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Go Back and Forth Fast in Preview

If you're reading a PDF in Apple's Preview software, and you follow a bookmark or an internal link to move around within the PDF, you can quickly return to where you were by pressing the keyboard shortcut Command-[ (that's Command-Left Bracket). Or, you can choose Go > Back.

The command works iteratively, so you can go back to just the previously viewed page or if you issue the command again, to the page before that, and so on. There's also an equivalent Go > Forward (Command-]).



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-Jan-08

Tiger on Current iMac -- How can one get a Tiger installation disc for a current iMac model (which now ships with Leopard)? (2 messages)

Yoyodyne Flash: European phone experience + iPod Touch -- Traveling internationally with an iPhone (or other cell phone) has bitten a number of people due to onerous roaming charges. Here's how several readers made it work. (3 messages)

MacBook Air Introduced as World Thinnest Notebook -- Reader discuss the tradeoffs Apple made to create the MacBook Air, and how people value some aspects (like weight and thickness) over others (like ports and power). (5 messages)

Mailtrust ( - or other hosted email services -- A reader seeks advice about this email provider, and others discuss the merits of outsourced versus self-hosted email. (4 messages)

GTD on an iPod Touch or iPhone -- With the lack of to-do applications on the iPhone and iPod touch, how do people employ the Getting Things Done organizational system on these handhelds? (2 messages)

New to OS X but having internet connectivity problems -- An inexperienced Mac user seeks advice on why his Mac won't allow Internet access via Ethernet. (1 message)

Can I stop the start up chime in 10.4.11? Several options, ranging from Terminal commands to a trip to Radio Shack, are available for muting a Mac's startup sound. (7 messages)

iChat AV versus my home router (SIP, NAT and firewalls oh my) -- iChat's video conferencing is supposed to just work, even when traversing routers and firewalls, but that's not always the case. What combination of software, protocols, and hardware will help? (1 message)


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