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Interarchy 8.1 Adds Amazon S3 Support

Interarchy 8.1 Adds Amazon S3 Support -- Peter Lewis and Stairways Software have released Interarchy 8.1, the latest version of their powerful file transfer software. New features in Interarchy 8.1 include support for Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service, which provides storage to anyone for $0.15 per GB per month of storage used and $0.20 per GB of data transferred), the capability for Auto Uploads to upload to multiple remote directories, and a variety of other small fixes and improvements. Version 8.1 is a free upgrade for owners of Interarchy 8 and those who purchased Interarchy 7 after 01-Jan-06; for owners of earlier versions, it's a $20 upgrade, and new copies cost $40. [ACE]

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