This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-06-14 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Redux: Your Preferred Email Client

by Adam C. Engst

Over four years ago, we ran a poll asking which program was your preferred email client. We've meant to run that poll again on a variety of occasions, and with the recent major releases of Entourage 2004 and PowerMail 5.0, and with Eudora jumping to version 6.1.1 and Apple Mail taking a small step to version 1.3.8, it's clearly time to revisit the question.


We are, of course, also interested in the topic now that we've started to publish Take Control ebooks about some of the major email programs, including Tom Negrino's just-released "Take Control of What's New in Entourage 2004" and Joe Kissell's "Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail." We've had requests for Take Control ebooks about other email programs as well, notably Eudora, but without knowing roughly how the usage percentages break down among the different programs, it's been hard to determine how many people would be aided by such books.

So tell us which Macintosh email program you primarily use by voting in the poll on our home page (depending on your screen size, you may need to scroll down to see the poll form). Judging from the popularity of the previous poll on this topic, our poll server may have trouble dealing with a rush of simultaneous votes; try later in the week if you have trouble. Also, this poll suffered from serious ballot box stuffing last time, as fans of one program or another encouraged people on other lists to come and vote. Please don't do that this time, since it skews the results horribly, as we saw by the then-obsolete Cyberdog's 17 percent response rate.
