comm ports and resolved my problem. If you're interested, I found this file at http://support.zds.com/support/software/index.aspI haven't checked out this info myself. (My problems with my8088 Zenith Supersport laptop aren't urgent.) But I suspect thisweb site may have several files to handle several problems, notjust comm ports.If you find this info useful, you might send an email of thanx toJay Tomlinson. ------> Jay.Tomlinson@GSC.GTE.Com <------

George J. Kozykowski Jr. <agk@warwick.net>
Montgomery , NY USA - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 23:42:28
I have aquired several old computer that I need Info on. The computers are a Compuadd 286 that I need jumper setting for and a compuadd 386 that I also need the jumper settings on also. I also need a power supply for a Zeinth 286 laptop. Thanks

Jerry Hauenstein <havit@continet.com>
- Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 19:03:08
I need a Magic Windows word processing program for an Apple II plus (clone).

Alan Diaz <alan.diaz@snet.net>
Canterbury, CT USA - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 17:41:32
I recently purchased a Commodore PET Model 4016. When I turn
it on I only get ASCII character covering the entire screen.
Does anyone know what the cause of that is?

D. Kyle <dougiekyle@aol.com>
Fort William, Scotland - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 16:19:23
Does anyone have any info on NCR Decision Mate V especially software or manuals (in English)?

J. Gilmore <jgilmore@il-icom.net>
IL - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 13:37:54
I need an owner's manual for an Apple StyleWriter (I) printer.
Or, could there possibly be a place where I could download something like that?
Condition doesn't really matter, just the information.

norm <kd5vg@smart1.net>
georgetown, tx usa - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 12:47:13
I have a Compudyne lap-top Model 3SL/25.

Urgently need Manual on this computer

E <Lucero>
CO USA - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 12:23:57
I am looking for a setup disk for an IBM AT computer, I accidently shut down the c: drive and can't boot it back up. thank you.

Raymond Levesque <rayal@goldrush.com>
Jamestown, CA USA - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 12:09:56
I have found a Texas Instruments Computer 99 4A
complete with many "carts" and even a Voice Module
"But" there is no Power Block. It seems to take some
kind of oblong 4 prong plug .
There is no information about voltage or polarity in the documentation
Any info or even a Power Block (Cheap) would be welcome.
E-Mail please Thank you

Buda <Buda@rockford.com>
Rockford, IL U.S.A. - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 04:41:37

I'm Writing in regards about a Zenith Data Systems supersPORT 286
that a friend of mine received. He is looking for any and all
documentation on this lap-top and has run-into dead ends.
Mostly needed are the OEM book's that were sold with the machine, jumper
settings that sit next to the dip socket for the 80287 math coprocessor,
and power supply.
Any information that you could pass along would be most grateful I.E.( web
sites, addresses, catalog info. ect..)


dave galluccio <dgallo@cheshire.net>
keene, nh nh - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at 01:44:37
I have a pair of Wang Professional (pc) and I am missing system disks for the 360kb drives. I am completely fascinated by these machines. Anybody have system disks? And willing to share?

Richard Charnes <charns@hsonline.net>
Seymour, In USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 23:02:02
have zenith laptop mdl ZWL-183-92 Need Setup info (disk)
any available documentation wuold help.
Setup disk would help a lot
thanks R. Charnes

Peter Spenceley <kernowpete@lineone.net>
Cornwall, England - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 17:01:03
Help! I have an Olivetti PCS 44/C and would love to use non-parity memory in it. Does anyone know how to switch off the parity checking?

Peter Spenceley <kernowpete@lineone.net>
Cornwall, England - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 17:00:29
Help! I have an Olivetti PCS 44/C and would love to use non-parity memory in it. Does anyone know how to switch off the parity checking?

