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Have a quick calculation to perform? Don't bother opening Calculator, simply enter the calculation into Spotlight's search bar, and Spotlight displays the answer as the top item. To perform further calculations, hit Return, or click the answer, and Spotlight launches Calculator.

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Submitted by
Sharon Zardetto



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AirPort Prices Drop Before Airport Express Release

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DealBITS Drawing: disclabel from SmileOnMyMac

If you burn a lot of CDs or DVDs, you should take a look at SmileOnMyMac's elegant utility disclabel, which helps you design your own professional-looking stick-on labelsShow full article

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The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster, though it doesn't yet use our preferred design. Tiger: Performance, Stability, Security -- The preview of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger features at WWDC prompts discussion of how the operating system's performance will be improvedShow full article

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