This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-02-15 at 11:32 p.m.
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ExtraBITS for 16-Feb-09

by TidBITS Staff

10 Ways Microsoft's Retail Stores Will Differ from Apple's [1] -- PC World offers this tongue-in-cheek countdown of 10 ways that Microsoft's forthcoming retail stores will differ from Apple's. Our favorite: "Stores will be named Microsoft Live Retail Store with PC Services for Digital Lifestyle Enthusiasts." (Posted 2009-02-13)

Jeff Carlson Talks iMovie '09 with Macworld [2] -- Jeff Carlson chats with Chris Breen on this week's Macworld Podcast to talk about what he likes and dislikes about iMovie '09, and whether it's worth upgrading or if people should jump to Final Cut Express instead. (Posted 2009-02-11)

John Siracusa Examines Past, Present, and Future of Ebooks [3] -- John Siracusa at Ars Technica turns his attention to ebooks in this lengthy piece, bemoaning the slow state of adoption at the mainstream level and making the oft-missed distinction between ebooks and ebook readers. (Posted 2009-02-11)