Jacob Thurman <thurman@inficad.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 15:48:09
Hello again (I love this helpline). More problems with one of my NEC v20s:
I had to reformat the HD, thanx to a little accident (have I ever mentioned my disdain for ANSI?). I reloaded DOS 5, and it won't boot to the C: drive. It will boot fine from a system disk in the A: drive, and then I can switch to the C: drive and even nest command.com from the command line. It just won't boot directly to the C: drive. Any ideas?

Herb Tarbous <htarbous@njeb.att.com>
middletown, nj usa - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 10:32:05
I have a IBM xt or at? 286 monochrome, no need for it anymore
salvage? garbage? yours for the asking..

Alexander Hendra Alam <alexha@lucent.com>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 02:05:07
Hi there, thanks for the opportunity. I would like to have 3B2/800 or /1000 partcode list of peripherals and links where to order the parts. The partcode (or comcode ?) is needed to clarify the board I need. Also have you ever heard about StarServer FT of NCR product ? I think it should be in your list by now.

hope hear from you soon.



Steve Griggs <sgriggs@flash.net>
San Marcos, CA USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 01:02:50

I have a Compudyne 17" color monitor, KD - 1700G K D S, (Energy Star) I'm trying to use with a new PC. Are there special drivers for this monitor and if so, where can I obtain them? Thanks, Steve Griggs, sgriggs@flash.net

Terry Carl <WLange1655@aol.com>
Spring Valley, CA USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 23:59:44
We have recently acquired a Kaypro 2000. We need any kind of information regarding this laptop. We also need system programs, system utilities and any other necessities..HELP!!!!.

Joel Derek <mli6582@ksu.edu>
Manhattan , KS 66502 - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 22:35:32
Does Anyone have upgrade solutions for a compudyne 386sl laptop

Bob Ralyea <bralyea@worldnet.att.net>
- Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 20:50:33
Anyone know where to get a COMPUADD (425TFX) NOTEBOOK

Art G. Granzeier III <granz@geocities.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 10:33:51
Re: John Adams requests about his "new" Kaypro.

The Computer Journal has articles on upgrading systems like
John's on a regular basis. I believe that it was the Dr. S-100
column that said (a while ago) that a Kaypro II could be
upgraded to 4 MHz, 256K+ RAM, up to 4 floppy drives, and
2 hard drives, all in the original system case.

The US number is 800-424-8825. The address is:
TCJ, P.O. Box 535, Lincoln, CA, 95648.

Michael Wellman <MWell91553@aol.com>
Chandler, Arizona U.S.A. - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 02:27:10
To all who have been looking for systems disks for your 512k Macs. I found some one who has what you, and I have needed. SUN Marketing P.O.box 4059 Logan, UTAH 84323. For $15.00 plus shipping, you get 1 (One) systems disk. For $42.90 you get the sys.disk, and Word Processing disk, with some other stuff I am told. Have not sent for my set yet so don't know exactly what to expect. Hope this helps any, and all. And thanks to all of you who tried to help me with my little PROBLEMS (HaHa) THANKS, and good nite !!

Desie Hay <museum_curator@hotmail.com>
Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia, Tasmania Australia - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 22:17:42
anybody into collecting old minicomputer or mainframes?
I would like to hear from you!

Mary Garrett <mary35@swbell.net>
dallas, tx - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 15:19:14
I am in need of a users manual for an IBM PC jr,
or any kind of technical info (re: capabilities,
upgradable, parts)

Mary Garrett <mary35@swbell.net>
dallas, tx - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 15:11:28
I am in need of a users manual for an IBM PC jr,
or any kind of technical info (re: capabilities,
upgradable, parts)

Karl-Heinz Muenter <KHM9460@aol.com>
Linnich, NRW Germany - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 14:44:24
I am searching everything abaout EPSON PX-8
Please mail me

eric henning <henning@fp.com>
warminster, pa usa - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 14:14:34
i have a magnavox headstart 386sx-16. need to know the switch
settings for memory, anybody have?


