Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


View Extra Sync Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-click the Sync icon in the menu bar to display a menu showing each available sync service and when it was last synced. Other new items in that menu include commands to Reset Sync Services entirely and to open the iSync and Sync Diagnostics utilities.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Dual-Processor, Liquid-Cooled Power Mac G5s Announced

Dual-Processor, Liquid-Cooled Power Mac G5s Announced -- Apple last week announced a new line of Power Mac G5 desktop computers, featuring dual PowerPC G5 processors in each modelShow full article

Web Information Systems Sponsoring TidBITS

Web Information Systems Sponsoring TidBITS -- I'm pleased to welcome our latest long-term sponsor, a small developer called Web Information Systems that has recently released the $25 application MindFortress for Mac OS X 10.3Show full article

SyncDeK Synchronizes FileMaker Databases

SyncDeK Synchronizes FileMaker Databases -- At the last Macworld Expo in San Francisco, I saw an interesting product called SyncDeK that offered a unique feature: field-level synchronization of the data within FileMaker databases even when the databases aren't on the same networkShow full article

SpamSieve Coupon Reduces Effective Price of Ebook to $0

SpamSieve Coupon Reduces Effective Price of Ebook to $0 -- Our recently released 1.0.1 revision to Joe Kissell's $5 "Take Control of Spam in Apple Mail" ebook now includes a coupon for $5 off the purchase of Michael Tsai's highly regarded SpamSieve, which can replace the Junk Mail filter in Apple MailShow full article

Take Control of Upgrading to Panther in German

Take Control of Upgrading to Panther in German -- Thanks to the hard work of German translator Hartmut Greiser, the German translation of Joe Kissell's best-selling "Take Control of Upgrading to Panther" ebook is now available for saleShow full article

Poll Redux: Your Preferred Email Client

Over four years ago, we ran a poll asking which program was your preferred email client. We've meant to run that poll again on a variety of occasions, and with the recent major releases of Entourage 2004 and PowerMail 5.0, and with Eudora jumping to version 6.1.1 and Apple Mail taking a small step to version 1.3.8, it's clearly time to revisit the question. We are, of course, also interested in the topic now that we've started to publish Take Control ebooks about some of the major email programs, including Tom Negrino's just-released "Take Control of What's New in Entourage 2004" and Joe Kissell's "Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail." We've had requests for Take Control ebooks about other email programs as well, notably Eudora, but without knowing roughly how the usage percentages break down among the different programs, it's been Show full article

Join Us in the Mediterranean in November

Two years ago I wrote about the MacMania cruise to Alaska, which was, at least to me, a fascinating and innovative combination of technical training and vacation adventureShow full article

Two Portable Speakers for the iPod

An iPod is a wonderful way to carry your music library around with you... but sometimes, you just don't want to mess around with using headphones. I travel a lot, and want an external sound option I can carry with meShow full article

Entourage 2004: Important Incremental Changes

Although I normally use Eudora as my email client, I recently had a chance to spend quite some time in Microsoft's new Entourage 2004, because I just finished editing our latest Take Control ebook, Tom Negrino's "Take Control of What's New in Entourage 2004." Editing the book gave me the opportunity to experiment with the software and reflect on its new features, and, of course, I had the benefit of Tom's excellent advice for rapidly finding and learning about Entourage's new featuresShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-Jun-04

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster, though it doesn't yet use our preferred design. New Liquid-cooled Power Mac G5s -- Are the new Power Macs a significant upgrade, or does their speed fall short of expectations? And what about the new liquid-cooling technology? (1 message) Problems with Security Update 2004-06-07 -- Problems with Apple's recent security fix? Readers offer a couple of solutionsShow full article

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