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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple Releases Wide-Ranging Security Updates

Apple's first security update of 2009 is a major one, with patches for a series of serious vulnerabilities. All Mac users and server admins should apply the update immediately.Show full article

Apple Adds iDisk Sharing Feature to MobileMe

Better late than never, Apple finally comes through with an easy way to share individual files on your MobileMe iDisk with other people.Show full article

International Verify Your Backups Day

What better day than Friday the 13th to check that your backups are actually working by restoring some critical files?Show full article

Free Hotmail POP3 Access Now Available in U.S. Too

Although there's no official word from Microsoft yet, Hotmail users in the United States can now access messages via POP3 from a desktop email client or smartphone for free, joining users in already-supported countries.Show full article

'Take Control of Your iPhone, Second Edition' Offers Key Advice

Troubleshooting guru Ted Landau is back with a completely updated "Take Control of Your iPhone, Second Edition" to help iPhone users work more effectively, avoid troubles, and fix existing problems.Show full article

New Macworld Superguides Cover Mac Security and Mobile Computing

Our ebook catalog is growing again, as we add the "Macworld Mac Security Superguide," with all sorts of useful advice for maintaining your security online, and the "Macworld Mobile Mac Superguide," which provides tips for those getting started with mobile computing.Show full article

Finder Inconsistency Could Lead to Data Loss

A recently discovered inconsistency in how different aspects of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard deal with opening files in the Trash, combined with an oversight by Time Machine, could result in data loss for unsuspecting users.Show full article

Photo Safe II Offers Worry Free Travel Backups

Looking to take oodles of vacation photos without bringing a computer along for backups, or buying a slew of new memory cards? Oliver Habicht takes a look at Digital Foci's Photo Safe II, a handy tool for just such an occasion.Show full article

EtherPad Brings Simultaneous Writing to the Web

With EtherPad, the Mac's SubEthaEdit finally gains some company in the realm of collaborative writing, in which two or more people can edit a document and see all the edits in real time. EtherPad's difference: It's a Web application that supports many platforms without the need for a central Mac OS X host.Show full article

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 16-Feb-09

Notable software releases this week include Simon 2.5, PasswordWallet 4.4.4, VMware Fusion 2.0.2, Chax 2.2, and Nisus Writer Express 3.2.Show full article

ExtraBITS for 16-Feb-09

Read on for a collection of links to the most interesting articles and resources that the TidBITS staff discovered on the Web this week.Show full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 16-Feb-09

People are talking about Dropbox this week, with the file-sharing service appearing in four separate discussions. Readers are also curious about buying ebooks on the iPhone, losing data from a bug in the Mac OS X Dock, Google Sync for the iPhone, Twitter messages from a dormant spacecraft, activating mouse clicks via AppleScript, keeping multiple bootable versions of Mac OS X at hand, editing AVCHD video on the Mac, and more. But first, Woz is competing on "Dancing with the Stars"?Show full article

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