Niall Kennedy <niall@infopoint.ie>
Galway, - ╔ire - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 13:24:17
Re: CMOS Setup

There are many requests for a program that does this. There
is a generic one that may work at ftp://pc.irtech.com/treehous/o/max/File/hardware/GSETUP.ZIP.

Niall Kennedy <niall@infopoint.ie>
Galway, ╔ire - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 13:19:31
Re: IBM PC/XT battery

The PC and XT have no battery or battery-backed RAM.
Configuration is done with DIP switches on the motherboard -
there should be references available on the Web.

Niall Kennedy <niall@infopoint.ie>
Galway, ╔ire - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 13:18:05
Re: IBM Portable PC serial ports

The Portable didn't have serial ports as standard. If they have been added on an interface card, they are most likely industry standard (8250 UART, RS-232C), so maybe there aren't any there. A good program for checking just what's in a machine is Infoplus - http://www.cdrom.com/pub/simtelnet/msdos/sysinfo/ifp1p158.zip.

Niall Kennedy <niall@infopoint.ie>
Galway, ╔ire - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 13:17:14
Re: IBM PC/XT battery

Kenneth J. <Kenneth.jones@windmill.com>
Lubbock, Tx USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 02:07:11
I have several TI Extensia 450 notebooks, but I need
1.44 floppy drives to use them. Anyone got any suggestions?

John Adams <jondel@att.net>
San Diego, Ca. U.S.A. - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 00:30:41
I just ot a KayPro2 computer that apears to work. Can anyone tell me if a
Hard drive can be added in to this computer, and some tips on how to do it.
Also, What kind of drive and other parts are needed if this is possible.Or
could I add an external drive?. I also need boot disk and any others that you
might have.
I also just got a great working keyboard,a BTC model 5339R, that my computer does not recognise
when booting up.I get a hardware config. error message.
My computer is a 486-66 w/16 meg ram and I am running Windows 95. If I unplug the keyboard and r
re-plug it in during bootup it works great. Is there inst. software that is needed for this, or
Any help would be appreciated.

BILL SIMDARS <billsim@lax.net>
ONALASKA, WI USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 23:22:27


Paul Miller <pgmiller@televar.com>
Ellensburg, Wa. USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 22:43:35
I have a Kaypro II that works but I don't know how to load the disks to set up the program properly. I need a users manual for this machine. If anyone can help on the manual please e-mail price to me.
Also does this model have capability for Basic programming? I see a basiclib listed in the menu I get loaded but can't access it. How do you do this.
I also am interested in trading this computer for a Comodore SX-64 in some sort of deal. I also have the Gorilla/banana printer for this machine.
Whatever help someone can give me..THANKS VERY MUCH!

earle spencer <espence@gte.net>
overland park, ks usa - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 19:04:02
have found a old kaypro 2. would like to use this for the wordprocessing programs. need to know what type of printer is compatable with this machine. would the in-line printer or the serial printer be best?
anyone with any insigt on this ol relic...give me a hollar

Kenneth E. Haskell
Maysville, Ky. - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 18:34:48
I need a printer priver for an IBM 8 pin dot printer (model # unknown). that I can Install to Windows 3.1 any ideas Please respond by regular mail 223 W. 3rd Maysville Ky. 41056-1014

Ted Farver <coolwood@snet.net>
CT - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 17:45:38
I have a Qaudram Quadlaser I printer that only emulates
Sprint 5 and Epson Fx80. I would like information on
the DIP switch setups and any emulation software that
downloads to the printer. Thanks

Roger Moeller <r-moeller@juno.com>
Lockport, NY USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 14:56:01
I have a Mitsuba Notestation 386SX notebook computer.
I got no external power supply with it can anyone tell me
what the voltage and amperage output the power supply should
Any help would be much appreciated.

Chris Freeman <Zaetyei@aol.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 10:38:44
I have an NEC powermate portable 286 apc IV and I need to get the jumper settings for it as I accidently screwed them up any help appreciated.

