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Web Crossing Neighbors Creates Private Social Networks

Web Crossing Neighbors Creates Private Social Networks -- Web Crossing, Inc. last week announced the public availability of WebCrossing Neighbors, a hosted service that businesses and other organizations can use to create customized online social networks for customers, employees, or interested users. WebCrossing Neighbors provides interest groups, personal user spaces, profiles, blogs with comments, discussions, photo and file sharing, access controls, system-wide searching, email services, and more. Each user has a space for personal content and for automatically updated links to new content from friends. Users can also create shared interest groups distributed via a Web-based forum or email, all managed with access lists. The first site using WebCrossing Neighbors is CarSpace from, which is using it to create a private sandbox for car fans - a rather popular sandbox, to judge from the hundreds or even thousands of posts in some of the discussion groups. Prices for WebCrossing Neighbors start at $200 per month and depend on storage and bandwidth used. [ACE]

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