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Undelete an iPhone Voicemail Message

There's no Command-Z in the Phone app, but you may be able to retrieve a deleted voicemail message: Open the Voicemail screen in the Phone app. At the bottom of the screen, tap Deleted Messages. To restore a listed message, tap it and then click Undelete.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

More Podcast Coverage from Macworld Expo

Curious about just how we go about covering the Macworld Expo keynote each year? Our entire Macworld Expo team - me, Tonya, Glenn, and Rich Mogull - sat down with Chuck Joiner of MacVoices in the Macworld Podcast fishbowl during the show to talk about why we don't do liveblogging and just how much effort goes into our Macworld Expo coverage. It's a 20 minute podcast.

Also be sure to listen to the 28 minute MacNotables podcast where Tonya and I chatted with Chuck about some of the interesting things we'd seen at the show, along with some commentary about the audio versions of TidBITS and the overall health of the expo.


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