David Dougherty <david dougherty@virgin.com>
Bridlington , - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 09:56:05
can anyone send me a copy of a Bios start up disc for an Amstrad PC1386 20mhz system.

Frank A. Roos <faroos@cwi.nl>
Amsterdam, NL - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 08:09:18
I have a Siemens 9011 microline printer.

Could somebody

a) point me where I can find a driver for this printer (for PC)


b) tell me which printer the Siemens 9011 emulates.


Lawrence Hartley <lhartley@chem.ufl.edu>
Gainesville, FL USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 08:06:18
I have a Sharp MZ-100 laptop, but no software. Anyone out there have system software (bootable disk) that I could beg?


Tom Raboin <traboin@alaska.net>
Anchorage, AK - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 01:53:40
I am looking for technical data and any sort of diagnostic
disk for an OSBORNE EXECUTIVE computer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Grant Gray <grantdale@geocities.com>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 01:51:49
Hi, I have 'volunteered' to help get a few old systems working for the Spastic Society of Victoria and I hope someone can help me.

I have before me on the desk a Philips P3348 (20 MHz 386) and a ICL DRS M80 (20 MHz 386) that are both sadly in need of a 3.5inch FDD and a IDE HDD. But...both have proprietry boards and no manuals...

I can get the HDD to work on the Philips, but it refuses to speak to the FDD. Both these interfaces are on the MotherBoard.

For the ICL, I can get the FDD to work, but cannot get it to see a HDD. The interfaces for both are on a card - the problem being the card is has connectors for the original MFM harddrive that blew up. The card obviously has a few things on it besides the drive controllers because without it in the computer refuses to do anything beyond start-up. Somebody has suggested I may be able to fiddle around with IRQ settings etc to allow another card with an IDE interface to be in at the same time. Yeah right...a screwdriver I can handle but IRQs?! It also asks for the Setup disk, which (of course!) I don't have.

I would like to get both these working - they have anough memory to run Windows and would be perfectly adequate for use in some of the residential houses for basic Wordprocessing etc.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help or who could direct me to someone who may be able to (or who can even lend me a manual for a brief time).

Valentino Sarro <sarrov@cuug.ab.ca>
Calgary, AB Canada - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 01:32:53
I have a Compaq Plus, about the size of a small suitcase, its a
luggable computer, any info would be appreciated. I currently
boot up with: '3080 201' followed by 'Parity Check 1' in the
upper left corner, obviously a memory problem, any ideas?

Katherine Ball <Schochs@AOL.com>
- Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 00:44:04
I have two o-l-d Apple computers in my SDC classroom. A IIGS and an Apple IIC.
I am looking for 5" and 3" disks with appropriate material for a pre-school/kindergarden
level in the areas of math (counting) lang. arts (alphabet recognition) or anything fun and
educational. I know this stuff is extinct to the nth degree but I have a few programs
and my kids love them. I will probably not get an updated PC in my lifetime so I
would really appreciate taking it off your hands if you have something in a box somewhere (for free) and don't
mind getting rid of it---thanks...

Katherine Ball <Schochs@AOL.com>
- Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 00:44:03
I have two o-l-d Apple computers in my SDC classroom. A IIGS and an Apple IIC.
I am looking for 5" and 3" disks with appropriate material for a pre-school/kindergarden
level in the areas of math (counting) lang. arts (alphabet recognition) or anything fun and
educational. I know this stuff is extinct to the nth degree but I have a few programs
and my kids love them. I will probably not get an updated PC in my lifetime so I
would really appreciate taking it off your hands if you have something in a box somewhere (for free) and don't
mind getting rid of it---thanks...

