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Quickly Attach to an Email Message

Want to start an email message that requires an attachment? Save a step or two by dragging the file's icon onto Mail's Dock icon - Mail automatically opens a new message window with the file already included as an attachment.

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Sharon Zardeto



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Interarchy 8.1 Adds Amazon S3 Support

Interarchy 8.1 Adds Amazon S3 Support -- Peter Lewis and Stairways Software have released Interarchy 8.1, the latest version of their powerful file transfer softwareShow full article

iPhoto 6.0.4 Adds New Themes

iPhoto 6.0.4 Adds New Themes -- Apple has released iPhoto 6.0.4, an update to the popular photo-management application that fixes... well, nothing, apparentlyShow full article

Universal Shake 4.1 Drops in Price

Universal Shake 4.1 Drops in Price -- The latest Apple program to be released as a universal binary for native performance on Intel-based Macs is Shake 4.1, Apple's high-end video composition software used in many Hollywood productionsShow full article

FlickrExport 2.0 Enables Easy iPhoto Uploading

FlickrExport 2.0 Enables Easy iPhoto Uploading -- Connected Flow has released version 2.0 of FlickrExport, a plug-in for iPhoto 4.0 or later that makes it easy to upload images to the Flickr photo-sharing serviceShow full article

Apple Updates Aperture, Pro Applications Frameworks

Apple Updates Aperture, Pro Applications Frameworks -- The high end of Apple's application line saw bug-fix updates last week. Aperture 1.1.2 "addresses issues related to overall reliability and performance," and is a 13.6 MB downloadShow full article

Web Crossing Neighbors Creates Private Social Networks

Web Crossing Neighbors Creates Private Social Networks -- Web Crossing, Inc. last week announced the public availability of WebCrossing Neighbors, a hosted service that businesses and other organizations can use to create customized online social networks for customers, employees, or interested usersShow full article

QuickerTek Extends Laptop Range

I'm one of those people who considers Internet access to be a basic function of any computer. My laptop is not always near my home network, but the AirPort card is advertised work only with a 150-foot (50m) range, and I often find myself farther from a network than thatShow full article

The Mystery of the Recalcitrant Photoshop Files

[Cue film noir music and fade in on a 1950's-style office, the illumination from twin LCDs reflected in the perspiration of a man's brow. When he speaks, his voice is rough with fatigue and frustration.] On Sunday, everything was working fineShow full article

Unintelligible Garbage Is Your Friend

I'm getting tired of reading frequent news stories about laptop computers lost, stolen, or left in the back seats of cabs by company or government employees, supposedly exposing untold thousands of social security numbers, insurance records, or other sensitive, private information to identity thieves and other miscreantsShow full article

Take Control News/26-Jun-06

Running Windows on a Mac Ebook Updated to Version 1.0.2 -- Keeping up with the latest techniques for running Windows on an Intel-based Mac can be challenging, but Joe Kissell makes it easy with the latest update to "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac." Version 1.0.2 of the ebook covers the much-anticipated 1.0 release of Parallels Desktop and adds information about using Parallels Compressor to compact a virtual diskShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/26-Jun-06

The first link for each thread description points to the traditional TidBITS Talk interface; the second link points to the same discussion on our Web Crossing server, which provides a different look and which may be faster. Home library cataloging software -- In a fit of organization, a reader looks to software to help him keep tabs on his books, music, and other stuffShow full article

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