This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-02-15 at 11:30 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 16-Feb-09

by Jeff Carlson

Steve Wozniak -- Fire up the TiVo, because Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is going to be a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars"! (3 messages [1])

File Sharing -- A reader wants to create a file that can be shared with multiple people but edited only by one. Is Google Docs the answer? (4 message [2])

More Ebooks Available for the iPhone/iPod touch -- If Amazon were to sell ebooks for the iPhone, would that channel run counter to Apple's developer guidelines? (4 messages [3])

Google Sync for the iPhone -- Google announced the capability to sync contacts and events to the iPhone, but what's the benefit of doing so? (1 message [4])

Dock Bug Could Lead to Data Loss -- Readers debate the severity and likelihood that someone could fall prey to a bug in the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Dock. (10 messages [5])

The Phoenix Lander on Mars tweets -- The Phoenix Lander (or, more accurately, someone at NASA who communicated in the first person) used Twitter to send out regular updates while it was active. (7 messages [6])

Mouse-click via AppleScript? It's possible to use AppleScript to create a mouse click, though not straightforward. The question is, why? (11 messages [7])

Multiple boot versions of OS X? For testing purposes, a reader wants to know the best way to keep multiple versions of Mac OS X at hand. Separate hard drive partitions? Virtualization? (5 messages [8])

24" iMac Solid Gray -- A problematic external hard drive or bad RAM could be the cause for a new iMac to display only a solid gray screen. (5 messages [9])

Dropbox: A Collaborator -- Should Apple buy Dropbox and incorporate it into MobileMe? Its features seem more advanced than Apple's offerings. (3 messages [10])

Alternatives to iDisk -- What other options exist for backing up critical data online? (13 messages [11])

Apple Adds iDisk Sharing Feature to MobileMe -- Apple's newest iDisk feature invites comparisons to Dropbox, and suffers from the fact that you can share only a file, not a folder. (2 messages [12])

Gmail Adds Move To and Label Menus to Toolbar -- Want to know how to tell if your ISP is filled with incompetent monkeys? Read on. (2 messages [13])

Macs and AVCHD files -- A reader wants information about HD camcorders that shoot AVCHD format, and how that's edited on the Mac. (4 messages [14])