Katherine Ball <Schochs@AOL.com>
- Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 00:43:59
I have two o-l-d Apple computers in my SDC classroom. A IIGS and an Apple IIC.
I am looking for 5" and 3" disks with appropriate material for a pre-school/kindergarden
level in the areas of math (counting) lang. arts (alphabet recognition) or anything fun and
educational. I know this stuff is extinct to the nth degree but I have a few programs
and my kids love them. I will probably not get an updated PC in my lifetime so I
would really appreciate taking it off your hands if you have something in a box somewhere (for free) and don't
mind getting rid of it---thanks...

Regis Huray <ussregis@csrlink.net>
Berwick, Pa USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 22:20:13
I have an ADAM tape drive. Anybody have a book on it?

crorex <manbabe@earthlink.net>
jenks, ok usa - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 17:56:36
looking for operating sys
tem for trs-80 model 4 microcomputer
radio shack computer says Ready on the screen, then error 25

5. please help!
Chuck manbabe@earthlink.net

Joey Teel <joeyteel@hotmail.com>
Bartlesville, ok united states - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 17:35:42
If you have any old apple IIe manuals and/or programs lying
around please let me know. I can't pay for them, but I am
desperately seeking them out

Patrick Duncan <backrub@bestweb.net>
Amawalk, NY USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 16:11:20
I was given an old Radio Shack TRS-80 DMP 200 printer.
I need 2 things:

1 -- What are the default settings that the back of the printer should be set to?

2 - What printer driver should I pick in Windows 95 to use it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Jordan Ruderman <rudermanjp@thegrid.net>
San Jose, CA USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 10:26:29
Searching for a Processor Technology SOL-20 and/or Helios Disk Subsystem.
Also looking for IMSAI and Altair 8800 computers.

Please reply to: rudermanjp@thegrid.net

Peter van Zuijlekom <pzuijlekom@info-products.nl>
Gouda, ZH The Netherlands - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 08:08:53
Reply to T.Ammon bounced back with a 'Host unknown'.
That's why I reply to the list.

What kind of laptop are you using ? Is it an Intel machine ?
Does it have a serial port ? If so, then you can use a
'standard' serial mouse with a 'standard' mousedriver, like
MOUSE.COM from Microosoft.

Another reply to T.Ammon came back as well: User unknown.
I can supply you (and others) with a couple of generic
setup utilities, which enable you to change BIOS settings
of older AT's, 386's and the like.

Is there a way to send files to this list (attached) ?



donald fournier <AFourn@aol.com>
shelton, washington USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 02:45:36
here's the deal:
i have an apple macintosh 512k computer.
it used to work really keen, but it stopped one day.
i need to find some information about repair and/or
new parts (motherboard,etc.) availability.
i opened the back of this unit,and on the inside, i found
about 20 signatures embossed into the plastic! (i assume these
must be the signatures of the apple "pioneers".
any help would be greatly appreciated!!

donald fournier <AFourn@aol.com>
shelton, washington USA - Monday, October 06, 1997 at 02:37:57
here's the deal:
i have an apple macintosh 512k computer.
it used to work really keen, but it stopped one day.
i need to find some information about repair and/or
new parts (motherboard,etc.) availability.
i opened the back of this unit,and on the inside, i found
about 20 signatures embossed into the plastic! (i assume these
must be the signatures of the apple "pioneers".
any help would be greatly appreciated!!

L.Smith <L-Smith-bhh@e-mail.com>
Birmingham, UK - Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 18:37:56
I have an IBM 730PC (PS2 70 / 80) about 5 years old which cant produce sound from Win95, it has a speaker and DOS games make sound. I cant fit a sound card as its MCA . IBM tell me it has a 16 bit Audio Chip and needs Drivers. I installed Crystal-Semi Drivers but still no sound. Can anyone please help? Thanks.

matt smith <n3r0@ici.net>
n.attleboro, ma 02760 - Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 10:19:21
I have a bunch of XT controllers, MEMORY ,RAM cards
with documentation if your interested in this stuff let
me know i'll sell it to you CHEAP!!!!

matt <n3r0@ici.net>
n.attleboro, ma - Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 10:11:42
anyone have any documentation or know where i can info on a
TOSHIBA T1000 LAPTOP COMP ??? it's a 8088 and the bios is 1988
and i was wondering if there are any upgrades for it ??
please help!!!!!!!

