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Quickly Attach to an Email Message

Want to start an email message that requires an attachment? Save a step or two by dragging the file's icon onto Mail's Dock icon - Mail automatically opens a new message window with the file already included as an attachment.

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Sharon Zardeto



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple Beats Earnings Records with Q1 2008 Results

Apple has once again posted record revenues and earnings, and now has a whopping $18.4 billion in cash on hand. Analysts drove the company's stock price down in after-hours trading. (The logic eludes us too.)Show full article

AT&T Offers iPhone for Enterprise

Ever since the iPhone's arrival last June, corporate users have been champing at the bit for an opportunity to activate Apple's communications marvel on an enterprise plan; iPhones could only be activated by individuals. Finally, this week, AT&T announced enterprise data plans available to government, education, and business accounts.Show full article

Apple Ships Pink iPod nano, Apologizes to Tonya

Apple has released a pink iPod nano, just in time for Valentine's Day. This is clearly a hint!Show full article

Microsoft Relaxes Licensing for Virtualized Vista

Microsoft has changed its mind once again, and now permits Vista Home editions to be run as guest operating systems using virtualization software.Show full article

Rich Mogull Joins TidBITS as Security Editor

We're extremely pleased to announce the latest addition to our staff: Rich Mogull, who will be focusing on security issues. Show full article

DealBITS Discount: Save $30 on MathMagic Equation Editor

If you're reading this, you probably didn't win a copy of the MathMagic Personal Edition equation editor in our DealBITS drawing, but you can still save $30 through 06-Feb-08.Show full article

More Podcast Coverage from Macworld Expo

Check out these MacVoices and MacNotables podcasts from Macworld Expo with the TidBITS staff.Show full article

16 Superlative Macworld Expo SF 2008 Products

Every year at Macworld Expo, the TidBITS staff keeps an eye out for the most interesting products, booths, and events - the things that we'd have told you to go check out if you'd been there. Read on for a picture-laden tour of our favorites!Show full article

Macworld Expo Laptop Bag Roundup and Slideshow

Interested in a new laptop bag? Whether you're looking for one that has oodles of pockets, wheels, an eco sensibility, or just a fabulous design in a hip fabric, the laptop vendors at Macworld Expo had something for you. Karen Anderson takes a spin through her favorites, and be sure to watch the slideshow for some pictures.Show full article

Everything You Need to Know about iPhone 1.1.3

Apple released iPhone 1.1.3 last week; author and troubleshooting guru Ted Landau goes deep into what's new, including some features you may not have known about.Show full article

Gauging Openness with iPhone as Measure

The iPhone's new location-finding feature is a good way to talk about what an open cell phone platform and open network might look like.Show full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-Jan-08

This week's discussions run the gamut from installing Tiger on an iMac that came with Leopard installed to making iChat video conferencing work reliably. In between, we tackle how to roam internationally with a cell phone and not rack up exorbitant charges, get opinions on email hosting services, discuss the pros and cons of the new MacBook Air, and more.Show full article

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