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Edit iCal Event Titles Directly

In the Leopard version of iCal, double-clicking an event shows a summary of the event, and to edit the name (or anything else), you must click the Edit button in the summary pop-up. To bypass the summary and edit pop-ups entirely, Option-double-click the event name. That selects the text for editing, and you can make any changes you want. Click outside the event to save your changes.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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No TidBITS Issue 31-May-04

No TidBITS Issue 31-May-04 -- After this week's extra-long TidBITS issue, we're taking a week off for the U.S. Memorial Day holiday, which coincides with Managing Editor Jeff Carlson's birthday celebrations and the days I'll be spending at the MacDesign conferenceShow full article

Microsoft Office 2004 Ships

Microsoft Office 2004 Ships -- Microsoft has officially released Office 2004 for Mac OS X, a significant revision to the near-ubiquitous suite of productivity toolsShow full article

SubEthaEdit 2.0 Refines Collaboration

SubEthaEdit 2.0 Refines Collaboration -- The Coding Monkeys have released version 2.0 of SubEthaEdit, their unique real-time collaborative text editorShow full article

Apple Creates New iPod Division

Apple Creates New iPod Division -- Highlighting the importance of its digital music player to Apple's bottom line, the company has formed a separate iPod division headed up by Vice President Jon Rubinstein, who previously ran Apple's hardware engineeringShow full article

Getting to Know Apple Mail's Spam Filter

Like most people who use Apple Mail, I had high hopes that its improved Junk Mail filter, a much-touted benefit of upgrading to Panther, would live up to Apple's hypeShow full article

Visualize the Internet with Envision

A year or so ago, I realized that LCD monitors were coming down in price sufficiently that it would be feasible to mount one on a wall and use it to display photos and other digital artShow full article

URL-Based Mac OS X Vulnerability Revealed

It's not a Trojan horse, but a recently revealed security vulnerability does appear to be a very real concern. The exploit relies on unsafe actions that Apple allows for certain URL schemes (such as the http, ftp, or mailto bit at the beginning of a URL) and makes it possible for a malicious code to be delivered and executed silently, without the user realizing anything has happened. The problem was initially thought to revolve around only two of these URL schemes: disk and helpShow full article

Explaining the URL-Based Mac OS X Vulnerability

Exactly what is it about Mac OS X that is responsible for the security vulnerability currently being discussed? The situation is a little confusing, and I may be muddling some of the details, but here's my current understanding of the situation. As you know, when you double-click a document in the Finder, the application that "owns" that document starts up and opens the documentShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/24-May-04

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster, though it doesn't yet use our preferred design. Mac Browser Security Hole -- Readers discuss the reality of the recently reported Mac OS X security hole and what should be done about itShow full article

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