Dave Elias <elia0002@algonquinc.on.ca>
Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 09:26:32
I installed another 4 megs of ram into my old Compaq LTE 386s/20 lap-top but don't have the Compaq set-up disk anymore. Would anyone out there have a copy of these files. I am tired of the computer telling me that there is a memory size error. Any help woulld be appreciated.

Jim Auman <popjimmy@aol.com>
- Sunday, October 05, 1997 at 05:52:51
Have a grid 1755 with internal modem (2400) I am tryimg to upgrade to 14,4 but no one handles them anymore. Need help on pin outs for the internal modem card slot in the notebook??

Michael <wanman&primenet.com>
phooenix, az - Saturday, October 04, 1997 at 19:00:22
I have a 20" NEC monitor with a bad flyback. Need NEC part number 47105650. Thanks,

VALPARAISO, IN USA - Saturday, October 04, 1997 at 17:46:38



Matthew Jolley <Simm@ix.netcom.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Saturday, October 04, 1997 at 15:51:01
I recently came into possession of a 1983/84 Compaq Deskpro.
I belive it is a model 1 or 2. It has a blown out/ defunct
10mb Seagrate HD, one 5.25 floppy drive, a Irwin Tape drive,
512k of onboard memmory, and that favorite workhorse, a Intel
8086! I have a question: I cannot use this computer much, as
I have no programs for it and I have no 5.25 Floppy Drive
on my present computer (Dell dimension XPS m200). Does anyone
know where I can purchase a 5.25 drive for my system? If not,
does anyone know if the tape and 5.25 drives would work in my system?
Any help would be appreciated(sp?)

Thanks alot!

jim netherland <jim_netherland@pipeline.com>
sacramento, ca usa - Saturday, October 04, 1997 at 15:30:16
Looking for info, software for Data Technology Corp's model
TAKETEN magneto-optical scsi drive...
thank you

Devin Brown <dbrown@inetex.com>
Victoria, BC Canada - Saturday, October 04, 1997 at 12:16:05
I heard that the Kaypro II uses hard sectored floppy drives.
Is this true?

charlie <charlie4@atlantic.net>
ocala, fla usa - Saturday, October 04, 1997 at 11:28:28
anyone that can give me some advice on the headstart explorer computer
it was running dos 3.31 which became corrupt and i am trying to load another version but cannot get it to run

Jonathan Winter <jwinter@pacificrim.net>
Bellingham , Wa USA - Saturday, October 04, 1997 at 00:02:24
I have just found a Xerox 820-II Personal Computer. (1982)
The units are in like new condition and in the original boxes.
Also there are a number of Applications. Mailing, WP, and some other stuff I am
able to define.
What is something like this worth to a collector.... I would like to turn it
into an old radio for our Museum here.
Any help would be appreciated.

Jonathan Winter
Bellingham Antique Radio Museum

James Ross <Lifeexst@clarion-net.com>
Leeper, PA USA - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 16:10:36
I have two TRS-80 model 1 computers which I still use. I write
programs in Z80 code and Level II basic. Does anyone know of
any emulators for the 8086 family, (up to the 80486), that I can
use to run my programs on a newer pc?

Also does anyone have any information about how I might read
and write to the NewDos-80 disks using a standard 360K drive
and MS-DOS, (or other software)?

Any help would be appreciated.

James L. Eppley <jeppley@cellular.uscc.com>
Vancouver, WA USA - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 15:23:53
I used to get an error on a Data General eclipse mini-computer that went something like ... ERROR, NOT A CORE IMAGE FILE. I was wondering what that meant in Data General operating system terms. Infact if someone had a list of the errors and their explanations I would like to see them. Thanks -James.

Humayun Hasan <hhasan@cs.utexas.edu>
Austin, TX - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 15:22:43
Hi, I have an Epson QX-10 Valdocs Word Processor from which I would like
to transfer all files to a Mac or a PC. Any ideas? It has an RS232C port.

Pat <psparrow@spelman.edu>
Atlanta, GA USA - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 11:01:06
I have a CompuADD 325. I trying to install additional memory in the auxiliary slot. The computer doesn't recognize the new memory.
How can I make this happen?

T. Ammon <5981384@main.ehs.emery.k12.ut.us>
Emery, UT US - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 08:41:14

I am looking for a mouse and driver to put on my laptop,
Anybody have any ideas?
Also I am looing for an old 386 or so file server.
If you have any of htese or can point me in the direction where I might find it, I would be grateful to hear from you.

E. K. Anderson <eanderso@slonet.org>
Los Osos, CA USA - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 07:03:27
Any value to S-100 IMSAI crates with Front Panels?

Ditto for old computer magazines: 1977 on: Byte, Interface Age, etc. etc.

jason <jetski@usa.net>
wa usa - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 02:03:57
i have 2 intel 86 mcs-86 microcomputer system prototype chipsets. old. any interest? let me know

Desie Hay <museum_curator@hotmail.com>
Glenorchy, Tasmaia, Australia, Tasmania Australia - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 23:07:15
Dose anybody have a Apple Lisa Video daughtercard that they would
like to give me? I am also looking for a keyboard for a Televideo 950
I am eger to talk to anybdoy who is collecting old computers

JoAnn Blang <jblang@pcaxxess.net>
Blackfoot, Id USA - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 18:46:28
Hi, i am looking to add a floppy disk drive to my Apex 200 system. The system won't allow me to have access to the bios to enter the needed information. Am looking for some guidance on this matter for the cmos drive!! Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you..

Thomas Ammon <5981384@main.ehs.emery.k12.ut.us>
Emery, UT US - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 18:29:19
I just bought a Compudyne Laptop, and am having problems with getting into BIOS. Anyway, I just got an idea: I would like to start a research group to track down information on this seemingly "dissapeared" brand. Anyone that would be interested in something like this please mail me

Erin Corliss <erin@corliss.com>
Eugene, OR USA - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 18:08:14
I saw a picture on an FTP site in Sweden of a computer called
a "202" something or other (I guess it is, because the
picture was called "202back.jpg")... Looks like an old
washing machine. Anyway, I can't find any mention of it
anywhere else, so does anyone know what it is? The URL
is ftp://ftp.update.uu.se/pub/pictures/202back.jpg
Coolest old computer I've seen yet. 8^)

John Abbrancati <jabbranc@aurora.liunet.edu>
Glenwood Landing, NY USA - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 16:06:01
Hi. Im a computer novice, but not clueless. I was given a Zenith Laptop with an 8088 processor. When it is turned on it says there is a CMOS error and that te batteries need replacing, then asks for a password. Any ideas?

ROb Gehrig <jughead72@hotmail.com>
Gurnee, IL US - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 15:36:48
I am trying to find the switch settings for an IBM-XT with
256k memory, 10MB hard drive, and a monochrome monitor.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thomas Ammon <5981384@main.ehs.emery.k12.ut.us>
Emery, UT US - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 14:25:45
I just bought a Compudyne laptop. It is a 386. I am wondering, is it possible to upgrade the RAM and processor? If so, where would I get the upgrades? Also, I am having a lot of problems getting into BIOS. It is BIOS 1.00, and I cannot get it to let me in. Help?

Todd <Todd_Topolski@notes.pw.com>
dallas, - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 12:39:17
I need an EISA config disk for old CompuAdd 486 computers Anybody have one?

OCALA, FLA USA - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 12:37:18





Toby Buel <73170.2117@compuserve.com>
- Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 06:30:30
I have an Epson Equity LT laptop with a hard drive and floppy
drive that I'd like to sell for parts - the power source is bad.
It works on battery power; paid $100 for it

Michael Wellman <MWell91553@aol.com>
Chandler, AZ U.S.A. - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 03:51:37
I have a Model PC 10-III Commodore,that I think someone updated to dos 3.0, and did not do it right , as to they did not reload the Real Time Clock (RTC). When it boots it shows the adresses for, LPT1,COM1,MOUSE, and the RTC. But I still have to set the time, and date after it boots. I really like this computer becuase it is so much smaller than the regular XTs.

Thanks To All,
Michael Wellman

stephen davis <eef@rocketmail.com>
andalusia, al usa - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 23:57:55
can you help me find a mouse for a machintosh se?the model number is A9M0331.also i have a commodore 64 which i still use,but the geos software has died(rest in peace).although geos was a fine graphics system,i was told of another type(no graphics)which is much faster.can you be of assistance there also?thank you for your time.

Chip Nuttall <chip@accutek.com>
Carson City, NV USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 23:44:10
I am trying to help a friend who's mother recently passed away.
He has "inherited" her IBM PS-1 but it has no monitor. He says that
the original monitor had two cords besides the power cord
and he wants to know if he can use another monitor or will he have to
find an IBM PS-1 monitor. If anyone can help it will be greatly
appriciated as he knows his mother kept a diary on this
cpmputer and he would like to be able to access her writing
for sentimental reasons but can't afford to spend alot
to achieve his goal.


David Jacobs <MMC005@aol.com>
Barrington, NH USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 22:37:08
I am looking for any information on a Compu-add laptop computer. It is a 386 and I deleted the Lap.sys file and need to know where I can get it from. The Lap.sys is a power down program for this laptop, without it the computer stays on all the time. Any information is greatly accepted. Thank you.

Jacob Thurman <thurman@inficad.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 15:55:59
I just got my hands on yet ANOTHER IBM PC-XT. Whwn I pulled it open to check out the guts, I found a card I've never seen before. It's an AST, it says MegaPlus II on it. It has a nifty looking double-stack of ram or rom chips at one end, and a battery. It's also got what looks like a parrallel or printer port. Does anyone know what this thing is? I've never seen one. No matter the date, please EMail me if you know... Thanx...

Connie R <coni2@lakenet.com>
two harbors, mn usa - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 15:38:53
Links or info on packard bell LegendI. Can it be programmed with windows 3.1?

Connie Raatz <coni2@lakenet.com>
two harbors, mn usa - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 15:38:31
Links or info on packard bell LegendI. Can it be programmed with windows 3.1?

Alain Malcotte <alain.m@mailcity.com>
Belgium - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 13:34:56
I'm looking for a TRS-80 model III (also out of order), if u have one and want to exchange with something else just let me know.

Alain M.

Jerry Kopacz <vercore@yesic.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 11:01:39
Hello compufriends!
Guess you can help me.
I need Phoenix Bios setup disk for my NEC/ProSpeed 386 Laptop.
Thank you.
Jerry Kopacz

Allison Rankin <allisonr@wilmington.net>
Wilmington, NC USA - Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 10:11:44
I have a Kaypro II that belonged to my mother. It is missing the power cord that connects the keyboard to the monitor unit. Does anyone have any suggestions about finding a replacement? I'd also be interested in getting a copy of the documentation that went with this computer - could someone provide me with a photocopy?
I will pay for the cord and copies. Thank you.


Ben Prayin <preacher_man@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 03:01:15
I'm looking for a file for wordperfect 5.0 (wp.fil)
If anyone has it please attach it to email.
Thanks Ben

James Caro <jecaro@pol.net>
- Wednesday, October 01, 1997 at 01:14:20
Re: 386 BIOS upgrade
If anybody needs a BIOS upgrade for an old computer, check out http://www.unicore.com. I got a new BIOS for a Compaq 286 Deskpro an it worked fine.

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